I might be leaving pol, sorry!

Okay so I guess I should explain before I go my story and all that I've done to help enhance my knowledge.

For about 8 months now I've been looking everywhere for the truth. My parents always told me the truth lies somewhere in the middle and I believe that because it makes the most sense. Now, I looked everywhere and I even bought some water filters (didn't help.) When I finally found pol I thought maybe this is some uncensored truth right here. You guys seemed pretty epic but you're always so extreme and in fitting with my parents motto the truth must be somewhere more in the middle. For example: brexit. You guys said it was a good thing and leaving the EU is a positive change. But then the markets took a hit! So maybe it's not such a good change after all. I scrolled through a lot of pages and even did some google searching and viola! I found this liberal redneck who seems to be the best of both worlds. So there you go. I found where the truth lies inbetween and I will not be perticipating on this board anymore. Sorry! I sugest you guys do some googling of your own so as to escape this echo chamber of misconstrued opinions. For example: You guys make it seem all white people are pro trump and want him to win. Not so! Some rednecks are liberals too and as my parents say the truth always lies somewhere in the middle. There are infinite shades of grey and if you open your eyes to it you can even see the other side of the conversation and the points they're making! So there you have it. The europeam union was mutually beneficial and I would like to see how you guys can discuss BOTH pros and cons and maybe I'll stay on your message board! But maybe not.

Ok thanks for listening and I hope you guys won't miss me too too much.

A balanced opinion is always good for the mind! Check this guy out.

Other urls found in this thread:


Wow, what a pathetic way to shill your crappy videos.

Stop your video promotin' nigger

The markets already recovered, faggot.

eat a cock and choke on it, nobody wants you back.

What's this? Reddit? Fuck off if you want.
At least learn some shit first.




Wow son, you're pretty dumb, good riddance to you. Grow a fucking spine and your parents are fags.



What most of Holla Forums believes today was considered pretty "moderate" a century ago. If kikes keep pushing their shit, simply leaving the cuckshed without permission will be seen as "extremist".

It's like you are only watching MSM.

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get a tumblr faggot

You're a whiny little faggot, go away


Reported for blog post + youtube shilling


You are a fucking retard

the only thing in the middle is half-truth, or watered down bullshit

Don't let the door hit you on your way out, faggit.

You write like a millennial. Translation: you don’t know how to write. Fuck off.

I stopped reading one sentence in, fucking hell.

Bonus KeK

What the fuck? Who told you that you weren't allowed to leave?

Literally nobody gives a fuck, just go if you can't take it

he writes like he's trying to fill a page requirement, better off without this fag.

kys nigger

"my mom(+dad) said: the truth is in the middle"

What are you, in high school?


What the actual fuck?

Sage trips

What makes you of any value here with such entitled faggotry?
Nothing will change if you leave.


I bring the opinions of my generation and also I find things on google that you oldtimers might not otherwise see..

In other words im refreshing.

You do realize that a sizable portion of this board is composed of millenials, right?

I'm honestly not sure if this entire thread is b8.

Why are you trying to make that something bigger than it is? Nobody fucking cares what you think or what you search on jewgle, if you don't have any knowledge besides the shit you search on google than you're not even supposed to be here in the first place, leave and never come back, our board is called Politically Incorrect, if you're trying to find your so called (((truth in the middle))) than you shouldn't be searching here.

Go away Liberal Redneck. Nobody cares about your gimmicky bullshit channel.

Yep, definitely a good ol' fashioned southern (((white))) redneck.

I don't see a thread about THIS!

Jack Daniels was invented by an African American!

Very important rammifications.

Why are there so many shitty threads right now?

sage for massive faggotry

Ok, I was unsure but now I'm 100% convicted you're fucking trolling, just go back to Holla Forums or Holla Forums.

This invalidates everything you've said.


can the mods please bumplock or prune this faggotry?

Oh noes, the market went down a little, welp guys, guess we'd better go back to getting fucked by mega banks and globalists. Fuck off! Also:

I don't know you at all, but I know you're a faggot.

This is the most retarded d&c shill attempt i have ever seen, i cringed so hard It hurted. Go to hell idiot, never come back to shill Your vídeos again

Liberal rednecks need to die and they will

If anything, Holla Forums is too soft, things are actually way worse than most here can imagine. Holla Forums is the middle.
You are an idiot, you don't belong here.




Good luck getting no where then.
Truth always is harmful and severe. Moderation leaves no impression whatsoever.

The markets were climbing higher than normal before Brexit happened, and the bankers punished Britain before the referendum even finished. Not only that but things already fucking stabilized within two days.

You shouldn't have put this as your first argument. It tells more than what we need to know about you.

While being in the middle sounds modest you just sound like you think you got it all figured out because your opinions is what it is.

Maybe you should just stop.

And nothing of value was lost.

Forgot to sage