ask a guy who recently got himself a very young teen gf anything
Ask a guy who recently got himself a very young teen gf anything
As long as nothing is happening, everything should be fine, OP.
How did you ask her if she wanted to date you? What is your relation?
You're 12, I don't see the problem
if your're a halfcuckmod what are you doing here? you should be modding those thread
Has she cheated on you yet? She's going to cheat on you, you do know that right?
Post pics, preferably nudes.
pics or gtfo
What is the A.O.C. in your country?
she was passing by, told her she was pretty, she smiled, asked for her number and got it.
things went pretty fast from there.
girls that young really love attention and will do anything to get it.
In The Catcher in The Rye. Holden slept at his old trusted teacher's house. He woke up the the old teacher rubbing and feeling his head. What up with that?
thats not a question.
believe it or not, thats exactly how it happened.
Have you ever heard the sound of a rubber ball breaking a window?
Have you fugged her yet?
A car, that has a mass of 453.5Kg is traveling at 15 m/s [north] is hit by a truck traveling at 27 m/s [30 degrees north of east] the two vehicles do not travel together after the crash. If the truck weighs 1450 lbs, what is the velocity of the car immediately after the crash?
Velocity is a vector quantity, you faggot
well no shit, I didn't think it was scalar you retarded nigger
So what are your ages?
Oh, I thought "rekt" was your answer.
if only social interactions were as easy as drawing momentum diagrams
Goddamn you're pathetic
How handsome do you see yourself as?
is she legal where you both reside?
This map is out of date. its 16 in Canada now, even in quebec where it used to be 12.
she sounds like a fucking slut
What is the problem, then?