What do you point to when people ask why you're fucked up, Holla Forums?
What do you point to when people ask why you're fucked up, Holla Forums?
I point are your post number
Holy shit, I didn't even notice. Thanks, user.
And praise Santa Kek for the christmas present!
b-b-but my gf was homeschooled…
So was me and my sister and we're both fucking loony.
Hope you like em crazy.
The Internet.
what kind of shitty question is this?
the fact that you think that is exactly why you're here – and you're the loser
A patriotism built on beliefs like "America is a christian nation" and "god fearing republicans are the only thing any good christian would vote for".
That being said, having a connection to arbitrary borders you were born inside that you're willing to die for is pretty spooked.
Look here Holla Forums.
Those "arbitrary" borders are the only things that keep you safe in your little suburban safespace.
As soon as borders are dissolved the paper thin pretense of anybody giving the slightest shit is removed and you'll become yet another victim of cultural enrichment.
Better buy a gun, because Paco will readily and willingly rape and torture your entire family if you don't defend yourself from him.
Yeah pretty much.
Animorphs. I read almost the entire series of books when I was 8-12 and it turned me into a zoophile.
Muh dick
yes goy, homeschooling is bad! send your kids to the common core indoctrination facility!
Bruh I was homeschooled from Kindergarten to 12th grade, I think I can speak for homeschoolers on this.
The absolute worst thing was when at the age of 20 I discovered that love and emotion weren't cosmic forces, but just chemical reactions. It's been three years and I'm still damaged from the shock. You wouldn't understand how devestating this was, but I can tell you that most days I want to kill myself from the horror of reality.
sounds like your parents were retards
Well, Star Wars was banned because it had hinduism, and superheroes were banned for being nephilim, sooo yeah probably so.
If human emotion was a cosmic force all my anguished screaming and roaring at the night sky would have torn the universe in half and blotted out the sun. I've sent so much powerfully bad vibes in my rage that I tend to black out and cramp up from them, and yet the universe continues to persist despite a nightly exhaustion of my energy trying to escape it.
you a kike?
No, but my dad studied Genesis a fuckton, and in the original hebrew.
He even came up with the idea that according to the text, there was a previous earth that Lucifer's fall destroyed, and that the creation was just a reshaping, and that Adam was created on day 2 as a demigod, while mortal mankind was created on day 6, so there was no such thing as original incest.
im not though
That really does hit you like a brick to the face. My parents didn't even understand what it did to me and my siblings. Fuck, my parents aren't stupid by any measure, but the fact that I had no fear of critical thought made me the most competent one in my family by age 12.
Even so - i'm still not quite right.
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