Vice: Brexit Proves Baby Boomers Should Get Less of a Vote
Vice: Brexit Proves Baby Boomers Should Get Less of a Vote
How many anti-democratic articles by leftists have been published since Brexit?
The day has finally come when I agree, at least in part, with a Vice article. Sure, I might not share their precise conclusions (AFAIK universal manhood and female suffrage were both mistakes), but it's nice that we can all finally have a public conversation on the important matter of who gets told to "shut up and sit down!"
Can someone pls post the picture where trump shows his middle finger and the one where you see nigel as bond and him as duke nukem, I need some new profile pictures to fugg with people and my meme treasure is unfortunately not available atm.
sounds like Holla Forums tbqh fam
What these ignorant little shits think they want is a country (and a world) where they can choose to vote for five different left-wing minority candidates, all with the same proposals and philosophies, and all they'd have to worry about is making sure there are enough fags, Muzzies, women and assorted shitskins in Parliament.
except Holla Forums's right
Don't have a 'finger' one user, not sure I've ever seen it.
I really can't wait to see the day all the boomers are dead. Just so they start complaining about "generation q is ruining our future" or whatever made up generation line is after that.
Why do you faggots insist on posting Vice and opinions from Leftists?
It's only right when the people we're disagreeing with are cucks, kikes, and niggers. So which are you?
Because they're starting to show their true colors.
because it's working hours in Tel Aviv
yeah, and it's a poo-coloured shade of brown
Women shouldn't vote.
Cucks shouldn't vote.
Kikes shouldn't vote.
Shitskins shouldn't vote.
Has the media ever been this blatantly anti-white marxist cancer?
Brexit: when leftists all became antidemocratic free-marketeers
Thanks mate.
"A man that leads his fellow men out of the valley of darkness will find his fate on the path of eternal memes."
- Revelation of happenings, 4:17.
Reported for not even trying.
but morals are relative
relative to the evolutionary pressures of a group's circumstances, that is
Morals can be both objective and relative
There are universal morals. Shitskins, mudslimes and subhumans do not get excused for their bad behavior.
where do those morals come from if not the evolutionary pressures of each individual race's specific circumstances and will to survive?
Fuck I fell for it.
What we're seeing here is the leftists and kikes transitioning from presenting themselves as "fighting the system" (while being power) to being confident enough in their power that they're starting to openly call for persecution of the groups they don't like
answer my question, you fucking faggot. I'm arguing for morals that are objectively determined by evolutionary pressures, not >muh feels.
And until you start killing them and the people maintaining the infrastructure churning them out, that's exactly what they're going to get.
Time is on their side.
This is the correct assessment. They should feel confident, as well. There is no credible threat to their continued existence. They can take two steps back if they have to in an election and simply wait out the "conservatives" [who have largely failed, and will largely always fail, to make the transition to National Socialism] to go back to the television, the ballpark/pitch, and the pub.
White male landowners over the age of 25. That's who should vote.
Everyone else is neither deserving nor capable of such a responsibility.
Owning land has nothing to do with being a responsible voter, dumbshit. The only people who benefit from your stupid fucking idea are realtors.
This retarded meme needs to die already.
Found the kike!
Female voting must be ended. Non-taxpayer voting must be ended.
Nothing is going to end by just asserting it must be ended, though. You do understand that, right? You do understand those you wish to disenfranchise, legitimately I'll grant you, will never relinquish willingly?
Putting forth a well crafted argument or linking a terrific article isn't going to do it. I hope you lifted today.
Wait weren't they going on about how great democracy not long ago? Fucking hypocrites.
not an argument, faggot
morals are relative to each group's individual evolutionary pressures. They are objective, as in they are determined by each group's specific evolutionary pressures and developed to keep that group alive, but they are relative, in that each group has been subject to different evolutionary pressures that resulted in slightly different moral values.
white men over 25 who can pass a drug test and have full time employment
White men over the age of 25 who can pass a drug test, are fully employed, and are debt free.
Don't these hipsters feel at least a little bit strange as they go all-out to defend the interests of transnational corporations?
Working and middle class people gained, the top few percent of income earners are the ones taking the hit.
"Slightly different'
Nah. Niggers are savage apes, this is not a slight difference from civilized whites, this is the difference between the sun and the moon. Gas yourself.
They think young people are liberal since history has moved forward and left the old behind, but we know old people are conservative because they've learned the lessons of age and the young are naive.
There have been much further left-wing groups in the past few hundred years than the current young millennials, and they all saw their utopian dreams blow up and the remaining members of their generations who were successful because they weren't idiotic utopian leftists went on to become conservative old people.
I don't know what to do with this knowledge but I think it's important to recognize. Maybe just use it in propaganda. Old people are smart because they've seen more, that's all there is to it. What young people think is new is not actually new. Nothing in politics has been new since about the industrial revolution.
Sounds depressing. They're puppets and they'll never learn their lesson.
"You stole our future from us"
White children should be holding up this sign, while protesting the EU, tbh.
How does any of this warrant staying in the EU?
If you can't own land I don't trust you to vote, if you simply choose not to that implies you don't have a family and have no investment in the future of your country. Thomas Paine was wrong, Edmund Burke was right.
This one?
Ever heard of the golden rule faggot?
White people shouldn't be able to vote.
I mean ugh it's current year sheeple COME ON!
Leftists haven't really been leftists since like the 1960s. Their entire ideology and guiding motivation can more or less be summed up as "anti-White".
Any time there is a system of mass voting, it will be fatally flawed. The only time voting is honest is when all voters can look each other in the eye from across the table.
No, democracy is an utter failure. Let's return to the old system of kings and noble lords, and when we get tired of a particularly bad one, we kill him and get a new one. It worked just fine for thousands of years before you autists had to come charging in with your "muh votan rahts" nonsense.
Make owning land affordable without paying back a kike for years and I totally agree with that.
Fuck off you Nrx faggot, one of the main problems facing our societies is that elites are unaccountable for the decisions they make - and you want to go ahead and make them more unaccountable?
lmao, who the fuck is "we" in this situation? Because chances are "we" aren't going to be the nobles/rival king that get close enough to do so
As they always have been. A bit of historical study could do you well, user.
The non-"elites".
Wrong. Again, take a quick look at all the rulers that have been killed by their former subjects. If you haven't studied such things already, I'm sure when you get into high school this fall you'll start to.
SJWs: Democracy when it suits us, whatever the fuck else when it doesn't.
You clearly know more about this than I do, so please, go ahead and tell me the number of kings for any country that were killed due to popular discontent, and the number due to civil war against nobles or conflict with rivals.
Most kings/emperors were beloved by their lowest classes, as it was believed that the king/emperor stood on the necks of whatever class was believed to be standing on the peasants necks. The French Jacquerie was directed at nobles with one of the causes being that the peasants involved didn't believe the nobles had done enough to liberate the captured French king
For once I'm with the boomers on this bullshit. The fact that so many young people didn't vote should be the target of vitriol not old people.
All of them
The comments on that article–Facebook comments, yet!–are incredibly based. Some are even Holla Forumsworthy, bringing up issues of IQ and race, etc. I enjoyed reading them.
Boomers voted Remain like the cucks they were. The Greatest Generation voted Leave.
18 yo shouldn't be voting too.
When I was 18 I didn't feel like I knew enough to shoulder the responsability of a vote so I voted blank.
21 was a better limit.
Here's how I would try to fix democracy in France :
Have only one vote per fiscal house (I don't know if you have this concept in the US, basically if you take an apt as a student but still depend on your parents, you remain in the same fiscal house), the oldest man votes and only those who pay taxes can vote (seems more fair to me than only the land-owners). Votes are done on a paper with a pen (it's always been like that in France, when I was a kid I'd go with my father to the opening of the ballots, there are 3 people opening the envelopes and controlling each-other and two writing down the results separately to avoid errors/forgery. The stuff that happened in the USA/Austria etc. couldn't happen in France since people would easily notice it).
to vote you should be
Married families with children should have the vote, since they have an actual stake in society. Having both a marriage and children is the modern variant of this.
that's unfair against men who are dating traps, since traps can't have children of their own and sometimes can't get marriage to men if for some reason they get considered to be men themselves.
3/5ths of a vote, perhaps?
Nigger do you know where the fuck you are?
I love how they feel the same way with trump. What a great year despite the personal bullshit so far!
And young people are gutting the future of their country.
i said it's unfair against the men dating traps, not the traps themselves.
Pick one and only one.
stop being a retarded bully. dating traps is fine and good. we're more feminine and traditional than modern feminist women anyway.
The problem is that Holla Forums has always been anti one person one vote. I have always seen comments like blacks shouldn't vote in white countries, or women shouldn't vote, or people who don't own land. Even libertarians are mostly against it as it's tyranny of the majority. Leftists on the other hand have always been in favor of everybody getting a vote, since they are equalists(or pretend to be). They have always considered that democracy is the most important thing on the planet and must be respected, but when democracy isn't in their favor they lash out against it. It's like that saying: "A liberal is pro free speech until he learns that there are people with other viewpoints".
Oh and >(1)
Enjoy your 40% suicide rate, faggot. You're not a man anymore and no matter what you do, you'll never be a woman. You will die bitter and alone and no-one will come to your funeral.
what's best for society is that i don't try and fail at being a man and instead be a substitute girl for some guy.
yes i know that's the whole point
i know that too ;_;
B-b-but that's exactly why we should have a second referendum dude user. Just because I was too busy smoking weed reading Mein Kampf, doesn't mean I won't do the same next referendum. Plus more immigrants will come and more old people will die so the results will be in my favor just.
I saw this shit coming when i was like, 17. Why are these kids so dumb?
Dumb Leftist line.
Disagreeing doesn't mean shit. You could disagree that the Earth revolves around the sun; all that does is make you a retard.
I fucking hate millenials so much. Millenial shitskins are on a different level entirely.
Can we start banning the Trump marketers who keep derailing every thread?
It's not enough to just shit all over the catalog, no, you have to shit up everyones thread as well.
I regained faith in millennials when i read an article about 'feminists worried; young girls not pursuing careers'.
They're walking out on feminism because they can see the end product, there's still hope.
there's being a sore loser and then there's this shit. i can't wait for when trump wins and the salt gets turned up to 11
Fucking millennials.
Happened here in Scotland mate. Less than 40% of young people turned up to vote yet cry about their future being stolen. They didn't give a fuck.
i'm a millennial girl and i hate feminism and want to be a housewife.
i think most of them don't see the end product of feminism though tbh. they're just too lazy and female to pursue careers.
First thing I thought when I saw the headline. It's the people secluded from reality who like the thought of diversity with low iq baboons.
Swedish media is saying shit along similar lines because of brexit: That referendums shouldn't happen because people voted wrong in britain, that people shouldn't have more influence on the EU, and infact that EU should be protected from the people.
They're calling it "problematic" that people are allowed to have influence on important questions like sovereignty and rights.
That's the chart of the real result of those polls.
Look at them.
Massive abstention is the only thing youth brings.
So saying they're concerned is FUCKING BULLSHIT.
Thank you very much.
If I wanted to derail the thread I would just ask for a picture you twat, tell that your fellow redditors.
That's not the important thing,
The important thing to notice is despite high abstention in the 25-34 too the remain vote is a bit over 33%, like it is in ALL THE OTHER DEMOGRAPHICS.
You can say that the Leave vote over-performed in the 65+ demographic.
You can say the Leave vote under under-performed in the youngest demographic.
That's a fucking lie. It should have been at 33%+ to perform averagely and at 40+ to over performed.
And you can clearly see the trend that the less abstention the more leave vote there are.
Meaning that the massive abstention on the demographic BENEFIT THE REMAIN VOTE.
So if more youth had voted, the reasonable assumption here is to suppose there would have been far more leave votes.
Not far more remain.
So it's not just bullshit it's space kaiju shit.
Stop moving the goal post, you mentally defective nigger. That has literally nothing to do with my argument.
Now now user
The key to true clickbait is to write anti-democratic articles, pro-democractic articles and then "neutral" analysis articles. Cover all bases with editorializing.
So, what, you come here because tumblr is too accepting, and to wrack up oppression points or something?
so in other words. WAHHH waaahh I HATE YOU MOM!!! ;_;
Vice has become some of the most cucked tabloid shit shit being shat out these day.
Nothing they do has any validity at all anymore. It's pure liberal, yellow "journalism".
White men over the age of 25 who can pass a drug test, are fully employed, are debt free, and have a family
Two problems with that.
1. Divorce and government regulated marriage
2. You can't prove that you don't have debt.
i think women shouldn't get the vote, we should close the borders, and multiculturalism was a mistake. do you think i'd be welcome on tumblr?
Well obviously they would lose the right if divorced/broken family. Divorce, if you have children, should be a lot more complicated process anyway/not as easy to do.
I'm pretty sure by debt others meant morgage/credit card which most certainly you can't hide
Just gonna leave it here.
You could have kept it. Nobody cares what some random salty SJW bitch thinks.
All the chart shows is that 18-24 year old are ignorant retards.
Sam Hyde was right.
I am 23 and i don't feel like one.
what is it with all these millennial scum going on about how their future was taken from them? is there actually anything stopping them from getting that job across the channel in the vibrant green utopia of the EU?
Why don't they just go? are they to entitled to apply for a fucking visa?
Barely anyone that age voted - something like 20% of them.
t. 22 year old Brexiteer
The simple solution is that no one should vote, and shitty leaders get fucking killed by a mob of rioters whenever they fuck up. Simple as that.
Weren't the liberals saying that voting IDs are wrong as it makes voting for the old people more difficult?
Implying jewish establishment allows you to vote.
Democracy Spring was meant as an operation to reform democracy (or find/choose an alternative).
but how do you decide if they fucked up?
what if a group of people thought that leader didn't fuck up?
this. people so retarded they get themselves on the front line where dying is just a matter of time, these idiots have a right to vote about the future of a country.
Replace boomers with women and jews
Including steroids, officer?
How about we just go with monarchy. A lot simpler.
I just wish all these globalist bolsheviks would all openly come out and call themselves anti-democratic already, then we'll be on equal footing, and we can start wearing our fascist labels with pride.
I caught that one user, you cheeky bastard.
Sounds about right.
Fuck off marketer, keep to your own goddamn threads, you've flooded the catalog with them so it should be easy to find one.
Not to mention you have to be literally retarded to think that your country will have a bright future when unelected kikes get to run it.
Unelected kikes who secretly try to push TTIP and shit, yeah there's a bright future for you. Enjoy your censorship and GMO cancer.
Fucking kids.
No, absolutely fucking not.
Only two ways to get someone to do something:
1) Convince them.
2) Force them.
Happening is brewing boys, I hope you're ready for it.
ask them how they feel about 3/5th of a vote?
soon your vote will only be 100% counted if youre a gender neutral trans planet kin shitlord destroyers.
straight white males cant vote.
As long as people have guns, that's the only vote they need.
"As long as people have guns, 'and aren't afraid to use them,'…"
We've had to endure much, you and I, but within the week there will be old men running the world.
Old men are the future.
Apparently they really are, because if these shitkids got their way the Brits would find themselves in a Soviet Union 2.0.
I can't even imagine the fucking horrors.
Source on this?
Also when you mean 7% of that 20%, I assume you mean that 7% from that 20%, not 7% of that 20%, right?
I guess it looks "officially damning" if you're a millenial that's terrible with numbers
Well, they won't have to worry about living to 90yrs old.
I hate the entire premise of blaming all of societies problems on the boomers or any particular generation('s).
Now don't get me wrong. It is apparent to me as it is to any of you that the Baby Boomers seriously fucked everything up. But a lot of that hate also stems from the fact that Baby Boomers were also the worst generation of parents ever. So there is a lot of bias.
Also, even though the boomers are just a massive generation of fuck ups it's useless to constantly talk about it because not only does it shift the responsibility away from the new generation of people who are responsible for cleaning up their mess, it is also entirely useless. At least at the levels that it is done at.
Look on the bright side, most boomers won't be able to retire or afford health costs, they'll expect younger generations to care for them, when they start liquidating their assets they won't get anywhere near what they think they're worth, etc. etc.
The boomers are going to suffer massively in the coming years, they may have lived it up fucking everyone up the system for everyone else, but now that same system is going to fuck them over.
It's nothing short of poetic justice.
and the system*
The boomers are still at it though. Turn on the tv and what do you see? Ads for reverse mortgages. "That's right! Take all the equity out of your home and buy a pair of jet skis! Live it up! Who cares about passing assets on to your family, to hell with'em! Fuck even funeral costs, stick your kids with the bill, not like you'll be around to care! Hahaha!"
They fucked the economy, nay, they fucked the COUNTRY, they saw the results, and they still haven't learned. They still don't care. Don't get me wrong, them voting for Brexit is a good thing, but don't defend them. They deserve nothing short of homelessness, maybe with some free healthcare so they get many years out of it.
Nah, when you royally fuck shit up for everyone who comes after you deserve everything you get.
Even now Boomers are engaging in/enjoying inter-generational theft. They're fucking locusts. Brexit was probably the first time they did something good in their lives.
I refuse to see any justice in this.
It was just a generation of effective brainwashing.
I'd much rather see a prosperous nation instead of some petty retribution.
The enthusiasm some people have for the suffering of their adversaries is worrying me.
People need not forget that what matters is winning and not who we drag down with us.
You're wrong you emotional faggot, we will win, and then win again enjoying the leftist and boomer suffering.
The fact is people need to understand there are consequences for their actions. You don't forget who caused this shit, you hang them all as an example for what happens to people are corrupt and put their self-interest above everything and everyone else.
You should probably head back over to leftpol or reddit for a hug, clock's ticking.
No it most definitely is justice, regardless of who wins.
Oh and on-topic; the EU has recently paved the way to funnel off the entire national pension fund of The Netherlands.
Maybe someone should show that to the Brit shit kids and their 'future'.
Then that's an act out of a constructive desire.
I prefer to think of it as flushing the toilet.
Why do these people think that their vote is more important than others?
Do they realise that the only reason universal suffrage was implemented was as a thankyou to the working class men who were drafted into World War 1. It was argued that you could not legitimately draft people to war without giving them a say in the political process.
The vote is essentially a fictional act to represent real world violence. It is a way to resolve political disputes without having to shed blood. In which case, the strength of someones vote should instead rest on their ability to commit violence/engage in warfare.
In which case, women and minorities should have less of a vote.
Lovely personal anecdote about you being a late bloomer, but:
Thaaaat's ageist, you goddamn hypocrites!
There are plenty of white males who disagree with me, but if only white males could vote, all of the polling shows that the right decisions would consistently get made.
Suck a dick, reddit.
Don't forget; it's only 'ageist' when SJWs don't like it.
Also, if I recall, the millennial turnout was only 36% or something. They're to busy smoking weed to vote, then they complain that they lost.
As much as I think Boomers did a FUCK load to essentially cause the mass suicide and destruction of white nations/society, it does make me laugh when a bunch of 18-25 year old college students say shit like "old people shouldn't vote".
It reminds me of something Adam Carolla once said concerning how society makes fun of old people and treats them as if they're second class citizens. Here's a paraphrased version: "Making fun of old people is stupid since, hopefully, you're going to be old one day, right? It's like making fun of Puerto Ricans while knowing that one day you're inevitably going to turn into a Puerto Rican."
It's especially funny/sad when it's the white 18-25 aged ones that spout this stuff - specifically the ones who are actually aware of the demographic predicament (I assume only a relative few are). It's cute to think that when THEY'RE in their elder years amd half of the country are people who just came over from third world shit holes are going to be eager to consider their (white people) wants and needs. Even if you're the biggest cuckold self-hating white person who has adopted three Ethiopians and blames white society if his wife gets raped by "refugees" while she goes out to walk the family dog, at the end of the day you're just going to be seen by most of them as an "evil white boy".
When will these retards learn that it's these Boomers that voted to be part of the EU to begin with.
Define white.
By those standards, Irish, Italians, and Slavs were banned from America's polls two hundred years ago.
Boomers are already in their late 60s and 70s. They're starting to die off. They're not going to suffer like you imagine.
War is simply a more direct, physical form of politics.
ungrateful little shits
Seems like this chart forgot the whole average number of years they have had to inform their decision category.
This guy has the right idea.
This guy has the right idea.
I'll add to that the fact that the left is acting like whiny losers. I knew that we could have lost the Brexit vote, so I mentally prepared myself. I reminded myself that I might lose, so that that I wouldn't have any problems continuing on with my life if we lost.
We fought (on unequal terms, rigged in their favour, I'll point out), they lost. A proper man would accept defeat gracefully, and move on with his life, he wouldn't go around crying like a little baby.
I pressed post by mistake before I finished writing.