new Holla Forums creation
you know what to do and enjoy
new Holla Forums creation
you know what to do and enjoy
Bump for exposure.
Holy shit, did he really say that?
breddy gud m8
I can't finish it because it boils my blood, but it's good to show to normies.
ofc he did
You had one job.
Other than that nice video. Burger/10
that were my thoughts
I'm a fan of the Don, but this made me cringe hard.
I went into this video intending to show it to my bluepilled friends, but this lack of impartiality is makign me hesitate. I feel like they would immediately pick up on the emotional appeals and criticize them (rightly).
The same thing happened with one of the Hitler speech videos about preserving your people, the clear and true message was muddied by overly dramatic and emotional score. Can't their be a video that takes higher educated voters seriously and treats the issues, and only the issues, without trying to get the viewer to swell up with pride and instead lead them to see a logical decision?
Beat me to it.
that wasn't the intend for this vid
I basically wanted to make a AMERICA FUCK YEAH VID
I'm not a Burger btw
Is there any way you can strip out the uplifting score
Music-less would let the message stand on its own, or if you must absolutely do it, just put on a low, droning score that isn't so overt.
good job btw, as a conversion tool it doesn't work but for my personal use I really enjoyed it.
how is that autistic? it's simply a factually incorrect turn of phrase
no this is not possible
I would have to tetter the whole project
I would rather do a new one with a concept more like yours.
I just ripped the fucking speech from youtube.
I don't know every exact thing about american politics.
But it was a good emotional part I put in.
please do, I know most people like to get caught in the whirlwind of righteousness and unity, but when it comes to enemies/potential converts, they will be hyper-critical to the point where the slightest emotional appeal is grounds to dismiss the material outright. If the material itself is plainly presented, they will have no easy way out of adressing it besides facing the arguments themselves, which at the very least may cause some doublethink or doubts.
Also to do this I really have to listen 10 hours of Trump speeches to filter the important parts out.
That's nearly impossible.
It is also a question of how much content you can get.
no need to be defensive lad, I like the video as an internal inspiration to our cause, I just recognize it doesn't speak to our enemies as it probably could, and therefore be that much more effective
keep it short and concise, preferably claims that could be easily researched. if Trump says "black people commit more crimes" include that, cut it quick to something else, and maybe overlay FBI links to the statistics as he speaks or something. Try to make a factual and concise video instead of a stirring and emotional one; they both serve their purposes, but we have a sore lack of the former.
have another bump because anons need to see your great video regardless of my criticisms.
I hope Trump undo all the destruction that the US govt did all around the western world in the past 50 years then makes America stop micromanaging politics in other white countries. Being independant while united is way better than having a single overbearing leader if we're to survive.
so more like an educational vid like those "WW1 in 5 Minutes" videos?
could be interesting tbh
yes, exactly.
btw I may be do this with more focusing on Hillary Clinton and her record/emails etc
Burgers are waking up, therefore
too many f22s and b2s, too little crippled hillary, king bongo, fed, goldman sachs, aipac and the choose people. but is something
Good video.