The shilling on Holla Forums the last couple days have been unbearable. We need more mods. I've been on Holla Forums for 2 years go on Holla Forums everyday and have no job. Is there anyway I can apply for a moderator position?
Can I be a Mod?
Nice try schlomo
First you have to be a Freech goon, like our current mods are
Why can't I apply?
Go start your own board, may I suggest
Just look at these threads
This place is literally turning into cuckchan.
Don't let the detractors crush your dreams, OP.
I'll vote for you.
stop bumping this shit thread, if anything it should have been posted in meta, OP posting it here means he's a gloriouswingedfaggot who has already failed by further shitting up the catalog with his faggot thread.
OP is a fucking retarded for posting this shit here.
shit thread, but I agree with you that the shilling is getting the fuck out of hand
t. head mod of Holla Forums
If you want power then you don't deserve to have it OP.
Kill yourself.
Is this Imkamphy?
suck clique dick on irc
What is getting called shilling is just people putting out some lousy arguments which can be countered quickly and then left the rot. There isn't a need to take some bait being handed out left and right.
You nigger LARPer. We're not being shilled, we're being shitposted. The problem is this board is filled with double digit IQ rednecks who bite any bait that is laid out. Nobody could mod the place with these idiots running loose.
Fucking gas yourself Chiam.
Are you high?
user i'm worried about you.
Everybody makes mistakes sometimes but if you are under substance influence right now, please consider looking for help. I think i speak for all of us when i say we love you and worry about you. Please seek help.
It has been that way since the second exodus, the refugees of the Holla Forumsharbor brought the same shitposters that tormented them back on halfchan.
PLEASE let someone else at least help out.
It's gotten out of hand. It's 24/7 shitposting and shills.
There is so much obvious shit that it's completely obvious board mod group is undermannned.
point and case. Honestly if you rednecks would stop sperging out over the tiniest slight, and ignore shit posters this board would be fine. Even Holla Forums has better control over their shit posting.
I've seen an increase of retarded threads coincide with the TRS forums purge, coincidence?
Classic entryism tactic: create a problem, then offer to help.
Go to meta and ask.
Oy goy you need to be controlled, we can't have you running around with your problematic opinions