In three years they've gone from using wifi to detect if someone is behind a wall to reading their emotions.
In three years they've gone from using wifi to detect if someone is behind a wall to reading their emotions.
Other urls found in this thread:
My bio-signs have WPA2
it's old news that wifi slowly damages your brain, so I'm not suprised by this advancement.
the best bet is to build your own router and home network, this will be good against buffer bloat too since you can adjust quality of service settings unlike most stock routers.
You aren't going to be doing it with your Wi-Fi router any time soon. It also sounds like it needs to be pointed directly at someone's chest for it to work which could limit utility. Here's the paper if anyone wants to read it:
It's kind of sad that one of the immediate ideas in the video for how it could be used was datamining (which could probably work in a theater environment). If that does ever happen I wonder how long after it would be until someone publishes a study on the fetishes of children.
OP is another proof that Holla Forums quality is dropping day after day
My emotion reader says OP is lusting for dicks right now.
EMF interferes with various parts of the bodies cells including DNA. Gut bacteria is disproportionally affected and damage to the gut flora is linked to deteriorating mental health.
We don't know exactly what the long-term effects of prolonged EMF exposure are yet, but we know that they are negative.
Electrohypersensitivity is already a serious problem and it is likely that as EMF saturation increases we will see more and new debilitating lifestyle diseases linked to EMF exposure.
Of what frequency though?
Because the frequencies used for radio communication (in the giga Hertz range) mostly pass through you.
Microwaves would react with the water in your body.
Visible light doesn't have any adverse effects either.
But if you're talking about UV, x-rays, or gamma rays then sure, those actually cause damage.
WiFi goes via microwaves. Of course, the person you replied to is a retarded faggot, your average microwave oven runs at 700W, while your mobile phone doesn't go above 30-40mW. If it takes a couple minutes for a ~400g meal in a microwave oven to heat up some 40°C, imagine how much time it takes for a mobile phone or a WiFi router antenna to heat your ~70kg body by even 0.01°C.
Want to try an experience user ?
Put on a shirt with a pocket close to your heart then put your cellphone in it, after a day or two your will began to have pain.
Realised that when I was 14/15 I did that because it was fast to get the phone out but after a day I understood that these fuckers are bad on the long term.
I had another experience with a wifi router. That shit could go to incredible distance (40m and more).
My team and I got headache after a day of exposure we reduce it's power but we had to put another one to compensate the lost distances.
I am not an expert by any means, but i have a (pretty much deaf) family member with cancer who worked in broadcasting as an audio engineer for over 30 years inb4 anecdotal evidence and he always talks about the deaf and hearing impaired people who worked there and who developed EMF sensitivity (primarily fatigue) after working with radio equipment for several years. I don't know what the worst frequencies are, but i know that many people who worked in the technical side of the business are hearing impaired and that cancer rates are legendarily high, almost on par with radar technicians.
Personally, i am not going to take chances and play guinea pig / russian roulette, so i am doing my best to limit EMF exposure to me and my family.
My daughter is not allowed to have a cellphone and tablet time is limited to an hour a day.
Anecdotal evidences. Experiences have been tried and have shown nothing.
EMF sensitivity has never been proven to exist (and I think it's been proven not to)
Just fucking put a cellphone to your heart for one day or two.
Anyone can do it.
Test it faggot.
In after anecdotal evidence
It has a tremendous impact on your mood. Red light has a calming effect that helps you fall asleep , while blue light has an alerting effect that helps you stay awake. Download redshift (available on most repositories) to soften the color temperature and experience it for yourself.
I have a cellphone on me all day long, I sleep
Actually WiFi is good for your health.
I've slept in a room with an AP for years, and I've never had my leg chewed off by a tiger.
I am always amazed how dismissive people are of personal experience.
If someone feels sick after riding a rollercoaster nobody would call him crazy, but if someone feels sick after carrying a cell phone, he's immediately called a cook and his story is dimissed as "anecdotal evidence" often with more anecdotal evidence ("i've never felt sick after riding a rollercoaster or carrying a cellphone") Very disturbing.
I don't think there's anything stronger than personal experience, because no scientific study and no amount of books and articles can invalidate it.
Who are you going to believe? A study or your own lying eyes?
you're being baited, faggot.
Don't you think the headphones you wear as an audio engineer might be a better explanation?
That's a bad example.
Motion sickness is a proven phenomenon, and the causes for it have also been explained.
When someone tells me they feel bad because of radio waves, I'd see it in the same way when someone would tell that they fell better after taking alternative medicine.
If someone feels bad after exposure to radio waves or feels feels better after taking alternative medicine, who are you to tell him that he doesn't feel the way he feels?
You're not in his shoes, so to dismiss everyone with a certain experience as crazy or liars seems rather presumptuous.
I didn't say that they were laying.
However, you should always be aware of the placebo effect.
There are no placebo cellphones and placebo wireless routers so at best it is confirmation bias, which works both ways.
Positive and negative effect can be erroneously attributed to the presence and absence of something.
this is what i've come to hate about modern science, academia, and technology. it's like these fuckers are purposely trying to create a surveillance state, soulless international conglomerate controlled world. there's the argument that "they have to make it as a proof of concept to come up with defenses against it" but the argument is bullshit because these people coming up with these things in academia are the same ones that will be hired to develop them for use by malicious parties. so we end up stuck in this arms race of developing ways to fuck with and control people, and developing ways to prevent being fucked with and controlled. and those doing the controlling are winning because it becomes prohibitive and esoteric for those interested to avoid being fucked with and controlled, and the large masses of normies meanwhile don't even care about their freedoms.
it's the application of technology that determines whether it's beneficial or detrimental to mankind. we could be going to space, curing disease, developing newer, better, more efficient electronic components / energy systems / transportation systems / communication systems, any number of other things. instead we stagnate while these fuckers are helping corporations have surveillance tool #6,000,000 in their pocket to analyze their idiot customers for that extra chance to present an ad to them.
i want a war to come that kills all normies. they need to be skeletons. and then we can finally rebuild from the ashes of civilization.
Some specific wavelength in blue range is harmful to eyes. (I don't remember exact value)
If we took anecdotal evidence more seriously then magic would be real and there'd be no reason to not think hundreds of thousands of people have been abducted/raped/communicated to by aliens/god/jesus/allah/etc.
anecdotal evidence is utter shit.
Bullshit it's barely a "real" problem, much less a "serious" problem.
oh man that's top
you're a funny guy
Nigger do you know how the placebo effect works?
It means that you feel an effect from something that would not have said effect on you, because you THOUGHT it would have that effect on you. Reagardless if the cellphone or router is fake you will still feel the effects because you believe you will.
sheet rock with chicken wire inside when?