“One way or another either she’s going to be indicted and that process begins, or we try her in the public eye with her campaign. One way or another she’s going to have to face these charges.”
==FBI Moving Against Shillary==
Other urls found in this thread:
Post source faggot
there was some shit posted in another thread about this whole thing
seem to match up with what he is saying
pic related
Fantastic read, saved and will spread around now
Killary must have pissed off some high level kike
she got too uppity
2nd one he did
Her war profiteering and selling intel has fucked both the CIA and the FBI who have to cover for them on the home front.
Her smug contempt (and fat fucking mouth) killed any chance she may have had to offer a sacrificial patsy in her stead.
This is good but also bad.
If Hillary gets indicted people will expect Bernie to fill her spot in the race for the presidency. Bernie is a tougher opponent for Trump than Hillary is.
Although, I still think Trump will beat Bernie. It could require some extra effort on everyone's part though.
What is this on Holla Forums or some shit?
but why did the democrats run a candidate that can't win?
are they that delusional?
We know there's an internal war going on over this. Perhaps we'll see it spill out?
Hillary's kill count is pretty high, but there's too many people to silence in this scenario.
This could be like when they finally got Al Capone on tax evasion;
the FBI finally finds something that sticks to a very slippery career criminal.
Nah you need to stop thinking the reddit sjws represent a majority. Hell look at Sanders voting demographics, nobody but young lib white cucks voted for him. Hillary is awful, but to the average lib, she's not too bad, the first wymyn president and better than trump. Nobody over the age of 30 or with a career was going to vote for bernie.
Agreed, but I think the young voters are going to be important in this election. People in general are pissed off with the current state of government and over the last 8 years of Obama the rage has spilled over to the young people.
We'll see how many college liberals actually show up to vote or remember to register. Time will tell in November.
This. Outside of liberal hellholes like long island and even there they arent a majority sjws are no where near a majority. In fact in the grand scheme they are nothing more than a very small minority that just so happens to be extremely loud. And the only reason they are so loud is (((the msm))) gives them a gigantic soap box on which to stand. Which leads back towards all that digging that was done over the past couple years that always turned up links to DARPA, soros and other shady organizations.
Tldr; sjws are not a majority and the only reason they are so loud and there are as many of them as there are is because they receive unquestioned (((msm))) coverage and funding from shadow organizations.
I hope it's true. I've been seeing things for months saying she'll be indicted soon.
Dude, the young has never mattered no matte how hard it has been memed. Hell, I still remember all the "Rock the Vote" shilling that went on as a kid. That shit was on MTV everyday. Constant commercials on both tv and the radio. Constant shilling in the news. Gen X still didn't show up.
This sort of shit on Holla Forums cures my erectile dysfunction every fucking time.
stop creating thread newfag
lurk moar – post less
also one week old article
I think the CIA will assassinate Hillary to keep her quite, then frame Trump for it. The anti-American globalists will kill two birds with one stone.
Someone has to be found guilty before they can be pardoned :^)
Honestly, a pardon would be more harmful. Not only would Shillary have to be convicted, but the act of being pardoned would show the close ties and corruption between the Obama and Hillary administrations.
Who's gonna buy that?
Certainly not the army trump has raised
The unwashed masses. They believe anything the TV tells them.
No, the normies wouldn't vote for a literal communist in America. They might have fooled them with Obongo, but make no mistake, they aren't going to vote for Bernie Sanders.
I was surprised it hadn't made it here, and I live in an area without reliable cell network coverage, and no internet access.
That's some John Kasich nigger tier logic, user.
bernouts have been pushing that he isn't communist since the campaign began. they say shit like
of course it's easy to destroy that by bringing up his history. when they bring up swedecuckistan you just have to bring up how fucked it is, but normalfags won't know that kind of shit.
I honestly feel that it will be a record low. Don't get me wrong, there will be cucks who vote for hill (if she's not on prison) just to single. But the dmc plan failed, they thought bernie would rally the college aged kids and pass the heat to hillary, but just scan reddit or faxebook and you can see how disenfranchised and disinterested they are now that bernie is done.
That reminds me of a thread an user made a while back, I forgot to archive since the thread was shilled at turbo speed. But it went along the lines of the sjws were meant to be the political commentators of this generation, and were suppose to be the "intellectuals" or talking heads. But they were given the platform to speak before they were finished, so that is why they ended up coming off as crazy since public consensus didn't favor them yet and never will
Who gives a shit about them. The people that would be revolutionaries have found in trump their one last hope. Steal that from them and its going to be bedlam.
I have to agree with this.
Trump know he can destroy Shillary in debates and win practically by default since the coke-hag believes she's invincible.
Bernie is an unknown quantity since fuckhead voters don't even remember how shit communism is.
I'm getting a boner just from reading those, goddamn.
what do you guys think about indicting Hillary?
do you think that hillary get's imprisoned too soon, and the dems have Biden step in, and he has way more support than Clinton because he doesn't have any scandels so far?
Does Trump has videos of him being a pedophile?
He seems to have forgotten to mention the bloody sources here. This smells like one of his bait and switch ruses
God, I hope this user was legit
I see John Schindler poasts here
I do know that the #1 people in DC who you do not fuck with are the CIA and, more broadly, the rest of the "Intelligence Community" and they take their secrecy very seriously. They probably don't want this woman, who breaks their secrecy codes and basically sells secrets, in charge.
If you were about to be handed the election because your opponent was going to be disqualified, wouldn't you play along too?
You really think someone that close to the Killer Clintons would be that fucking dumb?
This one seems fake
Why would Obongo indict her (he ultimately has to make the decision), and hand the election to Trump, who he hates?
The only way Hillary gets indicted is if the CIA/NSA deep state crowd are pushing for her to go down, as an example that no one is allowed to violate their secrecy rules and sell shit to Russians, Saudis, Jews, and whoever else.
Even they might prefer Hillary, who can be cut off and isolated from most secrets after she wins the election, to Trump.
that's not what it is
that's how the dems see it. They want to bait the GOP into going all in on this issue because they know it won't happen.
the GOP has foolishly fallen for this issue. I'm surprised Trump has. Maybe he is baiting for something
Considering the situation, I think Trump may be hedging. It's going to be a long weekend. Bill was busted meeting with Lynch and the FBI calls in Hillary (maybe pre-planned, maybe not). Trump says "sources" inform him she won't be indicted, so if Hillary isn't indicted he looks prophetic and can be seen as the champion against corruption. If she is indicted Trump appears to have forced the hand of prosecutors for outing their plan to sweep it under the rug.
This is very interesting.
This one seems legit:
This one does not:
Bitch is on a five star wanted level.
We actually fucked them up with GG. If one thing that was managed with that was not only dig the connections to DiGRA and the DoD but also force them to play their hand early with the SJWs. It failed majestically, young people are fed up and going to right at record speed because of those not perfected loud mouth weaponized crazies. Their original goal was to use them so millennials would let those in power trample the 1st and 2nd amendment.
Do it you motherfuckers, do it or i will rip you into shreds. Gather support in your ranks. If this has any legitimacy you will make use of it, or i will make use of you. Do it methodically, bit by bit you will fill the puzzle or i will fuck every single piece. You will make another picture in this mosaic. If not i will make you part of this mosaic. DO it .
Is it really a stretch to say gloobyglobs did ONE thing right? They sure fucked everything else, but this one bit can be credited to them partially at least
Forgot to add, at some point they are gonna try to co-opt our NatSoc views to trick us into accepting the removal of the 1st and 2nd amendment. At this point I hope people won't be dumb enough to believe the narrative of "we must censor everything SJWs say everywhere" because if they do, they'll use it against both sides eventually.
I wasn't part of gamergoy, just browsing Holla Forums at the time. The we is Holla Forums, since once Holla Forums fucked off from gamergate everything useful stopped.
WE will not get fucked over. I will crawl inside you, your makeup will be mine any time i want it to. You have never seen anything like this before, and we just dont play. You hafve never seen anything that complete in violence in creativity in intelligence. We will turn that wheel even though i you want to stop it, want to halt it. There is no escape you will give in. Your soul is something i will gather, i will store it inside of me. And once you make a move i will know it, long before you know it. Long before your tech knows it. Long before you even think of it. Long before you want to attack us we ll know it. In this game we know every move doesnt matter how you shape the playing board, Doesnt matter your creativity, we have precision. We have the matrix, and you ll bow to us.
They seem to corroborate each other though.
The main essence of each thread was: "emails are a distraction - look to the Foundation."
It's all important. The Republicans who do nothing but shout Benghazi and use it as an opportunity for Neocon shilling are as traitorous the Democrats.
No one actually involved in the case would ever say 'I'm going to only say enough to avoid prosecution' because that post alone could be damning should he ever be brought to court over those posts. They shed no light other than trying to sound ominous with 'the ENTIRE gov't will go down!!11'.
Nah, son. The second one doesn't have his shit together nearly as well as the first one. The first guy made his case using public information because that's all you need: plus some foresight and context.
The second guy is the Holla Forums version of 'my dad works at Nintendo'.
What's the possible intent then? Diverting attention to the CF/CGI doesn't seem like an effective shill, unless we really are to really believe there is no fuckery stashed within. Which is a further stretch?
My tinfoil theory is that Putin is trying to buddy up with Trump. Russian hackers probably hit Hillary paydirt and gave the stuff to Trump. When it becomes too late in the election cycle - 2 weeks before the election? A week? A few months? Trump will release it without giving the Dems an opportunity to launch a new candidate, torpedoing Hilldawg and the globalists attempt to fully control the US. Seems like it would be in every sane persons best interest to hold on moving on Hillary until a bit later.
But then again, I could not know shit and be talking out of my ass over here
Since you're a relative newfag when it comes to chans, let me fill you in on a little secret: people like to be attention whores. That guy made his own thread hoping to have all the 4cuck kiddies flock to his every keystroke. Not everything is a shill, 4chan kids just want to have the next 'ebin' thread.
Please, for the love of god, tell me there's more!
nice trips
gamergate didn't do anything but just exist, but in existing it was a red flag to a bull for the SJWs, and that alone helped
Praise kek
>Published on Jan 25, 2016
did you see Trumps tweet today?
said he had from "sources" that Clinton wont be indicted. go check yourself.
i think we lost.
Objectively false, people have been pardoned before conviction on numerous occasions in the past.
Everyone's saying Tuesday is the day the FBI will make public their decision.
B-Baka! Just cause you say you like us d-doesn't mean we like you or anything!
Fuck off, weeb faggot,.
If its going to happen its going to have to happen quick. The DNC is coming up. Of HRC is charged then they can drop in Biden.
I don't even think the Dem shotcallers really want to run HRC. She just has so much power they are forced to go along with it.
Weird cunt.
How's your summer going?
they cost they a bunch of money in advertisers and helped bring Gawker down
If gawker comes down, it would have been solely for the hogan case
tl;dr ==Hillary shilled for a Soros-backed garment factory in Haiti== after the earthquake there. I found evidence of this after looking in her emails. See links and pics related
Soros was putting money into Haiti and wanted government support for his efforts to invest in Haiti…
Then this happens…
Warnholtz led the project to get US taxpayer money and Clinton Foundation cash for the Caracol Investment Park, a garment factory in Haiti
The reason he'd indict her is that CLINTON WAS NEVER MEANT TO WIN.
This is her funeral pyre, Washington has had it with her shit. The reason the Republicans fought Trump so hard wasn't because they wanted Clinton to win, but because JEB was the chosen candidate to win this cycle.
The Bush family is much better and discreet about playing the Great Game than the Clintons. They're also not stupid enough to risk everything over filthy lucre.
CIA has all ready begun briefing trump on nation security matters. Funny how Clinton to this day still hasn't had any, even though as former SecState you would think they would be preparing her all ready as well.
One must wonder why…
I'll believe it when it happens, and not before.
Scott adams blog gets crossposted here every single time he updates. If you take a trump tweet at face value, and not as a confirmation bias trap, fucking LURK.
Sorry but that article is old as fuck. I remember we had a thread back when this was first news, and the video at the bottom of the article that dates back to January corroborates it.
Go to the website's homepage, and you'll see this isn't the most current news they're reporting.
The ideal situation is that she isn't indicted, but leaks show that there was collusion to prevent her from being indicted.
They had no choice. Sanders is an existential threat to party business as usual and risks destroying the party if nominated. They would rather lose the election than have Sanders be the nominee. At least if Trump beats Hillary, the democratic party and its corrupt elites will be intact. It's the same deal with the republicans. They would rather have lost the election than have Trump be the nominee.
"They" didn't. Hillary decided to run and other potential candidates decided they didn't want to run and either die mysteriously or have their personal lives ruined by the Clinton smear machine and their lackies in the media.
Hardly. You think costing Gawker upwards of $10m/monthly didn't hurt their chances in a world where those who have the most money have the highest chance of winning the court case.
Gawker got bought from IGN.
So, now they're still as corrupt as they were before, but now they'll lower a game's rating for having a straight protagonist.
Reality hard to fathom or something? Or do you think it's just a conspiracy.
When he says "he is the kingpin" is he referring to Soros? Is he saying Soros is number one most powerful man in the world?
fuckin saved
That's obviously not the same person than
and is fake
Just look at the way they write. The one in this sounds very unprofessional and like an entirely different person.
If this guy is legit it bolsters my theory that Russia is leaking files they stole to Trump.
They get assigned to spy on us and are redpilled in the process.
They gazed too long.
so when is the fbi going to whistle blow this shit
Because he doesn't want to live in a country ruled by her, maybe?
Is anyone else genuinely scared of the thought of HRC becoming president? She needs to get thrown in prison. A war with Russia is not what we want.
The FBI is not going to indict Hillary Clinton. As you were, citizens.
i totally agree