The female singer in this song makes me want a gf – especially a frog girlfriend

The female singer in this song makes me want a gf – especially a frog girlfriend.

Anyway, post music

Get on my frog level

Frog level intensifies


Some more frog, coming thru…


here's something you can dance to and also cry to

King frog, reporting for duty


Try not to dance alone to this.

Protip: You definitely can't dance, but you're gonna try

I'm sitting here thinking what do all these have to do with pepe

when was the last time someone used frog to refer to the french

this is my favorite french music person right now, even though he's not singing in french

Link-related is frog as fuck

Not bad, but it would definitely be better if he was singin in frog

based on your post and the fact that your thumbnail said M83, I was sure the song would be this

It's the frog anthem!



It was so fucking good until the rapper started bowl sheet,

You might like a dis…


I dunno, can't really do anything with anything posted itt so far tbh.
It's not bad but seems kinda plain stuff to me.

This song reminds me of every user…

Now i want to play this VN again… it felt so much realer than reality itself

This is bretty weird, man. Is this video game music, or do you just generaly have shitty taste?

Music to a Visual Novel titled "Everlasting Summer" you can play for free.
Good art, engaging story, awesome music. No idea what your problem is besides being a faggot.

It was good until the drums.

Here, you might like this…

needs more swedish music

It's really not bad

m8 after posting such a dinky tune you've got no grounds to call *anyone* a faggot. that shit cannot be played in public lest you be challenged for being a weak cunt

Can you repeat that without your dickslurping background noise?

A little metal for u…


A good post, a smart post

That's how hard you're going at it, mouthpussy.

Still, the only logical reason would be if you were the one gagging on the dick.
I’ve heard it can get pretty cold in the Siberian gulags though, so I assume it is only natural for you and your fellow commies to resort to homosexual activities in order to stay warm.

Relax, enjoy, have fun…


Even as a joke that fails, though I'm not all that surprised, you lot aren't known for your sense of humour…

You're not known for taking anything other than a dicking to your greedy orifices…

Stop pretending to be me, you filthy, degenerate capitalist! As a good communist I would only engage in such acts with Stalin.

Double teaming the bourgeoise bitch boy and make him dress up like one of those Soviet Man lusting BDM whores


Knock it off you bourgeoise fuckboi! You are really starting to piss me off!

It's not gay if you're assessing dominance and put a bitch into its place.
Rape is a legitimate tool of terror.
Trying to get the sissy bourgeoise to play their bitch part and dress them up is a mean to help getting hard, but there's still pills or if that doesn't help metal pipes you can shove down their face in its wideness

I would never say that! Stop it!


Fuck me, that second song, Ou va la chance, is incredible. Gotta sample that harp intro for a techno song