Go ahead ask me.
I am a blackhat hacker AMA
why do you fuck little kids?
I don't.
holy shit, babies? don't they just rip in two?!
what the heck are you talking about he never said that
what the heck
how many sheets of toilet paper do you use on average, per shit?
whats your motivation?
do you think using woodproducts to wipe your ass is the way forward for a truly ecological internet? i stock sewage on my hard drive in solidarity with the struggle against global faggotry. what more can we do between tatoos?
Yes the internet will be green with 30 sheets.
Are you against Juggalos? If so, would you do me the favor of hacking one juggalo on facebook for me?
I hate juggalos. Whats his facebook url?
He also has an alternate profile.
r u leejun?
where did everyone on /baphomet/ go?
And he has this profile…
prison's not too bad it's full of lesbians
How much data did you saved/found and maybe sold?
I am not at liberty to say.
Great, keep it for yourself. But you did sold? Just say in small, mid-range, big or very big.
Not bad. How did you came to be a BlackHat?
actually it's called a Kippah
Kippah? The hell is that?
ignorant piece of shit
(i'm not OP btw just shitposting)
i'm bretty gud with computers and have been fucking around with linux, but… how can i accelerate my learning? I'm bright; I just feel like a need a good book or textbook with exercises so I can practice doing things. Just fiddling around and troubleshooting things when they come up is taking too long.
Become a cybershaman.
Can you read in the car or do you get motion sickness?
I can read in the car and the back of a van with my laptop or a good book.
You can hack this kettle to single water for tea for my mother. I hate her.
This is the code that I was able get out of the kettle with soldering iron.
Cmd boil water
read temperature
if temperature good then of kettle
boil water
goto start
I have the /g/entoomen's library, but its Yuge. Does it have what I'm looking for in there?
i don't get motion sickness, but i always get dents in my car:^)
What kind of car does a hacker drive?
What do hackers do when they see this thru the window? Thermite the hard drives?
1) full wipe
if not full-wipe and reload
2) delete suspect data
3) overwite free-space w/ random digits
4) repeat 4 autistically until you fall asleep
5) convince neighbors that they'd love to use your wifi
6) if not 5 then take the password off your router for plausible deniability
7) for extra fun, after everything is locked down, go for a long, long drive through the country (out of cell range is best) for as long as they'll follow you – hopefully you get good gas mileage; god knows they don't
8) if not 7, then just do lots of weird shit like ur that weirdo from Silence of the Lambs – dance around naked, jerk off to (legal) porn sites while honking like a bull getting raped…smear feces all over yourself etc
OP, have you been able to hack that juggalo yet?
What exactly do you do?
Conservative propaganda detected
well that's just hacking 101
Go back to hackforums kid.
I am a professional security analyst. Ask me anything.
I got root access to ur moms pussy xD
How secure is h8chins?
How do I row hammer your mom?
Whats my name
When I go on cam to toy my butt and play with my dog's dick for old men on the internet every other day, can it be traced back to me?
no idea never audited it
I got a rootkit installed in your moms pussies, so unlimited access for me.
you are actually accessing an onahole
I guess OP won't deliver.
Maybe he will. Ask for delivery.
I already had. Haven't heard back from him about my request for a juggalo to get hacked.
show us face
Maybe he can't get passed facebooks firewalls.
Very dramatic there user. ;^)
Go back to Holla Forums Putin we all know it's you.
More like blackcock hacker. Since you get into all the niggers pants, faggot
Fuck you Shylock!
I'm sure you'd love to have my pound of flesh inside you, homoking.
Nah donate it to Jewish nose job surgerys.
My nose is like a status symbol, the bigger it is the more free air I can inhale.
Not that you would know anything about big body parts.
Fat tits? Grill detected located and and confirmed. Let's see them, Doris.
OY! W-what are you talking about goy!?
Did russia really hack the DNC?
Lol you guys just got trolled: The Thread.
We are Epyc Wynn. WE ARE LEGOS. WE DO NOT BORGIVE. WE DO NOT FAGGOT. What was I saying?
hey guys looket me im hacking my hat its like watchdogs 2 up in dis thread
Not dramatic enough. the show must go on.
Most go on.
Do you suck dicks?
Why you helped Russia you smelly slav?
LOC of your compilers?
I want to get into a girls icloud account because there are wins there but I dont know the password. How do I get it?
will post wins here if someone helps
Pussy faggot nigger
Yeah Obama help us. I dare your NSA cronies to look thru my webcam.
We have multiple CCTVs in your closet and bathroom. I personally installed a probe right up your ass.
I saw it all, user.