Using your coworker's laptop
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I have no idea what any of those are except tor
You should report him to the FBI. Anyone who wants privacy must have something nefarious to hide
Tell him you found his kiddy porn.
And what is it that you, kind sir, has been using?
i2p all the way
Yes, because people can't share i2p with the fbi or cia.
care to explain?
Is a woman?
you're disgusting
get a load of this retard
i2p is a huge pain in the ass though
Boot & nuke with a triple pass of course, What did your co worker do to you user?
late reply sorry
truecrypt has been discontinued and isnt as secure as it once was something like that
nice frog
what do these do?
ask him about it and post results
they summon the party van to your house
Frost is the suspicious application. For normal discussion, people use applications like FMS, Sone, etc.
Frost is just spam and illegal files.
good story bro
Ask him ironically if he's hiding child porn or something. Carefully observe his reaction, draw your conclusions from it.
Ask if he wants to trade pizza with you. Along with a le winky face.
This. Or just simply state "I found your pics.".
should switch to bitlocker (TM) immediately!
and route all his traffic through a trustworthy VPN like HideMyAss
Truecrypt is just as secure as it always was, it's just not being updated anymore.
It isn't going to keep the FBI out but it will definitely keep normies out.
Or Hotspot.
i hope he's not using windows
protip: use veracrypt
but shhh
Or Hola.
veracrypt hidden volume is the best
Stop using truecrypt, it has a privilege escalation bug and uses a low number of hash iterations for key stretching.
What's the actual translation?
[Why are you so short?]
Key stretching doesn't matter if you have a strong passphrase. All it does it slow down bruteforcing. The unfixed privilege escalation bug is bad though. It only affect windows iirc
A more effective way to hide himself would've been to use i3 . CIA Niggers can't into keyboard bindings.
it also has a bug which allows you to detect hidden volumes.
I don't get why people still refuse using veracrypt, it has just been audited two months ago.
doesn't veracrypt also have stronger encryption, in general?
The others I can understand because they're programs you use, but how the fuck did you find out he has a ramdisk?
Did you fucking do df on his computer?
FBI honeypot now
slow & old
dial up speeds. otherwise great
great on linux broken on windows
stfu FBI shill
hes fuked
Just use LUKS
They think hidden volumes will give them plausible deniability.
LUKS doesn't have that feature.
Hidden volumes won't stop the feds if they're trying to get you
limewire and Kazza full
emule, bittorent, gnutella, gigatribe, ares
was his webcam covered by a sticker?
We /2006/ again?
This is the most important question.
he clearly just doesn't want people to know he faps to traps
i use veracrypt to hide all my gay porn
You know… if you don't wash your hands after you cum, they can still get your DNA from your semen from off your fingertips from off your keyboard, right?