Leftism in a nutshell

Leftism in a nutshell.

all this reminds me of are those old /k/ threads were they'd sexualize guns
i still can't tell if those were serious or not

Sounds about right.

I don't recall the left fellating guns when the cops showed up. All they did was 'Pants up don't shoot'

Ah yes, the Left.

"Fuck da po-lice!"
"Hey cop! That Nazi punched my waifu, aren't you going to arrest him?!"


Ah yes, going out of your way to prove everyone else right that you're degenerate.


Whatever happened with that shit anyway?
Did they manage to virtue signal hard enough to get campus concealed carry banned, or what?

The guy was on your side, retard.

As far as I'm aware, it didn't change anything, and I'm Texasfag.

The bill still went through, and you can conceal carry on campus. I doubt they even expected it to change anything. Like those dags who block roads, they already know it's not about changing opinion. Just pissing enough people off so you can pretend you're a martyr.

Sorry. Thought you meant me.
Gonna go sit in the corner now.

How would they even know someone is concealed carrying regardless?
I seriously doubt even a single percentage of them knows what to look for in order to spot someone with a concealed weapon.

Be "brave", tripfag. Get shot like your "brave" heroes.

I love the looks on their faces.
>You shot me! What the fuck, man?!

They sound even dumber.

God bless that driver.

What accent does that guy with the megaphone have?


I love the thunk sound when an empty democrat skull hits the grill.


That's a Latinx accent

Holy shit, lol

What are these idiots thinking?

Nigger I'm hispanic and if you really think you're going to get us on board with that bullshit you're sadly mistaken. Our average fucking news bimbos looks better than every hollywood kike slut in the last decade and no one laughs at a sitcom unless it involves one of them getting felt up as the fucking punchline. You can't bring that gender neutral shit to a latin based language. Even English has gendered words built into it. Just give up, go back to reddit. Surely having to get btfo daily isn't worth what their paying you, you pathetic cucks.

Stay triggerd, it fuels us.


> Holla Forums cheered that a __ man injured a __ woman he didn't know and as a result she had a miscarriage.

Never take the racist hateful crap here personally, and I say that as being in at least 2 categories of Holla Forums's fantasy extermination list. We say the horrible shit here because we're too timid and weak to do it in the real world. Play some vidya and relax.

Are you commie faggots really forgetting your place in the progressive stack? Absolve yourselves of your """white""" privilege by allowing me to be your bull.

I need to speak to your supervisor, you two probably the same faggot obviously need cultural sensitivity training.

Why the left and particularly SJWs seem to revolve all around Black cocks?

I remember seeing anthro warplanes on deviantart. That shit was freaky.

Projection. They project their own desires onto their enemies. That and they are in denial with themselves that sucking dick is some great achievement to be proud of.

Yeah but if they were truly about justice… wont they root for the weak? the Physically weak? I mean they seem to be Eugenicists with all this Afro-futurism bullshit, seems their fetish is their political dogma to.

well progressive ideology is rooted in eugenicism so maybe its a holdover from that.


What do you expect? Holla Forums is full of niggers



But is it True Communism?

Anthro planes are just sharkgirls with metal paint, it's furshit in disguise.

Communism is a type of socialism.

True Communismâ„¢ as defined by Marxist theory can never exist. It's a gnostic death-cult for the modern age.

They're not, they're just trying to make themselves look "good."

Communism and Socialism are similar but not the same, they are separate branches of Marxism.

You're dumb.