Wonder Woman Spoilers Leaked

From archive.fo/TILc7

Sounds fucking great. Looking forward to seeing it in theaters. Suicide Squad and Batman v Superman were well worth the ticket price, haven't watched Man of Steel yet though.

Fuck dude you need to get a clue

This. And for once, critics' SJWism might be a good thing as I doubt feminists would appreciate critics tanking WW.

dude amazons lmao


Waifu material, this movie is gonna be fucking great.

You can't tell me this movie doesn't look great visually. Look at the composition of these shots.

Listen up samefag, this movie looks fucking weak as shit. Shitty action, forced romance, Female lead, and historical revisionism are a deadly combination of shit.



I bet you hate prequels.

Mediterranean girls are the best, tbh.

Your post just reminded me that Padme was played by an Israeli qt too. Why are Israeli girls so fucking cute?


Superior genetics. What's your excuse, goyim?

insufficient inbreeding and a shortage of sand.



Nah I love prequels in concept actually, one of my favorite story devices. Also love the star wars prequels, but this just looks like shit.

Go home shlomo


So this girl isn't real?

It's an abstract kind of absolute hell

Jewish surfboard.

I'm gonna be honest Holla Forums, I'm a virgin NEET and my ultimate fantasy is to meet a cute Israeli girl and travel around the world with her….

How do I meme this?

Fuck off JIDF, you're on the wrong side of the sea. You count as niggers.

Nice b8, Schlomo.

I'm gonna be honest, If I see you in real life I'm gonna choke you out and drop you off in a classroom so you can fulfill your little fantasy and stop SLIDING MY FUCKING THREAD. Now back on SUBJECT

Where would be the best place to post spoilers for this you think? Reddit? Tumblr? Omegle? Facebook? Where would be the best place to piss off fanboys and fangirls?

1. Go to Israel
2. Pretend to be Moshi
3. Get conscripted into IDF service for not less than 2 years and as long as may be required by the needs of the Federation
4. Meet an Israeli qt3.14
5. Get married and travel the world
6. Have little Moshis who will be raised by their mother to hate you and everything you stand for, you filthy, disgusting goyim.

Have shekels. Many, many shekels. Then the Jewess will show herself to you.

I'm pretty sure Israel does blood tests.

I don't understand.

I have none, no debt either, but I've got basically nothing. I just want to meet a pure Israeli waifu.

Israel is busy enlisting everyone they can get to fight for survival against the lesser sandpeople. You'll be fine.

There are jews in every clasroom you fuckwit

Fuck off you sliding numbnuts I don't give a rats ass about jewish women I wanna shitpost about this shitty movie.

You goddamn kikes already tried the "hey goy look at our women, don't their just below average-ness appeal to you?" like 5 years ago. We expose your world rule and are going to vote in neo-hitlers to evict you from our lands. You using old tricks only makes us want it to happen faster. Fucking leave


We are shitposting about your shitty movie. Captain Kirk has transcended time and space to fuck an Amazon portrayed by a Jewess. My only regret is that this isn't as diverse as Glenn and (((Maggie))).


I want to meet an Israeli girl, not some random 60-year-old Russian/who knows what hag who happens to be Jewish.

it's all about the effects.

But okay back on subject. Are you excited for super german officer who uses mustard gas to give himself super strength? Also Wonderwoman wins with literally one magic energy blast are you……Hyped?

If the israeli's were black, and the egyptians were also black, and if the egyptians enslaved the israeli's, then who's driving the car?

I'm a 6 foot European looking guy with blonde hair and green eyes though, I don't know if Israel would take me.

I don't know man… I find myself asking that alot lately…

Don't worry about it. Just pretend you're Chris Pine on a desert island and memorize Anakin's monologue about how much he hates sandpeople.

a goyim can dream…

I've been preparing my whole life for this. Now how does a Californian NEET find his way to Israel?

I ironically think that girl is 10/10.

presumably an airplane. Go to literally any university campus and sign up for a pilgrimage to Israel.

This thread is making me think, what's some Israeli kino? This is the only movie form Israel I've watched, it was okay.

That's a thing?

It's a thing.

Buy a plane ticket and get a passport. Go to a bar their and pick up some chicks. Or get an online dating profile and set your location to israel.

Isn't that the dating guide for Jenny?

It's a double duty dating strategy. It'll work for anyone who kills sandpeople on the regular, Jenny or IDF PsyOps chicks.

Get a dna test if you even have a drop of chosen blood you get a free ride there

Doesn't your mother need to be Jewish for that?

Not seeing this garbage.

Is she autistic?


I wonder if batman's response to that is "What the fuck?" because that would be my response

It reminds me of an ex I had where I would ask her like a really simple thing and I'd get a full wall of text as a response. Shit is really typical in autistic girls I think.

I'm thinking maybe the yid-chaser is right, this sounds like a good waifu film. Hell, when was the last time a capeshit film made the girl actually desirable from a male point of view?

What about anything that has been said about her character makes her seem waifu material?

The jews must be working overtime for this
Lets forget that everyone used gas, and that Hitler was only a common soldier.

Get dead drunk and give everything you own to a whore, doesn't matter which whore. When you get sober, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between giving your shit to a whore and having a jew girlfriend. Both will take all your shit and leave you.

This sounds personal. You got a story to tell?

All so the kike audience, for whom the movie is really intended to, can masturbate themselves into a stupor at the sight of dead Germans.

The waifu needs to look good for that to work. The skinny kike whore is extremely ugly.

I disagree.


Id let her castrate me, but only if she eats them raw.

someone do the box outline edit thing on her

Just wait a few mins, love who ever does that, or you can close your computer and go to sleep and check the thread in the morning. But you dont need to go and beg for it.

How does Zeus even fits in all of this? It is already hard in the comics and now in DCEU is worse. It could make sense he has some relation to New Genesis or something.

The bigger question is why Zeus isn't raping everything in sight. Zeus was a bigger dick than Ares ever was.

If you goys want to fuck Jewish girls you have to start by getting their numbers. Lucky for you, the Germans tattooed them on their arms.

At least post pics without her padding her bra.

Even hotter.

No story, I thought it was an established fact that jewesses always fuck the goyim over.

not as hot as she deserves to be

Goyim I….

Fucking checked



Moshi is also the yid name for Moses, the OG kike.

I think you mean Moshe

I think you need to have more yid pejoratives.

Did you get your dick cut?

t. Americuck whose parents bought into Kellogg's lies


She got the role for the sole reason she was a jew, prove me wrong. They were more competent actress available and yet, that, is what ((( they))) picked.

The only autists are those who can’t perceive the subtle beauty of the narrative framework that is an homage to 18th century romans par lettres. What happens is the writers are building up a romance arc between WW and Wayne by taking an epistolary approach to telling her story.

You might remember that they had a brief flirt during the party scene in BvS, where she acknowledged that Wayne, unlike most men, sees in her more than just a desirable woman, only to shoot down his advances by telling him that he'd never known a woman like her before and calling him a little boy born with no inclination to share. Now in the beginning of this movie Wayne sends her the original daguerrotype of the wartime photo seen in BvS with an accompanying note that says „I found you”, alluding to his romantic pursuit of her.

She does so because it’s an intimate way of communication as one reveals more about oneself in a monologue than in a dialogue. By sharing(!) the story of her life she is making Wayne a part of it, creating an unsaid bond between her own experience of losing his first love and faith in mankind and Batman’s traumas and the loss of a part of his humanity in BvS.

She doesn’t say yes to Wayne’s proposal in a plain way because she wants him to understand that she joins the league because of him, because she wants to stand by him. WW is a strong, independent woman who does need a man.

Calling it now: PUREST capekino, BESTEST waifu



Here's your (you)


Oh god this part is painful and cringe.


Two lines in and it's already a trainwreck. The actual plot sounds formulaic but servicable, assuming the action, the real reason the majority of the audience watches these flicks, is worth looking at.

It'll probably do okay, definitely not the bubble burster we need.


This is the rarest of posts on Holla Forums – genuinely insightful, cultured, well-reasoned, and appropriately in-depth. No-one else will appreciate it.

Ironically pretending to like shit is functionally the same as liking shit.