Where did I go wrong Holla Forums?
You're my last board that can answer this question.
/a/ just doesn't seem open to any new blood.
A mod actually told me to go kill myself!
Where did I go wrong Holla Forums?
You're my last board that can answer this question.
/a/ just doesn't seem open to any new blood.
A mod actually told me to go kill myself!
Other urls found in this thread:
You should.
You first.
Let's get some real answers here. Anyone else been subjected to death threats by /a/?
Have you considered you don't belong here?
I tried to give them a fair shake. I even made an attempt to learn their culture so I would be a nuisance. Instead I get a face full of autism and posters threatening my life. I don't fucking get it.
Maybe you should go back to reddit, tumblr or wherever you came from buddy. I've been here a lot longer than you and decided to try to build bridges to other boards. It's not my fault they're all trying to burn them.
/a/ was my favorite board for almost 10 years on 4chan. /a/ was good again on Holla Forums for almost a whole year.
It's really sad to see it go again. Just post here I won't ban you for any anime-related post no matter if it's a troll, shitpost, or not grammatically correct. Sorry user.
Dragon ball Z
Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans
Hunter X Hunter
Darker Than Black
Stein's Gate
Fairy Tail
Tonari Kaibutsu-kun
go watch boco no pico
cmon someone had to post it
8/a/ was never good. Best /a/ was 420chan /a/. And they deleted that for spamming /woo/ (their biggest board).
I appreciate the sentiment. I was being a little trolling but also sincere in wanting to try it out. But it seems that Thundercats and Pokemon are not anime enough for /a/. Also, regardless of their response to me they really do seem incredibly closed to any outside input whatsoever.
Why do people keep telling me to try that? Google images just shows disturbing pics of prepubescant anime boys. That's really not what I'm looking for.
You got an abbreviated version of that list someone can watch in one lifetime or is it a grab bag to pick any from?
This is more extensive…….. but its preety damn good. I'd grab bag from this.
Watch Dragon Ball Z if you didn't finish it when you were younger. Otherwise watch Hunter X Hunter or Gintama
/a/ are full SJW and the board is being run by a tranny.
You've just described Holla Forums
Dude, I'm not at the Vatican applying to be a bishop. That's a lot to sort through. Seriously.
I'll be honest, I kinda lost interest in Dragon Ball Z when I realized most of the episodes were them standing around talking about fighting, then flying in the air punching and then the bad guy just laughing before the good guy comes up with a secret move that is the most powerful until the next major battle where he has another move that is the most powerful, and then repeating that formula for like ever.
That sucks. I didn't even go into politics before getting banned. I was saving all my Snarf pics for that.
it's no wonder the Jojofags moved to Holla Forums; /a/ is horrible
Its not really sjw but its shitty. Holla Forums is the place for the anons who where too autistic for 4chan and didn't settle elsewhere in the chan sphere. That means?
In a way that's what makes the good parts of this site cool. But don't deny thats why this site has a userbaserbase.
That's why we love them. Honestly, have you seen halfchans Holla Forums these days? I got banned for making a racist remark that I didn't even know what racist.
They seem more like a cult that hates outsiders and is obsessed with purity.
Kids these days.
Yeah, they do seem to have a lot of cucks. Honestly I would peg them for having a lot of SJWs.
Nah dude, you have it a little off. HalfChan Holla Forums got overrun by normies and porn addicts. Those who wanted better came here.
prove it.
No. It's literally SJW and the owner is a transexual SJW faggot.
I love agree with your points but at the same time it dosen't make me really enjoy hanging out on those boards. Like 8 Holla Forums is based in a weird way but its obnoxious to post there. And its not like I;m banned there or anything, its just not a very fun board.
To a certain level you're right. Its just Holla Forumstards don't fit in on 4/b/ anymore we're weird now.
I agree it sucks. But without some sort of sauce I'm not gonna just blame politics for it. Could be wrong, I just know its one of the most hot pocketed boards I've ever seen.
dude are you a cuck? you should browse Holla Forums more and let us buttfucc you.
Dude, I could let you slide with Skull Raping, but Butt Fucking is too gay for Holla Forums.
anime is for degenerate people who are sick in the head
You're like the mirror reverse of the people on saw on /a/.
It was the fact that first: there is a board for requests, it's called >>>/r/ and second, you made a thread blog-posting about how you want to get into Anime. Find a thread you like, go on it, and don't post political shit, write like a faggot, or anything of the sort. Watch any seasonal anime you like, read any light novel you like, read any manga you like. /a/ is filled with discussion on anything 2D and from Japan, with a few exceptions.
You didn't make an attempt, you made a thread and begged for things to be handed to you. Lurk and observe.
/a/ is mainly filled with slightly autistic (more so than average) Holla Forums posters and the less often Holla Forums user who wants to start shit up.
You must completely lack any self awareness. You are a total and complete antisocial autist if you can't see the problem with your post. Anime isn't a religion and /a/ isn't a temple. Chill out a little and just enjoy and explore you hobby. Buttholes weren't meant to be worshipped.
/am/ was right. /a/ is pure cancer. Deal with it.
If you want to shitpost, stay on Holla Forums. If you want to discuss anime and manga, go on /a/.
Endless proxies, if I want to shitpost on /a/ I will. The boards rules still go well past the standards that imageboards do normally and are inconsistently applied.
If I wanted a /a/ with endless rules I'd post on one of the many /a/ spinoffs. And I get the feeling you're new enough that you don't even know what they are.
You posted on /a/.
I get banned often from /a/ for posting my true and personal opinion. If you want discussion stay on Holla Forums.
We know you're the cancerous /a/ mod trying to get us not to leave, faggot.
tranny /a/ faggot mod detected. Mad that Holla Forums is better for anime than /a/ :^)?????
8/a/ was suppose to be the kind of place where theres less crappy rules and less shitty mods. Was i wrong?
Atleast he didn't perma banned you.
What happened to /am/?
The people ITT except every thread to be Holla Forums-tier garbage.
Sir, I do believe you are lost, let me guide you back to your site of origin.
In conclusion 4/a/ mods are better than 8/a/ mods, as they actually allow fun. Something meido fag has no understanding of or he does, but decides to not allow people he opposes to express themselves and have fun. He doesn't care for free speech. Even 4/a/ mods do which is ridiculous in hindsight considering how 8/a/ exodused from 4/a/ from shit moderation. Apparently they escaped 4/a/ because they wanted far more moderation and don't care if it's unfair, as it's their safespace they're protecting.
That's the joke.
At least Holla Forums Holla Forums is not so shit as 4chan Holla Forums
Top list here. I'd go ahead and add Cowboy Bebop.
Uhhh, you didn't bother reading the rules. Breaking the rules means you get banned.
4. Recommendations, source, and other requests should be made on >>>/rec/.
I once made a thread about animes similar to gto, and was banned for shitposting.
I hope you were permab&
U r 🅰 🚭❗
🔪 U'r 🍳
The shit that make us be proud to say
"what doesn't kill you makes you fatter"
I like anime but holy fuck do I avoid all anime centered communities like the plague.
You're better off just going to myanimelist or crunchyroll, picking a genre you like and reading the descriptions for a couple shows before picking one. Most animes are only 12-13 episodes with 20 minute run times so it's not really a huge investment to watch random shows that look interesting.
The true in those elites of "only main and popular" animemes is to be a proud of being cuck
English is not your first language isn't it
nice dubs
you sounds like a troll and a newfag, so that's probably why they did that - also dbz and thundercats are viewed has shit, so the mod thought he was doing a good job keeping up board quality if he scared you off. He probably wanted you to lurk more and see what the nature of the board was so you understood why you were temporarily rejected. Also people on Holla Forums have a way of being more direct, which is why you were told to kill yourself. Good luck
*sound, damnit
even my correction was wrong
Fuck off.
Keep in mind that I'm not speaking against the good moderators who are friendly.
I seem to notice a theme about /a/ and /rec/ that I'm sad to say isn't a recent thing. It's been like this for years, across chans, and it's really getting on my nerves. Even if some here may say there is nothing you can do about it, I rather at least get the word out about what is going on so that others aren't as surprised as I am when you get screwed over at /a/ or /rec/.
keep in mind every thread on /a/ is about discussing or asking or telling others about anime, otherwise there would be no logical point. It's like going on Holla Forums and saying you are not allowed to talk about anything that you want to even though Holla Forums has always been known for mostly free discussion as long as it's legal.
if Holla Forums bans you permanently its probably because you were doing a good job of telling the truth and it didn't go with their agenda. they still manage to get good things done even with all the shills who magically never get banned, considering that the mods themselves are far worse than double agent shills working for both the good and the bad guys.
don't ever trust or even use /n/ or /newsplus/ or anything that shows up on "the latest headlines" up at the top as its a 100% bad guy shill hole. a shill is someone who lies or says things in a certain way to manipulate you and others on the internet.
if you want good news, use /new/ /liberty/ Holla Forums as they aren't assholes and promote freedom and free speech more, even if they don't agree with you.
other cool boards may include (including very underrated boards) /fit/ and /x/
never post on /a/ (anime) because they are a front for some sneaky shit and don't actually care about anime, and all their posts are code words. if you post on /a/ wanting to talk about anime, you just get banned.
I hope this helps.
also /a/ and /rec/ love to ban you for asking for reccomendations or talking about anything, and then tell you to go to /rec/ so you go to /rec/ and /rec/ bans you and tells you to go to /a/ so /a/ bans you and tells you to go to /rec/
hilarious imkampfee rage thread
(most recent)
crazy religion thread imkampfy ban spree
"cat's cradle! cat's cradle!"
this has nothing to do with cat's cradle, and in fact nothing has anything to do with cat's cradle as cat's cradle has nothing to do with anything. check fuckin m8
This. /a/ is pretty much like a marketing scheme. You can't actually criticize and compare similar anime otherwise they'll ban you.
You have to lurk first.
Those are the most close minded delusional fools intent of subversion of everyone else.
You just outed yourself as both a fucktard and a shill.
Nigger, you are seriously in actual coming to fucking Holla Forums to cry about /a/, because they told you to kill yourself. If this isn't b8 just know that if /a/ wants you to die then we want to watch you livestream you poisonous faggot.
Welp, /a/ mods have no sense of humor.
go back to halfchan also what did you expect.
Kill yourself.
Someone got the drunk bitch cap?
Awwwww, why so harsh?
GOT BALLS ? !!!!!!!
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