should there be a Muslim registry in the USA?
Y/N and why?
ITT we discuss Islam
No - there's no need for that if you do the sensible thing and deport them all.
No. There shouldn't be any Muslims.
Nor any weeaboos.
Touhou isn't anime.
I never said it was… Idunno why you'd bring that up in the first place.
Yes. So we can catch the terrerists
No. Because so-called "terrorists" are a social construction and dependent on one's viewpoint. Furthermore, "terrorists" come from a variety of backgrounds. Three, because the vast majority of people who identify with a religion aren't violent.
True, but…
Yeah, but the vast majority of people who identify as mudslimes ARE. What was the analogy? Something like, you have a bowl of M&Ms, 90% are poisoned. Do you allow them at your party because 10% won't kill you? Yeah, I'm thinking nah.
Only if there's a registry of white, gun-toting, freedumb loving flagfags.
Whether you're talking Hebrew, Christian, or Muslim people have been killing in the name of God for thousands of years. It's not religions fault, it's people. Atheists kill people also.
is it even doable ?
what a shit analogy.
do you know that 99% of rapist are men, by that logic all men should be considered potential rapists
No, making a registry of anyone without a criminal record is against the freedom America once stood for. Same goes for firearms registries.
in the absence of religion people wouldn't kill each other as much as in they do in the world today. No other belief system leads to conflict quite as reliably as religion, yet no other creates so strong a sense of social solidarity either. Religion took us from the trees to the moon as a species. It's time to move on.
Muslims kill people way more than people from other religions.
Underrated post, but we are talking about a religion that kill others that is ok with child abuse.
Found the faggot mudslime.
The weird thing is that Allah was an Aryan. Yeah, you shouldn't eat pork (contains parasites) and you should breed young girls, stone whores, etc, but these desert apes are so lacking intellectually that they have formed superstitions out of our great prophet's words! Not to mention they are all mommy's boys. Suicide bombers usually do it so their mothers will love them. I say, kill your mother.
thing is, whitey nazifags kill more civilian americans than radical islam.
you remember that concept oldfags used to call justice? ha, ha. weren't they old?
Are we forgetting The Crusades, how about The Inquisition? Christianity has a past full of bloodshed and their orders came straight from The Pope. Now a small group from a small sect of Islam does stupid shit and the whole religion is bad? Some Mormons still believe in Celestial Plural Marriage, are all Christians to blame for that?
The Founding Fathers left this nation "to ourselves and our posterity" which means if you aren't an educated Northern European you should get out or expect to be genocided. Italians are cool as long as you aren't too swarthy.
good plan. mine had the temerity to die of her own accord a few years back, so let's do yours. post pics, because you know why.
My mother did the most honorable thing one could do and killed herself. Very smart woman, very troubled.
This is how you fix society: you bring back manhood initiation rituals where you take the boy from their mother then give him a chicken and say "that's your mother, KILL IT" then send him off to die in the desert or get eaten alive by jungle insects, maybe cut him a little bit, chant some mumbo-jumbo then come back as a man.
no, that's very anti-freedom.
If anything, the form of terrorism we need to worry about is self-radicalization, and monitoring every muslim will lead to that more. I think intelligence services are gonna be able to stop another 9/11 or paris, but they won't be able to stop another nice attack or omar mateen. And once we do go that route, there's nothing stopping that from being expanded after a string of mass shootings. They'll just frame it as a mental health issue and say "they're checking for people becoming insane". It'll probably lead to even more internet surveillance. And doing that kind of infringement of freedoms will cause more people in the middle east to radicalize as well.
The fact that this will be expanded to everyone shouldn't be ignored. Also makes a good point.
I think this is more cultural than fundamental to the religion and that it will change eventually.
Most muslims in the u.s. seem more similar culturally to us than wahabbis n the middle east, and they don't currently have the problem of self-isolation that's happening in Europe.
men kill more than women.
by your logic we should make a men registry too.
and you still didn't answer my question here
Men kill because of women. Women have killed more children through abortion than soldiers have died in wars. Teach women to stop throwing their babies in dumpsters.
No, everyone needs to be deported from the USA and Europe.
Devon Tracey is a massive faggot
you mean European needs to be deported from US and non-european from Europe ?
if not you're not being logical or rational and you don't deserve attention
Nope. Just a proud, selfhating white man :^)
It's a great analogy, you just don't understand it. Muslims aren't the M&Ms. Muslims are the poison.
Who is kangaroo guy and why does he always get everything wrong? It's like he's always on the verge of the right answer but then his feelings get in the way of him just saying the alt-right is right.
no. U need to mock the and jail them if they do anything stupid agains the law
There's already a "registry" of all immigrants in the country, I don't see what the problem is with adding an extra column to the table for religion
well, that's an unexpected reply. there's a novel by Martin Amis you might enjoy, called Night Train.
than your analogy is statistically false
this would only be valid if it is self reported.
100% of muslims are muslims. You can't argue against that.
Yes, Muslims are fucking crazy and want to take over the world
you're saying that 100% of muslim will kill you
YouTube is filled with these alt-kike guys who have the avatar as some kind of fucking animal. And if you start doing research, they are either gay or race traitors
i agree, islam is a cancerous shit and should be illegal.
All muslim poison makes civilization sick. The more muslims, the bigger chance that that civilization dies.
Yes, because all Muslims are sleeper terrorists or collaborators. These people don't give a rats ass about America and would rather see all of us adopt Islam and go full Akbar.
If you took every terrorist in the world and dumped them on an island they would split into two groups and go at it until one group is dead. The remaining group would then split in two and so on until there's one left who would then beat himself to death with a stick. Terrorism is fighting wrapped in a belief, doesn't matter much what the belief is. Fighting is all they know.
You racist fucks, just because someone is muslim doesn't mean they're muslim.
Not all muslims are like muslims and steal, rape and kill for religious belief
Instead of a registry we should just deport all of them.
Only accept the women
No because, If they are no muslim, it would set the bar to spiritual superiority much higher.
no, A terrorist is someone who commits acts violence or intimidation for a political aims.
>"terrorists" come from a variety of backgrounds
That's very true and once you look at those numbers you find that close to 98% of terrorist attacks are Muslims and that other 2% is communists.
True, but a while not violent you cannot say a vast majority arent extremists. If you think they need to be violent to hold extremists views you're either disingenuous or or stupid. And from what you posted before im going with the latter.
Name some Christians or Jews that have killed people in the name of their religion in the past 50 years.
You chose your religion you dont chose to be born a man. You fucking retard.
pick something in the last century. Also the crusades were started to stop the invasion of Europe by said Muslims.
Muslim isn't a race.
like legally owning a gun in America isn't a good thing.
how did you learn to use a computer if you're stupid enough to say something like this.
Gender and religion are not the same thing. its not that hard.
In what fucking dimension is this even close to being true?
How many people have the kkk or neo-nazi's killed in the last 50 trucking years?
Even with all that no there shouldn't be a Muslim registry. Its categorically against the idea of Religious freedom, something very core to America.
I do think we should just stop immigration from countries linked to terrorist activities
Muslims are supported and imported by commies.
No because that would mean we haven't gotten rid of them yet
I didn't answer it because I said "No"
The question only needed to be answered if i say "yes"
Im sure if the US government somehow all agreed unanimously and we spent a lot of resources on it, it could be done.
There you go. Your pointless question has been answered. Are you going to give an actual argument now or just keep spamming no one can answer it.
you mean making a muslim registry without going full ethnic bandwagon?
how are they gonna do that ?
"if the US government somehow all agreed unanimously"
read the key words "if" "somehow" and "a;; agreed"
theoretically if they all agreed it was ok. The point of the statement is that they pretty much cant ever achieve that.
Please read what is typed.
you're missing the point.
its not about the US gov ability to deport people.
its about being able to know who's muslim and who isn't
No, for the same reason I don't support a firearm registry.
Let's say the gov't creates a nationwide firearm registry. You must register all of your firearms, with serial numbers, and lots of information about you. Now, Dave Smith, a law-abiding white guy with a firearms collection, goes and registers his firearms collection. He doesn't like it, but he does it. You know who doesn't register his firearms? Tyrone D'Kwanzaa Bignig. Because he's a fucking criminal, and he doesn't give a shit about the law. He's the one who's going to kill someone with his firearms, not Dave Smith. But his "gats" won't be in the registry.
So, let's say the gov't starts a Muslim registry. Who goes to register? All of the law abiding Muslim doctors and schoolteachers and shop owners, most of whom are not ever going to commit a serious crime, let alone become terrorists. Who isn't going to register? Yusuf al-Explodi, the ISIS sympathizer. He doesn't want to be on the registry. Now, Yusuf, by your name, you're obviously a Muslim, and you have to register. Nope, sorry, I'm an Arab Christian. Not Muslim.
So the idea of a "Muslim registry" is asinine as long as terrorists are willing to lie and deceive.
Protip: Terrorists lie and deceive all the time.
nothing in my statement said anything about deporting people. Again, read what is written.
Im saying the US Gov has the surveillance tools at its disposal to be able to find most active Muslims. They just need to allocate things they already have into the creation of a registry.
the question nor my answers before this had anything to do with deportation.
if you look closely at muslim terrorists, there is a patern.
beside being muslim, they're also uneducated and most importantly they all have a criminal past.
I wish I could shoot you in the face faggot
No. Because not all muslims are terrorists and most """"TERRORISTS""" are the government trying to create an enemy. It's Trump being a plant they set up something for the people to attack and now they present a solution. Islam will most likely be the last bastion of hope in the world.
There's already registries of every person in this country. Why is it only bad if there's a list of Muslims when those same Muslims are already on other lists?
It's such a stupid thing to get mad about because none of these people give a shit about the lists full of gun owners or god knows what kind of lists of degenerates the NSA keeps.
beside people give that info willingly on FB.
btw, if such thing existed, don't you think terrorists will find a way to dodge it?.
I have mudslime 2D incest porn
Absolutely, yes.
Islam isn't a race, its a religion and a political faction. Historically it has been the job of government agencies to defend the country against harmful extremist ideologies and Islam is incompatible with the western worlds classical liberal values. For Islam to integrate into western society negative aspects of it must be suppressed. In other words, Muslims must become moderates, and Islam is not a moderate religion.
"People who claim to hate Islam, are themselves projecting their own subconscious desire to expose their own true inner Islamic nature" - Dr. Alyson Havelock (PsyD, LPCC), 'American Psychology Today' (APA, New York NY), Vol. 47, August 23, 2012, p.34.
some people really are retarded AND published. Bright future ahead.
it's a fake quote. Alyson Havelock doesn't exist. how retarded do you have to be to believe posts on Holla Forums without checking the sauce? you are stupid, gullible and arrogant.
This is retarded.
you are thinking every guy named mohamed is an isis terrorist who wants to blow you up.
i'm well aware most mulims are peaceful people relative to isis members. hooligans are always in a minority. but just as when a hooligan gang causes trouble, we ban the club, ditto to muslims. let them put their house in order before we allow them back.
what house in order, 90% or terrorist,radical muslim groups are funded by the cia and mossad.
if any house needs to be put in order it's the united states and israel.
before you cause more havoc in the world clear the zionist vermin out of your government.
dubs confirm
97.6% of statistics are made upon the spot. >moron.
yeah sure there, buddy, CIA/mossad dindu nuffin.