The commie faggot using the failure flag is a cancer on the board. When will he get permabanned?
Other urls found in this thread:
Communism is love, communism is life
BAN Holla Forums
there may be more than one ;^>
t. stormfags
brb, going to the top of Mt Everest and ordering pizza
it's a missile
from the last century
like most (all?) of our nukular arsenal.
you should include the tens of millions of innocent peasants killed at the hands of your retarded ideology
before the orange kike gasses them himself and blames it on the Evil Turnip, peace be upon him.
before we are all pigmeal or eating sushi with tumblr. money, now, or it's over.
become a stakeholder in the new and exciting Racequeen Bacon Howitzer, the logical answer to islam and kikes. more details on (part of the trusted racequeen conglomerate)
doesnt come close to the devestation of capitalism, not to mention that the USSR wasnt even communist
i gtg now, but ill be back in like 8 hours
He's probably the one posting all the cp too
nice b8
Fucking word filter. That should read:
commies love a nice stiff corpse to fuck, any age; it fits their vision of the world.
conservatives prefer living children because the return on investment is better. they last longer overall and foodcosts are outweighed by savings on lube.
die, every single one of you.
Holy fuck, I am actually stunned by the intellectual dishonesty one would have to possess in order to even make this image.
stay stunned. try pics related. this is the post truth world you all wanted. suck it up.
Exactly what I'd expect from you.
The autistic tripfag can stay remove the literal cuckposters from cuckchan and stop dysnomia deleting the good threads.
all my good threads get deleted and all of the turd quality spam from halfchan ends up being bumplocked.
might as well use cuckchan.
electrical engineer here. kys dumb commie cuck.
this, and also, what are power lines?
Pick one.
That commie fag is being ironic mate, his imitating a typical Holla Forums user.