Is this real if so discuss

Is this real if so discuss.

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Okay, what was she doing?

Serves the dumb bitch right

maybe you should have paid your bills, you stupid bitch

yeah fuck that bitch and her whore daughters

Local Clinton Supporter Claims To Have Voted For Trump So She Can Blame All Her Mistakes On Him



Reading up on her sounds like she bought a triplex on a balloon mortgage. Balloon mortgages typically have you pay very little at first (sometimes you only pay the interest on the loan for the first few years), before "ballooning" up. She lived in one unit and rented out the other two as per primary source of income. The great recession hit at around the same time as her mortgage ballooned. Her two tenants lost their jobs, and she was left without any income and a loan she hadn't paid very much of the principal on. After trying to renegotiate with her bank for a while, they foreclosed.

I'm skipping over a lot of detail here, but that's the jist of it. At the end of the day, this is a woman who made a very bad business decision and lost her shirt.


that has nothign to do with anything except how banking has been for the last few decades


Sounds like Christian logic. Something good happens > God. Something bad happens > Satan or being tested by God.

It's a good thing we have Trump's legendary confirmation bias to even things out.

If I didn't pay rent, I wouldn't have this apartment.

How are people this dumb?

Make America Small Again

I find it pretty damn funny that Trump supporters are now justifying his pick of a Jewish man who was a Goldman Sachs banker, Hollywood producer and George Soros partner as Treasury Sec.
I'm not saying Hillary was better, but be realistic Holla Forumsacks, Trump is not your guy.

It's not real faggot op

I can't wait for the oldfag Trump supporter salt when Paul Ryan slashes social security and privatizes Medicare.



WTF I hate Trump now

WTF I love Obama now

WTF I love Trump now


Honestly, if any of us thinks any politician will keep all of their campaign promises or not be corrupt, we're retarded. All the historical evidence we have shows that they're just going to keep being assholes. Clinton or Trump, Obama or Romney, it's just different flavors of shit.

If you act suprised that your candidate was a corrupt liar, you have a learning disability.


Trump is just a pretty big step in the right direction. Only retards expect(ed) Trump to go on camera, throw up a Nazi salute and recite the 14 words. At this point his 2020 reelection is solid if he can keep most of his promises, namely building a huge wall and deporting the 20-30 million beaners here illegally.

Democrats have been having a civil war for the past 1-2 years between the kill all straight white people faction and the normal working class faction so we'll see if they can pull something together for 2020 but it's pretty doubtful.

The real election to watch is a long time away and will be the one that determines if we keep our gains or lose them, 2024. If Trump doesn't build a wall and deport them all the 2024 election is probably lost because 65-75% of beaners vote Democrat.

er, that's 8-10% of the us population. a declining population means a shrinking economy. a wall will kill the border towns. it won't happen, not with a businessman in the whitehouse. wake up.

So much anger. Angry people have small penises. Trump is the angriest person on Earth, so he obviously has a micro-penis. The angrier you are, the smaller your penis is. This is a proven fact.

I remember around five months ago when all the shills where talking about Trump softening up on the wall and immigration.
Then he gave this speech. He'll soften on some of the dumb click bait type shit like him personally trying to get Hillary imprisoned but he will not soften on one of the core pillars of his campaign.

And anyone that has had to live in an area with a significant beaner population know how caustic these people are to the standard of living.

Used to be able to leave my garage open for 10 minutes without shit being stolen from it, now there's beaners that live on my street. Used to have nice schools, now there's constant beaner fights in between classes and security guards and metal detectors in every hall way.

You're an idiot. First off the Mexican president already said that they're not paying for the wall Trump wants built. So if he wants that wall built, he would have to increase taxes to get it built, which will screw the economy even worse than Obama did, leaving millions of Americans broke because they can't afford to pay for the wall and neither can Mexico, since it's a poor country. Deporting millions of Mexicans back to Mexico will be next to impossible because that would take a lot of man power and tax payer money, something Trump wouldn't be able to foot the bill on and would force him to increase taxes. Calling them "beaners" just proves to liberals that all Trump supporters are racist. You make Trump supporters look bad and Trump certainly doesn't want someone like you making Trump supporters look bad.

Trump confirmed for achieving god status

I am racist, I don't care. I have first hand experience of living in an area with a 30% beaner population long term and they are horrible to live with. They slowly but surely degrade the standard of living for any area they inhabit. Trump could personally call me a faggot to my face and I would still support him provided he tries to keep his core promises.

Mexico will pay for the wall if they are pressured in any meaningful way, they need our business much more than we need theirs.

Deporting 30 million beaners will be quite the undertaking I agree, it will be interesting to see how that gets done. Hitler managed to corral quite a lot of people so it's not impossible. We could probably just enforce stricter rules on housing, getting jobs, paying bills etc and get them to self deport. Finding a way to end birthright citizenship would also cut down on the amount of illegals trying to get in, as difficult as that would be.

look at the figures. there's 270billion exported to mexico, and 320 billion imported from mexico. a defecit of 50 billion for mexico, compared to a gdp of 1300 billion. 320 billion of imports, btw, represents 1000 dollars per annum of goods and services per head of population (pre deportations) missing from the supermarket shelves.

You keep parroting the same propaganda that lost you the election. They didn't work then, they won't work now.

Especially the race card. America sent you a loud and clear message with President Trump. We are sick of you race baiting cunts. But you losers will never learn.

We are racists. Where do you think you are? We got a racist to the white house, quit bitching.

don't make me lose all the food i've eaten today. 2000 poltards on an obscure pedoracist website didn't get anybody elected. all you did was help jim pay the racequeen salaries.

Can't blame him for telling the truth. You are a faggot, after all.

He's not even in office, and he's already backing away from all of his campaign promises. Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it? Well, it'll be a fence, and we'll try to pay for it out of assets seized from cartels. Ban on all Muslims entering the U.S.? Well, no, it's going to be from some terror-prone Muslim countries only, and it will just be "extreme vetting", not a ban. Deport all illegals? Nope, just 2-3 million. Drain the swamp? Nope, Trump is stacking his cabinet with Goldman Sachs execs and crony capitalists.

You've been had, sucker.

No, they won't, and you're a child if you think this is even within the realm of possibility.

There aren't 30 million illegal Hispanics in the U.S. to deport.

Keep on shilling my man

So what has he backed out on exactly?
I know there's the Hillary in prison bullshit, but what else?

What are you gonna do, report me? Trump is president lmaoo

What the fuck user? Is that porn for ants?

You should move "bringing back manufacturing jobs" above [you are now here].
He's not even in yet and he's already got corporations keeping jobs here instead of moving like originally planned.


He has backed away from all of his major campaign promises except the stuff on trade and tariffs. He'll back away from those once someone explains to him that his tariff plans would destroy the American agricultural sector.

Those all look like steps in the right direction to me (except the Goldman Sachs shit).
Or are you one of those idiots that think him not accomplishing everything within his first year in office means he's betrayed everyone?

it's the first lady!

The workers at Ford whose jobs Trump "saved" weren't going to lose their jobs, anyway. Ford was going to move production of a particular model to Mexico, then decided not to, but the workers weren't going to be laid off even if production of that model had moved. They were just going to be transferred to another facility. So Trump didn't save those jobs.

He "saved" fewer jobs at Carrier than he originally claimed, and Carrier has already admitted that most of those jobs which are staying here will be automated in the next few years, so those workers will be losing their jobs anyway. In addition, the state of Indiana basically paid Carrier to keep those jobs here with a massive tax benefit. Indiana will either have to make up the revenue by increasing taxes, or make budget cuts, probably to public schools. Making a bad deal by bribing a single company to save a few hundred jobs that will be going away anyway in the next few years is not a sustainable policy and does not count as bringing manufacturing back to the U.S.

I don't care what the electoral college says; Bill Clinton will always be my first lady.

Who's that?

better a rapist than a pornstar, huh. democracy at its best!


So many angry Trump supporters. I guess it's true what they said about angry people on South Park. LOL Stay angry micro-dicks.

Stay jealous cuck

So what about the BBC myth, then? Niggers are aggressive and short-tempered.


He's not even in office yet you dumb cunt

Kim's tweet > that non-sense you just posted.

Stay angry faggot.

Of course the BBC is a myth, there's too many angry black men, which is why so many of them resort to rape.

Stay stupid ass clown.

I mean it's too bad and she probably got roped in by somebody who knew she'd never be able to afford it, but trump's not even in office yet so it's stupid to blame her and hopefully she learned her lesson

trump isn't blamed for the foreclosure. the contoversy is over him appointing ex-employees of the same bank to govt posts. it's supposed to paint his administration as being composed of kike bankers who not one fuck for you and i give. that may be true, but as points out, this bitch wanted to lever three houses and an income from a bankloan. her advisors were shit and she was greedy. both now take a knock. i'm k with that.


Rothschild never bought out Trump when he went bankrupt.
Ivanka never dated a Rothschild, Stadtmauer or Kushner.
She never converted to orthodox Judaism.
Donald doesn't support Netanyahu.

Sleep tight, bee. You grade A morons. You're getting played by the book.



You are so gullible. Trump is an illuminati puppet you moron.

He's also a step in the right direction for Israel, because don't forget that Donald is "a big fan of Israel," "nobody but Donald Trump will save Israel," and that "We love Israel. We will fight for Israel 100%, 1000%. It will be there forever."



Stay cuck you jew media brainwashed tool.

I wouldn't fuck with any of the Kardashians with their filthy roasties if you paid me.

it's an excuse to hide the fact he's a lightweight

You seem upset. Go drink some bleach. LOL

Back to leddit.

And now a picture where he actually drinks any of those.

yea, people just open cans of beer and hold up champagne glasses for the fun of it, especially if they "NEVER DRANK ALCOHOL"
How about a citation of where he says he doesn't drink?

All this anti-trump stuff just doesn't make sense, it gives people only more of a reason to like him. There isn't any factual argument in their statements or pictures.

I think there is an entity out there who just wants to make anti-trump people look bad.

which examples?


It's the same thing as the poster that was making leftist's look bad.

yea, they're obvious trolls. there are some valid criticisms of trump itt though

Sounds like a conspiracy theory. Care to elaborate?

Or maybe it's a troll who likes getting under people's skins.

But that's not actually happening, there isn't an unsettling truth or something similar being injected with the statements. They just look moronic.

Thanks Oba- Trump

Here's some examples of what is effective to use.

Except it has happened. I think it's the same troll who made a thread about getting banned from Holla Forums for posting those same pics.




Falling for that weak b8



It's okay big boy. Go have some cookies and milk. I'll take care of your mother and "talk" to her while you eat your cookies.

Good luck trying to talk to a 90 year old comatose vegetable

Trump supporters get bootyblasted so easily.


If you aren't anti-science, then do you acknowledge the physical differences between the races such as brain size and skull structure and the differences in intelligence quotient test performance? The physical differences alone prove that the races have evolved separately from one another and when you combine that data from the differences in intelligence quotient test performance and school performance, it becomes clear that the races do not perform the same physically or mentally. If the environment is the causing factor for the different scores and performance, then why is the data and results persistent through every country and civilization? Why is it that in every country the data is always the same, where East-Asians score higher than whites and whites score higher than Africans?

Jewish-American average intelligence quotient level - 113

Asian-American - 106

White-American - 103

Hispanic-American - 89

Black-American - 85

Sub-Saharan African - 70

Australian Aboriginal - 62

Is there a difference in IQ between "White"-American & White-European?

Netanyahu and his cronies won. Again. Poor and middle class America lost, again.

Also the OP story is false.