Why is the Western World in Decline??…
Why is the Western World in Decline??…
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Because of bigots like you!
Stupid goyim
You Goyim don't own nothing
Cultural Marxism.
What is Cultural Marxism?
Imperialism is capitalism in decay
Openness, lack of creativity, race mixing, anti-capitalism, extreme liberalism…
The Bible prohibited Christians from usury and thereby gave elite status and wealth to Jewry. This culminated in the English reformation where the church was stripped of power, allowing nobles to confiscate commons owned by the church that previously served the public. This led to mercantilism and eventually capitalism. Capitalism has since then failed to replace existing eugenic structures but instead implemented dysgenic policies, particularly at the behest of Jewry that has forever seen Whites as a threat.
you don't know what decline means. look it up. done?
now explain how exactly the western world (another stock meme you don't know the meaning of) is in decline.
oh wait, you're just a shit-filled memester riddled with counterfeit moralfaggotry and fear of the other. it's people like you who make the world seem so shit.
reddit spacing for your pleasure
pic related. notice the iconography of handcuff and box of jewels. your first lady: the future of america in a snapshot.
because you're posting traps on an obscure madagascaran scuba diving forum rather than starting a business and making a gaggle of white babbys dipshit
surprise, surprise the most brain-dead, scripted response on the whole page is Holla Forums
why don't you kill yourself already you fucking loser
Cry more libtard faggot.
She was a model. Get over it.
Another canned platitude from the resident retard commie. Protip: your joke ideology is just a series of empty phrases and hollow ideas that dont fucking work. Youre a joke and a cancer.
You know user you are right.
I wish Trump had married a Tranny gorilla like Onigger did.
Would that make you happy?
Honestly he could have done WAY better even as far as trannys go.
A lot better looking ones out there, actually.
you need it more than me. i guess you must wish she was your wife or something. stay jelly. you'll never suck as many dicks as the first lady.
you see, in reality, onogos wife is neither a tranny nor a gorilla and we both know it, whereas trumps trophy is both a slut and a money mad bimbo, and everyone knows it. you really need to stop lurking the goldwater.com if you can't distinguish fact from fiction.
We've lost our connection with our history and ancestors. The West today is shallow and pedantic.
Your butthurt is going to last a long time.
Think of how tired you will be in just six months.
4 years is a very long time.
Your side lost user, you fuckin lost. Hillary sunk your boat.
It must suck having to think about 4 YEARS being reminded every day
that the left lost. Every Fuckin Day.
Cry more.
i'm not sure
i'm super comfy in the rear quarters, faggot. 4 years is actually quite a small proportion of a lifetime and as a non-american, i can only benefit from america's shrinking credibility and influence in the world.
your constant reminders of how the most shameful demonstration of democracy in living memory panned out are futile. we all know who lost and who won. the fact of winning a filthily fought election against a very weak candidate, unlike the act of dying, doesn't render meaningless everything you have done to date. trump must live with his past and you in a common future. fair winds. don't expect any sympathy if it all turns ogre.
You think that Trump is everything that's wrong with American culture but I'd argue that Hillary is everything that's wrong with American politics. I'm glad he won.
Unrealistic beauty standards, right? An unobtainable body? Attractive women don't fit in with your marxist worldview, it seems.
you may find the fishlips, poliovictim legs and avaricious demeanor attractive. i don't. my tastes are for a more authentic woman, but tbh i care not a fig about her beauty and the american presidence. it's your opinions which are challenged here, not the first lady's right to have monetised her genitals in the gold digger days. how does all this make america great again?
What are you trying to say here? Personally yeah I wouldn't like my girlfriend to do such risqué modeling either, but I don't understand why it offends you so deeply.
Trump has been in the media spotlight for 30+ years.
Never has he been portrayed as a villain as in this election.
Never in all those years.
I believe he is as Honest as any honest man. (we all have our faults).
If he does nothing more than secure the open southern boarder
and bring some jobs back home, I will be happy.
My Russian co-workers believe Trump wants to have a перестро́йка (Perestroika) or glasnost (openness) with their homeland and I do too.
The Cold War has been over for years. We need to move on.
He is yet unproven.
Only time will tell.
Trump's got a banging hot wife, thanks for the pics.
Fyi lads, the only reason leftoids pretend to care about Melania Trump's modeling is because they will attack anything and everything possible about anyone that goes against them if they think it will further their cause.
If Hillary Clinton secretly did hardcore porn and they found the tapes they'd be calling us all slut shaming sexist bigots if we said anything bad about it.
that trump's wife is a liability to his presidence just as trumps presidence is a iability on america's books. he, and by extension america, cannot expect respect in the muslim world when the shoeshine has seen your wife naked.
well vlad has played this like the master he is. trump is a known entity to the russians. you want the sanctions lifted and hope trump can deliver. you want nato weakened and to keep crimea and hope trump will do a deal. hilary would never have done this. i'm not surprised you approve. it was that or us jets stationed in ukraine and within 2 hours of moscow by the end of 2017
there are loads more. i mean terabytes of the stuff. all very classy ofc. not many niggers and so on. enjoy. it'll be mainstream soon enough.
read the thread, huh? nowhere does anybody dispute melania's right to sell her ass to pornmags. i wouldn't download that shit myself, but i'm sure many a latino gardener has nudes of the first lady in the cab of his truck. america is truly great again already. perhaps we'll see nudes of the president's spouse in future by tradition, now that the tax return thingy has been dropped.
bigly, user. bigly tremendous appears your future.
The only thing wrong with that picture is she has no trigger discipline. Stop being jealous. It's your own fault marxism is for ugly people.
You losers are still playing the race card. You will never learn.
Nobody gives a fuck about some nudie pics. They didn't even care about the pussy tape. You know why they didn't care and still don't care? Insufferable leftist faggots like you.
Obama's coal burning mother did.
Well that's different goy, first lady is an infinitely more important position than the person who raised the president.
discipline is not her strong point, unless you mean the set of her in leather thigh boots with a whip.
how does this man as president and this bimbo as first lady fit your vision of a return to the kitchen for women and to the oven for the longnose? how is this not the epitome of all your pet hates in the oval office? how is this greatening america bigly?
She knows six different languages. Undisciplined people usually barely know one(like you, who mistakes big league for bigly like a common mong lol).
Women are meant to be seen, not heard. Are you female? How can you not understand men?
you'll be surprised at the hilarity they provoke across the world. it's not exactly everyday you get to see the potus's wife in a g-string, especially if you live in Kuwait. now they have her pics at the barber's in the souk there, glued to the bottom of a spitoon. we the white masterrace recognise that her cunt is , well, her cunt and none of our business, but the ignorant masses think that if she sold nudes, then she's a worthless trollop and any man who marries her is a dishonour to his ancestors. go figure. all those billions of niggers sniggering at donald in their mudhuts while he makes america great again, not giving a shit.
Question, why should I give a fuck? It's like you're trying to write some shitty erotic fan fiction surrounding her nudes lol.
What I am saying is,
engish is my 2nd language. i mistook nothing; you missed a pun.
this is a misquote. it's children.
let's pass on that and agree that a presidential candidate's spouse should appear nude before the world grasping a briefcase full of jewels and a silver pistol. this obviously enhances public trust in democracy and foreign admiration for our republican ideals. or not?
Stop using words like "our" and using terms like "ignorant masses" when referring to people outside of America. You and "those billions of niggers" are not apart of America and have no meaningful say or effect on anything that happens inside of America, so stop acting like you and them do.
i have no answer to that. i don't give a fuck myself. i simply set out to challenge the preponderant narrative on Holla Forums and had trumptards you bleating like sjws about nude privilege within the space of six posts. the result exceeds my expectations. you have revealed yourself(ves) as hypocrites and bigots
i think these nudes damage america which is good for everybody not american. do you have a comment to make about this?
My point is no one cares enough about her nudes for it to make a difference. We'll take a first lady that has nudes over a first man that's a rapist. Ideally the first lady would be a pure maiden of unquestionable morals. We do not live in a ideal world and must take what we can get.
stop telling me what to do, you petty little internet tyrant.
the whole post was 2nd degree? sarcasm or irony as it is known here?
this is what i like. a triggered burger shouting louder in the hope i'll shut up. you are mistaken. america cannot survive in autarky and the proof is that you'll have to look that word up to know what it means.
Because it's no longer the western world. We brought in niggers, jews, mudslimes, spics, chinks. The list goes on. We took our glorious pot of white race soup and, bit by bit, added pieces of shit and now for some reason people are surprised when we just have a pot of shit.
It's both.
You are naive. Trust and admiration have nothing to do with global politics. Only force and money. Nobody cares who Putin is fucking. The only people that care about Trump's sex life are you and soccer moms reading Cosmo magazine.
what a great advertizement for democracy your post is. what a demonstration of america's moral ascendence too. or not?
did you post in the wrong thread or are you trying to derail? this is the first mention of trump's sex life.
also, trust and mutual admiration have everything to do with international relations. they form the bedrock of diplomacy in peacetime. you guys can't remember peacetime tho', can you?
“Anyone who has ever looked into the glazed eyes of a soldier dying on the battlefield will think hard before starting a war.”
― Otto von Bismarck
You're acting like you're apart of us and you simply aren't. Your opinions on our politicians and their wives are worthless. Trump will begin making us self sufficient again by bringing manufacturing back.
Now isn't there some migrant somewhere you need to go get run over by?
Wasn't Hillary the one that wanted war? Trump wants to make deals that actually benefit Americans.
Stop lying. Either you or someone else is posting pictures of Trump's model wife.
I was right. You are hopelessly naive.
No. What year was that? Was it when Neville Chamberlain declared world peace? Name a year.
if only. won't be long now, tho'
if only you realised how alone you are. trumpfags are in the minority everywhere. his detractors are in the vast majority everywhere. my opinions are worth as much as yours at the very least, btw. that's freedumofspich.
if you think crazy shit don't happen in 3rd world countries too you're delusional.
According to your picture everything will work out: Hard times create strong men → strong men create good times → good times create weak men → weak men create hard times → hard times create strong men, &c, &c
Yes, exactly, but right now we're stuck in the hard times. Futurama was right
i posted the slut pics of the first lady clutching her swag and a revolver. it has nothing to do with trump's sex life, a subject i'd rather avoid after so much christmas food. the first lady being a pornstar (subject at hand) is undeniably a new trough in the history of american culture, where the bar was low already. comment?
According to you a man's wife has nothing to do with his sex life. That is a stupid thing to say and you are a stupid person for saying it.
Stop lying.
You are a pathetic creature. Out of all the horrible problems America and the entire world has, muslim terrorism, race riots, etc, all you can talk about is Trump marrying a model. You and your ilk are trifling bitches that never learn. You deserve to lose again and again.
good job not making a point you lefty dipshit. are you the ones that want a civil war revolution?
maybe you should learn from the quote you just posted
Because you touch yourself
We are so convinced that we are the best that we don't try to further better ourselves. As a result, we have become so laid back that we accept it. That's what I believe, of course.
wew lad
because you touch youreself at night
Because the US has become too big to govern as a whole, especially since the federal government has rescinded much of the individual states' autonomy.
Enforcing homogeneity on small groups of people is easy. Little countries like Cuba and Best Korea are a piece of cake. Bigger countries like Egypt are less easy to manage. Very large countries like China, the US, and the former USSR are simply unsustainable. The governments have far more to do than they could possibly do in the time they have to do it in. It is like the old vaudeville act where the guy is spinning plates on sticks. He keeps adding plates and running around faster and faster trying to keep each one spinning, but eventually you know they are all going to fall because he simply can't keep it up.
Western Civilization is in decline because of the greed of the people in charge of Western civilization governments. To survive, successful governments (and countries) must split into smaller countries when they reach a certain size. That requires sharing power and money, and recognizing new leaders as equals. Nobody is willing to do that.
So we all get to go through the fall of the Roman Empire (again), because we have not yet learned from our past mistakes.
like the pattern here