Post pics of cool things in nature.
I love how lava looks, knowing that lava forms differently from how much silca content they have is fucken sweet.
As i began looking for more lava shit. I found out about underwater pillows. Basicly the lava rapily cools and shit creating the look.
pic is a lava pillow
Heres a video if you want to see
This ones funny cause they can do shit all agasint it. Fences, roads, buildiings, all getting fucked up
They also create acid lakes, but i just wanted a reason to post this video.
I wanna fuck that lava.
You're in nature, OP
Lovely face. Too bad she's so fucking fat.
it's called being a post-pubescent female. if that's too fat for you, you'd feel more at home in one of the pedo threads
Femanon detected
The real interesting part is where nature takes it all back.
it takes one to know one
that was great. i watched the whole thing.
now that all that land has been covered in unusable rock, is that just it? are the landowners just screwed?
they can melt down the rock and build houses out of it.
These are beautiful.
I would like to be the unironically proud landowner of places like these.
yeaaaaahhh riiiighttt
As cool as pic 2 is, I can't help but think, "what kind of idiot would put a railroad there?"
It was probably the only place they could make a railroad through that area, at least without resorting to high slopes, tight turns, or some other fucky business that you wouldn't want any train from 100+ years ago going on.
It was probably once used to transport lumber, or maybe it connected to a mine or quarry somewhere, and they just wanted to make a straight as possible line between them and the site.
In fact, I'd be willing to bet that the line is still owned by a railroad company. Because railroad companies NEVER, EVER give up or sell their land. Even if they don't use it for decades, they'll keep hanging onto it.
we already had a thread on this; it's totally possible