How can I fix this lads? My grafic card is a AMD Radeon HD 6520G.
Uninstall my pc graphics drivers because I'm a dumb nigger
Which OS are you using?
I'm gonna assume you're on Windows.
First of all, run whatever uninstaller exists. Then go into device manager and uninstall the driver there as well. You might also want to run a driver purger to make sure everything is properly gone.
Now reinstall the drivers using the appropriate installer, and you should be good to go.
Worst case scenario format and reinstall, then try installing the drivers.
Don't lynch me man, but I fell for the Windows 10 meme and regret it since the moment I began playing with it. I thought uninstalling some things could fix my PC, but it only made it worse. Now I have been considered formatting my PC.
Can you recommend me any driver purger?
S-stop bullying me!
nvidia jew fuck off.
Yes goy buy our branded Gsync monitors, only 700 USD each, better than Freesync AMD plebs right? Don't forget to play our latest goyworks titles too.
Go away /g/.
I love having to register my fucking email and phone number to use my goddamn graphics card that I payed 400 dollarydoos for
This is now a shitposting thread.
There's your problem, now get to it.
Thank you for signing up for our volunteer QA testing program! If you experience any bugs or glitchy behavior, please let us know as we gear up for our full-featured release sometime in 2021!
OP, your problem is that you use AMD, the company notorious for not being able to write a good driver worth shit. When you uninstall an AMD driver the uninstaller does a really shitty job at properly purging old shit. Its an amazing contrast to Nvidias official installers that actually properly purge everything and even gives you the option for a "clean install"
There, now you can play your goddamn games
Nah m8, i'll just windows coz it just werks unlike lenux and amd KEK
Drink bleach you fucking ingrate.
This board really needs IDs.
It isn't really a derail, AMD's driver bullshit is the main strike against them.
I use nvidia because it's the only thing that was reverse engineered.
Not because I know how it works.
Because all of you besides what the commercials of the gaymen industries says.
You know how a GC works, have the blueprints and the source code of the firmware, to make good criticism on it ?
But you don't have to use ultra modern GC.
For example I use a n old nvidia 2004 gc and I can play videos in full hd.
not Trisquel
just kill yourself
Y-you are w-welcome senpai
I will after you write freetard-open version of all software the OP wants to run :^)
Going through this with a sager NP8278 right now.
The rip is that Win 10 has a number of prebuiltin driver's finally.
THe issue is it kills anything that conflicts or is depreciated, but doesn't really do so in an upgrade.
Thus, drivers. from motherboards naked ass silicon on up, need to be deleted and let Daddy Windows choose them for you to start.
Only then can you figure out what is and doesn't need to be put on.
Seriously, reformatting is best bet or you'll chasing bugs months down the line that can't be resolved as the stuff is sort of uninstalled but not.