What did you get for Christmas Holla Forums?
I just got a shit-fuck-load of candy (mostly chocolate [NOM NOM NOM]) and a badass CPU for my gaming computer. And some cool clothes.
What did you get for Christmas Holla Forums?
I just got a shit-fuck-load of candy (mostly chocolate [NOM NOM NOM]) and a badass CPU for my gaming computer. And some cool clothes.
gg no re
AMD makes bretty güd lower/midrange stuff but crap high-end.
Post your clothes.
From what I was told by my dad (the one who gave it to me, and he knows his shit when it comes to computers) it's one of the best CPUs there is of that brand. He said that it would go way over doubling my computer speed. And again, he knows how computers work.
Also, don't be an ass that shits all over other people's presents.
Why? It was just some cool dark plaid overshirts and some jeans that looked nice.
Yeesh, sorry to hear.
OP = >>Nerdy Fucker >>Shitty Dresser
Your dad is a cock-sucking faggot who talked you into a shitty CPU because he is to poor to buy you a decent system with a good one.
At least I got things that made me happy.
It's actually a decent processor if you are working with spreadsheets, photoshop, or other static applications, but it is garbage for gaming.
Shiggy diggy doo!
I have a laptop tier processor but a beefy GTX 960. When I get the new one (apparently god-awful shitty AMD processor, but whatever) installed things will be much better performance wise.
This thread has turned into an AMD hatred circle-jerk, just say what you got for Christmas if you got anything at all. No need to be the one to make Christmas shitty for everyone else.
What's surprising is how many intel fanboys are on this site after intel donated money to anita sarkeesian. Are we infiltrated by reddit this badly already?
A shitload of dosh. Planning to buy a better CPU for my PC. Intel is spyware and AMD is crap. Any suggestions?
you got a lesbian for christmas?
A case of crippling depression
I got asthma. Serious. Didn't know I had it until an allergic reaction sent me into ER. Funny shit aside from the bills.
nothing fag
just got myself a present some bags of pure heroin +a playlist of good music and Holla Forums
it will be a nice night lurking Holla Forums listening music and nodding.
the gift that keeps on giving!
I'm happy. I'm actually happier I was able to give gifts again this year after barley getting out of NEETdom.
Pretty good day
It's not all bad, user.
You a survivalist type of dude user? Don't see any other reason they would gift you that and you be really happy about it. Good for you dude.
was hoping for a miracle. wanted sex with a female
guess not.
You've got a keep your wishes realistic
You got dubs though - congrats
To have sex with a female you either have to be with a girl that loves you or pay a prostitute. So….you're either broke, lonely, or both. Best of luck to ya that you get laid soon. Merry Christmas.
Are you 10? Presents are for children.
Adults just wish each other well and get drunk.
My dad gave my mom a bottle of her favorite wine. You don't have to be 10 to get something nice for Christmas.
4 shirts, 1 pair of pants, a pack of socks, 2 scratch tickets and a stocking full of candy. those are the gifts that i received from other people
the stuff i bought myself is more interesting.
i bought arma 3, deus ex: invisible war, an 18650 charger with a battery, and a 1W green laser pointer.
Sounds cool dude.
what kind of retard gift is that? might as well just give you a note saying they burned ten bucks in your honor
You americans are weird. Sure, you can gift someone alcohol, but you drink it together. That's the spirit of drinking.
i agree. i would have rather had the money they spent on them.
Well, I never!
I got visited by family and we ate and drank.
Why are you so obsessed with being given shit like a little child?
Tip Kek
2TB HDD, 120GB SSD, and some money.
Not a bad haul considering I didn't really ask for anything.
New graphic card
New PC headset
The HTC vive
And some chocolate too…..
I'm so sorry.
Not the guy who got Mafia 3 but hey, he might like it. Games like a lot of things are subjective.
One of my relatives works at 2k so it was to be expected. I'm not even into vidya.
But they are.
Subjectively fun, but a game can be objectively shit.
If it's full of glitches maybe, but someone could really like the gameplay and story of, say, Skyrim, or another can only like the gameplay or only the story and beyond.
well yeah, there's lots of people who have down's syndrome
I like Skyrim pretty nice. See what I mean? You compare it to down syndrome you hate it so much, but I like it. You just kinda proved my point.
TES lore is some of the best in any video game, period.
What the fuck are you going to use a laser pointer on?
light matches and burn ants. i dunno.
there is pretty much no practical use for one of these things outside of a lab, unless you want to shine it in peoples eyes and go to prison. its just a cool thing i wanted to own.
also, i got it for significantly less than its resale value, so if i decide to sell it then i can probably get a good return.
Airplanes :^)
A few hundred bucks and an Amazon gift card. Also, bro sent me a wool flat cap and sweater from Ireland
Best thing about muh Jeebus day was giving my mother a giant painting that I made for her. She cried. Success.
if you like indirectly killing people and wearing orange for the next few decades, then that's a really good idea.
Your dad is retarded dude.
yes, that is precisely what my asshole would become in the shower, surrounded by convicted sex offenders. and out of everyone there, i would have the lamest reason for being there.
150 bucks
A camera-quadcopter ("Drone")
Oh yeah and a 1998 Lexus LS400
my uncle gave me AIDS for christmas
My mom got me silk pajamas. Really nice. She kinda lost her mind in VS. My bestie got my chocolate frog and jewelry. And I bought myself a ton of vidya.
Nah, he's built a computer out of incompatible parts and made it work. And besides, since he got me a really high end one it should be fine.
What did she mean by this?
She obviously wants to rape me.
I asked her for comfy/cute pajamas. Can't go wrong with silk. Buy a robe and thank me later.
I would like to hear more, but I honestly don't think you're capable enough to properly elaborate what you just said. Given the fact you seem to just blindly take your dads word for it without an ounce of personal research. Are you underage?
It is way too chilly where I live to be wearing silk during winter. I'll stick to my warm, comfy dressing-gown.
I didn't know much about it, other than he and my mother called it the Frankenstein computer.
I looked up the model of CPU he got me and it's a little higher end than other CPUs out there. Also, reviews on NewEgg.com were mostly positive. One person said no need to overclock so again, I should be fine.
u dun goofed, xen about to come out
The reason we point it out is because you say it's for a gaming pc, and even the 8350 is starting to struggle in some games because of the shit single core prformance
But my version has 8 cores. I'll be juuuust fine. I think it'll do well with my GTX 960 GPU.
i would rather have gotten nothing
yeah, you'll be alright at the very least the CPU won't bottleneck the GPU
Hope you liked your gifts…
You too dude.
Pretty much sums up my Christmas.
I'm fairly content, can't wait to rip into my books.
Which, user?
got enough money and gift cards to get a 144hz monitor for gaming
The Aeneid by Virgil and The Book of Five Rings by Musashi Myamoto.
Cool. Makes you think…
please don't be mean to your fellow posters on the most holy of holidays.
maybe this one will fit
Babies are the smartest people in the world, man…
It was a good day, yet it still persists.
Can't tell if just sleeping or sex….
you win 10,000 internets>>6547476
I'm sorry to hear that, user.
Yes, but not in Skyrim. Skyrim was fun for one or two playthroughs riding on purely a hype train. But if you go back today, play Morrowind, Oblivion, and then even TRY to play Skyrim - you'll uninstall it, guaranteed.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how faggy were these?
A-are you an actual femanon??
I typically think that anons are just roleplaying or doing other stupid shit of that variety when they pretend to be femanons, but this is way too subtle to be fake.
in all honesty it is a decent CPU. the only ptoblem with the fx series is the amount of cores compared to their strength. when playing games not optimized for a lot of cores you will not get great performance.
He's probably just a faggot. There are no females on the internet.
elfed by the finest black alpha-specimen I've ever seen
I sometimes make stupid threads where I act like a gril on the internet. Nobody thinks I'm female and it is kinda hilarious. It's also a very strange feel.
she's getting molested by a steroid-fueled nigger
Victoria's Secret doesn't carry silk pajamas just polyester shit and some cotton. Their panties are garbage, their fragrances nasty, and bras poorly made and unsupportive. Absolutely nigger-tier feminine undergarments.
t. connoisseur
Your entire comment is nigger-teir. Whatever I'll take the bait.
1) Everyone knows VS doesn't allow nig-nogs in there store. Vid related. lel.
2) Unsupportive. I'm dealing with a fatty aren't I? Why don't you take your fat ass to Torrid dear. Much better support for your lard.
3) Connoisseur, yeah sure. Talking shit about the top Bra Monopoly. I bet you should shop at DearKate. Or maybe you just can't afford the best?
What's up with her fucking eyebrows
Shame on you.
Her eyebrows are sexy and everyone knows it. Some men just can't handlecaterpillar brows.
Cut, craftsmanship, and quality materials are just buzzwords after all; the only thing that matters is brand.
paint, a couple canvases, and tea.
It's not shilling. It just common knowledge, moron. It's a monopoly because VS bras are the sexiest and the best quality. Don't hate VS because you can't take care of your shit, and you're too fat to shop there. I done arguing with you. Bye bye.
Very lovely, user.
A couple Japanese saws and a carpenter's axe, among other things. pics related
i speak for the trees, for they have no mouths,
Don't cut them down.
the weak are meat that the strong do eat
the fruit are soft, that grow from moss.
Or plant two for every one removed
It'd help if followed through, and those who've based their lives (and others, their profitbooks) around tree cutting would be more inclined to follow through.
then grow more, or have no meat
damn, the boys really shit on this, I expected high levels of pent up beta testosterone circle jerking on the idea of conquest.
thanks for the backup, you could've made it rhyme tho.
worth a shit
the world's a farm, so if you feast
helping tend to it is expected, at least
grow twice what you reap, then life is sown
so soundly you can sleep, let it be known
soooo fucking close
reaping and sowing
the old catacombs that
do do flower and fester
and melt like a jester
charades of our games
we forgot the old ways
eat and be eaten
till all of the cretins
forgot to drop seeds as they play.
so much is lost in the destruction we reap
caring not for the land will make us weep
as plant and light are to us water and food
we are the plants reaped by our mood
please substantiate this
What species are you?
I had the same VS bras fro years. I just take very good care of them. Wash them in the sink. Hang dry. All that jazz. Look for yourself. They have the biggest and cutest selection of bras.They have everything, push up, sexi, plunge, bralettes, demi and more. I don't know why I got so hostile. I apologize for calling you (if it was you) fat. I agree with you too. A lot of fashion industry is just "brand" shit. Some of the stuff is just ugly. i.e Coach purses. I just really like VS. I think everything in there is so cute. I could spend hours shopping there.
I felt so shitty after my rant. I couldn't even play my vidya in good conscience. So I'm sorry.
i am not one for codes, sorry if I'm in the middle of something I shouldn't be
Or if I seem to be someone I am not
have a good one
im just kidding. you have a nice night, user.
A life straw and $20.
They certainly look pretty and probably do keep better if washed more gently, but they treat their workers like shit, use shoddy materials (fabrics seem to get thinner every year), and have ridiculous markups. It may be among the better stuff available, but that's more a reflection on the sad state of the industry than their devotion to quality.
Apology graciously accepted, please don't worry about it. what the hell's a decent person doing on Holla Forums?
Daddy gave me the greatest gift
Love and happiness. Just as I wanted. :3
I got a keychain and 3 tooth fillings changed
Sorry to hear that. I hope next Christmas is better for you.
my best friend secretly got me an underaged hooker.
she's actually not really a hooker, just the regular teen slut who wants to hang out with older guys.
a real bro
Should I alert the local Cops, user?
it was enjoyable for both of us
Is the Sam Hyde book any good?
The gift cards are nice. The Punisher movie with Travolta is great. Everything else screams normal fag
An old pocket watch and Shantae
An electric kettle
a bowl of meat
you sir a a genius
that's some real fuckin autism right there.
Spewing nonsense.
My dad committing sucide
My cousin and aunt gave me a vidya game (one of the few people who know what I like), and a jacket but he wanted to give me a thing for smoking or drinking (slang).
My parents gave me clothes and some headphones.
I gave my cousin and aunt some music crap.
Not the best Christmas, but it was fine.
Daily reminder that anything above a gtx 960 will be bottlenecked by AMD's flagship.
I have that cpu and paired with a 380 4GB for my HTPC for 1080p and it has worked out well. It was the least cancerous sweet spot available– zen had no release date and Intel just gave Feminist Frequency big dollars to help shut down the gaming industry through subversive feminist lens focused critique aka as whining until a fat white knight does something about it for you. But I digress, if you are building today, definitely get a 8320E and an Asrock Pro 970M (50$ or less motherboard with a lot of features and overclock that cpu till you are at 8350 performance). Then you buy upgrade to Zen three years from now– the cost of the upgrade will likely be negated by the decline in price down the road.
that's why you use a real graphics card from AMD.
of course you could over pay for an invidia/intel combo but I guess that 300 million for diversity money has to come from somewhere.
pretty gay tbhfamalam
A cordless drill and some pants.