I want to become successful and powerful to spite all the people who have looked down on me. Where do I start Holla Forums…
I want to become successful and powerful to spite all the people who have looked down on me...
If you have to ask you have already failed.
You could kill yourself, there's no failing that. Well, okay, there is but I'm sure you're not that big of a loser.
You already lost if you think they are in the position to look down on you.
I am a Marxist Leninist.
I am the vanguard.
Try looking at me in a funny way and you eat a metal pipe.
success and power, when you don't any at all, begins small. gain power over yourself and you will attain a measure of success.
Do those three things and the possibilities for you will be endless.
start by killing those people.
and then stop.
but you can't kill them anymore if they're all dead
That's a disturbing thought.
it would be more disturbing if you could kill them after they're dead
Congratulations OP, you've just reached adolescence.
t. supreme gentleman 2.0
step 1: have a way with words
this is where 90% of you faggots fail
step 2: identify one aspect about your ideology that meets the following criteria;
don't skimp on the last one. if there's some internal inconsistency in your idea, it WILL be brought to light and you'll look like a moron. you must have a sound supporting argument from your perspective. certain starting presumptions can be used if enough people already ascribe to them though.
step 3: fight for your idea.
put yourself in a position where others see you as an adversary and keep doubling down. the more you are seen as a champion for your cause, the more people will flock to you.
fighting against cognitive bias is rarely going to turn out well. humiliate your opposition, don't try to reason with them.
dumb faggot
That is a path that leads towards death and decay, user.
If i were you i would be to skip the whole miserable experience and move on to finding and creating beauty and happiness.
Tell me, user, can you recommend any good books, edX courses, YouTube lectures…?
first, i would recommend "propaganda" by edward bernays. don't focus much on the facts he's presenting, try to understand what was going through HIS mind as he wrote it.
don't try to memorize shit, try to think like a propagandist.
another neat thing about the book is you can see his methods demonstrated to you as you read the book. there's a bit of starry eyed idealism that gives it a bit of charm. you want to channel that.
but nothing is better than learning by example:
learn as much about the rise of radical leaders as possible. trump is a good contemporary example (one notable point about him is he was laughed at for the wall at first, but he kept doubling down until people took him seriously. if he conceded he would not be anywhere near where he is today unless he found some other think to be mocked for and then doubled down on). you may not want to go the election route (in which case, do some research on Mao and other violent revolutionaries), but PR is still a big deal, especially in this age. you want people to see you as a maverick.
Either autistic or trolling; but you've been here a while so you're probably the former. Don't care if you believe me, just would like you to know.
Pretty much how the Bern got as big as he did; however, he didn't have the strict, "fuck you" attitude of these instructions.
You're probably a neet with zero reasoning for what you've posted - but it's still a good post.
who i am matters not. the idea holds true though.
get fit