I don't get it.
Why do people support abortion?
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Just at the top of my mind, here's a few, rather compelling reasons.
Individual point of view
Society point of view
>The less kids you have the better Holla Forums tell you that jews want it this wait, but bear with me
>Less white kids means more niggers reproducing, which might end in the end of human race Human race deserves a good ending, as in it ends with white people
And, of course, the health card
tl;dr you have to be retarded to wanting kids in this day and age.
Jesus Christ that scared the shit out of me, looks like that fucker from that horror game that came out a few years ago
'nother one of God's little miracles, user.
I don't support abortion, I do support the right to choose.
i support parents having the right to kill their kids up to the age of ~2 or whatever
i see the kids as the parents property, not the states
also jailing the parent who shakes their baby to death achieves absolutely nothing to society, that person isn't at threat to the system or anyone else
bc its holding down the nigger population. whites think ahead and generally use birth control
How is being in favor of a persons right to choose what goes on inside their own body being a hypocrite?
because millions of nigger babies get aborted in the USA every year. If it weren't for it, niggers would be the fastest growing demographic
I don't support marijuana use but support people's right to choose. Same with alcohol, junk food, and many other things.
Glad to know there's people that think like me somewhere else, specially since I was going to use that as an example. Doesn't change the fact that I hate anyone who smokes marijuana, though.
According to your logic we must stop welfare.
This is how civilization works.
Let me answer with a question
Why doesn't Holla Forums support abortion?
Isn't abortion effectively eugenics? I thought Holla Forums supported eugenics…
I support abortion when the child isn't white
t. Holla Forums
Holla Forums supports race realism, which asserts that the white race became so great through selective breeding.
Abortions support selective breeding, it allows for incapable mothers to forfeit their children before they pass on their irresponsibility to their offspring, thus breeding a better white race. Only true mothers who actually give a fuck will breed the next generation of whites.
Why is it moral for the government to legislate morality? Should all things that are morally reprehensible be illegal?
If person is White, then abortion is bad
If person is non-White, then abortion is fine
Most people getting abortions are low-IQ, future bad parents, mentally troubled, and probably non-White anyways.
What if the baby suffers from a severe disease?
In that case is murder, not abortion spartan.
Because Dysnomia.
Because they're selfish, lazy, EVIL creatures. I want free from my mortal shackles, I hate being in this group. If I was a god, I'd punish all of you parasites. You're all guilty.
Fuck you if I was a god among gods I'd punish you for being a faggot
Call me edgy, but if you have any depth in you're ability to contemplate things, I don't know why you'd support life
This desu
If you want to win a war, what's an easier way than to convince the enemy that killing their children is not only beneficial, but is also the morally righteous thing to do?
user, human race already lost.
cuz fetus doesnt have the right to remain in somebodys body, if that somebody doesnt agree to that. Its a violation of your bodily right
Sure, in cases of rape. But how exactly is refusing to take birth control, going out and willingly fucking a bunch of dudes without a condom, letting them come inside you, then not taking Plan B NOT agreeing to carry that baby for 9 months?
Because humans are a shit, so less is better. Besides, there are already more of us than the quantity of this planet's limited resources can be reasonably expected to sustain.
At least they won't ever be raped by paedophile.
Necrophiliacs can very well fuck them.
You'd be surprised :^)
women's' reproductive right, the fact the man can just walk away.
My body my choice. Deal with it gayboy.
Because they get pregnant and they're irresponsible
You can get raped too
Yes that's true, I forgot to mention that but what percentage of abortions are directly caused by rapes in western society?
In all honesty I thought that 5th pic was some sort of movie prop for some sort of B-flick Horror clip.
Because we don't like niggers, and that's almost the entire population of people getting abortions.
True, I don't give a fuck about nigger babies dying
Who is the wronged party when someone decides they didn't like their choice and want to back out?
Is it a moral travesty if I tell all my friends I'm going to have a sandwich for lunch, walk all the way to the subway, pay for it, but then at the last minute decide to give the sandwich to a homeless dude and get pizza instead?
If we're already assuming the fetus isn't a person, that why should it matter how much commitment to getting pregnant the woman has previously gone through? Unless it's wanted by the father, there's noreason to hold her to the decision.
>>>Holla Forums
Abortion is the only way to save children from being doomed to a life full of misery. And besides, you didn't ask your baby if it wanted to be born, so by what virtue does one have to force suffering upon another?
Schopenhauer had the right idea, anti-natalism.
Why do people support abortion? You don't get it? Really? Really, user?
the little parasite is not entitled to live in her uterus though, seeing as the uterus is her body.
Wasted trips. Fetuses bodies aren't bodies, they are technically just clusters of tissue.
Looks human to me.
Looks human to me.
the woman parasite is not entitled to live in his civilization though, seeing as the wallet is his money.
Its the potential, your value is less than any clusterfuck of cells.
That thing is barley humanoid, you dunce.
to spite people who wanted child but can't have it
Do you not feel any attachment or bond with it? I think even pets have been found to feel it.
meant to bump
If you want to keep your retard baby, or want to go through with the pregnancy despite not being able to support yourself (much less the baby), that's all fine and dandy, just keep that shit to yourself and don't expect anyone else to help you out for your fuckups.
Abortion only for subhumans like you, mkay?
With the exception of the girl in the fifth picture they all seem to be of White European stock.
Abortions for those who wants it, mkay?
Not my point. They're genetic mutants and fuck-ups, a very tiny minority of humans. And extreme examples of each, to boot.
Besides, you do realize that women use abortion to escape responsibility, not because they are responsible.
If my child was going to be a completely retarded, fucked-up being that vaguely looks human, I'd be the one to put it in the Apothetai, trust me on that.
Schopenhauer wasn't an anti natalist in the modern sense you antifa faggot.
Read The world as will and representation and you'll realise he is not arguing in favor of neither suicide nor antinatalism as positive ethical action, since both constitute affirmations of life.
On this pedo board, obviously there is "pro-life" support: More kids on the planet.
As for those deformed kid pictures I wouldn't mind killing them after birth. Definitevely sad future for them.
I won't decide abortion by principle but on a case-by-case scenario
The idea is that the law would not allow people to not keep "that shit".
If abortion were illegal in such cases, a person who cannot afford to support there very sick baby due to it's needs costing a ton of money (sometimes, only for it to live for a few months), who's situation happens to be that no person, organization, or government wants to help them, should let the baby pass.
It's the only thing keeping the black population under control in the US.
They do shoot each other as well - everything helps.
Pregnant porn
Fuck off, Holla Forums.
You missed the point, it would still bring suffering and as someone who doesn't wish this I choose to support antinatalism. It's called "thinking for yourself." Faggot.
The real question is why do you care?
If someone aborts or not it doesn't affect you in the slightest.
It decreases the African population which lowers crime rate. In fact we should sneak Cyproterone acetate into inner city school lunches so the birth rate drops lower