
I have heard some on Holla Forums say that physics has been subverted by the eternal Jew. To what degree is this true?

From a thread we had a few months ago:


Lel, modern kike-physics cosmologists have absolutely no idea what's actually going on in the universe.

an example. According to the standard model, the vela pulsar is a
"neutron star" which is 12 miles in diameter. Pulsars emit flashes of
light, and according to the gravity model the vela pulsar must be
rotating at a rate of 600+ rpm… That's 10 times a second.

is why the "neutron" star was invented… To fit the gravity model, since
the mass simply isn't there to keep it in tact any other way.

course, anybody with two brain cells then asks the question… How are
these densely packed neutrons held together? According to standard
theory itself neutrons do not pack together on their own.

to lab experiments, any lone neutron decays into a proton or electron
within 14 minutes… And two or more neutrons will fly away

But wait… It gets better.

1996 an Italian-Dutch team discovered SAX J1808.4-3658. A neutron star
which flashes every 2.5 thousandths of a second. According to the
standard gravity model, this supposed neutron star (which I believe is 9
miles in diameter) would have to be rotating at a rate of 24,000 rpm.

What do the space kikes do?! Do they admit the standard theory needs to be modified?!

Of course not! They whip out their "theoretical phycisists", and after a few equations voila, "strange matter" is created.

kid you not, now we have "strange matter", also completely
undetectable… But must be whats keeping these neutron stars together
because otherwise Einstein would be wrong and that's simply not

Long story short don't listen to the space kikes.


Other urls found in this thread:

From the same poster:

I can give you another example… We can talk about Quasar SDSS
J1011+5442 (I think that's it I might be of slightly) which has
mysteriously dimmed 12 years since it's discovery, something which
should be absolutely impossible according to the standard model.

astronomy holds that Quasars (or even units in general, such as
galaxies) operate individually, that they are dependent on supposed
"supermassive black holes" at their center, or nuclear power, or
whatever gravitational anomaly.

The point being that change to a galaxy must come from within a galaxy, and not from some kind of exterior interactions.

It is thought, according to the standard model, that it takes millions of years for a quasar to dim.

However, quasar SDSS J1011+5442's alpha emission has dropped by a factor of 50 in less than 12 years…

In fact the quasar now looks like a normal galaxy.

may have remembered the standard theories explanation for quasars, that
they are highly luminous distant galaxies with high redshift.

on the other hand, upon observing quasars interacting with galaxies
within their observational vicinity, showing them not to be massively
distant, hypothesized that many mature galaxies of a specific type eject
quasar stellar objects.

move away from the parent galaxy, they change mass (brilliance), they
slow down and eventually begin to fall back toward the parent galaxy.

Arp believed that as the quasars age the matter within them begins to condense and form into stars, and/or normal galaxies.

if you believe in the electrical theory of the universe, we may assume
that quasars are indeed discharge ejections from galaxies, but that
mass/brilliance changes because of a change in charge.

That's really all I've got on the matter, you're best off watching Arp's presentation:

From another poster:

buddy the entirety of our modern world operates off of the discoveries
of electrical scientists like Tesla, Steinmetz, Heaviside, Maxwell, and

of whom declare all is impossible without the aether. Which Einstein
just somehow abolished and was then replaced with MUH SPACETIME

The entire grid we live on comes from (white) men studying electromagnetism.

golden age of electrical discovery ended with the introduction of the
"electron" by J.J. Thomson and the abolition of the aether.

gaseous aether is the seat of electrical phenomena through the process
of polarization. This polarization gives rise to induction, which then
gives rise to stored energy.

You can read about Tesla's aether ideas in "Experiments with Alternate Currents of high potential and high frequency".

Point being, Quantum kikery and relativity theory have built absolutely nothing.

do you believe men who's theories have brought nothing but Jewish
hollywood mysticism and $15 billion dollar hadron scams (funded by tax
payers), over the men who built your entire grid?

Can it predict future events? If so it's valid.


Why would you make a post just to announce a sage?

Maybe you should go back to your space negro memes on reddit.

Their 'predictions' are about things that will happen billions of years in the future. Not things that can be proven within our lifetimes.


I believe the thought that Einstein piggybacked the works of white physicists who go uncredited to this day is valid, though I’ve not seen any hard data on the matter.

The thought that the physics model is entirely wrong, however, is probably complete bullshit, as we’ve based our entire civilization upon it being correct (and succeeded in seeing the outcomes we predicted therefrom). The “electric universe” bullshit is taking a 1:1 literalist interpretation of historic writings that were supposed to be either parable or exaggeration.

They are not bare neutrons you fool. They are bound together via the strong force and are thus in a much lower energy state than a single bare neutron.
This changes their wave function such that the probability of spontaneously decaying goes away.


Ofcourse it's all lies. The masses are fooled by satanist with signs (science) and wonders that only they can bring about. The truth of the matter is that all of it is based in theory (hence the name) that only fits in equations and models if tweeked to fit. The ignorant will just say "the scientist said this" to source their stupidity and claim to be superior in intellect whether or not they even understand what these "scientist" say.

There has never been any footage of space travel, a rocket leaving the atmosphere (every rocket curves and dives into the ocean in every video), no footage of astronauts who simply move the camera to see outside, no footage of real sattelites (every footage of space from nasa is amazing cgi that quickly falls apart when you point out that there are no sattellites to be seen)…
I don't know whether space travel is real or not, this is not what i'm saying but clearly this whole space travel claims are beyond bullshit until proven otherwise. Why would they base their entire space programs off lies when they could easily prove it? Because they can't and never will.
Sorry to rain on your parade Holla Forums (those who believe in space travel), but universal truth is not measured mass appeal and it never will be. Doesn't matter how many people believe it, they are living a lie.
It's all part of a bigger picture that is slowly unfolding… Seriously it isn't even that hard to discern truth from lies. All it takes is an individuals willingness to do proper research. Sadly this is non-existant in society today, even with those who are smarter than the average man.

Is user figuring out that physics isn't a science? They're just guessing until they get an equation that fits a model under a given context?

Then that's a law. If it stops fitting they simply make up some bullshit state rule as to why the law doesn't apply. "There's too much green in there goy."

Okay, faggot. Thanks for telling us.

Didn't discover relativity.

He stole it. That's probably why it's wrong constantly.

Stormderp and conservakid stupidty is the reasyn why scientists are mystly intelligent liberal atheists

the letter O exists.

do not give it attention, it feeds on it

O isn't even close to Y how fucking stupid are you?

Great example!




It's summer lads.

Are you fucking retarded. I can't tell if shills flood these threads to make this board look retarded, or if there's actually Holla Forums posters that genuinely disregard science.
How are we supposed to take the white race to the stars to colonize the galaxy and at least live until the last red dwarf burns out if we don't actively look into how the universe works, and how we can use it to advance ourselves?

I still don't get why you post rachel maddow. It's an easy way to automatically filter you.

It doesn’t matter. It’s intl. It’s a paid shill. It’s not here to be taken seriously. It’s here to shitpost and destroy the board, and the mods are complicit in it.

Where did I say anything that was negative of or against space travel of any variety?

Oh wait. I see what (((you're))) on about.

Because it's about topic dilution with D&C as added bonus.

Just filter + report, don't read the post and don't reply.

Please end yourself if you're too stupid to recognize that OP is a shill.

It's a bit of a mixed bag, plenty of reason to both give it credit and be wary of bullshit. Kikes might be able to distort things in their favor, but only above-average-intelligence and higher Whites are able to do the actual number-crunching and connection-making needed to comprehend and label the universe's many moving parts properly.

Just like the day-to-day operation of the alphabet agencies, while kikes run things and do the public gloating, they absolutely need smart and capable Whites to do the actual work, as barely triple-digit-IQ apex nigger/mudslime/designated diversity hires and women who sucked dicks to get in don't have the brains to get the job done. Try putting those monkeys and appliances in front of lab equipment, and watch as they somehow create a miniature black hole just to spray shit and period blood into, with no idea how they did it so that it's basically blind chaos.

If you don't have White men doing the work, you're not getting shit except a fuckton of burnt shekels, which means that there's bound to be some truth in the results as divulged by the Whites responsible for them. However, kikery is present as always, in the form of shitskins/stronk womyn stealing credit and acting as celebrity authorities on the matter, while kikes spin everything way out of proportion to make it sound better and catch the attention of the goyim. Whites who are too disinterested in non-scientific matters to care or too cucked to recognize they're getting jewed do the hard work, and then the apes and parasites all dance in a circle around the results, proclaiming that they discovered this fancy new magic man stuff that they can't comprehend or recreate all by themselves.

Near as I can tell, most of the hard science being done by White men is legitimate, but there's plenty of kikes and good goyim hovering around and stealing credit/acting like they've found the "cure" for cancer for the eleven-thousandth time, as it makes them endless shekels in one form or another.

I see rach is here op must be onto something

from what I can tell, jews can number crunch just fine. It's just that they need the implications of their numbers explained to them. As with the jew that mathematically proved cosmic background radiation but needed it explained to him that that proved the big bang theory. But i dont have citations for that so i dunno

Lorentz, Poincare, (((Minkowski))), Hilbert, Weyl, etc.

I have always wondered about this as well… didn't the Nazis call Einstein the "relativity jew" and eschew his physics, yet they had the best physicists in the world, no?

Well evolution is pretty much Jew magic, just try questioning any evidence like many have and debunked. Aside from that, maybe theoretical stuff is all a big scam, and CERN is just NASA 2.0, where everything is faked and Jews get all the money.

They are also good at economics, so I would say you are right. How do you think they differ from Asians on an intelligence level? Are they both just glorified calculators (japs excluded they have pseudo-creativity)?

The two who won the Nobel in physics were two radio engineers working for Bell Labs in 1965 who built an antenna to detect illegal nuclear explosions by the Russians, but discovered a problem with their readings, a continual interference on those frequencies wherever they pointed the antenna. This 'bug' turned out to be from the remnant background radiation left over from the big bang. 9 months earlier, unknown to the engineers, a physics team at Princeton just down the road had predicted this remnant radiation and were actively developing their own antenna when they got scooped by the Bell Labs engineers. They immediately recognized the source of the radios problem and contacted Bell Labs immediately.

The engineers, not the scientists, were awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery as is tradition (the discoverer, not the theoretician, is awarded the prize).

yes OP, they tell you all this shit in school and then you grow up and read shit on the internet and realize they were teaching you shit the teacher learned in 1960 at her Jew filled liberal college.

School is literally bullshit these days.
disbelieve if you want but many of the advancements weren't done by jews so whatever.

more cunning linguistically (media) and just as good if not better mathematically.

Asians are pretty much not super different from whites. Better at math and straight logic. Lived in Japan for a year. Japanese language (other than written) makes actually more sense than english. Korean writing system is brilliant. Maybe not as batshit imaginative as white races but as you say japan produces some based shit

gotcha. too bad really that they couldn't share it

You don't need to tell me that the culture of the scientific community of physics has changed.

Back in the 40s, physicist were able body men who build the atom bomb.

In the 60s, physicist were able body men who build managed to bring us to the moon.

Today's most famous physicist is a freak of nature in a wheelchair, who has nothing created but a cult following. He will never make other men walk in space, let alone walk for himself.

I don't believe any of the theoretical physics shit of the type that is so promoted on reddit as a religion. Too many people taking things for fact that are about two dozen "discoveries" removed from anything verifiable. Just a tower of constructed bullshit

ehh, it's a tradition that's been around long before Mr. Dynamite was ever born. Cf. Newton and Leibniz re Integral and Differential Calculus.

Newton invented calculus at least 20 years before Leibniz did, but Leibniz published first. So, today we use Leibniz' (admittedly superior) calculus notation regardless of the fact that Newton was far, far the better scientist. In fact the single greatest scientist in history. But Leibniz won the race to the calculus for all intents and purposes even though Newton crossed the finish line 20-25 years earlier–but kept the info to himself.


Do you realize that if it is wrong in any way that it would completely change our view of the universe? It only breaks down at quantum levels, and scientists are trying right now to connect the two.
But that's what science is. Observing, experimenting, finding how things actually work. And that's why it's important to use this to advance.

colonizing the galaxy is a fucking pipe dream, i'd much rather focus on the problems we have on our only and home planet.

All sciences have been compromised, but physics is getting hit the hardest, albeit I have no way to confirm if what OP claims is true unless some hard data comes along.

What I do mean by 'compromised' is in relation to the people working in the field.

Truth of the matter is, there hasn't been any huge advances in physics since the beginning of the 20th century (again, I am unsure if this is due to OP's claims), and as such, the has become stagnant, especially when compared to biology, which makes YUGE advances pretty much every month.

Unable to publish much of anything due to this stagnation, there can only exist two kinds of people who can still publish anything:

On the one hand you have the ultra-autismal intellectuals who are incredibly good at what they do, but so specialized int heir field they are functionally retarded at everything else, including basic social skills. You remember when a group of scientists landed a probe on an asteroid and then the project leader got flayed by feminists? That's the type. They tend to lean hard left out of survival interest but otherwise don't really care.

On the other hand you have the socialites. These are your typical academia intellectual who are smart enough to get up there, but their work isn't interesting or relevant enough to stand on its own merit. So how do they even get jobs? By getting the right connections and toting the liberal narrative. See black science man and Michio Kikeu.

The second group in particular is disastrous for the field, because they essentially turn physics into an old boy's club where your success is ultimately decided by charisma and connections rather than scientific merit. Which wouldn't be a problem in and of itself were it not due to the fact that they are woefully hypocritical about it. You can't claim to be an intellectually honest scientist and shun an academic for having the 'wrong' political opinions. Remember that geneticist who got fucked over by liberals? Now imagine something similar in a field where no actual progress is being made.

i agree, but that doesn't mean there isn't a different way of conceiving of things at the ontological/metaphysical level that would also work, or even work better

It could be the end game of colonization if we can continue to progress. Not attainable in our lifetimes but maybe in the far far future. Maybe the Jews are the great filter for us

Nah its just that the puzzle pieces are getting too small to grasp. we've literally solved physics for most of our earthly needs. quantum is an utter mindfuck that most humans can't grasp and thus has little practical use until the gravity code is cracked

Kaku is japanese bruh

True. In fact God has so ordered the laws of physics and the scale of the universe that we will never even obtain human interstellar travel–much less intergalactic travel.

But sadly, I need to retire for the evening and thus can't go into it now. Suffice to say, the human lifespan (even 5'000 lifespans ehh) is ill-suited to engage in any hopes of human interstellar travel.

I wonder if research into extra dimensions could be that breakthrough that could allow us to be truly enlightened about the universe. I've read that is one of the CERN objectives in their research.
Wouldn't you be able to see through time and space by using and manipulating extra dimensions? Reality is probably more complex than we can comprehend now.

They did sort of attack Heisenberg, before letting off.

From wiki:

sad, but true. Mars maybe. But not for a long long while

He is also a globalist who literally calls nationalists 'terrorists'.

fair. just pointing out he isn't black

Most of the shit that Einstein is famous for was ripped off of goyish physicists.
Theory of relativity? David Hilbert.
Mass-energy equivalence? Olinto De Pretto.
The only real things Einstein did were "orgone energy" research with fellow communist jew and con man Wilhelm Reich, and securing funding for the construction of WMDs for the US to use against Germany. It would be like Neil Degrease Tyson building a space laser for the Chinks because Jim Crow was brought back.

He never said that you dingus.


shit you're right. read that as black science man michio kaku.

somehow, i find it hard to digest.

The speed of light travels at a fixed rate that has been measured countless times with precision

Not to mention it doesn't disprove the idea of a cosmic speed limit. Most famous physicists were "wrong" to a degree. It doesn't mean they were 100% wrong, just that their theories were incomplete. Literally the essence of what makes the scientific method great.

That's why I saved the comment, still don't know what to make of the whole Physics Question in general. I believe there may be some shenanigans going on but I don't have the knowledge to come to any conclusions.

Good point, I forgot about the language and spatial disparity jews have. I think touched on one of their major flaws, and that is inability to unify their ideas. They are the dividers, the reductionists. Aryans are the uniters, always have been, and probably why our understanding is so much more comprehensive.

Also, I wouldn't say they are better than us in any respect really. It really depends on what you define as better. I think, for one, jews just talk. They are sly with words, but it is more manipulation than communication. There is a reason the best writers have always been Aryans. Jews are good at word games, pilpul, or jargon. If you don't believe me listen to jew lawyers speak in court. They manipulate through language, talking a lot, but saying little. It also funny to think that they think God spoke the world into existence.

Why I don't think Jews or Asians are "better" than Aryans at most things is because I think that Aryans produce more statistical outliers, and also better statistical outliers. That is to say, I think that the reason our average IQ is so low is because we have the best, and the worst (like the men vs women IQ distribution). It is funny how this ties in with our innate individuality (look at how much Aryans differ in appearance, and the individualistic attitude that most Aryans harbor to the extent that it is killing our nations, look at the concept of tyranny which didn't exist any any non-Aryan languages).

Asians are somewhat similar, but still very different. They lack an intuitive understanding of the world, I believe.

“To be a master of metaphor,” Aristotle wrote in his Poetics, “is the greatest thing by far. It is the one thing that cannot be learnt from others, and it is also a sign of genius.

I think Asians have some very intelligent (though rare) statistical outliers, and I also think their average is smarter than our average, but I don't think they will ever reach the peaks in which the greatest Aryans have reached. Also, I don't think the Japs are creative, per se, but they do 'innovate'. By this I mean that they create via combination as opposed to more genuine creativity. Go watch some anime, they may have cool ideas, but more so than not it is just an amalgamation of preexisting ideas. They combined them, and that is cool, but not necessarily 'creative' though, if you see where I am coming from.

Can any of you recommend a good documentary debunking Einstein's claims?

It is wrong you dingus. Keep drinking the kosher kool-aid

shenanigans yes but not outright bullshit like some of these "redpilled' morons would like to believe

From what I understand anything with mass can't travel the speed of light or faster. Massless particles travel at the speed of light. But space itself can travel faster than light, and it is right now actually

not a physics literate here, so -
what are photons made up of?
what are those "sub-photon" particles made up of then?
how low can we go?

if photons are made up of, say 2 or 3 "sub-photon-particles" [ replace with the correct term], what if, an individual "sub-photon-particle" is that much faster than a photon?

just throwing out ideas and looking for something that sticks.
ignore me if i'm being a bit too dunce here.

As someone who loves physics, fuck you op. All of those phenomenon are explained perfectly if you just bothered to fucking read a book or two.

Its well known that we need a "revolution" in physics. Its just common sense that if our maths doesnt fit observations its our maths thats wrong, not observations. Things like quasars are incredibly difficult to envision and deal with as real things as we only ever see them as spikes on graphs or some other representation thats interpreted through our current ways of thinking.

Its not a conspiracy you mong, the truth is space is very hard to interpret and its not like we can check our thinking against anything.

The history of science is full of dead ends and wrong ideas. Thinking itll be different now is just retarded.

A photon is a fundamental particle, meaning that its a part of space occupied by a specific phenomenon (Such as carrying a distinct force). Photons aren't made out of anything other than their properties. There isn't anything there besides the property itself moving around.

Same with Leptons and Quarks, they're just parts of space that when combined, their combined phenomenon causes "Matter", like photons bouncing off of it and electronic repellent force stopping you from passing your hand through it.

can kinda see your point. Japanese are really really good at taking our tech and making it better/smaller/more convenient. You may be right as they definitely had more of a group think mentality. I dunno. I met some pretty fucking based ones and some pretty stupid ones. I think culturally they tend to ignore the outliers. "the hammer that sticks out gets nailed down". Kinda sad but it has also helped their civ survive for fucking forever

Photons can't be broken down any further. They are like a particle and a wave at the same time.

I find this channel to be excellent when it talks about science and pure fact. But in social issues it's pozzed. This video is good if you want to know about the nature of light and photons

"the nail that sticks out gets hammered down"

Plz forgive me I've been drinking

All of these people who are discouraging questioning this stuff need to read The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.

If the current theories are correct, which I highly doubt, we do not understand ~96% of the matter and energy in our universe. We have to use ad hoc solutions like dark matter to explain galactic rotation rates and dark energy to explain expansion. Basically we can't see what's causing these things, so we assume the theory is correct and look for evidence. At this point it's wise to be skeptical of the current theories in my opinion.

you're not a real physicist, you're a pop-science reader

okay, thanks.

but i thought the string theory was all about how leptons, quarks, muons, guons, etc., themselves were made up of strings of energy?

i think i need someone to point me to a "Sub-atomic particles 101" webpage. or at least give me a tl;dr. thanks in advance.

i just feel, with our advancing science, we'll someday find that even the quarks, muons, gluons, etc., are made up of even smaller particles that can exist independently.

I'm never gonna believe we've discovered the smallest possible particle ever.

I was gonna refute your nonsense but there is no point, you're too far gone.

Indeed, but many of the theories have been proven correct to at least some degree. And those are the ones taught. The ones you are talking about are what qualified physicists work on. And most of the truly dedicated don't take them at face value. It's just at this point we are beyond our capability to observe and report, except with pure math. So yea they are, at this point, looking for proof of mathematical theories. It's kinda a bottleneck that im not sure our species is capable of surpassing at this point

Kek, didn't even notice.

You said you spent some time in Asia. I was wondering if you have any insights on this.

These two pictures, I took in one of those clickbait videos from youtube (a koreaboo friend linked me). Anyways, the video was by Koreans, with only Koreans, presumably in Korea, not a thing was side about the West, or Western people, until this.

What do you make of it? I am really curious what Asian people attribute the West's success to.


Science can be criticized only with more science. Sophistry and poor understanding of physics is not an argument.

Sure, there are many phenomena that can't be (easily) explained by our theories, but that doesn't invalidate our knowledge.

If jewish theory is wrong, you should be able to prove that it is wrong. By showing errors in math apparatus, for example.

I'll admit I don't grasp quantum, but I honestly also really doubt it (and that includes computing)

I have a better channel,

This guy doesn't dumb stuff down enough to annoy anyone in physics, nor is his stuff too complicated for a retard. Just don't watch his early stuff, it makes me want to kill myself

and you're a pseudointellectual who hasn't participated in physics in his life, so he attempts to disprove fucking basic things that our standard models already explain, then says "FUCK I'M SO SMART LOOK AT ME I ASK QUESTIONS"

Perhaps you should understand the information instead of saying 'its wrong and you just don't want us to question it man'. Fucking hell man.

Most scientists don't really care about string theory because there's no proof to back it up, its just mathematics that are really pretty. As far as I know (Which is actually from pop sci articles), all of the fundamental particles (In this picture) are created by strings that stretch out and such.

As for a web page, just look up some videos on it, not pop sci but just from a college lecturer. Here is an AMAZING ONE that helped me understand physics quite well, especially the uncertainty principal, which everyone had told me "Its just because of quantum physics" rather than explaining why.

Woman is probably just retarded tbh. They also have a slight fetish for blue-eyed roundeyes. But i dunno she may be onto something kek

PBS Spacetime is actually my favorite jewtube channel on physics. I've found that anyone who doesn't have too much physics knowledge gets lost in some of the more complicated videos though

Can tell you that once tha japanese learned of our science, they were very quick to adopt it and take a stance of "eastern tradition, western knowledge". So I think they were more concerned with philosophy than science overall.

But it really was "cultural appropriation" at its most literal.

Also Korea has historically been stuck between china and japan, so their whole historical model was pure survival on a cultural level. They basically suck up to both cultures. And more or less have adopted japanese modern society. I don't think they are as interesting tbh

So with kike subversion into physics, how does this negatively affect it? You can't really push an agenda in mathematics, it's all facts?

Im confused

What the fuck are you guys talking about, we grasp it really well, we don't have any proof of a gravitron (But we have its footprints), like wtf. You know the higgs boson? You know how important that was? We PREDICTED a fucking field existing out of mathematics, we had no clue if the higgs field was real or not until that boson showed up.

Perhaps you'll need some explanation, from a source particle, these force carrying particles called bosons are emitted, instead of "Fields" like magnetic, electric, nuclear and perhaps gravitational, we have extremely small particles literally being created out of nothing (and there is proof of bosons existing) before being destroyed again. These particles transmit force virtually (Like a mirror is a virtual image), then they disappear. Well

the thing is

there was always a SOURCE of this particle being emitted from. Until the higgs field was proven to exist, which means that all around us ALL FUCKING AROUND US there are virtual higgs bosons all around giving us about a percent of our mass (The rest is from a gluon field, idk if that is proven to exist) without a source. They just are there.

Thats huge! And YES we comprehend it, YES we understand it. THERE IS NOT A SINGLE THING HUMANITY HAS EVER HAD BE IMPOSSIBLE TO COMPREHEND (except women kek)

fair enough. I'm not informed enough on the matter either. I do find both relativity and quantum to be really interesting, in a mental masturbation sort of way

my point is we can't watch it happen in real time. We often have to look for indications that something happened. "side effects" if you will

Dunning-Kruger: The thread.

So I need one of a kind (two of a kind maybe?) equipment to even observe these particles? Sorry, I'm not sold.

I mean yeah, there's a lot of shit that's impossible to directly observe, but that's true for a lot of things.
Hell, you can't even observe the well-known neutron directly (because they're, well, neutral) and have to look for recoiling particles that they hit.


That is very interesting, and I have heard similar things about Korea from here before (that they have been appropriating jap culture for a long time, and now are trying to claim cherry blossom trees are from Korea or something).

I am still really curious as to what they attribute the West's success too. Especially with those IQ tests stating that Asians are so smart. Are they typically even aware of those IQ tests over there? If so, why do they think the West did so much, while they did so little?

Also do normies (in Western countries) think anything other than we stole everything from savages?

Agreed, I'm not saying the theories are wrong, just that there's still issues with them, otherwise we would have our complete unified theory already. This is how paradigms work, you stick with the best one until you find enough evidence to move to another. I'm just saying I will never have the hubris to assume our current paradigm is the right one.

The standard model provides an explanation, WIMPs, but I'm saying that MAYBE supersymmetry is wrong which means that the predicted particles don't exist. Sorry if saying "question everything" is for pseuds.

Dark energy I'm personally less familiar with, could you tell me where in the standard model that's predicted. :^)

I don't claim to know much about it, and I hope those who do can explain what issues they've found with the current paradigm.

I'm not sure what your point is, thats how we prove everything. We proved relativity by looking at light after an eclipse, then we proved its other parts by shoving nuclear clocks into a rocket.

You want to see a quantum effect without super expensive equipment? Cool helium gas to about 4 degrees kelvin

You want another one? Put a light bulb against two slits and watch a distinct pattern arise proving that light operates as a wave.

Another? Put a fucking magnet between polarized radiation coming out of uranium and at the end have a sheet of radioactively sensitive material, you will see three glowing dots!

More? Place uranium against a sheet of gold and have radioactively sensitive material all around it, then record where it goes. Almost all should pass through except for a small bit, there is a way (I forgot) with the distance between these bits to determine the radius of the gold atom.



(((Theoretical))) anything is pozzed
jews just can't help making shit up

You're a cunt

I'm aware of the wave experiment. If you are so triggered, go back to your church at reddit. Seriously, if you can't handle a layman with doubts, you fucking belong there.

Are the mathematical models they are using to prove their theories valid, meaning can they predict short term events in this field?

Is there any empirical reason that sets doubt over why these models would not work on long-term range?

If yes and no respectively there's no reason to doubt the theorems validity also observations that question that validity like "universal" constants seemingly not being constants in galaxies far far away, dark matter and dark energy being literally theoretical "fillers" in an observed universe otherwise not making sense with Newtonian physics and clustering of swarms of galaxies making the universe seem much less homogenous than the Big Bang being only 14 billion years old would explain are not exactly censored or ridiculed but you may have a point since they are kinda swept under the rag when it comes to public awareness over them.


The japs were pretty quick to adopt that as a policy.

part of me thinks that euro cultures were just innately more curious about things.

They didn't really do little. They built an economy and civilization (utterly crushing native ethnic groups like the ainu btw) mostly based on philosophy.

yea they know they are better at math and have a better work ethic

Asians born and raised in western cultures are basically whitewashed. Generally better at math but otherwise not different. So no, they buy into leftist rhetoric because as minorities they can gain victimhood points. Even though they have little to complain about and probably piss their parents off to an incredible degree

Dark energy is just a placeholder for shit that we have no fucking clue as to why it does it. We have no idea why the universe is still expanding at a faster rate than before.

Same with dark matter, which gives galaxies super huge pull (and form their distinct shape) even though they shouldn't.

More like go back to a physics class, I'm triggered by the fact that as a layman you're simply telling me to prove to you something that you have no interest in discovering yourself.


thanks for repeating my original post friendo

Unfortunately this, is anyone here an actual physicist and not someone who took a few QM classes?

Apply yourself, Schlomo on a stick.

Learn to ignore obviously false statements.

They're looking for a fundamental particle that can sustain dark matter, because no forms in quarks besides uud are stable, everything else is from high energy stuff that falls apart into various other particles.

There was one discovered a few days ago that's relatively cheap to recreate, though I'm not too learned on it. They think its a good candidate for dark matter



unfortunately, I heard this is true. kike are better at marketing than goyim, apparently

Most of us know of the double slit experiment but this shit has gone so much further than that, where even the phenomenon that prompts the next round of questions is only observable to very special equipment. Let alone the shit supposedly observed that explains it.

Very disappointed with the reddit fucks in this thread. If you think you have enough for us to worship your god you are mistaken. Suck a dick-particle (if it exists)

Also as always, Holla Forums is full of real theoretical physicists and not just wannabe redditors…

No it isn't jesus you guys have me disproving everything, light isn't transferred from matter to matter instantly, or else light wouldn't slow down inside a prism.

Your television is an electron emitter! Everywhere in life you will see electrons transferring their energy into photons, we can detect gluons entering our atmosphere at such high speeds that they don't decay because their time is slower than ours. All of this shit is well known! God.

She's kinda correct except for the Asian/Whites' comparison

You're a fuck. I'm familiar (on a basic level) with tech like the electron guns in CRT TVs. I'm talking about the huge construct of quantum bullshit sold to us today

I think you know the difference. Sell me your god particle

Political discussion is fucking useless if you are scientifically illiterate and do not have a basic grasp of the nature of reality as it is empirically observed. That kind of plebeian attitudes is what handed over the political mainstream to reality ignoring MUHFEELS libshits.

Eh maybe. Most asian women I've met come across as smarter than white women. Then again emotional displays are frowned upon, so maybe they're just taught to not bitch about bullshit instead of being raised as princesses (embed fucks up timestamp).

Also a lot of jap and korean ancestry comes from china's northern latitudes

The same shill posts without the image. It's a tactic to create a false sense of security when this image of an enemy isn't visible.

So does Fingols'.

The higgs can only be detected at CERN, quarks were discovered long before CERN was built and would imply that there is a easy way to prove them (Like cooling Helium to 4 degrees kelvin and watch it ignore gravity). Most of the quarks other than UDC and the Lepton Electron are simply higher energy versions of the previous ones and rapidly decay into the low energy stable ones. Those also can only be seen in CERN.

They also don't matter much because they decay. Besides Gluons, we don't experience them in our every day lives. Most of these things are detected by their spin (A quantum state) which is unique to each particle.

Nonetheless you have to sell a worldview based on observations from literally one-of-a-kind equipment to us laymen. Better get to work!

Muon* besides muons.

What infrastructure would it need to reproduce the experiment with visible to the naked eye scale objects?

truly subpar modding

It would need nanotech to keep entropy from fucking things up, it would have to be made in a vacuum with no gravity…

Oh yeah another experiment proving quantum effects is the Niels Bohr model of the hydrogen atom, which totally explains the hydrogen spectrum.

Present it as a questionable theory/observation. It still is no excuse to not have a basic grasp of the cosmological consensus when you do politics.

One of my first red-pills when I was a still a libshit hippie was Michael Moore having to be explained that plants remove CO2 from the atmosphere and convert it to oxygen through photosynthesis when he was promoting a Ficus as municipal candidate. It stroke me in the wrong way how a so politically active critic of lobbyists (including oil-lobbies) was so ignorant over grade-school level natural sciences.

Visualization and spatial intelligence is certainly a strength. Having the highest IQ in this area is like having the ability to dream while awake. You can control everything and you don't lose the images and scenes you visualize. All of it occurs in a secondary visual buffer.

Good job explaining

Trust me, poster in that image was either a troll (c > c), or lying/ignorant (hurrdurr muh_stem).

The speed of light is a constant for all observers regardless of their velocity or acceleration–even at close to the speed of light.

There are none, if you mean regarding the topic ITT. If you mean his philosophical views &tc, he wrote widely on them, and they have surely been given much critique. Do some research if you're really interested.

As far as the 5 papers of his Miracle Year, and his later work on GR, they have been tested innumerable times over the intervening century, and in a wide variety of ways.

They are rock-solid.

You're right on each point except the last. Atm, the 'opposite' stretches of the universe are traveling away from each other in 3D spacetime at just under the velocity of light.

As the so called Dark Energy (space-energy density) continues to increase the velocity over the millions of years into the future the velocity of the expansion would finally exceed c.

Your points A and B are true, but C isn't quite yet.

Very good point. Any scientist pursuing the truth (and not an agenda) in his research will say much the same. Even well-established so called laws–such as the Law of Gravity–are provisional and subject to change as evidence warrants it. However as time goes on and more and more observations validate an initial hypothesis (especially if they are the result of a wide variety of experiment types) then a scientific theory develops and often becomes the basis of new investigations usually uncovering new facts.

Eventually, when enough of a heritage has developed over a theory–as with Gravitation Theory–it kind of gets a seal of approval and is generally referred to as a law.

At this point in time it's not particularly troubling that we don't have a good explanation for Dark Energy–it's still way too early at this stage. Dark Matter on the other hand already has a number of viable explanations, and various direct observations of some of the particles and effects likely to be responsible. Personally, I'm confident good theories (and observations) will happen for both phenomenon.

But back to the basic point you made. It's healthy in the sciences to remain skeptical to a degree, just don't become too skeptical heh.

You are going full flat Earth here.

Once you bitch about why they did not discarded whole working model when pulsars were discowered, second you bitch why they did modify model to explain new data.

You might be right. I remember reading about how that expansion already passed c a few billion years ago.
Either way space can travel past the speed of light, and my guess to why we haven't found ET life is because we haven't been able to communicate in a way that isn't bound by c, like electromagnetic radiation. Maybe smart ETs use and manipulate space itself because of the speed capabilities

With all due respect to that author–it hasn't yet.

Interesting idea certainly, and one that Kipp Thorne & Co. played around with in the movie Interstellar. Suffice to say I'm quite skeptical of the notion myself.

Even gravity is limited to c, as is the propagation of all other various and sundry information. Frankly, it's fundamental in this creation.

I can only hope we can reach that level of technology if it exists. Or even technology we don't even know could exist.
At this point we can only colonize or galaxy in the timeframe of millions of years. Then eventually the local group coalesces into an elliptical galaxy over billions of years. Right now that's as far as we can get. I want more

I… hate to break it to you user. But we'll never even leave our Solar system much less colonize the galaxy. God really doesn't mean for us to go beyond our local environs in this creation tbh.

I know how hard it would be, but because we have limited time on Earth before if becomes uninhabitable I assume eventually we will try.
I think it comes down to us. If we shed the genetic weight of all inferior races we could have a chance I believe. We never really know where the advances of science and technology will take us.
So because of that I think optimistically in terms of space and the future

Thanks niggermods

the only evidence I have that the science community has a heaping load of bullshit lying around somewhere is that they don't support nuclear energy which would literally bring humanity into a new golden age of energy abundance.

Read a book called _Was Einstein Right?_ by Clifford Will.

Relativity (special and general) is the MOST tested theory out there. And so far, it's always come up correct. It's well-tested because people hate, hate, hate the thought that they can't zip around the fucking galaxy in the Enterprise. It's hated because it takes away the idea of an absolute resting framework and that makes people scurred.

I have a bachelor's in physics so maybe I'm biased, but I knew about the strong nuclear force before I was ten. What kind of science education are these kids getting?!