Anonymous tells it like it is. trying to wake us up Holla Forums seeks to subvert and brainwash us

Anonymous tells it like it is. trying to wake us up Holla Forums seeks to subvert and brainwash us.

Other urls found in this thread:

back to facebook with you

I can think for myself,you haven't even watched the video but you are either conditioned or working for them.

this video contains truth, trying to wake people and tells them how they are brainwashed and controlled, while all you Holla Forumsstormfags spread propaganda and lies.

so yes, I can tell who the real anonymous and who is the fake.

kill yourself shill.


kys jidf

so called stormfag anonymous never attacked israel, never waged an operation against mossad, they are shills liars and traitors.

sage negated

I don't even go to Holla Forums, and I can tell that you
re just another disingenuous kike shill.

Take your shilling back to
>>>/reddit/ or

first post best post
no exceptions

have you even watched the video?
because it says nothing that can be considered shilling or pro kikes.

you just shot yourself in the foot with your mindless shilling.

you shills are pathetic you think people will just see your posts and trust what you say and not see for themselves.

as I said pathetic and laughable.

was the line that revealed you as a kike who doesn't understand anything about this place. Holla Forums =! stormfags
No one here is going to watch your shit video unless you give a better summary of it, and not just with shit like.

You haven't even established what your video is about, your OP is shit.
>"Y-you're all being b-brainwashed!.."

it exposes the way the media and government keeps people apathetic and accept their enslavement.

and yes I understand alot about Holla Forums I have been a Holla Forumsack before you were even on reddit.
yes Holla Forums = stormfags who invaded Holla Forums and subverted it, it seems it's you who is a newfag that is so clueless.

but you are transparent, now you are trying to make people think I said that all are brainwashed, while I clearly said that stormfags are trying to brainwash us and subvert us.

also how does it feel to be intellectually dead, that watching a 16 min video is such a tiresome task for you?

stormfags keep on trying to mock anonymous when it's them who are pretty stupid and infiltrated as fuck.

fuckin pathetic

You know you hit a nerve when the first reply is a sage and then the flood gates of samefags open.

kek, triple dubs confirm they are shilling this thread.

This is common knowledge faggot.
Believe it or not I don't give up my time to any person that shills a long shitty video to me.
[citation needed]
No you said:
Last I checked, Holla Forums is Holla Forums, or it's core.

Seems like (((someone))) is having a hard time keeping their stories straight.

forgot to post pic-related

Anonymous is the child of Holla Forums.
why are they mocked now, regardless of everything they have done.

how is this even relevant you double nigger?

The child of old 4chan Holla Forums, which is dead. Half of the posters on this Holla Forums are from recent 4cuck exoduses. If anything, old Holla Forums is the foundation of Holla Forums's Holla Forums, but even 8/pol/ is dying with their kike mods.
Anonymous has been infiltrated by kikes, sjws, and reddit for years now, it's not only dead, it's a fucking joke.

To back up my statement
Which is common knowledge unless you're a JIDF shill or a 4cuck/reddit newfag.

Only the latter would post Anonymous "wee r leejun" videos here.

then why are you butthurt that I am spreading this "common knowledge" ?
yet you have time to keep replying,shilling,saging a thread that you think is shitty. oh the contradiction.
see pic related
yes, and it's true.
you wish, you pathetic bitch.
yes and that someone is you. kill yourself tell your masters you failed.

ironically your pic describes you.


Because you're spreading it with shitty D&C shilling you two-faced disingenuous piece of shit.

Holla Forums grew from Holla Forums because of Gamergate exposing kikery in vidya, only JIDF shills or 4cuck/reddit newfags wouldn't know or refuse to acknowledge this. Like I said before.

Only the latter would post Anonymous "wee r leejun" videos here.

anonymous includes Holla Forums but I'm responding to bait

Get fucked kike

The anons ITT who are trying to argue that Holla Forums =/= stormfront are in some serious denial.

It wasn't always the case, but now it's comprised of mostly far right nationalists, and just about 100% are white supremacists who jerk off to Ayn Rand.

Keep lickin those boots, user. It's only a matter of time until that astoundingly moronic megalomaniac makes you all look like the fools you are.

Hi Holla Forums. I know you think you can beat most leftists but I'm not your average leftist.


god isn't real

a stormfag is accusing me of D&C.
top kek.
You are the masters of D&C with your race baiting and identity politics.
everyone is a crypto-jew, every other race want to kill you, every user is a CTR.

numbers are the only factor.|
say an exodus happened from 4chan tomorrow, and they all went to /x/ , would /x/ be Holla Forums and the core of Holla Forums?
quantity is inferior to quality.

Holla Forums is trump's personal army, a disgrace to what user stood for.

Only the latter would post Anonymous "wee r leejun" videos here.
here, branding and labeling,you are what's wrong with the world,No consideration for the merit of the data, just what mask the narrator wearing, judgment without merit or reason, instead of looking at the information, you just dismiss it because of your stupid smear campaign against Anonymous.
You are a cockroach, a vermin traitor

I never really thought of it that way, but that's totally accurate. The irony of subservient Trumpets calling people cucks is always good for a laugh.

yes kek.

That's not Anonymous. These retards are namefags who use the alias "Anonymous". They also reek of three letter agency astroturf.

Oh fuck, satan confirmed.

The info is true, those are the exact methods that the governments use to control us and keep us docile.

You know what, you have a point, maybe we should have just all voted for hillary.

Nice doublethink faggot
I'm not even campaigning against them because I don't need to. The Majority of anons here on Holla Forums from Holla Forums to Holla Forums are against what Anonymous has become.
Yeah they would actually, just like how there used to be a bunch of irrelevant Brazilian anons here that used to be the core of Holla Forums before gamergate. Like I said, most of present Holla Forums is comprised of Holla Forums because of gamergate.
Irrelevant, the core of 4chan is literally /reddit/, and this is because they are quantitatively the majority.
But to get back to
This is because the mods of Holla Forums have been compromised, and anyone who has any kind of legitimate skepticism towards Trump's connections with (((Them)) is permabanned or immedietely called out as a shill. Trump was Holla Forums's choice because he was a step in the right direction, nothing else.

Holla Forums is the core of Holla Forums, but it's a rotting core.

Anonymous includes Holla Forums true in a strict techical sense, anonymous is the lack of identity, it can include anyone who does not have a name or can be identified, this is a weakness, but also a strength.
this weakness can be countered by (we know our own) but it's clear that stormfag is not one of us, although technically he is.

Yes… maybe you fucking should have, you dumb cunt.

Trump even considered Petraeus (who was found GUILTY of THE SAME SHIT) for Secretary of State, and has been filling his cabinet (the swamp) with people who make Clinton look like a straight shooter.

Since he's been elected, he's been making you dipshits look even dumber and more easily manipulated by the day.

voting is irrelevant, no matter who gets the thrones, it's the merchants and the priests who hold the real power, this is what the video on the OP talks about, the illusion of free choice.

by thinking we are free to vote, we are making changes when in the end it amounts to no change at all.
the illusion of freedom.

We all know it's you, Holla Forums

The video in the OP says what you're doing now is one of their tricks. Need to try harder, shlomo.

Well, you're preaching to the choir as far as the illusion of freedom is concerned; however, I truly believe that a man as volatile and petulant as Trump poses a threat that I don't believe we've ever seen. Who knows, perhaps 4 years will go by without anything too disastrous occurring, but I wouldn't bet on it.

As much as I detest Hillary, she was clearly the lesser of 2 evils. Shit, it's already been proven that she had the right idea about Russia – fuckin sneaky Russian cunts.

wow, I got dubs twice.

nice try shlomo, but no , I am neither Holla Forums nor /letfypol/ , I am Holla Forums pure and simple, the most uncucked board on the website.

congratz and checked user.
praise kek

what am I doing , care to be more specific?

I don't think that it matters, hillary or trump, both is a boot on our faces, just the difference is if't a woman's boot or a man's boot.

it's all tyranny and NWO corruption but the only difference is the flavor.
the only right course of action is unite all and organize then we will have a strong position from where to negotiate the liberation of the world from the elite banking and world government grip.

One of the points in your video is that (((they))) seek to divide us by any means to keep us fighting against each other. You're trying to paint Holla Forums here as the bad guy. On the subject of your anonymity, maybe you should lose that flag, makes you stick out a lot.

Wow, three times in one thread

the only right course of action is unite all and… Globalism achieved.

this is also the reason I am against Holla Forums , one of the reasons, they alienate much anons and create alot of division, then we will stay small.

the nature of this fight needs unity, we need great numbers in order to be looked at by our enemies as a power, we can't do this with nat-soc,communists,anarchists,libertarians whites,blacks,asians,middle easterns only.

we need everyone to unite under the banner of Anonymous, we have come far, the elite recognize us as a considerable force now, we just need to show that we can organize and let our differences aside and recognize our common enemy and work towards liberation.

No one wants you to racemix or love/marry people of different race, just recognize them as allies and fight beside them in the same trenches.

Under normal circumstances, I'd agree with you. If we're talking Obama vs. Romney or Clinton vs. Rubio, sure, flip a fucking coin, but these are not normal circumstances.

You're neutrality regarding Donald J Trump vs. Clinton is overly idiological, and I believe it's irresponsible – that is, if you either didn't vote, or voted 3rd party (otherwise known as "not voting")

ok noted, changed.
sorry about that.


Fight against the same people who are pushing for race mixing, migration into white countries? You do see here that certain things the elite want benefit one group while not the other? Holla Forums wants an ethnostate for the most part, why would anyone who likes their own people fight so that migrants can invade their home?

the only right course of action is unite all and… Globalism achieved.

Nope,having an alliance does not mean globalism,I am a tribal pagan, I believe in ancestral gods and tribal identity, but I believe that some fights need to have alliances, it's been done for thousands of years, nothing wrong with it.

after we win this fight, we can all go back to our nations and start to build and construct a new world where we celebrate our differences as strengths instead of it dividing us while having respect for one another.

Word filters, forced memes, 4cuckers, trap threads. yep totally the most uncucked board on the website.

So yes unity=strength
No one race or nation can win this alone.
and nothing will be achieved in the end.

this is why I am think Holla Forums is a chess move by the elite to divide Anonymous into small groups who fight among themselves.
Holla Forums is doing the jew's work for him.

Most of the content from that video has been posted on Holla Forums at some point (Yuri being a favorite), most people know that they're being controlled. The reason why we all don't just gather under one flag is because of our values and objectives being different. For most liberals, feminists the biggest issue isn't who sit on the throne but stupid shit like white privilege, cat calling, etc. You have college professors that want to genocide the white race, and when they say this shit people think it's a good idea because of the narrative that's been pushed that all white people are evil, all people of color are angels. There can never be unity, because one group will always take advantage of the other. Not only that but values conflict too much.

well dysnomia is a cuck , that does not mean that Holla Forums is cucked.
but in the end , Holla Forums is undefined, free and chaotic, it's not a hugbox, we can have this disscusion here even though we hold different opinion, which is impossible on Holla Forums.
Holla Forums is not so sensitive, they tolerate almost everything, sure some memes are forced but every once in a while a good OC appears,4channers on Holla Forums is the same as any other board, people will migrate whether we like it or not, and with the present circumstances, it's good, we need more Anons because then we will be a big army instead of an obscure chan on the internet.
trap threads, this is also a lesser evil, it's one of those situations where the alternative is strict moderation and suppression of free speech, so I would rather have trap threads that I can hide,filter ignore, than a faggot mod that bans everything he does not like .

Holla Forums is generally correct on most things. Coming to except it is the difficult part

Yeah, they really busted things wide open with pizzagate or shmita or the countless other conspiritarded theories that float around that cesspool.

You feel that way because it's an echochamber, and it's comfy to have you're own half-cocked preconceptions regurgitated.

I'm still not actually sure how you think Holla Forums does this. You could make the argument that Holla Forums is a tool of the elite to divide us from 4chan, you could argue it, but it doesn't really hold up. There's a board for almost any group of people on this site. Why isn't /christian/, Holla Forums or Holla Forums that is driving a wedge between anonymous?

Shmita did happen, just not as badly as people thought it would. Pizzagate is basically a smear campaign.

Keep grasping

As I said, we don't have to like each other and be best buddies forever, we just need to realize the common enemy and unite to eradicate that enemy.

feminsists are so far gone in my opinion to do anything worth a while, and they were never part of Anonymous (the collective).
yet there must be a situation where they can prove useful and it's up for us to put them where they will be useful.

for example,let's say they are against muh patriarchy they can be made to attack the religious establishment by making them think that it's the root of the patriarchy

>You have college professors that want to genocide the white race.

As I said too far gone too, but there must be a situation where they might prove useful, say we get them to rally against the "white" elite bankers, it just needs to adjust the specific situation and use their natural enmity in the correct way.

and when they say this shit people think it's a good idea because of the narrative that's been pushed that all white people are evil, all people of color are angels.

Those examples you provided are not part of Anonymous, and they are deeply brainwashed, when I talk about unity I am talking within the collective of Anonymous, but it's up for us to run operations and match (personal army with target).

There can never be unity, because one group will always take advantage of the other. Not only that but values conflict too much.

this unity based on Holla Forumsrotherhood does not have to include those people, we will make them our personal army, but in the end of the battle, it's Anons who will sit around the fire and drink together, the normies and the cucks will go to their own safe spaces and jerk off together.

we need to personal army them for the duration of the fight till we win.

Then after this we will take control and make the world as we see fit.

We Anonymous, the spark, the moving force behind the revolution and true change.
after all we been fighting f

–after all we been fighting for so long that if anyone deserves to be in charge it's us.

If you seriously think anyone believed the world was going to end and we'd be fighting each other for canned food and silver in the streets, you need take a long hard look at yourself.

You're either missing my point, or ignoring the fact that the vast majority of Holla Forums was very alarmist in their concerns (as usual).

Holla Forums is right about the jews, but nothing else.
ironically it's the part they do nothing about.

impressive repeating digits.

Perhaps because they can't escape the fact that there are very powerful Jews, no matter the political party – but hey, as long as Trump says they're ok…

You should go look at what 4chan has become. The whole culture there changed because of the influx of newfags, moralfags, etc. Anonymous now is just another tool the left uses. As soon as a group has a name it stands for something. Anonymous ironically ended up being called Anonymous.

Holla Forums is constantly talking in a state of hyperbole. It's like you've never browsed it. You're complaining about board culture.

Yeah, it's no wonder they love Trump

I'm complaining about irrational thinking, and yes, that seems to be part of the "board culture".

Holla Forums divides Anons into black, white, asian,arabs…etc
Holla Forums divides Anons into communists,nationalists,anarchists,libertarians…etc

they even divide memebers of one political affiliation into smaller groups, there were a nationalist group that browses Holla Forums I think they are called TRS or something, and they demonized them, because they got pissed off at Holla Forums because Holla Forums was trying to infiltrate them using subversion techniques.

not to mention they are shilling every board on Holla Forums, if they do this to their brethren, how can we respect them?

I don't hate Holla Forums but I can't agree to their methods and their attitude.

So because they are powerful jews they should be left alone and avoided?
So much for "the saviors of the white race".

yeah trump loves the kikes

so fucking glad she did not win. Holy shit she is ugly, and holy shit she is unlikable.

Now that she lost, she will likely die soon. plz make it so

I can't tell if you missed the sarcasm in my post, or if I missed yours…

it's our fault Holla Forumsrother, we should educate the newfags, keep on memeing our values into them,back in the days, I remember oldfags enforced Anonymous values,
no namefagging, no tripfagging or attention whoring,we do it for the lulz…etc

our generation do some of this stuff but not enough.
regarding Holla Forums we let the newfags from stormfront, the trump army from reddit, take over and change our values.

Anonymous now is just another tool the left uses. As soon as a group has a name it stands for something. Anonymous ironically ended up being called Anonymous.

it's also a tool the right uses as Holla Forums demonstrates, we should steer clear of ideology and shit politics, that's why Holla Forums is the best board on Holla Forums currently, it's the last bastion of hope for Anonymous.

That's false, they were already divided into these groups because they have distinct physical, evolutionary, and cultural differences.
Although you will hear a loud minority of Holla Forums screaming for a race war, what they really want is to preserve each of these races and their cultural identities- but to keep them separated because it's better for everyone that way.

In fact- that is in some ways one of the main principles of National Socialism.

That's false, they were already divided into these groups because they have distinct physical, evolutionary, and cultural differences.

offcourse there are differences, but that shouldn't mean they are our enemies because they have different colors and features.
we can still be Holla Forumsrothers and fight together, I have seen Holla Forums insult latinos and arabs and drive them away and instill hate between us and them we are all Holla Forumsrothers, we need the other races as much as they need us.

No one told Holla Forums they have to racemix with them if they don't want to.
but why are they hostile towards them?

this loud minority (if it's indeed a minority and not 80% of Holla Forums) is put in their place, they will not plant the seeds of hate and division and further make us insignificant.
but there seems to be an approval for this D&C tactic on Holla Forums, which is why they will not amount to anything worth a while.

Whites cannot win this fight on their own.
Holla Forums needs to let go of their delusion and learn this fact.

As I said I am a tribal pagan, so I understand quite well the need to preserve one's heritage and ancestral gods and tradition.
but Holla Forums is definitely doing it wrong.

Although you will hear a loud minority of Holla Forums screaming for a race war, what they really want is to preserve each of these races and their cultural identities- but to keep them separated because it's better for everyone that way.

In fact- that is in some ways one of the main principles of National Socialism.

KeK Approves!
Get Fucked OP, Your D&C Won't Work Here!
We are all anons, but we have our own boards with our own board cultures and values. Holla Forums Holla Forums and Holla Forums are the core of Holla Forums in that order.

was right!

reddit pls go

They never made them their enemies, they simply wish to drive them out from historically white/European lands. The Blacks can have Africa, the Latinos can have Latin America, the Asians can have Asia- but why can't Europe be owned by Europeans? Why can't a historically primarily European United States Remain European? There is more unity when a society is more homogeneous in ethnicity and culture- this is observed fact.

Yet it's the kikes that are forcing multiculturalism and "diversity" on the West. They celebrate over the possibility of whites becoming a minority in 2030, and everyone in the US being mixed into one single race.

Yet these same kikes won't take in any immigrants or refugees because they're scared of losing their own kike majority in their own countries.

pic didn't attach for some reason

This is not true, they wish to kill all other races, you never heard this before on Holla Forums? it's said there everyday. just check on any given day and you will see it.
it's not a simple matter of Europe for Europeans, it would be understandable if that's the case, and also it's not like colonialism does not exist, whites have tried to invade different parts of the world before, they tried to invade and steal riches from africa, asia…etc
even to this age, united states have colonial ambition in the middle east, so why Europeans and Americans go fight in those wars and support their governments when they try to invade other continents?

if Europe/USA wants an exclusively white nation they should stay out of other people's nations.
but even national socialists don't do this (nat-socs) believe in lebensraum,where they grab other nations lands to make into a living space , how can they do this and expect a pure nation and get butthurt when they are dying out?

The Blacks can have Africa, the Latinos can have Latin America, the Asians can have Asia- but why can't Europe be owned by Europeans? Why can't a historically primarily European United States Remain European? There is more unity when a society is more homogeneous in ethnicity and culture- this is observed fact.

I wish this was the case, but muh colonialism, muh lebensraum

I agree we don't need one nation and I am against that, and it's one of the reasons I am against the NWO.

I actually support this, but Europeans/americans need to stay out of other nations in order for this to happen.

refugees are a result of war, if the united states don't wage proxy wars on syria , there won't be a refugee crisis.

which ultimately europians and syrians are paying for the usa plans for world domination, which will end up with a thermo-nuclear world war.

I agree, so it's the kikes that deserve to be hated and limited not the latinos,arabs,asians,indians…etc

most those races want the jews gone, yet Holla Forums keeps being hostile and hating on those groups/races/nations and ignores the jews.

sorry for the fucked up formatting, I haven't slept in 2 days.
