Multi-Daily Pro Pedo/Hebe Thread
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Multi-Daily Pro Pedo/Hebe Thread
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Under Section 2256 of Title 18, United States Code, offering a "safe-space" for sharing of child pornography is abetting. Please remove this and other "pro pedo/hehe" threads.
Nice thread
Global Report filed at 4:26 Eastern Time.
My sides
Better? old one, but i already did other yesterday and now i am doing a new one.
What a nice way to start off your message
"Please stop these fuckers"
I knew spics were inferior
You do know we are feds, right?
Fuck off, shitskin
We always post CP like this.
Is there a reason why you leave the water mark on the photo?
Am I still a pedo if I don't want to screw little girls, just be one?
Last poking question, are things like pic related looked into?
I'll tell you this. Every little girl in the world is being tracked 24/7 because they could be used for sexualization, child pornography, abuse, etc. So yes, we look into everything relating to little girls.
could u guise quit vandalizing my vehicle and stealing my property and poisoning/drugging me and stuff plox? thx
based af. I love you so much
I wish the nicest christmas for you & your family :)
Thanks you too fam
so… CP now stands for christmas presents?
Thank you!
CP = Cute Pictures and yes they are definitely nice christmas presents.
Not a huge pedo fan but i appreciate ou guys keeping the Holla Forumstards away from this board. jism the pigman kicking out the pedos has doomed this place to a political forum, not my cup of tea.
CP = Cat Pictures
Jim is watching.
to the user that was posting the christmas loli in the sticky, could you finish the set?
i need 74 and after.
will post if you can finish it please.
so where did the old librechan anons go? I miss that place
I miss /hebe/
I think some went to misterchan but I don't like that place
you mean masterchan? coz that place is ded
I miss the gagged threads. Can the good user from
provide us with some pics of gagged lolis??
seems like there is no ib that supports free speech on the clearnet right now. shit sucks.
who has more of these girls?
more specifically the 2nd girl.
Here's what would happen:
will post what i have of the 1st one while hopefully waiting on the 2nd.
didn't Trump deport you already?
There is nothing on that pic ture other than the metadata that implies Chile. Every south american imigrant can be called "mexican" for short;
This… Candydoll shit can't be legal. Wtf guys
No, they are called Latinos. Mexico is a nation, not a race, you fucking retard. You are just as bad as the liberals.
If you wanna get into law it gets complicated. DOST is already retarded to begin with,
Depending on the judge you can get arrested for lolicon or get away with Candydoll.
Well… By just viewing this thread, I better not get in trouble. Holy shit.
why cant you niggers just go into your own sekrit boards and stop shilling your shit here
you get unwanted attention with your faggotry
That's what the mexicans want you to think. :^)
"latino" is not a race either tho. Their population comes from several parts of Asia, Europe, and Africa.
And asians, whites and eurasians came from both homo sapiens and neanderthals, what's your point? If you go back far enough, every race comes from multiple populations.
advertisement. Legalize it and shit.
which ones?
from whom? The FBI is already tracking this board and the very few actual cp posters won't mess with this thread.
Good news friend, it's already legal.
Retarded US law also makes viewing pictures on your browser not illegal.
in the USA it's possible to get arrested for Laura B. or nudism pictures. We want ot change that.
Show me an example of someone who has gotten arrested in the USA for clothed model pics within the past 15 years. Law enforcement doesn't give a fuck about it because it's legal. They usually only go after people who distribute CP, you know, stuff that is illegal.
In 2008 a guy was arrested for lolicon. The candydoll content is a lot less common and the police would need a probable cause to search your computer in the first place, so I can't find a single case but the DOST and law is so vague that it's all up to the judge's personal opinion to decide if whatever you have is a crime.
This is so true that they completely ignore users that just download content or share 10yo+ content (see 2004 ukranian cp raid).
Their reasons seems to be a little obscure to me tho.
I hate pedofags, but if you can't find an example of someone being arrested for clothed child models in the past decade and a half, I'm afraid he has a point.
why the hate :(
Which guy? Is there an article that you can cite? I bet he also had CP on his computer.
mostly because it invites legally grey material, and a number of pedos I've tried talking to are delusional.
Wanna be friends?
Any child anus pics? (they are still legal)
Yeah okay. Why would anyone want to see a child's anus, r-right?
nice try, fbi
for medical or scientific purposes
Yes, the science of child anus is a very important matter.
and give the link to the website
go to and search for lolita
nothing came up
send me an actual link
wtf is this bullshit
Based user
Sounds risky
based user?
You have to go back
Think before you post, please
What the hell is happening to that dog?
how old are you guys?
dang not been here for a while, glad this shit is back free speach niggas fuckin a
I was born in (2016 - 15) = 2001.
wow kids in this website
i like that board with alot of girls
Mika S, Hanna F, Alissa P
I like you
Jews did 9/11. Never forget.
Is anyone else drunk Christmas shitposting?
My goal is to blame random stuff on jews until there's an outbreak of butthurt.
(Not 9/11 because that's too obvious).
So far I got a bunch of SJW sperging out about cultural marxism.
Just google "man arrested for lolicon".
There is also not a case of someone being investigated and not arrested for Candydoll. The police can arrest someone after they check their computer and will only do that if they have reason to do that.
The NSA, FBI CIA, etc. monitoring ignores regular viewers of cp and only goes after producers.
Regardless I belive that some content a little more controversial than Candydoll should be legalized.
Be smart and don't drink too much user.
jews did 7/11
Board volunteers are waiting for global mods to come here and ban us?
Stop telling lies. People get arrested just for simply downloading all the time.
DO NOT do it
It depends on how they download it……….
Does it really matter, user?
Yes, user.
what does user mean??
Come on…
we are all their enemy. they search only for ways they can destroy us all.
Little girls in casual activities are now consider "sexually explicit conducts"
i'm starting to wonder if the people who wrote these laws were just massive perverts who saw children as inherently sexual.
like, every time they look at a group of little kids playing on a jungle gym, they see an orgy.
You are going to hell.
r8 my diner
That's the real mika?
Plate: 10/10
Rolls: 4/10
Onions: 2/10
Condiments: 3/10
Beverage: ?/10
Environment: 1/10