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No shit, shitskin. That's why you're not wanted.
eh it's a start I suppose
Oh, my mistake, already a thread about it.
Hh, I searched for Japan and got 0 results, that's weird. Ah well.
Looks like the trash has invaded Japan as well.
Pea-brained sandscum can't even translate into words into katakana properly.
They can't spell English properly either. Look at the sign held by the turban wearer.
Now if only Japan could fix their reproductive problem…
God damn these muzzies are pathetic.
Why the hell are there Pakis in Japan anyway?
They could always pay us to fuck their women.
My Japanese is beyond shit, but even I can tell that this useless robotic Google Translate sign they're holding up isn't going to win over many native speakers to their cause.
Implying a good nip women will want to fuck a waitu piggu.
I visited japan, mainly the countryside since it was part of an agriculture program, and I fucking loved their racism.
You can tell that they aren't the kind of people who give free handouts, not even trust.
Everything must be earned in there.
You people make me hate Japan.
Amazing how all countries under capitalist rule have this problem.
wut - keeping an eye on shitskins will prevent the country getting killed
I'm thinking probably you hated Japan already. Just sayin.
Accepting and allowing the demands of the Womens Movement is what killed white families tbh.
So these are… Muslims LIVING IN JAPAN around presumably a LOT OF JAPANESE PEOPLE and they can't even find one native Japanese speaker to spellcheck their fucking signs trying to convince the Japanese to not be suspicious of them.
Half of the japs want to genocide koreans, a third of them want to genocide chinks.
They keep away from muslims and niggers but they're not yet in large enough quantities to attract hatred.
Probably because they are suspicious of them.What is funny is that Japan has an autochthonous islamic population,not even the japanese muslim helped them to write the signs.
Not extreme enough
when will Japs start disemboweling their enemies again?
Muslims don't really associate with kuffar for any reason. They don't deal with infidels in America, Britain, the Netherlands or Germany. Why would they do it in Japan?
I bet none of these cunts have even attempted to learn kindergarten-level Japanese.
The push to have an ever increasing population is done by the elites to keep wages low and the labor market oversaturated. There is no reproductive problem in Asian countries, nor in white countries. It's made-up bullshit for political purposes.
When we pull out our forces and they start having a 2+ year mandatory draft for any capable adult male between the ages of 18-30.
When USA will allow it,so if Trump keeps his promise.
Or when they make a deal with Putin.
That's the point. All they do anywhere in the world is rape, kill, and scream about how great Allah is. If they're trying to show that they should be allowed to come to your country it's hard to imagine them doing a worse job of it.
They hit carrying capacity, Japan doesn't need more people.
Constant pop growth is only necessary for ponzi schemes like government pensions.
They don't need anymore natives goy, EVERYONE needs muslim immigration.
Which was caused by capitalism to keep wages low by increasing the supply of workers in the labor market.
It's not about having an ever increasing population, it's about population stability.
fuck you cunt
It's time to pull out, you've cummed enough inside already.
it's sad but true.
but fuck communism too!
leftypol detected
That's a strange theory considering how tied feminism is with the government, and then also considering the rise in the female workforce is a massive tax gain
ムハンマド actually is the standard transliteration of "Muhammad" (and "Mohammed")
The sign in has a proper Japanese rendering of "we love the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)".
I have to suspect someone with money is paying for the professional signage, the chance any first-gen FOB immigrant is fluent in Jap and English, and can get custom multilingual protest material printed, is next to zero.
As to why they were allowed in (not the very small established Muslim community, the FOBs), DC forced some on them during the Afghan and Second Iraq Wars (their government being a US puppet regime, the same party having been in power for all but ~4 years since the first post-war elections in 1955, just another completely fraudulent "democracy").
It's the new least worst. Number of times communism genocided its own people and replaced them with shitskins: 0
Capitalism: 7 (Sweden, U.S.A., Germany, England, France, Italy, Greece)
why is a declining population of 127 million people on a relatively small mountainous island a problem
But user, all of those are socialist countries.
Why in the fuck would they add the ン? I know that there's some messed up loanwords, but you would think they'd care a bit more about their prophet's name being pronounced correctly. Why in the hell would they tack on an n sound?
Only the niggers and incompetent corporations get the benefits though. The whites get it only during old age.
Those are all countries owned by jews.
Filtered jewboy
Because of (((Western))) pressure.
And who controls the government?
It has nothing to do with Capitalism and everything to do with feminism. Are womyn 'empowered'? Well, there goes the birth rate, since they'll spend their lives trying to be wannabe men instead of serving their proper role.
shitskins & niggers would never accept communism.
Jews, sociopaths, elitists and pen pushers. That's not capitalism, that's state violence
That's not to say neoliberalism wouldn't have an impact, but it's been the goal of socialist leaning feminists and statists to force this ahead. It wasn't even capitalism that pushed up taxes to require two parents to work.
Though you're kind of coming off as a cuck I understand the point, and granted.
Bad choice.
Absolutely criminal. That word isn't remotely weighty enough though.
Well, I didn't say it was perfectly functioning socialism.
Really, the problem with socialism is it tends to fall apart after 2-3 generations because it stops producing the sheer wealth that allows pop growth, each generation has to pay the debts of the one before it. You might make socialism work if everybody alive in the country when it became socialist paid in but didn't cash out, everyone paying for the next generation rather than the previous. Still has some really big hurdles like central banking and out of control regulations to deal with though.
The problem with Capitalism is it turns into socialism.
Because there are two mm's in Muhammad. ン is pronounced like M before マ行 or バ行 in all Japanese words.
Fixed that for ya!
2 nukes wasn't enough. They can make up for it if they drop 2 of their own, though.
No funs conformist society.
Fascism and nationalism are superior to both Jewish capitalism and Jewish communism.
You're a troll, but I'm going to reply anyway to this particular post because I am autistic.
Yeah, I guess you have never heard of Yugoslavia.
Christ, you could at least look up what the popular memes on this board represent before posting something that everyone knows is blatantly false (thanks to said memes).
I guess genociding your own people and NOT replacing them with shitskins is chopped liver now? Frankly, if I am being genocided, I don't really care who I am being replaced by. I won't fucking be alive to care. Communism has a pretty stellar record with genocide in general. and by stellar, I mean, it is literally suicidal to be a Communist.
I feel dirty saying this but I actually have to agree. Communism sucks but it at least it doesn't actually genocide the native people with third world scum. And on the contrary, commie countries are world famous for their ultra strict border enforcement.
TL;DR Communism: shit, Capitalism: suicide
Harakiri yourself kudasai
user, Russia lost what? 50-60 million of people?They are still paying the price of it.
Stalin was an incredibly evil bastard. And the Western leaders just stood aside and said nothing about the destruction of fellow Christians by the literal 10's of millions.
The U.S. and Europe lost a lot more.
Completely off topic here, but is anyone else having issues with filtering users based on ID's?
I seem to be able to do it on other boards with the exception of this one. Is this something that board owners or mods can control?
I was able to filter you fine user. Probably something in your setup tbh.
That's about one quarter of the total Soviet population.
I wish western countries had simply lost one quarter of our populations INSTEAD we get actively displaced and made a minority in our own damn countries.
user, do you not understand the difference between a country losing a part of its people yet remaining homogenous (Soviet Union, China) and a country not losing a part of it's people yet literally being genocided (every western country)?
yeah, it only just genocides them full stop. Then the rest exist as more or less subjects in a slave state of economic and cultural stagnation.
They didn't care since they got the job done for them.Russia could have been a far bigger and powerful enemy than it is now,considering land and resources.Communism did the job for them.The fact Russia is still standing is why the globalist are focused more on them than the Chinese as now.
We lost the war,our ideal world,millions of the best men the world ever saw,dignity,independence and freedom.Of course we lost more.But it was just to say communism is fucking bad and we should stay the fuck away from it,not even entertain the thought of it.
user i understand that:but as i said Russia is still now,since 1920 less or more,paying the price.Nearly one hundred year.We are still the majority,in no way,at least Europe, we are under 90% of the States being white.We are one inch for an economic collapse and there is nothing more brutal than people who lost anything with a scapegoat already in their country.We have still time to fix all of this,and we will fix it.
Probably so. Still it was surely one of the single worst atrocities in all history.
Soon, we will give our greatest ally nukes
Because instead of declining steadily across all age groups, they have fewer young people and tons of old farts that cannot hold jobs anymore and are looking for peaceful retirement.
That little girl on the left looks exactly like Haley Joel Osment.
You obviously don't know what a genocide is but tha'ts OK, I'll explain.
You have a people, 100m strong. 10m (10%) get killed. That's a mass killing.
You have another people, 70m strong. 70m (100%) get killed. That's a genocide, they cease existing.
You have yet another people, 50m strong. 40m (80%) get killed, the remaining 10m die off. That's a genocide, they cease existing.
I'm fairly sure France is less than 90% white but that's besides the point. What matters is the bracket of 0-35 yr males (basically what some demographers have called the "youth bulge") and going by this metric, western european countries (especially the smaller ones) are fucked.
Now there are solid arguments that could be made as to why we will take our countries back but none of them are based on demography.
but I guess since the Ukrainians and other nations held on against the famines and purges then communism is so much more preferable :^)
I think as long as the Japanese are minding their own business and staying out of the clusterfuckry of the middle east politic, they should be fine.
Dying of drug overdoses, niggers, or terrorists in America isn't a better way to go.
It turns into something so bad no word exists for it yet. See 8ch.net
Communism is shit but it IS preferable to capitalism by Holla Forums metrics.
Video very much related.
*to capitalism going by Holla Forums metrics.
I'd rather take a system that at least attempts to espouse "survival of the fittest" than the garbage, unnatural, kike borne farce that is communism. I don't know what metric you're using fam, but I'd take another look at your data if I were you.
That's downright hilarious considering the huge amount of NEETS, obese, immigrant athletes and whatnot in capitalist countries.
I am using the normal and obvious nationalist metrics: birth rates, homogeneity, border control, national cohesion, immigration…… That kind of stuff.
In all these metrics of vital importance, communism massively outperforms capitalism.
All of which are not very successful, long lived, or happy, with the exception of immigrant athletes. I said "attempts to espouse", not "espouses". I don't like capitalism, but I'll take it any day over communism.
Which have been historically pretty poor in communist countries. Or do you mean all of these in the "Real communism has never been tried" sense?
Nigger wut. Not racial homogeneity, I'll tell you that. Forced party homogeneity, maybe.
I'll give you this one. But Communism wants the whole world to be communist, meaning the end goal means no borders. If the whole world was fascist/insert other Holla Forums ideology, you'd still have borders because etho/nation states.
Means nothing when everyone is supposedly equal and race doesn't mean anything.
Nobody ever wants to immigrate to communist countries. People historically not immigrating to communist countries doesn't mean that their immigration policies are any good.
It really, really doesn't.
Japan's cities are so crowded there's not even elbow room.
They could use some open space not filled by mud shits
Pretty poor? They were higher than in the west and for a longer amount of time. Compare the GDR to the FRG for example.
Look at Eastern Europe, China, North Korea etc. Are they not racially homogenous?
It means a lot. It means that you don't lose your national territory to separatists or insurgents. It means that your government can still act in a strategic way without being barraged by some groups (which are often financed from outside). It means that outside subversion often culminating in colored revolutions (the favorite game of globalists) are very hard to accomplish.
National cohesion is obviously super important and I'm quite honestly amazed that I have to remind someone of that on Holla Forums.
As to the second part, look at Juche or the quite openly pan-Slavic Soviet Union.
That isn't true either. Some people wanted to and did immigrate to communist countries (the later president of the GDR Honecker comes to mind or en.wikipedia.org
It's just that communist countries don't practice open borders like western countries do, hence why the Soviet Union wasn't invaded by Indians nor by other nearby poorer peoples like Afghans or Mongolians like Western Europe is being invaded by arabs, gypsies, dindus and who knows what else.
You try invading a commie country, you get arrested and imprisoned/repatriated or simply get shot.
when can I move there
Do they really have to do this? Japan is not exactly a prime target for them, if ever, last I checked but this will certainly give excuse to make Japan a prime target.
Get your own Chan you fucking hebrew.
>>>Holla Forums
I would rather be thrown into a Battle Royale, since at least then i have a fighting chance.
Becoming a target isn't a problem when you don't let them in and you watch everything they do. Fuck off, moslem apologist.
Japan also has the smallest amount of niggers and rapefugees. No shit they have a reproductive problem compared to the influx of shitskins popping out babies for free gibmedats.
For fucks sake already
It's all because of (((civil rights))).
Mooslems don't give a shit about (((human rights))) but they'll exploit it to hell and back while they remain the minority.
Assassins and revolters used to be highly regarded in Japanese culture. The public would most times be on the assassin's side, and listen to what he had to say. This is because of the mere fact that they would risk everything to make a statement, or a change. Often, the assassin would walk free after a trial and penance. Sometimes, the assassin would perform seppuku as a free man. Almost always, revolters and revolutionaries who incited or failed to incite change would seppuku as well.
It's a matter of honor, and taking responsibility for the cause, the lives that were ended, and taking up people's time and energy. This is especially true if the Emperor is involved. A sign of the utmost respect and responsibility is lining up before the Emperor after inciting change, and committing seppuku before him, regardless if you succeeded or failed.
but the middle east is going to them.
fine but at least kill off the shitskins first
They're trying to provoke attack for a belles de jure. If the mudslimes take their bait, the japanese will be dragged into war which is what a hawk like Abe wants. The mudslimes should just focus on israel. The japanese need to be ready for war against china, the country israel likes to sell US secrets to.
remove kike-burgers first