And their Women so attractive?
What is the explanation?
And their Women so attractive?
What is the explanation?
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Perhaps the alcoholism is a form of ugly stick for the males?
lol is that for real?
Stalin killed off all the masculine men. Only the feminine men were not fighting. Seriously. Looking at pictures of slavs from the early 1900's. They had strong jawlines, manly frames, etc. During WW2 all the men who had these features were killed because they were fighting and dying for their countries like men. What this has left slavs with is a bunch of ugly feminine men and a bunch of extra attractive feminine women.
Got more slavic girls for reference anyone?
Trump knew what he was doing getting a beautiful slavic bride.
There is a great difference between the attractiveness of slavic males and females. I guess it's from thousands of years of natural selection of attractive females.
anyone have the polandball comic that explains this?
Nice digits. Also, is that not what has also happened with [Current Year] Germany? The good men died in the war?
requesting this as well
Now we need pictures of slavic men from the early 1900's.
Maybe not old enough
Fucking beautiful.
Like this?
How do I get a qt Rooskie or Ukrainian bride to love and have sloppy vodka secks with?
I wonder what Trump would actually look like if he grew a beard.
I really wish more politicians would wear facial hair. Especially presidents, like they used to.
Maybe we'll see facial hair on the next female president.
Actually, I think alcohol does fuck up the face IIRC, although your pic is some sort of genetic disorder.
Is she doing ok now?
They're white
Dude thats Nikolai Valuev - Russian former professional boxer and two-time WBA heavyweight champion. He is best known for being the tallest and heaviest heavyweight champion in boxing history. (Height 2.13 metres (7.0 ft) and a peak weight of 149 kilograms (328 lb)).
Known also as "Beast from the East" or "The Russian Giant".
He is now in politics (in russian parlament aka duma) and being "big manly man"(almost neaderthal) is still part of his image.
so anglo-saxon-teutonic men can come fuck their women
you of tell me comrade
because real men should look masculine this means ugly, aggressive and strong and not like emasculated, skinny, blonde-haired germanic elfs of today.
Even if such a elf manages to marry a woman she will divorce him because after years of living with him her instincts will tell her it was wrong and she should find a real man. This is why there are giantic divorce rates. Females go for the "nice guys" to marry but then realize they are genetic waste and not worth to hold.
t. slav
OP is a lying little shit. Slav males are best looking.
So, you're a pedophile? Your hints aren't subtle.
Coolest Russian president Dictator, ever!
You seem to know more than I do.
Please explain how posting an obviously attractive Slavic girl automatically = paedo?
That prettyboy's got nothing on the French Angel
more masha babko and her legal vids
The girls aren't attractive at all, you're thinking of the few you actually see compared to how many exist.
You obviously knew who the girl in the pic was. Stop using child abuse victims as memes for whatever retarded cause you think you're fighting for today.
t. Another pedo
he has no fucking forehead !
too bad they age like milk, almost as bad as beaner.
are shallow and materialistic as fuck and are pretty fucking degenerate contrary to what you may think.
That seems true. They want to leave their poor countries and so they cling to rich Western men.
t. Pedo (You)
only the brave survive
the brave aren't always good looking
i would show you all a picture of me, just to prove you wrong, but i'm too scared of what you fags can do if you decided to dox me
If only there was a way we could wipe out the rest of the male slavs and save the women.
guy got his skull literally beaten to a shape
Yes, and after the allies took control of germany they destroyed all of their industry and indocrinated the germans to hate themselves in schools
Holla Forumss historical illiteracy strikes yet again
Why are you english faggots using words with completely different meaning almost spelled identically? You seriously need to kill yourself.
For the same reason that Indians and Mongolians have nice looking women and ugly looking men.
You see, what all of these cultures have in common is a very heavy emphasis on the beauty of women.
Men don't have to be beautiful physically, they just need to be strong, funny, rich, kind, clever etc.
After generations of this, we have quite a situation on our hands.
The female traits, which are considered beautiful in context of the culture (weak chin, large eyes, flat nose, round face etc.) get transfered over to the male genetic makeup, and in the west, men with female traits are thus considered pretty fucking non-attractive.
So women look pretty homogenous, while men inherit their mothers features (only the most beautiful women have the opportunity to have children, and only the daughters that inherited said beauty can pass it on etc. Making the genes which transfers the beautiful traits dominant or left out of the gene pool).
It's really shitty though, because if you have a male babby with a slav, it will probably be fucking ugly.
I'm sorry about your genetics
Hes a big guy.
w-well yeah?? he's just some disgusting big strong manly slav… and he has probably a really big cock, b-but at least i'm p-pretty!
all m-my friends here agree, r-right guys? it's important go have a cute face! c-come on, let's clap for america! F-fuck yeah!
Slavs are so weak that they have to have government sponsored doping at the Olympics to win anything. Meanwhile Germanics keep their integrity, while maintaining aesthetic and strength.
:^) to you too
>haha, i'm so funny and smart :'-(
You mean a more pure genepool?
disregard that, i suck cocks
They aren't even denying it anymore, they are literally so shit that they need to cheat to win
The holocaust never happened you retarded commie
disregard what i said about winning, just checked the medal tallies. even when doping they cant win
We can go back and forth with you denying anything not favourable to russia all you want, doesn't change the fact that they doped and that the international community accepts this fact, as well as russian officials
What are you even talking about?
underrated post.
its the best source there is; a metaanalysis of all other sources taking the best from each to produce a superior recollection of past events
decided on by a clique of bluehairs
Like when they blocked editors with a feminist bias from even touching the gamergate page?
Why are nigger men so unattractive?
And their women so unattractive?
On average I think both Slavic men and women are pretty low tier but they have a large amount of individual cases where they are really pretty.
Like whites having more geniuses then other, lower-tier races.
i've actually seen like 1 attractive female nigger in my lifetime.
Yeah. I've only seen a handful at best.
And the ones that are typically have some White in them, too.
The only wars they won were the ones when the rest of the world helped. Look at what happened in Finland.