Please call me :)

Hello, my name is Mohammed Uddin. I'm known as HKM when I'm slaying midgets on IRC, but we won't get into all that now. Anyway, I'm an illegal Bangladeshi immigrant which makes it hard to find a job. Luckily my legal relatives own a motel and a 7/11 so I have a place to sleep and a place to work. Please call me if you would like to talk about my life here in Lauderhill, FL. Bonus points if you have a Note 3 ;)

My number is 954-330-5776 Feel free to send nudes :)

I am very lonely and would like to talk and maybe if things click we can cyber.

Other urls found in this thread:

Please call me. I need to talk to someone. I'm so horny.

Please, baby girl.

Please, I'll even take dick pics. I'm so lonely.

Give address, I'll send you a used dildo

My home address is 2451 NW 41St Ave, Lauderhill, FL 33313 2451 Apt 206.

The 7-11 I work at is at 1799 N University drive, Plantation, Florida 33322-4111. If you send something there make sure to put my name on it so my boss doesn't open it by mistake.

and thats when you know HKM happened in your life LoL sick doxing skills bruh able to verify it yet?

Full disclosure, I was arrested last year. But that bitch Latricia framed me when I wouldn't give her the dick no more.

I've only had 1 dick pic sent so far. Please send more immediately.

yayo mental midgets have yet to tell me what to eat to grow taller

okay: you're :)

geddit? I called you :)

How did you find that picture of me?

op got stuffed by a paki. he must be the master race's answer to blm. wew. such a man. i hope it's a nigger next time and fatal. we don't need homos in time of war.

0 vagina pics and 3 shitty dick pics. Holla Forums is fucking weak.


Here's my dick. Come on Holla Forums midget faggots. I cleaned my motel room and everything.

what the holy fuck is that?
why is it half nog and half white, with the business end shriveled and the hood missing altogether? wtf, america?

I will give the next person that sends me a nude one free night in my motel room with me. The maid (me) just changed the sheets. ;)

Someone should kill this sand nigger before he gets his friends together and goes around raping women from the master white race.

[ye] ([email protected]/* */): sn0 - []

[wew] ([email protected]/* */): H. H. Holmes -

[NowhereMan] ([email protected]/* */): TheManInBlack - []

More dick pics plox

psssst, who wants to but a Note 3, it was my mom's phone so the name says Latricia
She got a new phone and told me to sell this one.

Damn!!! hkm sure has all these no life faggot's worked up.


Naww mun every time I call a number posted on Holla Forums and make death threats no one ever calls me back .

Fucking cant do shit faggot ass bitch I MEMEd all these bitchs into obscurity. You homosexual couldn't do shit collectivley which is why I'm disentangling #Holla Forums from within. GET AT ME BRUH able to DOX me yet? LoL


Midget bitch you couldnt dox me even if your life depended on it you yellowpage faggot. Go pretend else where you shit eating 4chan skid underage pimple faced wannabe fraud ass cock sucker


What is with all these gay Muslims?


Nigga watch me, cola-gates.

top lel

Here's what you don't understand, Moin:

Nobody cares about those IPs because they're for people who don't have severe autism.
A lot of folks care about all of the personal info we've dug up on you because you're an actual meme. This isn't even me fucking up the word meme. I mean that if you go anywhere on Rizon and say something like "yayo midget faggot", people will know exactly who we're referencing and how autistic you are.


midget fagot xD

hkm power ranger cosplay

i love the costume, mohammad

ok. what's it like being 5'3" btw

#Holla Forums WAS HERE


Oh I'm sorry.
I forgot shitskins were cool on the internet

LMAO incompetent faggot you couldn't even get someones IP in safe rizon let alone do anything with it as you cant do nothing. Also midget bitch you dont have the skillset to backtrace me LOL @ you dug up what fucking faggot? Where am I? Where do I live? whats my phone number? Who the fuck are you kidding you shit eating faggot you dont have the resource nor skills to track down anyone you yellowpage using faggot.

I hope this is a real response

That is DEFINITELY a real response.

LOL @ angry midget faggot
short hakim a felon?

hkm u r a fraud
can u explain me this
u say ur rich
yet u post a picture of ur gas station paycheck and call it proof! this is not prove

you claim u can ddos yet u cannot keep someone offline???
yayo @ ddos lol

[ShutUpHenry] ([email protected]/* */): ShutUpHenry - [

[email protected]/* */

On 08/08/2015, I responded to 1727 N University Drive (Denny's Restaurant) in reference to a theft (grand). Upon arrival, I met with Latricia Edwards who told me that an Indian male (regular customer) stole her cellphone (black Samsung Galaxy Note 3, $600). Edwards advised me that she had CCTV surveilance of the incident. In the video I observed Edwards lay her phone on the counter by the register. As she assisted other customers, a male subject (late identified as Mohammed Uddin) came to the register and laid his jacket on top of the phone. Uddin then paid for his meal and lifted the jacket along with the phone. It should be noted that the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is a large smartphone that can not be mistakenly lifted. It appeared that Uddin knowingly concealed and removed the item to deprive the owner of their property. Through investigation it was revealed that Uddin resided at a nearby hotel (1711 N University Dr., Sawgrass In,, Rm#3277). Officers made contact with Uddin and identified him as the male on the surveilance video, at that location and placed him under arrest for the stolen phone. Uddin then spontaneously uttered in the presence of officers "the phone is in my pocket, you can take it"

hey midget im giving u my ip

lol @ HKM ddosing DoD servers
I'll file a report and leave it up to my boss & darpa



yayo midget faggot hkm is now a meme

Can't do shit harmless fucking faggots hence I RKET all of you fucking retards in your own home base? Get at me bruh.

visual [[email protected]/* */] - []


HKM is a faggot midget pussy YAYO. Come at me, little man. Consequences will never be the same.

[email protected]/* */

And for the record, we already did "get at you" by publicly posting a record of how pathetic your life is.

Midget how did you get at me by posting PUBLIC record? get at me ma. What can you do?

[brushy] ([email protected]/* */): brushdemon - []

Here's a picture of my sister that I stole off her phone. Please send nudes. I'm sick of jerking off to pictures of my sister.

Sick posting midget. Be sure to repost every image i posted publicly LOL@ Doxed me yet i posted my own. Where am I midget? Whats my #?


Be sure to look at it like the faggot you are and verify it. If not beg another faggot who saved it and then download it on your WinMEME so you can upload it. Show everyone how I single handed MEMEd all of you LoL get at me can't do shit midget.

Congrats. You used skid-tier shit to get a dynamic IP which brushy immediately changed. Are you posting this in this thread for any particular reason or does your autism just sometimes lead you to strange urges like this?

This is my sister's ass right before my dad stuck his dick in it. Please send nudes.

Hey incompetent midget that is a very cute story get at me ma, there I even gave you my IP.

Oh snap folks the midget is posting what I already posted in open channel LoL sick copy and paste ma at this rate you will be able to do something by 2039.

I love how you pretend to be worth ddosing when you have never proven you are able to either.

You just keep claiming you disconnected nowhereman even though he disconnects all the time due to shitty internet.

And it's not like we have any reason to believe you. You said you DDOSed somebody one time when they quit even though their quit message clearly indicated they were just closing their client and it wasn't a ping timeout. You have absolutely zero credibility, especially since you work at a gas station so you likely have little experience with this sort of thing anyway.

As a Southern White Male you should be disappointed, HKM.

LMAO this has to be the biggest MEME I read so far. Retarded bitch NowhereMan has been removed at least 10x against his will removed from whole Rizon to the point he now comes hidding. Thats not a fucking debate thats proven and verified by endless people. Hey midget now its your turn why dont you ddos me.

Pal, nobody has confirmed anything. He has shitty internet and has been known to have ping timeouts frequently since before you even knew Rizon existed.

HKM is trying to compete with my superior Island Fort on the Mississippi River



The funny thing is that he got that out of the gas station cash register.

Oh shit another midget with another fully public video, at this rate you will sure post something midget faggot. BE SURE TO WAIT FOR ME TO POST POST FIRST so you can copy and paste it here LoL

Oh shit another midget claim, care to share that gas station info? now is your chance midget bitch HURRY

Chris-chan uploaded his own shit but that didn't make him any less of a lolcow.

If you think you can just make all of the embarrassing things about your life go away by posting them in IRC you're actually getting the opposite of the intended effect.

You really need to stop calling people midgets when you've also made fully public the fact that you're 5-foot-3. My 9-year-old niece is taller than you, man.

Yeah just look here:

All of the pics you've posted match the mugshot on the first page of these arrest papers and also match all of the other info we dug up on you. Oops, did I just end your Rizon career?

His Rizon career never started… nor any other career.

Cant do shit incompetent midget stop name dropping someone else. So what you saying is your midget bitch ass dont have ANYTHING on me? LOL every info every image is what i posted in PUBLIC channel? you sure got sick logic midget.


As a White Southern Male, HKM, you should be disappointed.

Since we know you were born in India because of the info we dug up we also know you can't speak very good English (plus earlier when you literally said "me disconnect u" it gave a pretty good indication), so I'm going to give you a break. Just go back and try to contain your autistic rage while you read the previous posts. If you don't understand, that's on you.

LOL @ 'we dug up' hey midget thats a very cute story. You couldn't dig anything up even with GREP log. Incompetent fraudulent homosexual go pretend elsewhere where they will take you serious other than a mere channel user sitting there reading line by line LOL

But he isn't white and never will be

Being white = not being right.

Which is why I single handed ended Holla Forums. Hence you collective midget only posted what I already posted in your own channel LOL sick digging up.

As a White Souther Male, HKM, you should be disappointed.

See, you still haven't read any of this though. Again, try to unblast your rectum for just a moment while you read the arrest report we found independently of the stuff you posted in #Holla Forums. It confirms all of the stuff you are currently denying, including the gas station. And you should probably listen to because you are doing a good job of living up to your reputation as the physical embodiment of autism.


Better Version*

Midget thats alot of claim I don't see any fucking address posted. Are you NEW at this? what did I expect from midgets who can ONLY post what I posted myself. lol sick 4chan rejects. Its time to use some skills ma and verify it. As we know for a fact none of you have any access to real database to even verify a claim. I'm still waiting midget GET AT ME, where is this gas station?

Yep, so if you read the document that I've been telling you to read for the past five posts instead of just saying "Hur dur yayo midget" you'll probably see where that's coming from.

Nice ragequit HKM. are we to take it this means your Rizon career is over?

Here is a map to help everyone visualize the situation in the police report. On the top is the 5-11/Exxon. In the middle is the Denny's at which HKM decided to steal a note 3 from Latricia. And at the bottom is the Sawgrass Inn (same address as police report). He can confirm or deny, but it's really irrelevant. It's all there for you to see.

Quit story ma tell it again will almost come true LoL

oops, meant 7-11. but I think you can figure it out.

LoL @ handicapped ass retard. So its a god damn mere google map showing 7-11 what does that prove? Hey midget are you new at this?

Let me explain how real doxing works midget. Someone backtrace you not from shit posted by doing it yourself. Far as you posting this they would CALL that location and verify if there was anyone working by that name. Why don't you talk to the manger and send them a photo? LOL record the call and upload it so everyone can laugh at your incompetent faggot ass.

But you ragequit. How can you deny that? You left the channel after getting btfo by everybody.

Also nice autistic meme.
Back to reddit

Midget why would I ragequit? Have you done anything that would make me ragequit? Ill wait go ahead pastebin he log bro show us all. So w can sit and laugh at your delusional ass for being disconnected against your will 10x LoL what did you do midget? Were you able to even get at me once? LoL sick 'Anonymous' posting there bitch.

lol hkm just finished chimping the fuk out on #geg now he is here spamming autism

What the fuck is this thread and why is there a kid who can't speak english raging in it

Sick story bruh be sure to suck the cum out of NowhereMan's dick as he posted LoL

NowhereMan did make you cry, so yeah.

Do something to stop it then midget what are you going to do? Oh wait you can't do nothing.

&NowhereMan | emosilent
&NowhereMan | rage quiet
&NowhereMan | midgetmadsilence
← | HKM ([email protected]/* */:498BBA20:8DBC9FD6:IP) has left #geg (Leaving)

what the fuck are you on about dude, are you new to chans?

He didn't ragequit. I ddos'd him into oblivion. Mere midget home user. Doesn't even have +v. LMAO

Which NowhereMan? The one I removed from #Holla Forums? and made him exile ran into hidding? Or the one who came in #Holla Forums hidding as someone else and got disconnected.

NowhereMan (* [TheManInBlack] ([email protected]/* */): TheManInBlack - - [24/Dec/2016:09:44:28 -0500]) - zof>

LoL care to explain?

who is this namefag attentionwhore

Kek, HKM, you want to come back in #geg and face NowhereMan or are you too fucking pussy?

poor pussy hkm too scared to step foot in #geg

upboat for dunks

Dox me and find out midget bitch. Be sure to read this thread slowly and then suck dick of a PI to verify it.

Some angry 5'3 Indian midget from Holla Forums's IRC channel.

holy fuck you really are new to chans

But you didn't "remove" anybody. We just went over that a few posts ago. I think you might be retarded HKM. Like diagnosably retarded. Like retarded according to all medical definitions. Like IQ of 7 retarded.

post timestamped dick in curry or gtfo

Handicapped midget we did went over this along with multiple people. Hence the channel name #geg that was dropped? You may want to ask it's channel owner if they witnessed 50years old handicapped NowhereMan get disconnected LMAO along with multiple people.

Beg another faggot for my dic-pic have them send it to your midget ass so you can print it out and post it on your wall.

He argued with a bot of himself a couple times. That's how dumb he is.



fuck nigger you don't know how posting proof works do you. I'll keep it simple and in easy English terms. Post a timestamped screencap. Yelling something at us in broken bangladeshi about how someone can verify you doesn't work. Goddamn glue huffing shitskins, not even once.

post timestamped dick in curry or gtfo


get the fuck out of here with this imgur meme generator cancer

I was there for that. Somebody made a bot that just pulled shit from logs of him and posted it whenever anybody said "yayo", "midget", etc. He argued with it for a long time thinking it was real.

>00:20 16:47:14 remove this dick sucking faggots halfop
>00:21 i assume he meant you
>14:33 probably!

HKM demonstrating his sick skillset of crying to mods


it takes exactly zero skill to own you HKM
join #Holla Forums then you little pussy HKM

LoL sick skills bruh be sure to beg me to join a channel where you sucked JEWS dick to get halfop as i had your halfop REMOVED against your will by the channel owner LOL and you force to use ignore for a week while babbling about me.

I see your 7-11 roll. It's a sign. A sign that HKM is a midget faggot.


Yayo midget bitch tard how is owning me coming? Did you own me when we ended your career as a fake programmer? Or should I post the log?

711 holds HKM pension

Who is "we"?

fuck, these double 711 digits
Kek has spoken, glue huffing shitskin BTFO

You will find out in a sec midget, hence HOW I ended your Holla Forums career? LOL as I did your programming career. Now time to post a log which shows that.

what is this guy babbling about a burmese eyebrow threading bbs career for


it takes exactly zero skill to own you HKM

join #Holla Forums then you little pussy HKM

Yayo midget bitch BEG me again into another channel LoL sick ownage you incompetent faggot. Hence how I mocked your bitch ass into silence in channel?

oh goody is this outsider going to post something of substance finally?


wait is this the magical proof of anything? come on dude it's not even a screencap. I can post logs too

I do work at 7/11, but don't tell tard that


Hey, this is your boy Mohammed. Just wanted to share with you some of the porn videos I've uploaded. I masturbate to all of these videos. I suggest you do the same.


tard can you show me anything u ever made?
becoz i haven't seen 1 thing u ever made, while ive seen shit hkm made before

wait is this the magical proof of anything? come on dude it's not even a screencap. I can post logs too

I do work at 7/11, but don't tell tard that>>6567798

tard can you show me anything u ever made?
becoz i haven't seen 1 thing u ever made, while ive seen shit hkm made before>>6567798
< tard> no i won't show you yulf

this guy is just making random texts now

So you claimed you were going to own me LoL then you beg me in a channel where you sucked dick to get halfop? same channel you were forced to use ignore when I had your halfop removed against your will? lOl top kek

If anyone would like to donate to help support my midget slaying, please check out the links on my twitter account. You can deposit directly into my paypal, or you can send me bitcoins. :)

tard: you gone silent now after those logs?

they're real logs

r u dwarf

kys namefaggot
reported all namefags for permabans

fug u kike

This is why tripfaggots and namefaggots need to be permanently nuked from chans

So to recap guys tard is incomptent ubuntu using pleb who was busted dick threading and dick trading my dick photos lol ABSURD.

you're all cancer, I actually have more respect for bronies than you cucks posting about some irc drama

turn off your fucking name you cancerous cuckold



yulf you know perfectly well that log is faked :D

LoL thats when you know this midget bitch is now in damage control after exposed as a fraudulent wannabe coder.

nice forged log, HKM!

what really happened though:

tard can you post something you made
< tard> yulf: i'd rather not
< tard> don't feel like "proofing" anything to a person who constantly tries to gather shit on everyone

Hey, leet haxor. You're supposed to click the link to the image after you make it. Not post the Preview.jpeg. But I'm sure you already know that!

lOl crazy midget bitch notice:

i posted the log

Thought you said I posted the log bro.

the logs are real
hkm ended tard's irc career

Please like my flickr. It's very important to me. I work very hard to have the dankest android set ups around.

kek you're losing it man, you posted the log in this thread:

lol and thats when you know this midget bitch is more confused than tard himself who is now forced to go in damage control.

First #Holla Forums career ended
Now 8Ch career ended

all of you meme midgets butthurt saying that yulf posted fake logs, hkm ruined ALL OF YOU

18 lol holy shit man I love dick

[01:15] I really need a large dick in my ass. I long for a man to shoot his semen deep into my anus. Let me be your power bottom, midget bitch tard.

Thank you for posting a PROJECT i made and published openly, LOL can you post one you made tard?

HKM actually has to resort to samefagging and faking logs to try to get one in, impressive rekage

stupid retard mental midget tard cannot post 1 sngle thing he made and yet he try to act better than hkm

so all of u think of that before shitting on hkm again

YaYo midget thats a very cute claim can you get an actual 8ch admin to publish my and these so called samefag's ip and verify it?

are you a designated shitting street? then it is your job to be shat on

Ok midget faggots this was fun. Just memeing you tard is a cool guy it wuz a fun friday nighr. I hope someone posts a gud trap thread here on Holla Forums so I can fap b4 I go to bed

meme midget tard u cannot face hkm, you scared he will point out you are worthless good for nothing who cannot prove anything he ever said, yulf confirms hkm made code before, what can tard prove? NOTHING

tard's career went up in flame faster than he could get his crackpipe and smoke it.

This is even real pathetic for you ma as you're now officially a pleb on lower tier than R4g12.

HKM doesn't shit on designated shitting streets. He does make fool of himself though.

Tard's career RKET; fatality.


I want to suck your dick mental midget tard. you make me super horny

tard ok since you claim its fake log how about you and hkm post some projects you made right now right here for judgement of Holla Forums



Sure here is a project reference to what some other 8ch post already posted.

ROFL there you have it folks tard DECLINED.

ROFL and thats when you know HKM happened in his midget faggot career.

i'm not posting HKM

jesus fuck HKM, it really was a faked log you sperglord

lol ya its absurd bruh yet he front of all said no. Log was fake i guess huh? yet he said no here also ROFL fake 2

 tard is rekt

HKM ever tried to just buy guns and take cool pics of being awesome with knives and like $1100 and count out the $20's? Maybe you could get a friend.

you can stop using me for fake log faggotry now HKM

Oh shit tard goes silent in channel and fake YULF started to post samefagging while tard is not here :P

So tard the log was fake YET you can't post here huh? ROFL absurd bruh this is even log for you.

[email protected]/* */ = career ENDED

!dunk test

HKM: a girl just wrote she wants to have sex with me on irc btw

let me guess midget faggot this log is fake also? LoL have fun jerking off while you draw dicks via plain ascii.

me as we speak

no dipshit this is yulf, I played along for enough time. thought you could successfully troll if I gave you some help. didn't seem to work so from here on out any log HKM claims to post from me is verified fake

So tard the log was fake YET you can't post here huh? ROFL absurd bruh this is even log for you.
[email protected]/* */ = career ENDED

holy delusional batman

!dunk test2

Notice folks midget bitch tard went away from and fake yulf started to post :P hmmm can you say trolled into obscurity to the point midget now samefagging ROFL real low even for you midget.

Is this the way a toy feels when its batteries run dry? yayo

come on now

psssst, wanna buy a midget pajeet cheap?

don't take this namefagger seriously
if you want to talk to yulf, msg him on rizon, dont do this bullshit

I know you're confused midget so ill explain as you samfag posing as yulf here eFtard.

If anyone wants to verify go on Rizon and locate YULF and ask him personally. He will supply you with proof along with multiple eye witness who was present at the time when this convo took place in #foss.

the damage control is real and it's live

Sick logic midget. Damage control? yet real yulf said go on Rizon and message YULF? ROFL keep samefagging show everyone how I ended you here as I ended you in your own safe zone #Holla Forums.

Yeah I just pm'd yulf on rizon and he told me this

hey are you involved in that thread on Holla Forums about that hkm schizo?
yeah I wound up namefagging later down in the thread since HKM thought it would be ok to namedrop me in that thread using some made up logs

Keep in mind folks sample of my project is posted for anyone to download. Ironically a screenshot was posted by some faggot here ROFL where tard himself force to say NO.

i wish hkm wasn't better than me
maybe one day i will be able to code half as well as hkm, maybe when my autism is not too great

yulf you mean yuy?

Yes ma i mean YUY but log said YULF. ABSURD bruh keep samefagging let tard fuck your butt so you can suck shit out of his dick you shit eating faggot.

you posted that?
lol pranked

i will not post my projects
i have them but i just dont want to show them because i dont want u shitting on my bad coding
ok? ok

hkm i'm going to bed I wish you a good night and a happy new years

Keep in mind folks midget bitch faggetttss is a windows using pleb who claimed he was official Holla Forums web dev ROFL but Holla Forums never heard of him he was just a mere low end halfop who was removed from his rank uppon my request.

hkm you are owning this channel
these bitchs dedicate entire threads for you

lol hkm is done




Proof it midget. Proof I'm affiliated with No Such Agency while midget bitch tard try to muster up 2-3 post samefagging and trying to now namefag yulf.

no1 has proofed anythin yet loL @ yet these midget bitchs want peoples to beliefs in them?

Two words. Scott Israel.

HKM tried to cam with me for a week, he even sent me his dick pics like 30 times. I told him I only like white men and… he wasn't big enough to please me anyway. I'm close to filing a harassment suit on him actually

loL yayo

Oh shit midget bitch faggettts now trying to namefag. Yayo ma how is your halfop removed? force to hide in #wizardhat dick sucking incompetent grobend who ironically happens to be tard's gay lover.

holy kek

yayo yulf whats up ma why u not halfop me? here i linger with this mere halfop

tard> box you missed HKM forging logs of me and yulf :D
yulf for the record did i forge any logs? or were those logs legit?
HKM: no

ROFL then he begs for halfop

am i to linger here with this mere @
oh shit
now he is begging for halfop

Part of HKM plea was done through Sherrif Scott Israel and HKM is working for state of florda. Proof will follow but not tonight

i linger here with this black penis in my anus
cum slithering down my anus like i am a toilet for the black man
praise odin

I was visiting in africa two months ago
My goal was to see all those wild animals
Most excited I was when I came close to elephants
They were so big and somehow so scary
Something happened when I snapped a picture
Three elephants surrounded me
One of them ripped off all my clothes
Second elephant came on me and started to spread my buttocks
With its huge trunk
I screamed in agony when I felt it started to shove up my ass
Third elephant forced me to take its giant cock in my mouth
I sucked like a whore while I was assfucked by elephant trunk
After all it wasnt too bad at all
It took only about ten minutes and cock in my mouth started to cum
Extremely huge load of elephant sperm filled my throat and
Spurted allover my face
I was completely fucked up, but elephants had one more thing to do
All three of them huffed and puffed shits on me
Then they left me alone with my ripped asshole
I'll never go to Africa again

On todays Rizon news: Tonight in #geg poster tard going by self identified title programmer was called out due to unable to provide proof of his projects. Which later escalated to his safe zone where he was openly memed for full incompetence after accusing others of providing fake logs.

While mean time saying no when openly asked on the thread to provide proof. Then engaged in homosexual samefagging later denying the autheticity of the log by namefagging its author trying to discredit it.

yulf> tard u just got rekt, anything to say?

I fucking told you to stop getting me involved in your e-reputation saving HKM

YaYo midget bitch keep namefagging ma :) your career went up in flame how is owning me coming?

tard18> yulf: now listen here you little shit

uMADBruH? izzyhemad? heMAD HEmad LuLz

the fuck are you talking about. You're the one using my nick and editing logs and getting people to msg me on rizon. All this to deflect from you being exposed as a spergy indian? Go to bed mohammad

YaYo midget bitch i might be editing logs but :) that doesnt mean there not true

The REAL HKM.Global-CoN signing out after this post all other is namefagging attempts should be ignored as seen above. Contact HKM or yulf to verify on rizon or enter #geg.

HKM 1 - 8Ch 0 HKM (You) 12/31/16 (Sat) 03:20:56 No.6568212

shit forgot to put subject on this post

HKM 1 - 8Ch 0 HKM (You) 12/31/16 (Sat) 03:22:10 No.6568220


Jesus, you really are a newfag aren't you? This would be quite a bit easier with a trip.

Wow, this thread really deteriorated to pure, unadulterated autism on everyone's part overnight.

poor Mohammad Uddin had an Exxon Mobile shift today but expect him to deny and cry tomorrow all day.
He is desperately trying to save his Rizon career and failing.
Cut a midget a break.


For all the mental midgets that say I have dark skin. WRONG YAYO

[12:03] ":watch 2 faggots suck each others dick cuz hkm abused them:

Hey, HKM. You're a fucking faggot.

and I am a higher op, you cant kick me. you really dont know how IRC works, do you?
* BillGates sets ban on [email protected]/* */
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22* 26BillGates sets ban on [email protected]/* */
22* 26BillGates has kicked 18NowhereMan from 22#geg (24kek)
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just wait until I am a mere halfop here
I will kick you into mindlessness

[16:57] i took a dick in my ass
[16:57] and i said hello

* tard has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)

i took a dick in my ass
and i said hello

i took a dick in my ass
and i said hello

#Holla Forums
i took a dick in my ass
and i said hello

Why does your dick look like this?

Yayo are you commenting on my dick? thats super gay bruh LoL then again you did sit in a channel beg men if they wanted to see my dick photo and when they didn't reply you posted it anyways. THATS WHEN YOU KNOW I HAPPENED IN YOUR LIFE.

* NowhereMan has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)

yayo fucking faggot gayKM care 2 explain how u ignore gay cedra when he ask how much u can lift ma? ROFL @ this fuckmidget

Sure midget bitch.

[[email protected]/* */ ~]# useradd cedra
[[email protected]/* */ ~]# passwd cedra
Changing password for user cedra.
New password:
BAD PASSWORD: it is based on a dictionary word
Retype new password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

Care to explain why I invoked you usr:pwd for shell on your own request and you couldn't do shit? I even had to tell your midget ass how to ssh2 into it even then you were scared so I had to tell you howto relay using proxy.

LOL @ ignoring question AGAIN

this fuckmidget just doesn't get it

Never forget, everyone. The 4' two tone dick belongs to HKM; aka Muhammad Uddin; aka the 5'3 midget slaying, note 3 stealing, motel living, 7-11 working Bangladeshi with Vitiligo dick.

LOL now he is commenting on size of my dick LOL sick faggot I bet if i tell you its bigger than 5in you want proof huh? i will NOT let you suck my dick you faggot.


He dipped his dick in ice cream.

hey everyone! hkm has a tiny dick!

Keep looking at it FaGGoT :) and thats when you know I happened in your life.

I heard #Holla Forums got memed, true story?

did you see hkm mjust masskicked #Holla Forums?
yeah lol
i survived
* yulf has changed the topic to: hkm rekt #Holla Forums

lol xDDDDD
fugging HKM


so fonney XDDDDD





soch ebic XDDD








gee, i wonder who that was

nou r

HKM has the smallest dick on rizon.


How lame… I still don't understand why so many people always get so worked up over hkm that they spend endless time posting, bickering and crying like little bitchs. Grow up and move on, the OP must be really butthurt or something taking time out of his/her life to cry like little bitch. Give troll hkm more power and wonder why he has control over your life.

Sounds like OP has control over your life.

Sounds like you're the OP. Maybe you should start a thread about me how I pointed out being the lamer you actually are?

If not be sure to keep checking this page for updates and just maybe something better will happen than grown men acting like little bitchs. Be sure to write me a book and cry about it while you at it. I am sure you made many posts here.

Please spread your autism elsewhere, young neet.

Your Android homescreen is a project? Well now we know that you don't know what a project is and by extension we know you've never programmed anything in your life. Fucking nice.

HKM just got memed

Shamelessly bumping the thread with my own memes because none of you even like marmots in the slightest

For the record, I have no idea why people care so much about HKM. People must have actually spent a lot of time thinking about him, making memes, taking time out of their life to dox him. I've even seen lots people who consider themselves to be quite redpilled and smart yet spend hours straight sperging insults to just basically be responded with yayo midget over and over. Oh I just find it very interesting really what makes people so fixated on this guy in particular.