My sister camwhores on omegle...

My sister camwhores on omegle, I suspected after getting banned from omegle around the time she is in the shower or locks her door. I wrote some shitty monitoring software in python.
I got a few screenshots of it.
My question is,
How do I record the webcam and microphone while they are being used by omegle? Is it even possible?
What is the best way to record everything?
If anyone comes up with a solution, I'll give her nudes/camshows for the next 5 months.

I was thinking about making an emulated webcam that takes input from the real cam and use that on omegle but,
That's really fucking complicated. I've never done any of that shit.
I don't really want to record the screen.

Also, Omegle obviously broadcasts her stream, what about capturing that?
I've looked around but haven't been able to with the guides I've followed.
I'm not sure if this belongs in the questions and support thread, if it does delete this shit.
Pic related, it's her.

Other urls found in this thread:

we're gonna need a few more screenshots in order to uh... come up with the proper algorithms

Dish what you've got if you want help. You know how it works.

I only have one set and a few screenshots of her on omegle.
Come up with something and I'll post nudes so far. (not many)










Seriously, anons? I have a few nudes if anyone figures it out and will post what I get after.

Lol calm down bro. Its late in the US and most of the kiddies have school in the morning. Most of the adults have work.

So it sounds like you have physical access to her computer. What OS is she using. I'm assuming NSA/Winblows 10?

Did you consider watching it via VPN/Tor? In which case you shouldn't be blocked

Omegle pairs you with ramdom people. He either needs to install screencap software, or sniff the stream off the network.

Have you considered not making CP of a family member? You're supposed to look after your family, tell your parents what's going on and get her ass off of the internet cam whoring unless you want her to become a worthless slut who depends on you for life once any man finds out she's an ex prostitute.

In theory yes but how easy it is will depend on the hardware and software you will be working with.

The first thing that needs to be clarified is what she is using for the shows? Cell phone or PC? Which OS is her device running?

The easiest way would be to install an extension on to Firefox (that's what I assume she is using) that auto records video that goes through the browser once omegle is open.

For phones it may be a bit more complicated depending on if she is doing this through an app or the browser.

Most all browsers already have the capability to access the mic and cam (otherwise stuff like omegle would not work) so the issue becomes recording the video and that means there has to be enough hard drive space to accommodate the video along with enough processing power to keep the stream going while doing so... or are you trying stream directly to your computer?

If you want help you are going to have to be more specific with the details of the hardware, software, and how you are looking to access the data.

Yeah, Windows 10.
I have physical access sometimes.
I booted linux and put programs in her startup folder. Now I can put stuff there any time with windows sharing bullshit.

She is 18. I've seen her internet history/conversations, there is no hope.

She uses IE and firefox because she has two sets of tags.
I could easily install addons and I've done it before but,
She uses IE (is it edge now?) for lewd stuff.

No need to stream it, recording it on her computer is fine. She has 500+ GB of free space.

She uses a webcam on her computer?


Dude, you want to record your own sister cam-whoring? WTF is wrong with you?

Well, if you want to manually record from the camera there is software for that, but I don't know what software will record automatically when another program acesses the webcam.

Trying to avoid screen capture software, I could do that already.

I don't mean screen capture. I mean secret webcam software. I don't want to see some other dude's dick and neither should you.

Oh, yeah.
I would just record 24/7 but the light comes on.

Normally only one program can use the webcam at a time. You will either need to use screen capture software, or set up something like manycam to 'split' the webcam into two outputs. Now you'be got to figure out a way to trigger something to record only when she's using the cam.

That's not the body of an 18 year old you lying piece of shit.

Yes, it's edge. I never use Microsoft browsers so I don't know how different things are but my advice from before still stands.

bad idea, uncompressed video takes up a lot of space and even an hour of 360p video would be very noticeable. Now, no offense but your sister doesn't seem to be too bright so I doubt she will figure out whats happening on her own but women like her tend to have beta orbiters who they use when they have issues with stuff, if she notices her hard drive filling up quickly she may ask one of her beta's to have a look at it which could compromise you.

What I would suggest you do is set up a shared network drive that you have installed on your desktop which can remain running during waking hours. Instal an extension or write a script that auto records whenever a certain program is activated (there are streaming extensions that do this) and designate the shared network drive as the save location (password lock with something other than your password).

The video should be streamed across your router directly to the target PC using your home network.

Eh, right now I read the title of the window in focus so, I could start the webcam splitter when she visits omegle.
I guess it wouldn't be that weird if the light turned on when she visits the site.

Any suggested reading? I don't really know where to start.

I do have a 'network share drive' already.

We could be getting somewhere.

Trick for not turning on webcam recording light is to take photos at fast enough rate instead of video, and then combining those photos into video. It does produce low quality video, but it does not raise any concerns about webcam light being on. (this is especially useful for 24/7 recording)

I don't think omegle uses https. Is there a way he could set his computer up as a proxy and just sniff out the stream?

why don't you just ask her if you can watch her show?

Do you want to help her or are you just a faggot stalking his sister.

Also: Post more of her nudes faggot

both but she's probably beyond help

Omegle has a tag system right? Matches people on interests?

If you could find out the exact tags she uses and posts on Holla Forums when she next camwhores, a bunch of anons can add the same tags and try and get connected to her.

Hopefully whichever fgt gets her will record





get owned

Where did you even get those pictures ? You can still tell your parents or her friends, the embarrasement would stop her.

I don't know if you can set it up to repeat the cam so Omegle can use it at the same time but YAWCam has got a lot of the stuff you are looking for i believe.

I'm pretty sure I read this plot in an h-manga once.

That's not what Bill would do.

Even if it uses it — there's a possibility to do a proper MitM proxy, and if you put the proxy certificate exceptions into the browsers, it wouldn't be noticeable.

I once saw some people building a device with raspberry pi which they plugged between the webcam and computer that recorded everything and sent it to another device via wifi. Destroy her webcam, say you needed it for a project and it broke and get her a new one linked to the raspberry pi and start recording that slut and share the nudes with your fellow anons, you perv

Bill would fugg her, because you couldn't stop her.

Btw does she have some kind of social media.

share the python script?

From her phone. They were 'deleted' when I found them.
I've thought about it.
I don't know, user. Doesn't look very stealthy.

I want to believe.

Better post more nudes of her to punish her ;-^)



Really, the most degenerate one here is OP.
she's pretty cute though.

You're a bad onii-chan user.

moralfags fuck off, we need more pictures

Bullshit. His brotherhood is with us, not with this cumdumpster whore who happens to have shared a dirty womb with him.

So, OP, post all the pics. I'm not that knowledgeable of webcams (I never owned one), but I'm pretty sure you can capture the data streamed by your sister on the router level.

Meh, a 5, maybe 6 out of 10.

Just have OBS run in the background and record it in a folder somewhere whenever you think she's streaming, then remotely log in and upload it here


You should be able to have it save recording to a network folder, so all you'll be doing is increasing network usage which won't raise suspicion.

Fuck the crazy out of your sister OP, it is the only way

No, he should be helping his sister. Even if that means setting her straight with his dick. He shouldn't be posting more pictures of her on the internet. He should start by purposely having their internet connection go down while his sister is camwhoring to kick off an interaction while she's dressed like a slut.

As long as he keeps the webcam recording and videos him dicking his sister and uploads it here, that's cool

Nice try FBI

Agreed. As cute as your sister is, you should probably not post her nudes, especially not on an imageboard. Do everything you can to get her to stop. And I mean everything. It's your duty as her brother to set her straight. Maybe it means confronting her and showing her some of the lewds you found on her phone or something, I don't know. But it's for her own good.

I say he does it by attempting to get her to come out of her room while dressed like a slut like this user said , then getting hers to come into his room where he has her lewds hanging all over his walls and obviously stained with his cum. When she complains ask her if that isn't what she wanted by being a slut online.

She's already putting her nudes online. It's way too late to fix her.

Guys... real life is not hentai...

Meant to reply to

Tell your sister to get a better cam, but more importantly better lighting.
The CCD in cheap cams get a lot of rgb noise when not sufficiently lit.

Also, allowing for the fact you may have posted them completely out of order, she needs to work more on the 'progressive reveal'. She's got a long way to go before pro.

I'm suggesting OP try to scare her by showing her how creepy the people jerking off to her could be, not really suggesting he fuck her. Alternatively he could just find stories about girls who had that shit come back on them later in life and bring them up around her.

the hero we need

fuck off


Fuck off creep

I bet you think having a Beautiful Mind wall is normal too.

Fuck of normans

Not with that attitude

Fuck off back to reddit


Protecting your family from making bad decisions is the right thing to do. I don't give a fuck about his sister faggot, I give a fuck about improving our society from nigger tier incestous retards.

Same person

Anyone know where Mr. Vine went?

Bad decisions like using 640x480. That's below nigger tier resolution brah

OP failed to be a proper nii-san and now he must take responsibility and turn her into a good wife.


Holla Forums - Holla Forums, Holla Forums, /a/, Holla Forums

You're making this way too complicated on yourself. Just set up your own camera.

OP is the sister trying to recruit people for her stream

you guys are a bunch of faggot with your "help your sister" shit. let's take this at face value without muh feels. Since most of you shits are probably not technical enough to actually solve this problem, I'll step up and take one for the team.

OP, I have a half-dozen solutions for you but you have to answer a couple questions first:

1) is your home network wired ethernet or wireless?
2) what are you running for your router connecting your home network to the internet?

Also, can anybody confirm if omegle uses https or not?

How about popping into your web navigator technology and see for yourself?


Main page is http, but that doesn't mean that the camwhore interface isn't https.

Let's assume it is http for now. I still need OP to tell me if their home network is wired ethernet or wireless and what kind of router they are using.


That is specifically what OP didn't want.

Then I wouldn't get to act all authoritative on a chan

Here user. Make a script that starts up cvlc in recording mode. That should give you an actual video of her desktop. I don't know how to help you with audio though.

We could make it into one though. At least we're trying?

Hear me now and hear me good:

Ignore the white knights
They are literally faggots and moralcucks.
YOU are the reason image boards exist.
Without this kind of thread, Holla Forums or any chan for that matter is nothing more than plebbit crap.
Carry on, friend. Re-scan this thread for the sage advice already offered towards achieving your originally stated goal.
Godspeed, user

It's never too late. And even if it was, you have a responsibility as her brother to never admit that it is.

1) wireless
2) Are you talking about the router software or something else? It's the default software for the NETGEAR R6300v2.
Are you saying something like openwrt would aid me in my quest?

This is the python part, I have a C++ keylogger just because I made it a million years ago and didn't want to make a new one in python.
I try/except everything so even if it crashes nothing comes up.
Like I said, it's crap.
I wrote this new part that can do whatever I need when she visits omegle. Since none of this stuff is /exactly/ working out, I might just capture her desktop for now.

I've been capturing omegle with wireshark and looking for the stream, haven't really been able to do anything with it.
Omegle uses RTMFP for video/audio. I'm not really sure if it's worth reading all of the documentation for that or not.
I could either use PILLOW to continuously capture where her desktop or call some other application like..
ffmpeg -f gdigrab -framerate ntsc -offset_x 32 -offset_y 20 -video_size 640x480 -show_region 1 -i desktop gril.webm
But, calling other programs is kind of risky since they could spit out some error on her screen. And sometimes it noticeably lags, laptops aren't that great.

Thoughts? Still REALLY don't want to capture this way.

Are you jewish
Fuck off kike


Threads like this made chans fun in the first place.

Nigga look at . You can use a CVLC command to take video of all of everything going into her webcam. Just spend a little time on stackoverflow and fiddle around with the arguments til it justwerks.

Hot shit amiright?

KYS moralcuck.
Go marry a hooker and make her an honest woman.
hahah goddamned idiot.

Them trips

I have no know-how about TCP/IP whatsoever, nor much about the windows cmd and powershell lines, but tell me faggots on a scale out of 10 how retarded this idea is, 1 being not retarded at all, and 10 at hyper downie retardation.

Is there something I'm missing?

Two program cannot access the webcam at the same time.

Go back to reddit you fucking faggots

Could you run a screen recorder without her noticing it then?

Why would I go 'back' to your homepage you retarded faggot?

Is she even getting paid for this, or does she just whore for free?

user, are ye going to at least give ideas, or are ye merely going to shitpost 'till all the cum finishes dripping out of anus?

Polite sage, my post isn't helping our quest for lewds.

Fuck off Holla Forums

just show her this thread
all the attention will have her naked on cam in less than 30 seconds

Are we missing anything now?
(wasted digits)
Do your parents know you enjoy sucking and being fucked by horse penises?
Cuntreeboot, or git

Are you a faggot as well user?

Incest is best. Put your sister to the test!

Just fuck your sister, she seems pretty hot to me
wish I had a sister that at all looked remotely good

Incest incest is the best
put yer sisters to the test
have your mother come on too
let see what she can do

Damnit, meant to say
Polite sage

-3 GBP

Seriously, the way I would approach this is have her machine do all the work. She starts streaming, desktop starts getting recorded to a file on her own computer.
You'd have to make sure she has GIGS of room left for that.
OR better yet: Somehow establish a RDP or "Desktp Sharing Winderps" connection to her machine so you can view her desktop/see through her camera at any time.
This is not rocket science OP.
Get on it.
Also, capturing a webcam stream from omegle is trivial last tie I checked. There are several Winapps for that.

Read the thread, retard.

Record desktop to local drive when omegle opens, wait till low load, ftp to your machine and delete locally.

Only a cia nigger would say this.


She just made a 'twerking' video after googling how to also.

Her name is on the shirt, though. Can't post.

Censor the name and post it you faget.

I would but it doesn't stay in one spot.
It's definitely not worth it tbh. Just moving her butt in weird ways.
Fucking niggers, this is what happens when they are allowed to influence popular culture.
Race war now.

Even if it moves you can censor it. If you're too lazy to use an actual video editor, there's this Android app called ObscuraCam that does the job pretty well. And yes, it is free software. But I guess you're right, it's probably not worth it.

op how would you like it if your sister went and posted all your porn history all over facebook?

Choke on a dick moralcuck.

I wouldn't care and I'm not posting her identity.
Who the fuck has social media accounts anyway?
What kind of question is that?
Is that something you would be devastated about? Is that really something that worries you?
"they will know I fap to x, they will all make fun of me oh no my fake ass social media reputation"
Get the fuck out.

not an argument

it's just a shit thing to do.

What anime is this?

They all do, let her have her fun

OP is a god. I'll look into it.

When did reddit have an exodus to Holla Forums? These white knighting faggots ITT are insufferable

Holy fuck you are a pathetic brother.
You're supposed to blackmail her for sex now

you'd better not be lying

i had a think on this and she's definitely not 18. 15 is my estimate. do yourselves a favor and delete from your hard drives anons, not worth it

Hi 4chon mod

idk about you but i'm very careful about avoiding CP. being security conscious puts a flag on you. the last thing you need is the FBI raiding you because you use encrypted email and they find technical child porn on your hard drive

Hello cripplechan mod


She isn't even naked.

Please notice me OP

m80, there's 12 year olds that look 24, and 24 year olds that look 14.
It's not illegal unless ((they)) catch you

Acts like he's from Holla Forums and yet is degenerate scum.

Where did this influx of retards come from?

save it for the judge, fucko

Not even lewd just awkward.
jesus christ what is wrong with her

should give her some tips imo

She's turning into a camwhore and her brother won't even try to stop her but instead wants to upload her shit to an imageboard. I'd say your entire family is fucked.

Holla Forumsacks use three parens (((like this))). This guy just outed himself as a newfag poser.

A bit of offtop: If it's so hard to recognize the age right on REAL porn, imagine how impossible it is on not-so-realistic 2d shit especially since you can't cheat and identify the person pictured? Idiots trying to delegalize 2d loli should hang.

Hopefully on camera.

Holy shit the reddit cucks are increasing by the day here.
Just fuck off already.

Glad to see some real anons are still around.
Care to share how you managed to get the video in without her knowing? Have you found what you are looking for?

Hang the parents for raising such a faggot imo


She recorded it herself.

So I'm guessing you're highly experienced in 'studying' pictures of 15 year old girls in order to 'avoid' potential child pornography? Also if you were truly security conscious you would keep everything on your hard drive encrypted anyway

Or had kids, or grew up with a female sibling, or had any sort of interaction with girls when growing up, or has at some point in his life seen teenagers walking down the fucking street.




Yeah, what he said. Get out, loser. VIRGINS ONLY!


bump for noodz
delivar faget

no more nudes?

Mummy probably banned him off the net.


Once again, OP was a fag.

Cute sis.

I'm not dead yet, still haven't figured it out because I'm a faggot.
I get about 1FPS ;_;
If anyone knows how to use that FFMPEG command
without the bars around it and have it run silently from python, I'll use that and deliver.

Also, she hasn't done this since before and she was only on for a few minutes for whatever reason.
I'll re-read this thread again. fug



converted to .gif with ImageMagick

Which bars?
Also since ffmpeg is a CLI tool it should be easy to launch it as a sub process and redirect any output.

If you're worried about potential Windows errors popping up I'd say test it when she's not around if you can or just monitor the process, if it fails at all kill it and every process it may have spawned so at worst the error message would flash not hang around. I can't think of anyway ffmpeg would cause GUI errors outside of not having the required dlls to run it, as long as you have the dependencies oyu should be fine. Test it in a fresh vm install first I guess.

pic related

I figured out the subprocess thing also.

I think she's having seizures. Hard to diagnose over the internet.

Kids, move aside.

Technical side is pretty straightforward. You need either a webcam driver hook, a fake webcam that hides the real device, presents itself as a webcam, relays the calls to the original driver, and relays data back to the user software, making a copy for your pleasure, or an USB filter hook that spies on USB packets between camera and a driver. The former requires a bit of understanding how webcam drivers work, the latter is universally known method with lots of implementation examples, but you need to parse the data formats to extract the picture. It probably uses uncompressed bitmaps for SD, or MPEG4 stream from hardware encoder for HD, though. Then you just send the captured data to some network sink (your computer) and mux it into some common media format.

This is a nice little project that is doable.

Legal side is even more clear. You've already posted her face and confessed everything you did, law enforcement just needs to use facial recognition software on global citizen profiling (aka social) networks' photo databases to find a match and bring the case to the court.

That's why I don't believe you.

Moral side can benefit from additional explanations. Moralfags who don't understand things sexual frustration can make you think and do (hunting for freshly used menstrual products? check) should go and stay go, but it should really be noted that she is acting on the same urge. She is a grown up who simply fucking masturbates when she wants, like you all do. She uses cam sessions instead of *just porn* because, you know, *women and their complex arousal process*. I think it will only be fair in case OP releases both her and his own fap video diary.

P. S. Not supporting decades-old plain text markup standards is Holla Forums's fault.

Might as well bump this with another gif.
Nearly have the next version of my program complete.
Maybe soon there will be higher framerate .webms.

If I knew how to do any of that I would have by now, I'm still researching.
Learning more C++. Hopefully that helps.

Also, everything suggested ITT has been just that, a suggestion. RIP

tfw no bump

We're waiting, OP!