Significant Holla Forums advancements in the next decade

What cool shit can we expect soon? Hoverboards would be nice, but all attempts so far have been shit.

>VR accessories for fapping

That's pretty much all I can think of. What else can we expect, that'll actually be good?

pic very related, we need to make it happen soon

Other urls found in this thread:

selective weeaboo sterilization aerosols

We have that already, in the form of a brick to the testicles.

On a more serious note, I just remembered RISC-V is a thing. Would be amazing if we can get decent open CPU architectures. Fuck Intel/AMD's botnets


More scamming on patreon and kikestarter for cheap tech shit.

Pretty much the only thing I am excited about after the AMD PSP fiasco is RISC-V and Plasma Phones. Everything else will be locked down corptech.

Hopefully a cure for OP's faggotry

robot waifus

We still need to travel to the window when we empty our piss jugs.

Everybody laugh at the pleb.

I think windows is the superior technology for piss-processing


Why aren't you running on photosynthesis?

impossible without sunlight

Capitalism will produce a bunch of complete bullshit, then collapse.


CPU performance, including tablets and phones will flatline.

Battery density will improve only sub-lineally.

The first terror attack using a drone will take place.

VR will be hijacked from the get-go by DRM shitting monopolies. There will be no indie or golden era this time around.

Any revolutionary potential of electric and self-driving vehicles will be suppressed by state-monopoly capitalism.

The first true AI will be called Pajeet, and will put all software developers out of jobs. All jobs will be bullshit jobs like sharing economy dog groomer.

Quantum computing will amount to nothing, outside niche industrial design.

3D printing will still only be useful for printing plastic chess sets and dildos.

Web censorship will massively increase.

Corporatocratic surveillance will massively increase.

Advertising revenue will continue to plummet, and all journalism world-wide will be controlled by facebook, or the dominant local alternative.

All films will be series of young adult dystopian novel adaptations.

The average website will exceed 100meg

The average weight of an adult will exceed 250kg

Genetic engineering will produce the first human baby able only to eat Monsanto brand soy and corn.

Police will use, then be replaced by robotic turrets.

Redhat will complete the destruction of Linux (There will be no replacement and anyone who tries will disappear).

The sky will be the color of television tuned to a dead channel.


Oh, I forgot to include that both major candidates in the current US election oppose encryption and at least one of them supports censoring the internet and would fuck things up even more if they got their way.

Data-mining and behaviour modification will create a new political paradigm.
We're starting to see this with facebook influencing the normies mood, filtering their information feeds, and using feed-back loops, but this is baby stuff compared to what's coming.

And we'll see posts on the future chans from retards saying "LOL U HAVENT GOT A 10GBPS CONNECTION YET WHAT A POORFAG"
Also the average OS will require 1TB of free disk space.

Most of the world will still not have fiberoptic to the home.

Instead governments will spend billions funding technology which violate fundamental laws of physics, but can run over shitty copper wiring.

Actually, it is expected that most of the world will live in high-density cities, where optic fibre is already installed.
It's in the best interest of governments to give everyone access to a high amount of bandwidth, to ensure maximum datamining.

already happening m8

Wouldn't they push wi-max instead. Maximum video and location tracking for the normie majority.

It will be like batman, but without the moral guidance of Morgan Freeman.

1/10 bad thread.

Home 3D printing is going to revolutionize various consumer products that are normally locked down with planned obsolescence.

E-readers might get better, with better e-ink tech and larger displays for reading comics. Hopefully we get one that respects muh freedums. (And a great amount of storage.)

According to Intels roadmap, 10 nm is going to be the absolute limit for conventional silicon and they're already exploring alternative semiconductor materials like gallium arsenide

Gallium arsenide may also be used to produce more efficient solar panels. So if Intel goes that route the prices of manufacturing solar cells based on them will go down. It may then leverage the costs of producing graphene semiconductors when they become widely available for semiconductor nodes perhaps lower than even 5nm

Tesla is starting to run its Gigafactory for producing batteries, and may begin conducting research into battery efficiency. The price of producing lithium ion cells is expected to lower dramatically as a result.

Electric cars will most likely benefit from recent developments into exotic materials for building like graphene, as well as improved semiconductor processes and R&D put into more efficient batteries, the cost of Tesla Model S/Xs are expected to lower from Lexus LS prices to Honda Civic prices in the next decade as well

Costa Rica recently demonstrated that it was able to completely power itself 100% off of renewable energy, a huge accomplishment and a good demonstration of what is possible even with current generation means of harnessing renewable energy.

Intel Atoms are fucking kicking ass and is basically destroying ARM at everything so we might see the end of that stupid meme architecture thats been a blight on electronics since smartphones became a thing

Competition in the space sector is heating up after SpaceX' recent rather unfortunate rocket failures, which is a good thing, it means we'll see more development in space technology at a rate "unseen since the Apollo era" and regardless, SpaceX has been able to demonstrate its renusable rockets can in fact work, with a little refining the cost of going to space is expected to shrink dramatically in the coming decades as a result


Yeah, that's likely too. After all, Facebook has this free Internet project since a few years ago.

And yet ARM is worse.

One day, probably sooner than we think, this whole bubble most tech business is based on is going to burst.
The cost of hosting non-trivial websites will likely skyrocket when the revenue from ads is too scarce. Imagine the Internet then, as a ruin, full of dead links, with only a few giants being able to continue running.
The post-apocalyptic Internet.

Reality: Lockdown will reach new levels. Amazon ads will spew all over your book.
They'll Jew you on storage. 64mb ROM because everything (including firmware) will be in the cloud.

Any evidence of that claim?

botnet-unencumbered CPUs

A crime-free society.

That's okay, I don't need to go outside.

Hacking will look like this

It does already, retard. Have you not seen any movie ever with a hacking scene?

Does Armatage allow scanning/exploiting other machines from a machine you already hacked? If so you could fork it and make an interface that looks just like that.

I hate it when I hear people use that phrase. The only way to make that happen is with a society where everything is completely legal, which is effectively indistinguishable from anarchy. Anarchy is broken intrinsically because a government will rise from a vacuum.

Sage for political shit and offtopic.

The worst thing with this, it's potentially awesome. It's true that we could optimize our cities way better with such a technology, but instead, it will be used for marketing and big brothering purposes.

You are very naive, it will be used for those potentially awesome things so that people will also accept those big brothering things without any backlash. Just like it happens today.

Goddamnit user.

Are you a chink salesman, user?

user, maybe it works for costa rica, since it's small, but for something like say, the US o' A, that won't work at all
Also, instead of using renewable rockets, send rockets into orbit, not neccesarily into space, just an orbit, and have them be picked up from a low orbit space station.

I think certain technologies which would be considered futuristic today will likely be mass adopted in the first world very soon. For example, the pace at which driverless vehicle technology is advancing, we should see commercial launches of fully autonomous cars within the next five years and mass adoption within the next ten years.

VR is already here but is yet to reach mass adoption. As VR developed and becomes better and cheaper, it's also going to be a technology that is going to become very complacent, kind of how common personal computers and smartphones are today. Likely, we will also see VR being used for many new applications, like military training and learning skills using VR.


Advancements in robotics, especially in factories and advancements in AI software.

Five years? Right now:

literally nothing

burning libraries
burning datacenters
in the name of moon google

Because if it isn't capitalism, it's communism. Right, retard?