It's The Official Kids Thread
Tonight's special guest include: The various hats of Laura B, Cat Goddess and friends, and Dasha and her bitch.
Pedo/Hebe General
Other urls found in this thread:
i feel like quackin so i guess i will
Is dis cp? I herd thats bad stuff
Love them
Sorry but Dasha and her bitch couldn't make it im to lazy to crop so Masha and her couch will substitute for the evening.
Masha was the best girl in the universe.
Which Masha?
The mouse from Siberia.
Why is it always Slavic girls?
Are those Russians deviants willing to sell their own children for money or something?
Please tell me that is fake?
But I can imagine that being real, sadly
Pedo detected
It looks liek honeypot.
Obvious bait is obvious
doesn't look very tight.
looks like it's had an entire middle school football team through it.
Lol true, but I meant that it was good man.
you little snitch
gods dammit i thought we got rid of you fucks fuck off to your containment board
I thought this was the containment board
What board would that be, nigger?
literally why are you here
pedo doxxed
Lollyfag wasn't even pedo, just a spammer who posted the most crusty women ever.