OP is clearly a faggot but the thread does evoke some interesting points.
Firstly, when young individuals fail to love their own traditional culture, this is a failure of the parent culture and their parents. We can look at absolutely shit-tier cultures, like africanigger cannibals, and observe that even in these cultures individuals manage to grow up to be proud of their "culture". Therefore, the key factor for feeling pride in one's own culture is not the innate superiority of that culture, but the attitude of parents and society. Obviously cuck, self-hating white parents will raise children obsessed with burritos and flavors of asia. This is an excellent cautionary tale for redpilled parents and future parents: Make sure you instill pride in your children and peers, unless you want them to end up worthless faggots like OP.
Second, the problem is not really enjoying another culture's elements. One may enjoy a kebab or dating sim without denigrating one's own race and culture, much like one may enjoy visiting another country on vacation while still loving their homeland. The real problem begins with logic such as:
If Indians make good dishes, sure, recognize that the Indian nation has produced good cuisine. It's easier for a white cook to just learn how to prepare the same meal, rather than importing otherwise worthless street shitters to your country by the dozen just for the food.
The extreme case of this is of course Islam. When white people become Muslim, they could simply learn the commandments of the Koran and apply them to their own life like non-western Christian do, but instead they become Arab worshippers. They learn Arabic, change their name to a Muslim name, start praying in Arabic (which they barely speak), begin to dress in Arab garb, adopt Muslim beard and hair styles, eat middle eastern dishes, and support Arab countries in all things.
Again, the issue is people who feel no pride in their own people (a result of decades of subversion and white guilt propaganda). This creates a pride vacuum, because every person instinctively wants to feel pride in something and aspire to it. Typically, one's parents and acquaintances will engender this pride, but with modern cucks, the vacuum is instead filled by adopting foreign cultures over one's own.