/sueg/ - Steven Universe Ephemeral General

This week:
>S3E22&23 Beta/Earthlings:

>S3E24 Back to the Moon:



General news:
Steven-nuke ends this week.
Starting next week we're getting at least 3 weekly eps, and then - we just don't know.

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Jasper and Bismuth were right.

Glad I can agree with someone around here - however, I feel Bismuth was more in the right to want to take down the Diamonds (like they need to be.). Jasper was just a fucking nutcase whom I'm glad won't bother anyone anymore, as long as someone doesn't try to break her prison…


Pardon my ignorance - I'm too busy celebrating Jasper being dealt with, honestly. I hated her too much to care about what she has to say on anything, honestly.

Uh… what did she do that was really worth hating?

Funny thing: I hated her for a long time simply because the insane love Tumblr was giving her pissed me off.
But after her recent appearances, I started to really love her for her approach to CG scum.

You aren't… looking up SU on tumblr, are you?

listen mate, that's the single place on the internet most rich in SU porn.
Even peheal is behind it, and I have to periodically upload there everything I found on tumblr.

Why is Stephen Universe allowed here. It's the tumor that spreads the disease.

because it's a cartoon.
If you want the disease not to spread, bully faggots who act tumblr-like until they either leave or adapt to think reasonably.
Rules against specific shows are not going to make this place anything else than a hugbox where only "approved" materials can be enjoyed. IE tumblr.

She's… Just that good a bad guy character to the CGs. That's all I needed and it worked for me just fine.


Amethyst eats rotten food and toxic substances on a regular basis. What would happen to Steven if he fuses with her while she has a stomach full motor oil or antifreeze?

user, have some respect for yourself.

Neh, why would I?

I can't believe that Steven is fucking dead.

Also, how much you wanna bet that one of the other diamonds assassinated Pink Diamond?

I bet Rose happened to walk in on Yellow Diamond shattering her while monologuing about how they can now rule the Gempire without Pink Diamond interferring and balancing out the votes.

Expect PD to be the purest most loving Diamond who taught Rose everything she knew, including the truth that Gems could be anyone they wanted to… But because she was part of a 4-person governing system, votes and decisions were kept at a constant stalemate, so Yellow and probably White could never have their unstoppable superweapons or their wars without Pink and probably Blue voting them to a tie.


I bet someone else killed Pink Diamond, Rose took the blame, was exiled, learned about being freedumb, told the other exiles about being freedumb, fight empire that killed his diamond etc etc.

I bet Pink Diamond was also really caring and sweet and gentle but Rose took the blame nonetheless because lol plot holes.

Two theories floating around right now

fuck off

The ruby ship is many times bigger on the inside than the outside.


Is steven even a hybrid, or are they pretending he is?

I'd assume that they would unfuse and steven would just throw up.

Or maybe steven's hybridity makes him immune to toxins. Perhaps steven doesn't really even need to eat, it's just a psychological thing like age.

It's been a strong standing theory for a while, just like him not needing to actually breathe.

Talking about age, why the fuck did they have that episode about steven aging based on his emotion, but then have that episode where steven ages for connie but it costs him energy to keep that form, as if he were shapeshifting?

Because Steven felt those ages and almost aged himself to death, While in the next Steven pretended he grew up.

Reminder that Lapis and Peridot's fanon interaction is much more wholesome than the canon"goth teenager takes care of whiny brat" relationship they did.

back to your blog

Crawl back into the hole you were spawned in, shipper filth.

Again, have some respect for yourself and look for better pieces to jack off.

At best Lion might be a shard of Pink Diamond, since (correct me if I'm wrong… no, seriously do) they saw Pink Diamond getting shattered or something.
I would also think nobody would go apeshit if they didn't specifically see the shards of their leader on the floor since by their reaction shattering a gem it's like a gigantic taboo and one wouldn't just assume "Oh ehy our leader is missing, welp, guess she was shattered!".

Also it's only me or Rose Quarz had like, way too fucking powers?
I mean Steven can fly, heal, shapeshift, summon shields, make spike bubbles, got the super strength and I'm probably missing something else while Jasper (also a quarz) who supposedly was "perfect" only has a helmet and can turn into an hair wheel.

This show really has no consistency, it feels like they are thinking of new shit on the spot rather than plan the story ahead of time.

And the whole Steven flying into space?
Did they actually think that was a real thrilling moment?
In a show where nothing ever happens to the protagonists?
Nothing ever changes, the status quo remains eternal.

You know what would really stir things up?
Have one of the crystal gem shatter or get corrupted.
And nooooope, not Bismuth, Peridot or Lapis, go mess with the original cast, the status quo gems.
If they had the courage to do something like that people would actually think "OH SHIT STEVEN IS GOING TO FUCKING DIE" instead of "Well Steven is in space, wonder how they will retrieve him in just one episode".

In other news, local broken clock is found to be right twice a day.

This does seem to have been Rose's MO (although from what's been said previously, that only seems to be half of it- in other cases, she takes gems who are what/where they 'should' be, and simply opens their minds to the possibility of being something different), but what Jasper fails to do is give a convincing reason as to why this is a bad thing.

Jasper's paradigm is that all gems were made for a purpose, should serve that purpose, and if they can't (or simply don't), then they're flawed (heh, 'flawed gems'), and the only correct thing to do is to purge them and try again.

It's a prescriptive philosophy (well, more of a psychology than philosophy) that only serves the goals of Homeworld, and can't accommodate even the possibility of real alternatives, or that Homeworld's goals or methods may contain their own flaws (namely, a forcibly narrow perspective that precludes critical self-awareness).

Because beating someone down, stripping away everything they held dear and then going "lol wanna be friends instead?" it's abusive.
You convince people with your deeds, with your arguments, you don't convince people by wrecking their shit and then brainwashing them into fighting for you because they have nothing to lose anymore (after all you destroyed everything for them).

It's not a wrong ideology though.
Gems are immortal, if all gems started doing whatever the fuck they wanted how long before the entire galaxy ended up in ruins?

For humans it might work just fine because ehy, eventually we die, we're not going to do whatever we want FOREVER.

If you want an example of "Gems doing what they want cause world ending concequences" just look at the Cluster and imagine wars between gems with Clusters involved.

Fair points, although 'brainwashing' seems a bit strong. Gems are pretty much pre-brainwashed when they're created, so if anything, what Rose was doing seems closer to deprogramming (granted, only when you're looking at it from the context of a more human-like mindset).

I suppose the only fundamental difference is that the mindset Rose was pushing in fact made it possible for them to subsequently disagree or even enter into conflict with her (as we've seen). That's why I'd say that 'brainwashing them into fighting for you' is the wrong choice of words here.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to remember them establishing that this is pretty much the reason why Homeworld needed to be challenged- because otherwise, they're just going to ruin more and more planets, to create more and more gems and harvest resources for homeworld, in a manner that's fundamentally unsustainable.

That is a perfectly reasonable thing to do.
Gems are not supposed to be people, they are supposed to be working units. Tools.
If forklifts suddenly started running around demanding freedom you would probably destroy them too.

I actually like that idea. Much better than it secretly being Rose atleast.

Well, it is impossible for it to be rose, If it was rose, how would it be able to put all that shit inside before murdercock met her.

user that narrative you just posted WOULD work, however you and the other user forget one big thing, this is a show by liberals, for liberals and every allegory in this show is an allegory of love,sex, and rape.

So Jasper basically getting fucked over and brainwashed by Steven to fight for them is basically like a straight person being "abusive" towards "flawed" gems which is an allegory towards gay people finding out she is also gay and is conflicted because she's a Cis Gem and Cis Gems are evil while the Crystal Gems are pure gay gems that want to either live their life in eternal gay orgies with other gems while converting other gems at how awesome being a lesbian is.

It's a huge thing in this show that irks me to no end, doesn't help the creators of this show go on twitter all the time and spout their liberal shit all the fucking time and clearly make it a point that the crystal gems are the gay gems while the homeworld and other gems are basically cis gems that want to destroy the flawed gems so they can propagate that agenda and vice versa.

user homeworld doesn't want to ruin the crystal gems because you have to go in with that mentality that Fusion is basically the equal to gay sex and it's degenerate for the gems.

>homeworld is evil because they want the resources that Earth can offer that and the super weapon

This is the same issue I had with the movie Avatar. Humanity just found a new energy source that could solve their energy crisis on earth, we have no idea how bad it is but it's assumed it's pretty damn dire if we're willing to go to foreign planets to mine this new energy source, Humanity was in the right for that whole entire movie to do the things they were doing as a means for the species to survive, and it all gets ruined because the main crippled marine turns into a hippie and has a boner for the alien cat pussy and starts a huge ass war to kick the humans off Pandora which this could lead to a HUGE energy crisis/possible war back on Earth, the same shit that is going on in Steven Universe, we have no idea what Homeworld is really like which we know it's not perfect but it's all through the Lens of storytelling that the crystal gems tell of.

Which too bad the show is the way it is because we'll never get just view of what homeworld is like (we were getting close with Peridot but than the Crystal Gems turn her into a lesbian so that neat and possible unique narrative is gone now) all thanks to bs story telling.

But… Dude, Fusion had nothing to do with the rebellion itself. lay of the pills uncle Holla Forums

No I get fusion wasn't the main source, but it was a catalyst to a lot of reasoning behind the Rebellion where Rose goes around, gives everyone the crystal dick and we end up with a big ol war all because of that.

We so far we don't know what exactly was the Catalyst of the rebellion, other than Rose wanting to be free instead of being just another Quartz soldier.
Also Fusion is not seen as disgusting, in Homeworld it is seen as a way to fight and nothing more and what is seen as terrible is different castes fusing with each other, As in Sapphire is an aristocrat and Ruby just a warrior.

Hate to be that guy, but they weren't fighting for a life saving fuel source. It was a major corporations hunt for a new semiconductor, which if I remember right would enable a transportation overhaul that they would be in charge of. The Token Soulless CEO even used an example along hte lines of being able to shift workers from Africa to the US and back like a normal workday.

It's been a while, but you should get my drift that it was far from necessary. Meanwhile the Homeworld needs new planets to actually perpetuate themselves which is much more important. Though I wonder if they're going to pull a classic Star Wars EU and say that the Homeworld needs soldiers and superweapons to fight external threats they'll try and pull on us int he last season of the show, kind of like how the Empire needed the Death Egg to take on the alien empire with the Chinamen name.

I'm sure you're being dramatic here.

Jasper fans right now…

Leaves from the vine
Falling so slow

Like fragile, tiny gems
shattering in the war

Big soldier quartz
Come marching home

Brave soldier quartz
Comes marching home

claiming for futadot


Oi get out of here boyo.

eh bby want sum fuk


no u little gobshite




It's a fucking piece of art is what it is goddammit

more like a pure piece of steaming hot garbage served to you in a single post hosted by 2ch servers.


don't you mean meepmorp


It's so shitty it's practically dangling from your asshairs, faggots.

chill bruh

We don't know or see that, it's your presumption.

And if they disagree with rose, they get stabbed and thrown into a cell.

What Steven did to Peridot was wrong. There was no explanation given and no attempt to reason until she literally had nothing. If you question the gems you get shamed. If you question their way of doing things, you're wrong(even though their way of doing things literally never works). It's just that you need to accept everything Steven does at face value even if Steven himself is incapable of asking questions and everyone else flat out lies and to him.

Fundamentally Jasper was right: We all get what we deserve. Amethyst trained for ten minutes and was forced to take a break, she didn't deserve to win against a far more experienced soldier. Steven would have been zero help if it weren't for the fact that the show broke 100% of it's own internal rules about fusion for the sake of drama.

For fucks sake even Jasper was right in that Fusion is literally the only trick the crystal gems use anymore. When it was introduced it was just one thing along side special weapons and cool powers every gem has. Now all that counts for nothing because as soon as literally anything happens they just resort to a hamfisted relationship metaphor.

But I think it speaks volumes, fucking VOLUMES that this is the caliber of opponents that Steven and the gang face. They literally will not enter a fight where they don't significantly outnumber the opponent and won't fight anyone except for glorified mooks and a bunch of footsoldiers well into their third god damn season.

Now that I think about it, that could also be why the Diamond symbols do not even include the pink diamond. Maybe they prefer to not even acknowledge her?

Imagine each gem is a different gender
Homeworld only wants gems of the same type to fuse
The crystal gems say that that's wrong
Are the CG anti-gay shitlords????

I still say this whole thing is just one big allegory for the DeBeers cartel and how the values of gems are artificially manipulated by advertising and jewellers.

meanwhile, at the steven universe factory

Amethyst never shows "homeworld brainwashing", since she only lived on earth and only had contacts with Rose.

Homeworld is a goverment set in stone, every gem made is made for a purpose, if anything Rose challenging them resulted in Homeworld overproducing soldiers, which resulted in a shortage of "top quality" materials which resulted in "powerless" gems like Peridot being made.
You can't have a society stagnate if nobody ever dies, if nobody needs to eat and if nobody needs to drink.
Sure, eventually Homeworld would become a super power and basically dominate the galaxy but surely a lawful society dominating the galaxy is better than thousands of rogue gems doing whatever the hell they want.

It would be healthy if there was another society challenging Homeworld, like humans or other xenos but having literal anarchists trying to fuck the whole goverment up only make things worse.

Look it in this way: how many gems were shattered/corrupted/experimented on because of Rose rebellion?
Sure, Homeworld purges the ones unfit to live in their society… but I would believe the war created to fight those purges made way more damage than good.

Of course, since I'm a human I'm happy and dandy Mr. "I Love All Life" decided to destroy the lives of thousands of her own kin, still objectively Rose did more damage than good, especially if you consider the whole "Being a coma prisoner until we decide what to do with you".
And last time I checked no Crystal Gem was actively looking for ways to reverse or even study ways to reverse corruption.

Rose and the Crystal Gems motives are selfish, they right because they want to do whatever they want, they don't think or care about the bigger picture.

Homeworld was enthusiastically making a world-shattering superweapon out of thousands of corpses. I think it's clear that the only thing worse than tons of immortal Gems running around the galaxy doing their own thing is tons of immortal Gems doing the bidding of the galaxy's shiniest lunatics.

Speaking of, the mural for your perusal. Interesting that Pink Diamond is drawn so differently from the others, and only has the Earth and the moon compared to the other Diamonds having at least half a dozen planets each.

Rose totally killed a baby Diamond.

That would imply they made the Cluster before the rebellion.
I would think a goverment that virtually has no enemy (since no other xeno seems to appear on the show) would not need to kill billions of gems, turn them into a planetoid and then have said planetoid turn into a weapon of mass destruction galaxy-sized.

Maybe Rose didn't kill her?

Maybe Pink Diamond was closer to Rose's ideology and so the other diamonds decided to get rid of her?

That's a popular theory. It's really hard to say, given how slowly they've rolled out the backstory.

Perhaps she had to be shattered else she would clearly perform the Chaos Dunk, as shown above.

Do wonder if Rose basically committed suicide to create Steven to try and end her life gracefully after doing all kinds of dubious things she couldn't live with anymore.

We actually don't know if its their fires attempt at the cluster, take a look at the mural, yellow diamond haves 2 planets with stars in the middle. Might be failed planets or planets that where destroyed.
Also I might assume that what white is holding is Homeworld.

Does anyone have the serious Steven mural?


Hard to say whether the Gems might have other enemies they're fighting; their empire is clearly far reaching (Homeworld is in another galaxy) and the Diamonds clearly don't keep Gems in the know about galactic events. (Hell, most Homeworld gems are barely aware of the Earth Rebellion)

…actually that explains a lot about Rose, and the Crystal Gems in return; excessive need-to-know is the only management style they know.

Wonder if they're ever going to have some comparisons and contrasts between Gem leadership and human leadership, namely Mayor Dewey, who's had a rant about how he has a hard enough time keeping everyone in Beach City from going crazy.

I think they might know, the rubies treated Jasper as a war hero.
But gems do have that weird social flaw of not explain anything unless you ask as if everyone already should know about everything( which kinda makes sense on how gems are made)

I don't think Gems really come out of the ground with that much 'programming', given Amethyst basically only knows what the Gems told her. (And they seem to really not like talking about the war in general. Hell, Pearl occasionally shows signs of PTSD)

Their society is extremely stratified and based on knowing your role and only your role. They aren't educated at all outside of what they're supposed to do, hence why Rubies are dumb as rocks and Peridot has no social skills. Of course, Rubies would share stories about great warriors as something to emulate, and Rubies would look up to Quartzes, who are basically the Space Marines of gems; elite super-soldiers engineered for maximal power, with sometimes special stuff added. (I think Rose Quartz might have been intended to be an elite bodyguard, given her shielding and healing powers)



"Bubbled" is out

And no more info about pink fucking diamond.

I just can't get over how bad the Rubies' voice acting is. I know they're all voiced by Charlene Yi, they're still annoying. Even Leggy sounds like a kid trying too hard.

What's wrong, user? Not satisfied with vague answers that mostly involved shit we already know? :^)

One of the few times Steven questions anything, and this is what we get. Was Pink Diamond any different from the others? If yes, how so? Was she more involved and controlling than the others? Or was she sympathetic and sacrificed herself to make a statement? Was she (and Rose) set up in a conspiracy for more concentrated power? Was the fact that she owned Earth (and not, say, Yellow) the only thing that warranted Rose killing her?

The 11-minute runtime might actually be appropriate for once. It just needed more time for questions about PD.

If I'm honest, I believe that it was a conspiracy by the other diamonds. Earth was Pink's only colony, and since Gems are uncaring and utilitarian by nature they thought she wasn't pulling her weight as a ruler. I think that Pink, since the injectors have her colors and Rose clearly takes after her, was in charge of reproduction and even resource management. Gems are pretty wasteful, so the other Diamonds thought that these weren't as important. Homeworld is running out, which is could be a consequence of this.

What's with the big glowing sphere in White's hands? Is that supposed to represent homeworld?

What are you basing this on? How do you know that

Why Is Steven STILL so completely oblivious?

He knows damn well that these Rubies are loyal Homeworlders, they spent the whole of last episode playing pretend to get them to go away, but get him alone with one and he happily brags about being the reincarnation of Public Enemy #1 because he thinks it'll make her feel better! Holy shit this kid is fucktarded.

Fucking stupid questions we and Steven know the answers to already. Can we ever have some actual worldbuilding?

These and a hundred other questions could be answered the very second Steven recovers from his crippling brain disease.

Good question. I think Homeworld is the most likely answer. Depending on which spheres are moons and which planets, White Diamond looks like she has most territory. The fact that she's shown face-on rather than in profile might also suggest she's the original/strongest Diamond.


And anyway, you're implying a lot.
The pink is probably just the same as Sapphire having Blue's color (along with the other gems shown on Blue's court). Gems on a Diamond's court have the same color.

The gem on their belly button is what I'm not interested in, but that could be explained as being part of her court, too.

how do you know what hair Pink Diamond had
I presume you're not referring to the supposed leaked picture of her, since it does not even have thick hair

That's what I mean. I didn't word that too well, sorry about that.

What I'm trying to say is that because a diamond's court is similar to the diamond herself, we can guess at what the diamond does if we have enough representatives.

Sapphire was a seer. Although we don't know what Lapis used to be (scout? messenger?), she was used as an archive in the mirror. This could mean that Blue is in charge of intelligence.

Peridot is a technician/field agent. While the soldier Jasper (and Rubies?) belonged to Pink, she was taken in by Yellow. This could mean that Yellow takes care of technology, the military, and reproduction since Peridot is a "certified Kindergardener."

There're no obvious gems in White's court yet. It could be Pearl because of her gem's color and placement, but I'm not sure.

This leaves Rose, who's the most similar to Pink. Not only is she a more motherly, defensive gem, she can heal and spawn plants. This points to Pink having a motherly, caring role. She was probably in charge of the military at some point since she owned Jasper, but because Rose is her closest representative she could've easily controlled reproduction.

Isn't that fake? I'm referring to the fact that it's not cropped like Yellow's, fanned out like White's, or flattened/covered like Blue's.

It's probably fake, that's why I said "supposed

Pearl has a pink diamond on her space uniform.

As for white diamond, I do find it odd that we know absolutely nothing about her. Maybe she's the top cat that oversees everything but has no court of her own?


I see, but her coloring and gem placement point to her being made for White. Maybe Pink took her in?

Probably. I really do think she's holding Homeworld in her picture. Her gem being on her head and her hair being crown-like points to it, too.

O K so now we can get back to shows all about crying and singing right?

He's naive as fuck.
He wants to believe that he can solve things non-violently because that's what he thinks his mom did, but hopefully after learning that Rose shattered Pink Diamond, he'll realize that not every problem can be solved by talking to it.
Who am I kidding, though, he'll probably still keep trying because that's what the show wants.

They're not dead, just floating through space aimlessly.

At least they will have the option to kill themselves later.

Yeah, because Steven is MORAL.

He refused to fight and kill something smaller and weaker than him. So instead he'll condemn them to an eternity of drifting through the void aimlessly, no hope of ever reaching home.

Because he's moral. Like his mother, who killed her boss and was selfless fore doing it. You know, the one who refused to take a killing weapon. But it was ok if Garnet and Bismuth go out and shoot to kill. Just so long as they don't have weapons that can do it.



Okay, user.

It's the face a jumper makes on the way down, she's dooming herself too.

No blunt trauma either.

What gets me is that Ruby spent so long fucking around and didn't just shank Steven.

Like what the fuck about getting your own pearl was so appealing that you had to take several seconds to fantasize it in the middle of stabbing an enemy right in front of you.

New episode was bretty gud


Here's the mega in case it gets deleted.


You know god damn well what.


I can definitely see the appeal, but I'd rather have my own Amethyst.

based user.

Oh god please no not road runner. Just stick to ruining anime you kikes.

Metal Gear vs a Space Dorito.

This episode was a goldmine.


…Remember when Peridot had a personality more complex and tolerable than "generic spastic talking animal sidekick from a 90s anime/JRPG"?

But user, don't you see? That's what she always wanted to be.

That's all she EVER FUCKING WAS

Remind me, what was her "personality".
And don't quote your fanfiction, if you could.

I never said she was much more complex and tolerable as a villainous techie, and she was definitely not my favorite character at any point (though she's gone down the list significantly with each episode from "redemption"-onwards)

I'm just saying; Peridot as she is behaves now is so lacking in dignity, depth, and even consistency that if she was replaced by a wise-cracking magic flying weasel, it wouldn't be any more out of place or stupid.

user, the only nu-male autistic enough to be writing fanfiction of this shit here is you.

But user, my fanfintion is like, REALLY good and in character! Like, look, here she says "I'm going to report it!" And here she says "clod!"
It's almost canon!

Face it, user, she has always been this character, she just had less screentime and job to do before.
There was never any "personality"

like that one harem anime where there's a shota magic teacher teaching a class of 30 teens of variant unspecific age?

The only thing that changed is she became more sympathetic

For a friendly person who seems to understand the ins and outs of everyone else's emotional problems just fine, Steven is really fucking bad at diplomacy
How many times is he going to try and explain what happened to rose quartz until he figures out a way to do it without making the people who want to kill her think he's her

Everyone keeps telling me that gems are agendered and homeworld gems don't do fusion with other gems.

So again, what the fuck was so appealing. You can't be agendered and prudish like that then just start fantasizing about shit you're not supposed to be able to do.

And she haves a bigger head now.

it was not sexually appealing.
It was appealing in the sense of "I'm going to be so rich I get a limousine with a driver"
Owning a pearl is a status symbol.

It might not be possible.

Everyone looks at the gem, or at her shield, and immediately assume that's Rose. Because, well. Its Rose's gem. So how could it NOT be Rose?

I need more details, user.


the weasel smokes and sounds like popeye
some but maybe not all of the girls have magic, one of his students is a vampire who tries to /ss/ but because she forces it he doesn't like it and there's drama where his heart is set on another one? There's a lot of magic bullshit that goes on and there's a comedy aspect where the teacher is like 13, which is funny because why is a 13 year old smart enough to teach college/highschool/japanese nonsense? That's all I really remember right now.

next time I see a down's syndrome kid on the street, I'll crouch, stick my tongue into the air and go "bleep! bleep?!"

There's also a fucking robot for reasons I don't really remember myself.

I could think of a few.

Yes, because that's the expression of someone thinking about limousines.

Fuck you, that's a stock animation expression reserved solely for perverts. It was copied almost verbatum from characters like Master Roshi.

was she added later or something? I remember her having blond hair like the witch girl with the wrapped up broom but I don't think that's the same character

I doubt gem placement means anything, and her coloring is all over the place. I think Peridot would have realized if she was made for a diamond. Besides, other Diamond Pearls have a color scheme that's entirely one color. Yellow's Pearl is ENTIRELY yellow, Blue's Pearl is ENTIRELY blue. Pearl is white, pink, blue, and yellow.

Well, you know that Pearl had overhauls.

honestly, I think neither really means anything.
If pearls can be custom-made for ges, you can literally say "maybe PD simply liked her pearls in different colors?" and it solves the problem.

Could be a neat bit that gems don't even really register humans and identify other gems by their actual physical gems rather than their projected forms. Would tie into why the Crystal Gems magically never interacted with humans much (if at all) up until Rose succumbed to the murdercock if they can't tell humans apart from other humans most of the time because they're not really capable of doing so.

Your point?
Her hair is still pink and her clothes are still blue. This still doesn't make her entirely while, like White Diamond's Pearl would most likely be.
Do you need to be reminded of what the other Pearls look like again, user? No evidence of any other color but the color that belongs to their diamond.
That, as well as the Pink Diamond symbol, and Rose calling her 'her Pearl,' and Peridot mentioning that she seems to be custom-made and being unable to figure out who's Pearl she'd be… Yeah.

That's a retarded answer to a plothole. Your evidence is flimsy, anyway. are we gonna say Navy is Pink Diamond's diamond, too? She's got the same gem placement, and red is basically pink, and she's nice!
No, because that's fucking retarded.

The resemblance can't be pure coincidence

Then, there is the problem, The Gem placement doesn't match, which is a thing with both pearls. Eitherway, She might have a pink suit, but she doesn't look totally pink either so there is something going on.
Maybe its a discarded pearl for White that they gave to Pink Diamond?

not the same guy, I just butted in to say that it does not have to be conclusive proof of anything.
She can be anybody's pearl.

Although, as for peridot not recognizing who she belongs to - pink diamond was shattered before Peridot's emergence, so it's logical she would not recognize her either

I don't think Peri would be stomping the floor if angry or running on fours. At least when she was spazzing or acting autistic, she was doing something creative with her robot parts.

It's like he's gotten worse at explaining that he's Rose's son and now he's just straight up calling himself Rose Quartz.

How hard is it to say "I inherited her gem and powers, but I'm not her"? Going around telling confused old gems "I'm Rose Quartz!" is asking for trouble and.. SURPRISE! It's causes nothing but.


Could be bad writing. Could be intentional to show that she's learning to think and act in ways that she once thought were just impossible for a Peridot.

Hard to tell because this show constantly teeters between "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS SHIT?!" and "HOW DID WE MISS EVERY SINGLE HINT AND CLUE FOR THIS LONG?!"

With Pink Diamond.

I'm telling you, she's not for White Pearl, retard.
I didn't say she was Pink Diamond's, either.
It'd make more sense if she was Rose Quartz's or just some random Pearl that defected.

oh, sorry, I misread your post.
I understood
my apologies

is this fan art?

Yes, But in the real mural its almost the same.
The real mural haves earth above her hand.

Fanart based on the actual murals, but I have no idea how much of it is the artist's creative freedom.

You think Peri wouldn't know anything about Pink Diamond? It's clearly common knowledge. The Crystal Gems might not be, but Eyeball yelled at the other rubies about 'WERE YOU BORN YESTERDAY!?' so clearly it's not information that's withheld or anything, especially when Peri already knows so much about Earth.

Here's the sketches of the murals by one of the artists.

she is holding earth on the actual mural, but upside down.


I sperg out at people who don't know what Gentoo is, but it does not make it common knowledge.
But the point is not that she wouldn't be aware of Pink diamond, but rather that she does not necessarily have to know what her pearls looked like.

She knows what Yellow Diamond's pearl looks like, and she knows enough about Pearls that her insight is incredibly important, just like Eyeball's was.
I know you're not the first to think like this, either. I don't know why you kinds of faggots want to hold so tight to this 'she's white diamond's pearl' theory.

I was really liking her development before they turned her into a gremlin. Yes, you could argue she was always autistic, but before it wasn't just cheap comic relief. I thought Peri's develop ment from a monotone robot to her personality in Friend Ship was interesting by itself. She didn't change because of love or Steven, she became more emotive because she had to survive in a world that she's unfamiliar with. The whole reveal of her being short is so half assed. Like how would you feel if you were watching a Transformers episode and Starscream is revealed to be a "smol" robot the size of a human, despite being the same Starscream the audience is familiar with?

I don't, the only thing I'm trying to hold onto is "I don't fucking know, there is no conclusive proof one way or the other"
If anything, I would go with Pink because of the insignia, but that can just as well mean "belongs to anybody from PDs harem court".

Look closely at those spheres, Those are planets they control.

Pink diamond belonged to earth and she had a moon base. The amount of spears she has are 2. One large one and a small one orbiting it.

Probably mildly surprised, but I would not begin hating a character simply because he's different size than he was before.
I did not start hating Optimus when he turned into a large whatthefuckatron.

I wonder if the size of huge spheres behind their heads means anything.

It's a matter of fact that the bigger the guy, the cooler he is.

They seem to be decorative, I can't really think of a reason to be there.

What I really wonder about is the planets with lines, I thought it meant something like dead planet or something like that, but then I noticed that one of the moons (Starred planet on left hand) haves a line also.
And those two starred planets on Yellows hands, Maybe clusters?

It's likely just a reference to the 'halos' of important characters in paintings. It's to show they're holy, basically Gods.
You see it with Mary, Jesus, etc.

Religious symbolism, halo's represent godlyness
though maybe size represents enlightenment or some shit? Purity? PD has one planet and the biggest halo, so it's not reach. On top of that, I noticed that PD is the only one without a dress shape, rather her legs are not connected, and are spread and branched out, as though ascending to a new plane, maybe representing rebellion of some sort? Maybe it's like the pillar men carving, where the horns represented status, with kars having the most and largest horns and santana having the least and smallest.

So the diamonds really are fuckhueg.

They seem to be big, but not that big. I think the scale is the mural's size.

…planets that have rings around them?

Yeah, makes sense.

I dunno, quadsman. They really do seem to equate power with size, and if the Diamonds are the supreme pinnacle of Gem-kind, then they are likely colossal.

yellow diamond confirmed for 1.3333x satan

You're fucking stupid.

Size doesn't matter. Let me give another example. You have a scientist Decepticon. He's smart but he starts off quiet. We get to know him and realize that he's boastful but does creative scientific shit with his body parts and he's the size of an average Autobot, slightly taller than Cliffjumper. Then all of a sudden it's revealed he's the size of a human. You'd think they would have him be boastful but act like a young adult getting dealt with a weird situation but no. Now he's a kid appeal character who only appear as a joke or when they need someone to act tsundere when he's called cute and expect us to forget all the development he had with his scientist personality before.

Hey, maybe Yellow Pearl was just another overcooked runt.
Or maybe… I'm fucking stupid.

Even in that clip, she looks about 4-5 times taller than that Pearl and she may be further back than the limited view implies. In the official art, she's shown to have especially long legs.

Give up, Dio. I have the power of MSPaint on my side.

You know those things are not little garnets, they are injectors, you know those things in kindergarten that are fucking huge
No matter how off model she was, Yellow Pearl was at least the size of her boots.

They've said before that literally the only thing they do is make sure they keep the relative sizes of the characters

The Pearl moves aside because she almost steps right on her when getting up, you numbnuts. She's close enough that she was able to reach over and grab the crystal that was projecting the video from her.
Is the concept art that picture on the left you're showing? Because she's got the exact same proportions there as she does in 2:49 of the video.

Stop being a fucking dumbass.

Then they have failed miserably.

user you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about

What they use for Scale, are injectors. Yellow Diamond in no way is the size of her mural image.

So you wanna explain why Blue Diamond seems to have the exact same size relative to her own Pearl?

Or you wanna silently admit that that was a size reference for the fucking mural, considering it exactly fits the size ratio of the mural and Garnet when shown in the show?

The picture shown here uses a garnet for scale, and if you think otherwise, you're fucking retarded

In the few frames that occurs, the whole fucking thing goes wonky. Her boot shot be on the floor that the Pearl is standing on, but it goes several feet deeper. meaning that, at best, that Pearl comes up to just below her knee, if not less.. which still means she's 4 to 5 times the size of a Pearl, at least.

I'll concede that I was wrong about the perspective, but it's already pretty obvious that the diamonds are fucking huge and, going by the doodle one of the show's artist's posted, the implication seems to be that THEY are taller, otherwise why having a fucking scale reference for murals?

She looks like she'd be about 3 to 4 times taller than that Pearl if she stood up… and yet again, they are inconsistent as fuck when it comes to character scale.


Your complaints are because the artists are inferior animators, but they keep size consistent otherwise when it doesn't get too confusing for them. Other examples of them being inferior include that one episode where Lapis and Peri's hair were 3x bigger than usual.
Also the scale reference for the murals was to help when making the art to keep it consistent.

Kindergarten Kid leaked. It's a laff.

we know

It was mediocre at best.

You can't do Wile E. Coyote style humor if someone is going to try to talk about the roadrunners feelings for half the show, then point out how FUNNY the gags are every time someone takes a pratfall as if it's your que to laugh.


my life is fucking complete

Man this pisses me off.
That actually looks good, I might be a sucker for art deco, but those murals actually make the diamonds look interesting instead of the shit we get with the show's usual art style.

ok, holy shit they're just going to let the rubies float out in space? forever?

Isn't that something like a fate worse than death? to silently float through eternity hoping to not get caught in the gravity of something shitty like a radioactive ball of magma or something?


Lapis flew out to homeworld on tiny wings made of fucking water and she came back within 25 episodes
The crystal moms found steven in deep space in a ship made with technology they don't understand
I'm sure the rubies will be okay

Jesus christ user you need to make sure you spoil that stuff, you could give someone a heart attack

Hey gots a question, am I the only one who thinks the source of gem corruption is radiation.

The source of gem corruption is the diamonds.

I still say gem corruption is basically a computer virus.

It seems indicated that Gems are pretty good at amusing themselves. Gotta while away the millennia somehow.

Once you're out in space most thrusters operate on water and water pressure. Once you build up speed in a frictionless vaccum you only need a very small amount to course correct. That's why a lot of space prospecting now is trying to find water. If you can refuel that outside of earths gravity you can shave literally millions off every launch.

But the rubies have nothing. They have no way to generate force, or course correct. They have no idea where they're going and no plan.

The crystal gems suddenly understanding how to perfectly use the space ship is just bad writing.

Rubies can generate fire, maybe they can be rockets?

And Pearl was able to pilot Peridot's ship through the direct interface. And besides, the goddamn Rubies were able to pilot the spaceship, is it really a stretch that the Crystal Gems could figure it out?

Well Pearl does know how to pilot spaceships, and she did pilot the Handship in season 1 finale for a while.
I'm pretty sure that if the ships can be piloted by gems as dumb as Rubies, it can be easily figured out.

Rubies generate heat, which is a totally different concept.

Pearl also had way more time to figure out those controls. Even if Steven was drifting way slower than max capacity they basically knew everything up to and including tractor beams within the span of a few minutes.

Even then, the Rubies were a team that existed for literally thousands of years. They had way more time to learn the controls.

One of the Rubies was literally born the day before the Earth mission.

I still feel bad for the rubies, they don't deserve to float out in the void alone. it'd be better if they were together or something but alone? drifting away from each other? Even if they were powerful enough to generate thrust, would they be smart enough to?

And lets face it homeworld probably doesn't give a shit about a team of rubies it sent out to a backwater reconnaissance mission in semi-hostile territory

I wasn't ready

none of us are truly ready for the transgemder


It's not like they're in stable orbit. They're doing to enter the atmosphere sooner or later, and given Rubies are all about the fire they can probably survive re-entry. (apparently Garnet can bathe in lava)

Eyeball is pretty hardcore. Gem Big Boss when?

The ruby that steven was with is flying away from earth

Four seasons later.

She was written out harder than Malachite. At BEST she'll appear about thirty episodes from now for one episode then disappear for fifty more.

Probably not outside Earth's gravitational field given they saw human satellites going past.

Doesn't have to be outside the gravitational field to fly away
And they were already headed that way when steven gave her an extra boost

Whenever this show tries to be funny, it sucks and is pathetic.

Good riddance to such worthless "characters", honestly. They need to send more competent fuckers to do this shit.

I think it might be radiation,
The only thing we know is that whatever corrupted the gems is both a light and a song, So waves in a specific arrangement, All Gems make hard light constructs, so it might be something interfering with that.

Or, plot twist, corruption is literally lesbian space aids, and originated when rose quartz fucked a disgusting earth monkey and then went around putting her bodily fluids on other gems, who then spread it to other gems and so on

Nice try, user, but Greg "Murdercock" Universe isn't pozzed.

The man was a touring rockstar during his late teens/early 20's
I would be surprised if lesbian space aids was all he had

Data transmission? Radio and wi-fi are radiation.

reminder that Farscape did road runner way better

It seems weird Steven was worried about Eyeball's well being when she's a gem, shouldn't he have know from his experience with Lapis that gems can breath in space?

I get that his character is meant to be caring but c'mon!

Also I hate the fact that his only response to Garnet telling him that Rose shattered Pink Diamond was "Thank you for telling me" and not "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

Seriously that info would have been helpful during the whole Bismuth drama.

This show's writing just keeps getting lazier and lazier with each episode.

Plus did Eyeball forget that even if she did shatter Steven that there is no way for her to communicate with Homeworld? Because I'm guessing if she did shatter him his bubble would vanish and she'd still be stuck in space.

…what do you mean?
He's never shown worrying about her because of the lack of oxygen. The only time he worries is when she gets her gem cracked.
It's not like they were going to tell him if the Rubies did not spill the beans. They would have probably kept the truth from him until he was 30, which in Steven's case would never happen.
Rubies are not very smart.


So… we won't get more info about Pink diamond for at least 5 seasons?

Also, how many diamond colours are arround? maybe there might be more diamonds than the ones of the order of diamonds.

Jasper's lack of powers might be down to her still following the gempire dogma. Peridot didn't develop her telekinesis until well after she became a crystal gem.

Why is she so perfect?

Why does she look so fugly, like all characters, so that the fucking fanart looks better?!

You are a huge faggot on top of having bad tastes in porn.

Plus did Eyeball forget that even if she did shatter Steven that there is no way for her to communicate with Homeworld? Because I'm guessing if she did shatter him his bubble would vanish and she'd still be stuck in space.

Well seeing as how peridot figured out bubbling just by touching an inactive gem, and just sending it off to where she felt home was, I think that's the least of her worries.

wait, there's something here…

Why does steven's feet look like his damn hands? I hope thats motion blur


Bismuth played homeworldball


I like how the gems just sat behind a rock and watched Steven get the shit mauled out of him by a wild beast twice.

It's not like steven couldn't just spit in his hand a jack off to heal himself.

You know, I think Steven's speech about corrupted gems may be the faggiest thing he's done yet. According to him a group of insane murderous beasts isn't actually insane because people are mean to them and they would all be fine if for some reason you never attacked them(how she was meant to bubble it was never brought up if not that way).

Steven is the kind of faggot who acts like "differently abled" means "there is no difference", like it sounds like he believes that being blind is ok because you always get super hearing.

Lord, I'm imagining Steven meeting the burger king kids club, or any other 90's exclusivity gang. Steven would accidentally say something off-color about the wheelchair kid being able to go faster if he only believed and then the rest of them would beat the shit out of him.

Like, Steven can talk about differently abled and differently intelligent but he's literally never left beach city or seen an actual disabled person in his life. Everyone in Beach City is a middle class hipster with the same fashion sense.

It's even more of the cultural marxism that a previous user was talking about, only this time Steven outright says it: "try to understand your enemies. Try to empathize with them and see the world from their perspective."

The whole point of this show is subversion of western civilization; we are going to send muslims and mexicunts into your countries and destroy you and rape all your wyminz. Now try to empathize with the savages doing this to you.

Jewelerfag here, diamonds come in a fuckton of colors. It's not impossible that there are more homeworld diamonds that we dont know about.


The plot for the inevitable made for TV movie.

why are rubies the best
steven why did you let rubies get harmed

where is the next episode ?

It's already up on your mom's cooch.

The worst part is that Steven could've said anything about tricking animals or using mimicry to catch the corrupted gem. The kid can't stop talking about feelings and perspectives, even when corrupted gems are reduced to their most primal instincts, and are mentally warped by their altered biology. There is a somewhat open possibility of Steven reversing corruption and turning them all back to sentient people, but that'll take a lot of Stevenfluids even during the trial and error period, and it's shown that he only knows how to heal cracked gemstones and temporarily reverse the effects to a degree.

I actually dislike this option, but Bismuth needs to be brought back to balance things out. Bismuth needs to learn to be less antifa SJW about rebelling against Homeworld, while Steven needs to stop being maximum pacifist. The Crystal Gems need to learn to break their mental barrier that is bureaucracy-styled information disclosure.

I think if you're the healer you should go full on paladin but that's just me. Also you're kinda asking for sex fics when your main fucking character can theoretically use his semen to heal people; since his fluids can take on lives of their own I'm not too sure about if his cum wouldn't create some HR Geiger shit.

What, I was just saying that Steven needs to find an economical way to cure and heal gems. It's not like he waves his palms and go "okay, you're healed", or powers up a machine for it. Because he's the only gem with this sort of power, there's little chance he can teach anyone this ability, and the only gems available to teach are Amethyst and Jasper(though that's a really big stretch), assuming that healing powers are exclusive to Quartzes in general or just the Quartzes from Earth. It is confirmed that even at their largest, the Crystal Gems relied on Rose's healing to compensate for their lack of numbers. Consuquently, this could also mean that Crystal Gems are more experienced fighters, since one of them would be expected to fight at least two or more Homeworlders and win.

However, I do like /ss/. If the rest of the show was just Steven and Greg going on a sexual romp in space, dicking every gem until the Diamonds decide to leave Earth alone, that'll be great. The only quesiton is who goes to Greg, who goes to Steven, and who goes to both.

Longest time out ever.

I wasn't asking for sex fics, I'm saying the writing walked into the eventuality. Also, why don't they just tap off his blood or saliva or some shit? Like, just put a little bit into jars every now and then and keep it preserved for his life time.
that'd be fun
Instead we have this shit.


Damn son.

Look at this beautiful animation.

Why do Rubies even exist? What possible use would a galactic empire have for soldiers who're waist-high to a human at best and have sub-par mental capacity (I see them as average-INT, low-WIS)?

When your species literally jumps out of the ground fully-formed why reinvent child soldiers?

Actually this raises a bigger question. Are the various gem types artificially designed or did their species evolve that way? Did gems even evolve? They look a hell of a lot like an artificial species to me, since they disobey every rule of biology (not to mention of physics).

I know this is a Steven Universe thread and I could expect shitposting, but there is no excuse to post NTR.

Quartz soldiers probably require much more resources and take longer to grow. Rubies seem like the cheap, expendable cannon fodder who can be made and deployed in no time.
Like, once you harvest all the good resources from a planet and all is left is a dry husk, there is still enough stuff there to make a few thousand rubies.

I see what you mean, though I'd have thought a species suffering from resource scarcity would go for quality over quantity - cannon fodder are for when you have limitless reserves. I like the idea that they'd be made from materials that are otherwise useless much better, that would explain it all at once.

My pet theory on gem-manufacture is that Pearls require especially intensive cultivation despite their purely ornamental function, and that as much as their beauty is what makes them scarce and prized - they're walking vanity projects for the privileged few.

Either the Gems evolved from something else, or were indeed created by a person or another race. I imagine making Rubies is like taking the remaining dough from something else and doing whatever with it. The one other thing is that Homeworld is incapable of mass producing Quartzes and other soldier-type Gems, or they don't know how to make new Gems. The Peridot we know is a newer version of a previous Peridot model, who requires limb enhancers and other technology to compensate for their immediate lack of powers. They do have newer and better technology, but they've yet to show that they've developed better gems or became more efficient with producing more. There's a good chance that they haven't even learned anything about reusable resources because they never need to eat or sleep.

makes logical sense. Even if it's never outright stated in the show, I think we can safely assume that is the case.

What do you mean by "reusable resources"? We have no reason to doubt they use clean/efficient energy sources, since we are never informed that they lack fuel, all we know is that they lack whatever is used for gem-making. And minerals in soil don't regenerate, they are always finite.

Ah shit, I'd forgotten Peridot talks about being a new model. Though that still doesn't make it clear if they're modifying a natural base model to vary the resources needed to produce it (a la Brave New World) or if they can just go into the create-a-Gem minigame and design everything from the base up.

I just assumed that at their tech level gems have near-enough unlimited solar energy or fusion power on tap. They're at the point where matter becomes the limiting factor, not energy.

It's their life cycle (or lack of it) that condemns them to spread like Tyranids. Gems need non-renewable resources to spawn and have indefinite lifespans, so growth necessitates planetcracking.

Why exactly they WANT to expand is a mystery though: just power for power's sake? Does everygem want their own homestead on the frontier? For them population control and resource scarcity are exactly the same issue.



why do humans want to expand?

Because it's a matter of survival.

same for them, then

There was that fountain all the way back in season one. I forgot if it was actually fixed.

They don't have to survive, they are immortal.

Humans don't reproduce by massive communal effort though. We die out if we stop reproducing, so we have an instinct for it which in aggregate has meant our numbers increase. It's mostly an undirected process.

Gems live indefinitely and have to construct giant drills to reproduce (at least on some planets, maybe shit's different on homeworld). They don't even seem to have an instinct that makes them want to do so, more like they're ordered to make more by the Diamonds.

So the question remains: why are the Diamonds commanding that the gems expand and reproduce when they must know that will lead to resource issues?


still no download whats up no leak ?

are you referring to the leak that happened yesterday?

ah didn't know kindergarten kid was ment for today

There must one force we are forgetting, The ultimate force in the universe that forces gems to expand and manifest destiny The Patriarchy

Make sure this gets to Rebecca Sugar.

Both Lion and Rose's Sword are fragments. Why can't Steven summon it just like his shield? Why is it a separate entity?

B-but Satan, they're literally a matriarchy!

This makes way too much sense. Is there anything in this show that isn't a ripoff (oh sorry, 'homage')?

Are you prepared to meet the latest Gem?


Oh boy. How many sheckels do you bet he's weak as shit?

I almost believed you.

But no design could be THIS bad.



yes, I am prepared to meet "wow m8 that's the lamest fake I've seen in weeks"

user! stop making me want stuff that wont happen

Tis the season of smokey quartz, user
Anything is possible

there is a green spot that the artist forgot to fill right under this thing's chin

That design is bad enough to be believable, but I'm gonna have to call fake.

Lemme help you.

I think it's too early to call fake on this. That could be something on the wall for all we know.

Fake and/or gay

Nah, I'd call it more of a mistake if it were real

Have you seen any Matriarchy work in the real world?, It is the only way.

The problem is that mistakes like that do happen, but largely with zero effort, shitty television shows that the team doesn't care about. Of course outside of a dozen or so hipsters at the top the majority of the staff is just underpaid Korean slave workers so I doubt they give a shit at all.

It could be something on the wall, and a bad tangent in the pose. That's believable given how horribly SU is animated. It could be something misdone on the model itself. Lord knows it's ugly as fuck with bad proportions and a neck that doesn't fit the torso, but given how ridiculously off model even regular characters are that isn't surprising. There could be some kind of ridiculous green thing on the back of it's head. Or hell, it could be a plain old one frame error we weren't meant to catch. Even more watched shows on other networks will often have their 2d puppet rigs completely break down on whole shots and the editors won't fix it.

reminder that just a few days ago, we had an episode where Bismuth's pants mysteriously disappear for a few frames
there aren't many serious animation fuckups in SU I mean honest fuckups, not stuff looking like shit on purpose but there are some

She looks better without pants. Very nice.



There is something else that I feel is weird, like the artstyle kinda clashes, I think I have seen that character somewhere else for some reason.

did some Garnet and Rubies.

I'm gonna take a wild guess and say this is an upcoming fusion that Felicia Day will be voicing.

Wait… Felicia Day will voice a Character in SU? Who did the camel suck on to get a role?

Steven deserves nothing less than NTR. He is already a race mixing space Jew. Watching his cry while Connie takes big d from the local rich boy Kevin might almost be worth the hundreds of hours of cultural marxist brainwashing this shitshow has inflicted on children and manchildren.

Thread is kill.

user do you not know who felicia day is
She can just walk up to any mildly "nerdy" crew and get handed a job because of who she is

I thought he meant "who gave Felicia a head to get her on board"

You guys keep talking about gems being cultivated. I'm not sure that's how it works. Actually I know that is not how it works. A guy running a diamond mine can't just decide to convert it to a ruby mine because they have to already be in the ground to dig up. And even if you have a machine in a factory for artificially creating diamonds through intense pressure you are not just going to flip a switch and start pumping out rubies from the same machine with the same ingredients.

You know we're talking about a cartoon about magic alien space rocks, right

I was talking about Camel Sucking on Girlclits to get a role. Apparently either it's the bad Tumblr OC Cleric Gem…. or as a rumor… PD,

As pointed out, that might not necessarily follow the same laws as real gemstones.
It's even possible that the injectors put actual cut rocks back into soil, for them to only "suck out lifeforce" or something like that. All we really know about gem creation is:
I'm not even sure if the hole is made by the game as it digs itself out, or it is made by the kindergartners for the gem to have easy exit.

It might be a bit of both
From jasper's hole, we know that it's at least not a necessarily slow process

how do you know it's not slow?
Or, more specifically - how do you define "slow"?

Jasper popped her hole's cherry so hard it glassed the insides
Unless it's on a literally planetary scale, the only way for it to heat up that much from friction is from speed
So she must have gone from resting to free within a matter of seconds, shooting out of her hole like a cannonball glowing white hot and maintaining the default gem pose the whole way through
This is opposed to amethyst, who just sort of chilled in her hole for weeks, months, or even years

oh, okay I thought you meant that the incubation is the fast process, not emergence.
For all we know, they could be incubating in the ground for hundreds of years before they pop in an instant.

I was referring to the creation of the hole itself, which may or may not be part of the process of emerging, like an embryo shawshanking out of it's egg

It was fixed and it healed Amethyst.

It has never been mentioned again.

If there is not a GIF of this bit yet, someone make one right the fuck now.

Even in the real world pearls are cultivated, not dug up. They're created in the bodies of oysters, if you didn't already know.

And in this show gems are made from something being planted in the ground which then draws in unspecified nutrients to grow and develop, then pops out. That's cultivation, not mining. For all we know you can totally put in a 'Ruby seed' and get Rubies.

The two gems which are from Earth's kindergartens where soldiers were needed are both soldier-types, so that suggests to me a selective process. Or it may be completely random what gem emerges from an injection, we don't know.

Hilarious screenshot from Bubbled here.

Yo, niggas, new episode's a Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner cartoon, but with Steve characters.

Guy who posted these great screencaps here. I made a funny video in addition.

Yep, Thread is definitely kill.


Is this a joke, nigger?

why didn't I see this shit

Restrain yourself, user. Not everything has to be related to Jojo. Don't be like those fags who say EVERYTHING is a stand.

Know Your Fusion


Alternate links:

Google Drive: drive.google.com/open?id=0B44cs8jbL7CFaWtnN1BRS0R5TUU

Vimeo: vimeo.com/178623541

YouTube: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDzcK-2uY2hHbDBq7kFmiKUcLYEN2hxbz

Dailymotion: dailymotion.com/video/x4ohe3n



Fourth pic is alright.

say that again fuck boi

That is a REAL Moon Man song, and a pretty good one. Go look it up.