I have heard some on Holla Forums say that physics has been subverted by the eternal Jew. To what degree is this true?
From a thread we had a few months ago:
Lel, modern kike-physics cosmologists have absolutely no idea what's actually going on in the universe.
an example. According to the standard model, the vela pulsar is a
"neutron star" which is 12 miles in diameter. Pulsars emit flashes of
light, and according to the gravity model the vela pulsar must be
rotating at a rate of 600+ rpm… That's 10 times a second.
is why the "neutron" star was invented… To fit the gravity model, since
the mass simply isn't there to keep it in tact any other way.
course, anybody with two brain cells then asks the question… How are
these densely packed neutrons held together? According to standard
theory itself neutrons do not pack together on their own.
to lab experiments, any lone neutron decays into a proton or electron
within 14 minutes… And two or more neutrons will fly away
But wait… It gets better.
1996 an Italian-Dutch team discovered SAX J1808.4-3658. A neutron star
which flashes every 2.5 thousandths of a second. According to the
standard gravity model, this supposed neutron star (which I believe is 9
miles in diameter) would have to be rotating at a rate of 24,000 rpm.
What do the space kikes do?! Do they admit the standard theory needs to be modified?!
Of course not! They whip out their "theoretical phycisists", and after a few equations voila, "strange matter" is created.
kid you not, now we have "strange matter", also completely
undetectable… But must be whats keeping these neutron stars together
because otherwise Einstein would be wrong and that's simply not
Long story short don't listen to the space kikes.