'Even babies can be racist'

archive.is/LdXFq- NY Post
archive.is/JSzAn- Daily Mail

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Every fucking nigger must fucking hang.

Anshu Wahi on video:

She is affiliated with the (((Tanenbaum))) Center for Interreligious Understanding

Tanenbaum Center named after Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum



do (((you))) want RWDS? This is how you get RWDS!


When these brainwashed kids grow up, they'll need to be prevented access to sharp objects, or they'll kill themselves for being so brainwashed into hating themselves for the "injustices" of whites against (((People of Color))). I feel bad for them already.

That just means they require rich parents to spend the cash. I'd call the school and tell them unless this were to be stopped, I would be pulling my child from the school and contacting the media.

I'd homeschool with a private tutor or two. No fucking way I'd pay a bunch of yids and shitskins 20 grand a semester to tell my kid that he's evil, and he comes from an evil family and an evil race of people.

The audacity of these fucking assholes.

So many Jewish foundation contributors listed on this link: sourcewatch.org/index.php/Tanenbaum_Center_for_Interreligious_Understanding

Including our dear George Soros and his Open Society Institute

Also these parents can eat shit. If you have the money to put your children in an (((elite))) school you sure as shit have the money to fucking raise them and educate them yourself.


ummmm OP, your links are dead

How does their brainwashing work so well? Back in my day kids didn't give a single fuck about what school or their parents said and often did the complete opposite out of sheer rebelry

separate 'em and make 'em feel different


here's a functional one
>“Ever since Ferguson, the school has been increasing anti-white propaganda in its curriculum,” said a parent who requested anonymity because he has children currently enrolled in the school.

my hands are rubbing

Guacman, is that you?



Remove the - at the end of the addresses

They want kids with a support structure that will keep them from going full degenerate in the light of calling them shit every single day so they can grow up to be little packets of justification for genociding white people.

They are trying to turn these kids into violent criminals with the backing of daddies money leading to new high scores.

Holy shit you are dumb. When was the last time hyphen at the end of an address?

When was the last time you needed to do that for a fucking archived link?

Never, I assume OP is retarded or saved the links to a word document with hyphens before descriptions and forgot to remove the hyphens. That's no reason for other people to be retarded.

They are creating white warriors who will be so vicious, so merciless when the race war finally happens, that even the edgiest Holla Forumsacks will have to avert their eyes in horror as they release their fury.

I for one I will glad to help them feed these anti-whites to the woodchippers.

I don't think there's anything that could make me look away.

The internet does that to people, the great leveler.

The school has a twitter, if you want to bomb it into oblivion, now might be a chance.

Of course, I go and screw up the archive links. My bad.

And the jewtube vid that connects Anshu with Tanenbaum

I had a dream last night where I was butchering jews and niggers with a hacksaw and blood was spurting every as I took off their limbs while they were strapped to a bench screaming. I want to go back to that dream, it was bliss.

14 words.

You're average nigger, I could take or leave, start shooting until they gb2 Apefrica. Now Kikes and and commies, they are an insidious growth on humanity.

ironic that the equal minorities took the message of antiracism, anti prejudice, and turned it into kill whitey. the death of religion and the technological crippling of most culture will see a kind of nightmare future that progressives will happily build


I didn't know I could feel this level of disgust

I went to one of the schools listed in the article from pre-K to 12th grade. 14 years from '95-'09. The school was predominantly Jewish. For all of it's praise of diversity almost everyone for most of my time there was an upper middle class white Jew.

Ask me about my (attempted?) indoctrination I guess?


But only the white ones, right?

if those were my kids all those teachers would be dead. no joke.

Hopefully some of the more enterprising white students use this opportunity to rally their comrades. Nothing like all being segregated all to your lonesome, it'll get them used to talking exclusively with white people, and maybe they can bond over this shared shitty situation.

Correct me if I'm wrong… but don't white people have rules in war about not targeting children?

What could go wrong?

What, like the Geneva Convention? An arbitrary rule we placed upon ourselves? Why would we give a fuck about that when we wake up to the genocide committed on us and seek retribution?


When the day comes, every last one of them will be slaughtered.

Yes, because decency.

It depends. Are you resisting diversity? ZOG will free the shit out of you.

Refusing to put out mousetraps isn't decent, it's idiotic and disgusting.

All they need is a little push. There is a switch there somewhere. They will be taught that their ancestors achievements were something not to be proud of? Ha. This will backfire like crazy if you offer them that thirst for it!

WE are decent. They are not. They have no problem raping our children, stealing our bounty, annexing our land, and destroying our works.

In a world of only us, there will only be decency. We must make a world of only us.

I'm ready.

I hope she's shooting at something. otherwise her trigdisp is shit.

It is funny how they're inadvertently creating people entirely immune to this bullshit (with some causalities to the libtard agenda) and who'll have nothing left but hatred in their heart.

They're going to create the most desensitized carefree mass murders this world has ever known. Not too long ago (10-20 years) people were still talking about deporting the non-whites. Flash forward to today and many people have starting to be converted to the path that it'll need to be nothing short of a complete annihilation of one side or the other.

Yes, goy, you can take them to a public school, you know, the one where your taxes don't go because taxes are thievery

Her linkedin archive.is/qivpE

If you were a good white parent, your children would be homeschooled, to begin with.

Jesus fucking christ burn it all to the ground

I'm reminded of that jewsweek cover that has the headline of Is your baby racist? Also that comic of jew psychologist where the white baby who choose the white doll was deemed racist but the black baby who choose the black doll was not racist. Disgusting. Even infants aren't safe anymore. The leftists might as well admit they are child predators.


user, you need to learn that kids rebelling is not natural. Ever wondered why kids always "rebel" in the direction of degeneracy and delinquency? It's because they are being shown a "correct way" to rebel.

If you honestly believe your generation wasn't brainwashed, then I have some bad news for you…

public schools are useless or worse

private schools are mostly a scam, tricking middle class parents who want to believe the hogwash about the school giving their kid an advantage in life.
in reality its mostly kikes, some victorian architecture and ridiculous fees

Is it "decent" to force our children to live in this hell? To force our sons to get beat up by niggers everyday? To force our daughters to get heckled and wish tied at while walking down the street, and live every day with the fear of rape? Is it decent to sacrifice everything out ancestors have ever built just to have "honor.

Fuck that. Fuck that whole mess. I'd we must be despicable onto allow our children a future they deserve THEN WE WILL BE DESPICABLE. Let us be the ones to commit evil, so our children can have honor.

Well no shit. Racism is a natural occurrence


A lot of other good comments on that page, Benjamin Franklin had some interesting insight into the USA and how it should be run

(((Elite Manhattan School)))

Why should I care about bunch of Kikes kiking themeselves???

Chances are pissed off "white" parents will send their kids to different Jewish school.

Reminder that whites are already a minority in their generation.


There's a quote which I think is from your Redditor show Game of Thrones whichsums up my response - Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters. I'm not about to sacrifice my race for the sake of honour, decency or any other warm hearted hippy feeling you think will stem the rage.


One day the doublethink will die.

this is true, but it isn't evidence that whites are evil. it is just evidence that tribalism is genetic. all babies are racists until their parents teach them that it is 'wrong'.

the geneva convention can suck my dick.

the fact that we more or less follow it when dealing with groups that DON'T follow it makes no sense at all. If they aren't willing to follow a set of rules, why should we?

they kidnap, torture, and execute tourists and reporters. and we aren't even allowed to torture their soldiers? how does that make any sense at all?!

Blowout when?


Western civilization as a continual cultural spectruum existed since at least 700BC when Classical Greece became a thing.


The Khazar milkers on this broad

only whites are intelligent enough being rayciss

This is obscenely evil. We are for all practical purposes dealing with what can be called theological evil, Satan himself.

They're attacking us from all sides and since day one. None of this can be allowed to continue, and you yourself must abandon all notions of fairy play and extending mercy and consideration to the browns, the white liberals and the Jews. They must all perish, and there is not a single one among them too old or too young to be bayoneted.

We tried to be merciful, we tried to be reasonable and we gave this world everything. And this is how they treat us. I say, let them all burn in the deepest hell. There should be no more games and feels - just murdering the shit out of everything that isn't explicitly on our side.

Well, that's exactly what Leftism is. It's anti-white.

Its like they are only capable of talking sideways

I was always spiritual/religious. But this year has changed my outlook on it.. I now KNOW there are gods/demons. What I've yet to decide is if they exist in a metaphysical capacity or exist in the collective unconscious.. Or if the two are mutually exclusive.

Mercy and altruism have left the table.
If children are now fair game, well…


Indeed. Its absolutely required. But it is also the hardest thing to accomplish. The problem is identifying them as a threat. Aside from sociopaths people have a hard time killing something that doesn't need to be killed.

If it isn't going to be food, isn't vermin or an imminent threat most people just won't kill it. The hurdle is showing them to be both vermin and an imminent threat and getting people to believe it. Such would probably take a decade or more of them being an overt problem.

but they are

They have no power if you don't post them, mundanefriend. Learn gematria and numerology.

"We Must Secure The Existence Of Our PEOPLE And A Future For White Children"

"BECAUSE The Beauty Of The White Aryan Woman Must Not Perish From The Earth"

I was merely joking.

However, I noticed that invariably some text passes while other does not. This occured to me on numerous occassions.

Do you have this Javascript code?

Go to [Options] > User JS

Paste this:

var origAlert = window.alert;
window.alert = function(m) {
if (!/The server took too long to submit your post/.test(m)) {
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
$('.submit > input').click();
}, 1000)



Gen-Z is the expression of the most diabolical pee pee poo poo pepe's that shitlords and autists have come up with. Maybe some of those memes should've stayed dreams.

I'll try it out, but this issue rarelly happens unless I start posting about deep or hardcore stuff.

but they are

When will these fucking animals realize that it's literally PART OF FUCKING NATURE TO STICK TO YOUR OWN RACE?

They won't, this generation of non-whites (and whites too) has been feed since childhood with a fabricated, kosher reality. All this disinfo being pounded into their soft and young heads leaves a strong mark.

Like that there meme. Variations on the theme might be good, particularly if they highlight the (((hidden hand))).

of course.. it would take nigger tier iq to not notice that the greatness of the white race runs in your veins.

yup. They are slaves to the money chase. Such fools.

So were we. Look where we are now. If you showed me Holla Forums four years ago I would have balked.

pls nuke jew pork city putin

Do you think the kikes ever regret trying to sell the internet to us goys? Like if they could do it all over, they wouldn't try to make money selling us the internet until they had the proper goy controls installed right?

Also, keep an old PC because the new ones will be so locked down, it will only run "approved OSs" that only run signed, DRM-locked files and log your keystrokes for racism. Try and type nigger and the word gets deleted and you get a warning explaining that the word nigger is racist. Do it enough times and you get reported. It's only a matter of time before they gradually roll this out.

Windows 10, Reddit and Faceberg are the preliminary steps to rolling out this new system.

kill your politicians people, kill them now or fall forever

brave people, we need your help

Kikes already know it's natural, which is exactly why they detest it so thoroughly and openly. Their very religion states that nature is a meany-pants bad goy that doesn't coddle their genetically-defective asses, so therefore it needs to be bulldozed into oblivion and replaced with the jew world order. Kikes as a subspecies are a dying branch on the tree of evolution, and nature doesn't take kindly to necrotic limbs thinking they have the right to stay attached as they putrify, which means they're at perpetual war with it just to continue existing.

The mud races (save for the non-designated north american indians, who at least recognize it's powerful and shouldn't be fucked with unless you're a suicidal retard) share this revulsion toward nature too as a result of their similar status as genetic dead ends, unable to comprehend or work with their environment. Dindus come from a breadbasket of a continent where they never had to adapt, so the moment they enter a harsher natural environment, they're fucked. Mudslimes come from a somewhat-tough desert environment, but that really only poses a threat from an environmental standpoint, unlike more temperate or colder climates which bring out the double-whammy of inhospitable environments and things that'll tear your face off for an easy lunch. Pooloovians, while coming from an overall more-difficult environment than the other muds (which explains why they have something vaguely-resembling culture), never really learned to respect it and instead simply upscaled their pre-civilization behaviors to match better breeding rate and safety measures post-colonization, which had the same effect as releasing rabbits that strip land bare into an environment with no predators.

Meanwhile, whites are smart and savvy enough to not only tough out the shit nature flings at us just fine, but also to shape nature without harming it so as to coexist with it. Nature's slapped us quite a few times with things like the bubonic plague and the ice ages, which we hunkered down and survived by being durable as hell just fine, but at the same time we've also turned parts of nature to our side by studying its intricacies and domesticating numerous plant and animal species. Nature's fucked with us just the same as it's fucked with the other races, but our response was to sit our asses down wherever we damn well please and weather it, then coerce the natural world to lend us a hand as well out of mutual respect, rather than dying off/retreating like the inferiors always have.

We're what the kikes and their pets never were, and never will be: The lone human genus which is properly-adapted to dealing with nature, able to coax it into helping us when it's being pliable, and to have its fury glide off us like water off a raincoat when it isn't being quite so nice. The lesser races are at nature's mercy due to their inability to deal with it, while we have been greatly-successful in outlasting and even taming it to a degree, which is a strong reason for their jealousy towards us. Without the ability to work around nature, their only option they can perceive is to either ignore it and hope it goes away in the case of muds, or try in vain to obliterate it and thereby commit suicide unknowingly as the kikes do.

It's not that they don't realize it. They do, as evidenced in the fact that everyone but whites is allowed to stick to their own kind and have racial pride. Non-whites are just making excuses to justify their extreme systemic racism because it continues to benefit them. Whites that support them in this are the true fucktards.

If shaming and guilting white people is OK with Liberals then what's wrong with stuff like fat and slut shaming?

I don't. First shit they rebel against will be this. It's just human nature.

In the meantime, the progs are pushing so hard they're redpilling well-meaning normie parents–people who vote in elections and vote with their feet and money NOW.

I wonder if the little white girls are given an exception and made to pair up with darkies in the "KOC Affinity Group".


Gives us a moral high ground that can be used to sway public opinion


that's from the Mass Effect 3 protean character DLC no, I didn't pay for it

this is a good post

Honestly I received a pretty good education (albeit for a very high tuition). But I also honestly believe that my graduating class was one of the last to receive such a privilege.

Towards the end of my tenure there the diversity meme was being pushed harder and harder (we also had a "director of diversity"). Whereas the student body used to have a bit of socioeconomic range by the end of my time there you could see the future would be wealthy jews and minority scholarship charity cases. No room for lower upper-middle class that usually produced the brightest students (whether jew or goy). Academics started to take a backseat to athletics and the old guard of "cool" teachers (many of them who had been there since the late 70's-80's) left in an exodus as they retired all the while lamenting what the school used to be.


In terms of indoctrination, it was not over the top. In High School thankfully there wasn't an AP track (a course developed my government kikes) and a level of freedom to pursue your own interests to a degree. My American History teacher was a (genuinely intelligent) black woman who pursued the narrative you would expect but also valued intellectual curiosity. Even if we were focusing on the "muh slavery" aspects of antebellum America I was still allowed to do a research paper on Jacksonian machine politics.

I don't know if the kids still have that freedom and suspect that diversity and multi culti bullshit is being pushed above all else. I feel i may have gotten out by the skin of my teeth.


They do realize that white people aren't retarded, and they will eventually get pissed off enough to retaliate RWDS


Thrasher isn't white, but god the smugness

Not true, the graphs that showed a non-white majority by 2040 depend on non-whites to have the same birth rate they had in 2007 all the way through. we're already 4 million births behind that projection.

Immigration is the only thing driving their population growth, and once the wall goes up its all over.


Are the Jewish kids in the PoC room too?

Jews (at least the ones that matter) would never send their kids to Bank Street. It's a pretty middling NYC private school.

Jews are truly shape shifters, though. They're white when it's convenient and oppressed minorities when it's convenient.


I unironically advocate death for people who poison children like this. I want the parents of children who allow this indoctrination a) castrated b) arrested for child abuse

RAGE bump. This shitskin cunt needs to be destroyed. Parents sending their children to this school found and reported.

You're right
It will take organized violence to stop this

Like other Holla Forumsaks I come here for the rage porn, but a lot of this stuff is just so ridiculous I wonder if they are just trolling now.

parents are spending money on this shit?

Interesting user. Were you a token goy at your school or something

I think they're behind schedule tbh. I remember the 90's clear as day. The media and government really started race baiting at an intense level back then. You had OJ Simpson and Rodney King which sparked a huge racial divide and a blatant media attempt to foster up hatred. They've been trying for so long I feel to get the whites mobilized but we just aren't playing their game so I think they're stepping things up.

Come to think of it the 90's was really when the anti-white hatred really kicked off. Whether it was from separation movements, militias, lone wolf gunmen, etc. It was a huge psyop from the late 80's through the 90's to demonize whites, especially white men.


Its just the Mix of Anglo-Teuton russian and Kike in my blood warring over my subconscious, with the kike sending sitreps every night to his overlord while the others strangle him.

Before the murder I'd really like to see naming the Jew given a try.

These people are so useful to us. Sargon Of Cuckkad even did a segment on this, and he was enraged since it is blatant racism, towards whites. They are waking people up and pushing moderates and leftists further and further to our side.

I agree up to a point but from my observations the Jews are a natural species, in the sense that they are naturally parasitic. They latch onto and leech off of white societies due to our great weakness, out group altruism, a weakness so catastrophic it may kill us. Thanks to the efforts of the Jews the other races have realized this incredible flaw and are now expanding the wound into a gaping chasm that is swallowing up our entire civilization. It remains to be seen if the Jews will achieve the ultimate end of all parasites and destroy the host before dying themselves.



suace pls i wanna fuck that coolie (no babbys tho)

Everyone is scared of nigs, if their natural instincts aren't culled. Non-black babies and dogs know better than to relax around blacks.