Which one of you made this app?

Which one of you made this app?

As if we needed any more evidence chump supporters are faggots.

I bet you use Debian

What's wrong with Debian?


all me



Is tech eurocucks?

god i hope not

cucks yes
euro idk

idk, I see a lot of retards posting shit about chump.

Or maybe they're just pretending to be retarded, I sure hope so.

>>>Holla Forums

wew, hows the USSR doing these days?

and also proposes non-free software in the depot.

It still packages and supports alternatives and one of its official ports doesn't support systemd in the first place.

I won't talk to you or your wife's son ever again.

I thought he wanted to boycott Apple...

I bet you think he will actually build a wall.

I bet you think you're code is worth something.

Nice try SJWs.

systemd is a good thing