New Year's Card

It's been a long, divisive year on this site. From the very beginning, the transfer of administrative power and attempted jump to the Infinity Next engine prompted a lot of chaos and drama. For a long period of time we were forced to make do with a mangled, post-error-ridden shadow of our imageboard's former glory, only actually functioning properly at sporadic instances. Holla Forums and Holla Forums's rise to prominence to the tune of the election cycle brought us a very politically charged Holla Forums, and threatened to change what the site was fundamentally all about. Later, when our admin cracked down on content of questionable legality, chaos ensued again, calling into question our status as the last bastion of free speech on the internet.

But we're still here, and we can still say whatever we want.
We survived.

Normally I'd have had made this thread on New Year's Eve and spent a single block of time rapidly adding images to the card as they were requested, but, unfortunately, I don't have the time, and I don't think the board's current pace would allow that. So, instead, for the next 4 days, leading up to New Year's Day, I'll be checking in whenever I have the opportunity to add any requested images to the card. If it seems like it might be neccesary given the speed it progresses at, I'll make cyclical this thread to prevent its locking.

For those that are new to this board or this particular concept, something similar has been done, if I remember correctly, 2 times in the past- one for Christmas 2015 and another for Copypaste's birthday 2016. Post any picture related to what's been going on in this site (preferably a transparent .png) and I'll add it to the image. At the end I'll post a completed version and we'll show it to Ron. I'll, at certain intervals, post my progress when making the image so other anons can edit and add to it at their leisure.

Happy new years.

I'm first. :^)



Add me to the card.

I'm glad I was along for the ride.


Isn't this the infamous hacker called wheeler who founded 8 chan?

Put Gilbert the Kennedi spammer's dox on the image please.

Who wants to know?

add laura


good thread

Could you not.

Mod me.



We raided habbo hotel for a week.

pope pls go


D. A. K thing

Its like you want to live a life without choices.

i want to live a life of vaginas, not anuses.

Omlett loves eggs

add this


laura ez bezd

Fug the lug and Tim Burton

Pedophillia is Jewish and anti-white

you're thinking of infant mutilation.


Quick, before mods douche up this thread.

Exploitables someone made


"We can still say whatever we want."
Yeah right, between Holla Forums and Holla Forums the rest of the site is just a battleground. 2016 was the year Holla Forums stopped being Holla Forums and became stormfront 2 electric boogaloo.

Here's hoping it's offline by this time next year. Also it's just Jim's pet project he uses to advertise his shitty conspiracy news site.

We were fucking used.



Back to tumblr faggot

Not even him but hes right.
You political board circlejerkers were a mistake.

That's it.



These are from the urban explorer user btw

>>>/urbex/ is dead and i miss those good old threads :^\

I think there's still a subreddit for that sort of thing


I mean at least it's relevant

what exactly are you implying?

you're saying "we survived" like the worst is over and its only going to get better from here on out.
its not










I miss hotwheels

Why? He hates you anyway. He said it in his IRC circlejerk. It was also his choice to leave the site to fall apart and not help manage Josh. He also didn't help with even the minor shit he was supposed to do on infinity next.

Collage of these?


Oh man, that second pic. That was the first reply to the first post I posted here, when I got permab& on halfchan, when people made threads explaining how they got b& and keks were had. Those were the good old days. Threads were much slower, lasted for days, sometimes even weeks, people responded with full interest to everything, threads were high quality and OC was being made in every single thread. It was great, and the best time of my life. I miss it.

Bring 2014 back….



Someone i used to fap in my teen years is now dead, dont make my day worse ;_;


You do know that she now models freelance?

i hope you get rape AIDS nigger

Someone post something illegal or what?

moot began the slow murder of everything that was good about imageboards.

HW, Jimbo, and the rest of the merry band of fuckups (including you, faggot, dissipated expats, and genetic wastes finished the job.

So, congratulations, I guess. You created a slower, poorly designed, ghost-town Reddit ripoff, albeit with a couple of insincere nods to anonymity and free-ish speech.

Die in a fire.

now I get to disregard the rest of your post







best comment itt

anyone have the template of Jim with his mouth full of cum? needed for research purposes ofc.

Holla Forums is Holla Forums now

you really are very, very boring. take a pill for it. give us a rest.

until the revolution is won there will be no rest
every fascist must be reeducated or sent to a work camp

I hope you get killed by a drunk driver. Now get out there and celebrate!

This is the card as of now. I'm at in terms of adding requested images. One thing I'd suggest is posting more images related to Holla Forums's history or various happenings throughout the year, not just random bullshit pictures. :^)

Night anons.

Add Travis and Pendejo mamavergas.

On Holla Forums and your own boards yeah I guess, I've been banned from Holla Forums for calling them out on their anti free speech bullshit and from /a/ for calling traps and 3D 'futas'(trannies) disgusting homos but I still shitpost on both of those boards, dysnomia has been a cool dud lately since he hasn't sperged out ever since he nuked the catalog because of pedo spam on a single thread

Hello board owner. I e-mailed you a few days/weeks ago. I am now un-banned. I had to submit an e-mail to Holla Forums admin owner & he un-ban me. I'm so grateful to you for helping me. Thank you very much


whoops, forgot to turn off my shitposting flag


Well, at least pic related has some association with various happenings throughout the year.

that's a pretty good description of the whole situation. watching the two throw their shit is so satisfying.


talk for yourself.

8ch died when the site was bought over by the pig farmer.

I'm just sticking around until something better comes up.

this. trumpcucks rule the roost with their MSM idpol. no sense staying here.


it won't be different anywhere else, and even if it is, then they'll just follow you there
ibs are stuck with the fetishisation of trump for the time being, unless you go to the opposite end of the spectrum at leftypol


isn't goading poltards the ony fun thing left on Holla Forums?

Hey Dysnomia, put this on the new years card.


it's Holla Forums, you only have yourself to blame for thinking that they value free speech

/pol? Giving a fuck about anything that isn't anything left like gay rights, age of consent reform, or anything they consider shitposting or criticism?

Anything left*

RIP /ft/

What the hell is /ft/?

It was basically what you would get if 2006 Holla Forums had webms, now it is gone. >>>/ft/

Just checked it out

What the fuck did i just stumble upon?
Nigger what?

I don't know what to tell you, the internet has gotten soft to the point people refuse to believe how it once was.

Ok, i could go to Bestgore and Goregrish right now and check out any murder video i please. Masterchan last i checked is most likely up and Librechan before it got taken down was a massive CP haven.

Like hell it's gotten soft. As sick as all this shit is, it's still out there.

True but my point is now you need to look for it, I liked it when this shit was everywhere and it you couldn't deal with it you left.

Fucked up shit is what made 4chan great, not because the content itself was great but because the community had to be able to deal with it so the community as a whole was harder.
Now you get people wanting to ban X and Y because the stuff they can't handle is gone, there was a time no one wanted anything banned because it was chemo.


Define the "early days" of the internet for me, before everything got cucked. If this shit was everywhere then explain. Sure search engines were much more lax back then, we get it, we knew sites like Ogrish, etc. were and still are around.

Yeah, no.

As you know the younger the net was the more wild it was, I got my first connection around 1998 and got to see IRC piracy and all the P2P programs come and go.
Around 2008-2010 seems to be when big business got serious about the web and LEO started actively enforcing all the new internet laws.

I guess part of the reason I liked the wild west days was the complete lack of normalfags shitting everything up.

off by 4

Optimal way of playing Super Mario Galaxy

Mother of god, you're older than most of us on here.

I can relate i hate normies and SJWfags

muh nigga. Napster was the key to killing us all back in like 2000. Corporations started it, you'd do well to never forget that.





Biddix now works for the FBI, in between plea-bargained stints of community service, hoeing public gardens in central DC.
This is where we are.
Stop dreaming of the past and forge a new future. Yesterday never comes back.

poor fucker. he was a bit stupid tbf. the /k/ommandos from that BLM thing are getting hosed too.
still want the million get memorialized as it never comes up.


jesus user, shut up. we'll all get banned if you go on saying things like that on trumpcentral.


these were our previous cards


Where is Jim Watkins in an SS helmet, flanked by Ron to the north and Kikewheels to the south, blitzkreiging the image board ecosphere with a fire hose of boiling shit?





Here are some progress pics. Given the speed at which the card's progressing, I think I'm going to start only accepting images somehow related to Holla Forums from now on.

where the fuck is Gilbert's dox. that was a large happening

Yeah why don't you moral faggot all over the board.



to reflect the changing of predominant board ideology; it was a difficult undertaking, but most of you came around in the end
pick whichever one you like more, or all of them, idk


kek. Did this happen before or after I caused him to lose his job?

how was their info discovered? did they slip up or did a 1337 hax0r do it?

Man i love swallowing cum

you must be a true communist like me.

i didnt know there were so many other commies here

stop copying me

fucking faggots pretending to be me. Don't you realize that people can see straight through your lies?

real original asshole what are you gonna do now photoshop a fake screencap?

sure why not

back to Holla Forums asshole


what gave you the impression im from pol? was it the commie flag?

Hey faggot, obviously you're not dysnomia unless you are but why don't we get rid of the

Maybe we should stop encouraging the shitposting by making every shit thread on the board a cyclical and just allow normal posting.

just stop already it's not funny

what isn't?

all of this just because i forgot to turn off my shitposting flag

well are you going to reply?

Disregard that I suck cocks


the internet is dead

Disregard that I suck cocks


No way pic #4 passes the DOST test. If it does I'll take the brown pill

Don't worry, I reported it.

Your mods also squashed down on information that's protecting you from the next world war. Fag lord.

I found this thing when I was doing some online surveys, please include it

I lost interest because there's no sexy children.
Please try again.

Look what I found. It has nothing to do with a survey.

Wow look how happy they are fucking each other!
I wonder if the artist made that up since everything under 18 is rape.

Burning california down…. only half a year to go.

He's just happy to get some dick shaped objects in his sissy ass. He can't help himself.

How would you know? There's a black bar there.




The urban user has to be on there. He made some cool threads




this make me feel bad about pepe

what did this poor frog ever do wrong? The poor guy.



put josh on it.


only old fags will remember this





Needs moonman



I don't see this on the card yet, and I think it belongs there.

is not a transparent background so will not be added i think. try to remove the background


Why can we not post pictures from an apple device?
Is it something to do with your shitty technology or is it a choice by the website owners?
I only have an iPhone and MacBook and would like to contribute pictures but I can't.




She's like 16 so is is cp, the model is called Lolly.

MODS please ban this faggot.

travisposter is our only hope.

hi travisposter

No, you're not. You are pure cancer and you rely on memes from 4chan.


It's the result of a unanimous choice by all the members in the community, declaring that you (you specifically) have a shit normalfag taste in technology products and shouldn't be allowed to spew his hipstery plaid wearing goony beard donning Starbucks Coffee screenplay writing spoiled child Final Cut Pro using garbage on our website.

-Sincerely, The moderation of Holla Forums

Here's the latest version of the card.


thank you



Based. I apologize for most of the bad things I've said about Holla Forums mods.











Wasn't there some anno who got asked to use his usb port for charging a phone on a bus, and he downloaded box noodz and the like? I haven't organised my old shit yet, but maybe one of you faggots remembers.

What if god was one of us?
Just a slob like on of us?
Just a stranger on a bus
doxxing for all the world to see

I remember this well, I sent the n00dz to her friends on instagram claiming that her bf had sold them to me. Was a good time.

Think I have them all on a hard drive somewhere.



How the fuck is all this shit still here? I thought CP was to be deleted…

is the last one cp?

Put this mysterious visitor in.

depends what jurisdiction you live in

how do you know theyre underage though? cant really tell from that picture, unless you recognise the source

before fapping to any picture that looks questionable you should submit it to your local police department to cross-check against the database of known CP.

She's either a lewd middle schooler or a teen midget.

laugh about it if you will. several databases exist for known cp images. they were developped to help automate policing the interwebs and to save the feds from looking through all that vile shit again and again. thing is, the feds took it one step futher and can now detect known images in traffic. every time a pedo posts a known cp image on Holla Forums, a little bell rings ting a ling in the pedo squad office. Keep posting and you'll be homeless again in no time.


it's not CP you fucking spergs.


How does one go about verifying the age of random people in pics on the internet? Have someone flash their birth certificate or some school diploma in a pic? How do you actually know for sure?

you observe with your eyes, decide for yourself, then cross your fingers and hope they're not underage, because unless they do show some form of id or unless it's from some professional porn studio (not the ukrainian kind though) you cant know
also if you can do something like reverse image search it in google or bing and get results that means its probably not illegal

there was a thread this year when an user shopped a gore pic of someguy's swollen balls into a pepe. where is it? does nobody save this shit anymore and why has the creator left us all alone to die memeless?

It's on

Happy new years Hotwheels. Did you get snow tires for your wheelchair?

Thats not HWs m8

probably the same gimpfag made us a postcard of Jim running naked down a street with hw in a toy car and ron as the kid of a normalfag.


no shit "m8"




spicy mems

fuckin noce


Remove the little kids.

Add pls






Fuck you, he was a comrade



Then say so. I agree, he was a good man.

eh fite terrorists and doesn't afraid of anything.



Mah nigga. I foudn an old book store that has these old magazines lying around, I buy as many as I can. Much simpler time for art then, with tits, ass and violence abound with dark humor in between. It's like stepping into a time machine to see all that was good back then.

trips of truth

I don't think the whole world of doctors can help those who run this site. Only death can cure you.


the problem with that is that if the pic is illegal and you search it through google, you probably just got yourself v&


fuck you pussy

Happy New Year's from the moderation team!

hi. do you like jim


plese tell omlet and fugthelug to calm their tits and stop banning pedos for legal pics. you have actually been pretty chill about it recently

needs moar saddams

Give me back my magic girlfriend. Now.

hahaaa cuck, got his waifu stolen.
kill self nao.

all your waifus are belong to al baath party

Put fucking Reginald in it, faggot.

the card only accepts transparent cut outs.

Reginald is in it.


no rules applies to mods

shit you got me there. well at least you're not as rulecucked as them anymore.

8. There are no real rules about posting
9. There are no real rules about moderation either - enjoy your ban

Not really. I'll crop it myself if it's not already transparent, but the chance of me accepting your image raises exponentially if you crop it yourself beforehand, just because it saves me a lot of work.
If you have photoshop please crop your picture before posting it here, unless it's really simple or unnecessary.


Don't forget to add this one

thank yu




Of course.

lmao @ reginald

Damn. Nice. Way better than the 2015 Christmas card.

Where is Jim and the bee with a huge dick?
Fuck this version


add saddam

dubs has spoken

pls add dog


