Name a liberal who is not an SJW

Name a liberal who is not an SJW.

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Fuck off.

George Carlin

Yeah well you can't spell conservatism because you're dumb.

This didn't work in second grade, what makes you think it'll work here?

Are you retarded? Or just pretending?

I'd donate to a charity to help you, if I knew what your specific condition is and if US laws regarding charity donations weren't fucked.

Cenk isn't the only 'turk' on the show, dumbass.

No, there's also John Iadarola

And the rest of them.

Nothing else you elfs have to say?

Even though they support the Armenian genocide they are SJWs on most things like faggots and wogs.

Nice censorship, Holla Forums.

Sargon of elfad

I was gonna say him actually but I didnt know if youtube personalities counted as people.

they don't count as e-celebs. Well most of them anyway.

Bill Mahur(did I spell that right?)
The Amazing Atheist

thats a stretch


All my FB friends are heathens :(

"Criticized a feminist once" doesn't mean you're not an SJW. Bare minimum, it means you started calling your friends SJWs.

Just fall off. Find the nearest edge that's fifteen feet or higher off the ground, and fall head first.


K. I mean, you could be fucking lying like a bitch, but an anonymous person on line would never do that.

op's mom can blow dick and make a mean tuna sandwich at the same time.

So hostile on Christmas. You need to clean your month out with soap young man!

Could you be any worse at proving you're not an SJW?

You can't spell liberalism without marbles either. And you can't spell fascism without ass. Or politics without clits. It's all bullshit, OP. There is only one thing to do. Build a luxurious, illegal bunker.

You can't spell OP without fag.

Ethan Klein
Karl Marx and the mean street pose
Bill Maher
Sargon of Akkad

Than why have all of you lost yours?

A human ass is generally a good thing to have. It's a cushion for sitting that also supports you when running. For the record, I'm not a fascist. If anything, I'd be an alt-right libertarian.

The clitoris provides pleasure during sex, so that's another ball dropped.

Again, where can I donate money to help your condition?

Also, was supposed to be a reply to

I don't have to prove anything to you. Go simmer in your ridiculous asspain. The "tough guy" anons who instigate retarded fights are just sad.

Seriously, have a Merry Christmas user. I'm gonna go bake some cookies.

Battle Royale between slaves and the warriors.

he's trying to find an sjw to carve up so it can sharpen his sword. enjoy the cookies.

Anyone outside of the US without your fucked up idea of what is and isn't liberal.
I think you call them "classical liberals" over there

Oh, eat shit. If you're gonna call me "tough guy," just drop all pretense and say I fap to pictures of Donald Trump.

Oh, shit, they're gonna get you!

Why try? I've stumbled on the fucking motherload!

Names, buttfucker. Particularly, ones I can search and readily debunk.

That thing Sucker of a Cock is?

Well , already got one with Carlin, , this just shows he didn't expect the left to go authoritarian not that he approves of censorship.

As far as I know Penn Jillette isn't a SJW.

Thunderfoot and total biscuit both had huge meltdowns over Trump and Brexit.

You just explained why they're both SJWs.

How so?
Trump can't be trusted based both on his years of shady business practices and the fact he has greatly changed his stance on many issues since winning.
Brexit hurt the bong economy with nothing but it being voted for and it could still be years before anything is actually done.

You don't have to be a SJW to have a problem with either of those just as Penn saying true racism is stupid doesn't make him a SJW.

You seem to be splitting every possible topic into SJW / non-SJW when in reality the only stance that actually makes people SJWs is fighting for "social justice" whatever that is.

I kinda wouldnt have considered them SJWs before.

Thunderfoot uses facts to hurt peoples feelings on a daily basis.
And for some reason the SJWs HATE total biscuit with a burning passion.

I wasn't trying to say that liberals aren't as pathetic as any. I was just saying that your precious opinions are probably not much less misguided and laughable. I was giving you sound advice.

Actually employment is at a historical high.
Share prices on the FTSE100 have already recovered and are now above pre brexit levels.
Experts had to revise their prediction of a recession and now predict strong growth.
Average earnings are up 3%.
Exports are at their highest in many years.
Sales are up in nearly every supermarket chain.
This Christmas has been the strongest retail Christmas on record.

Project fear didnt materialise m8.
Maybe look this stuff up before posting next time.

You know all of that is because the UK hasn't actually left so all the EU trade deals are still in place right?
Fun fact, they can remain in the EU economic zone while leaving the EU proper at the cost of any say regarding the economic zone

Let me guess; and Russia, and teleprompter, and libel laws.

And now it's back to normal, and that "massive crash" wasn't even half as bad as the one in 2009.

Mooslim isn't a race, pissfuck.

I'd legit use a reaction gif if I didn't hate memes with a passion.

Because fuck democracy, amirite?!


I have no fucking idea what you are talking about, I'm talking about shit like "if I win Hilary we be in prison" then dropping it because it's never going to happen.

They did that before the vote, it wan't legally binding my design because the bongs are that fucked.

Why are you on a imageboard?

actually that's a pretty shit video, this one is a much better example

The surge in exports is due to the pound being more realistically valued now.

But at least we both agree, when the guy here said that brexit has hurt the economy he was repeating fake news that he has heard on the Clinton News network.

Right now the British economy is objectively the strongest in Europe.

That may change in May. As Britain is planning to increase its trade deals globally at the expense of trading with the EU. But to say Brexit has hurt the economy is a lie that no UK news outlet would dare say. Yet you hear it regularly on American news.

Can't spell conservative without "con"

It's like what I said in , it's called liberal guilt, not enlightenment.

I don't know why he dropped it either. My money is on something sinister going on in Hillary's head.

Only it was. It was a formal vote given to the people for them to make the decision to either move forward or stay behind.

I'm on one of the last true hubs of free speech, and even here, it's slowly being threatened.

There's also a video where he censors out the word "faggot" in the video title.

And you can't spell "right-wing" without "right" and "win."

Bill, TJ, Daniel and Richard have either used sexist or homophobic slurs(not all of them) and they all happen to be liberal in their views, despite how hypocritical they are(Richard has claimed to be against homophobia and then used homophobic slurs).


So they're not always politically correct, that doesn't make them anything more than SJWs who call their friends SJWs, or liberals with liberal guilt.

If none of you dipshits have anything to say, I'll just post some more of your stupidity.


Okay, you're just bullshitting.

Oh great you're this faggot again…it's not like the right never did stupid shit in the past right? Like trying to ban video games, some of our wars in the middle east, gay marriage :^)


Obama and Clinton.

so because liberals also do dumb shit conversvatives aren't dumb?

Saying what you accused the right of, the left are far more guilty and effective.

I wish I were.

Even if this is true, who cares?

Also, if you're gonna ruin the fun;
Can't spell fascism without scam, can't spell politics without cops. Neither is beneficial to humanity as a species.

How is the left more guilty of fucking up the middle east and the whole gay marriage shit?]
I'm actually surprised your not just saying gay marriage is stupid, but whatever
Look at the states who legalized gay marriage first and you'll see a trend: They're left-leaning.
As for the video games thing, that's only recently that the left has pushed that narrative. The right did it longer before.

Obama has undeniably failed to stop any war in the Middle East. In fact, under his reign, things have gotten worse. And don't get me the fuck started on Benghazi.

Obama and Clinton were both against same-sex marriage until the polls said it was safe to be for it. Not to mention Bill Clinton's implementation of Don't Ask Don't Tell, preventing openly gay men from serving in the military. And FYI, I don't give half a fuck about gay rights or LGBTWXYZ-plus-minus-times-divided-by issues, so long as they don't try heterophobic shit like Steven Universe.

How far did Jack get with his anti-gaming initiative? Compare that to Anita being allowed to talk at the UN for her anti-gaming initiative. Also, Hillary was on Jack's side at the time, so.

But the conservatives haven't fucking changed their positions on gay marriage. That's the problem.
Also, I don't think you can show me the republicans have been any better about wars in the middle east.
Obama kind of had to inherit the shit Bush did in the middle east. Granted he didn't make it any better, but I don't think another bush would be better than obama was.

I need to do some more research on jack thompson, but nothing's come out of anita. UN isn't doing jack shit.
He did propose some laws though (but so did clinton).
Also, Clinton is not a good representative for liberals considering how many liberals shit on her for the conservative shit she's done in the past.
If you reply, I'm gonna see it much later.

And made it worse.

Bush would have kept things the same. That would be amazing compared to what happened with Obama.

That's why she became your party's representative.

John Locke
JS Mill
Milton Freidman
Ayn Rand
Murray Rothbard
Thomas Jefferson
(most of the Founding Fathers)
should i go on?

Perhaps you're just a retard, bc to a pleb like you "liberal" simply means "sjw"

Maybe, in the universe where pizzas sit on phones and order people through the chair.

Nothing else you bitches have to say?

Can you deny the fact that articles constantly shit on her? Think about all the articles complaining about what she and Bill Clinton did with the war on drugs in 1990 (which were started by reagan). She got elected because Bernie was too far left and she's a centrist. And frankly the democratic party isn't "the liberal party". There are too many conservative democrats who are scared of the label "socialist".
You don't have to care, just don't fuck with other people living how they should.
Bullshit, he got us in this situation, and Obama had to bring it all under control. Why would you think he would make things better when he got us into this situation? Think of it this way. Bush started a forest fire, Obama failed to control it. If we still had bush, we would have someone lighting another fucking fire.

And that liberals always ignore or deny those articles' validity.

But it's the best one you got, so eat shit.

You know I was mocking you with that greentext, right?

He didn't fail, he actively made it worse! Someone get NASA, we have found evidence of stable neutronium inside of a living person's cranium.

You're referencing this, right?

So what? You get my point, it only makes sense in Sdrawkcab Dlrow.

I'm not the other guy you're arguing with, I was just asking if that was what you were alluding too.

Yes, and what about it?

I agree, no one should care about this. But some Trump supporters get upset at this image and start defending his penis size.


Ell Oh Ell reactions, poundsign Ex Dee randum!

all of them if we go by the sensible definition of liberal, i.e. someone who holds liberty to be the most important thing

examples of such liberals include Thomas Jefferson, Ludwig von Mises and Murray Rothbard

Today, the wouldn't be called liberal, they'd be called libertarian.

only because leftists have co-opted the word 'liberal'


>>>Holla Forums733918

libertarian is just a post-war kike propaganda term for what used to be either a (classical) liberal or an anarchist you fucking dipshit. libertarian was actually coined by Europeans who were more like what you would call a "socialist"

learn to political philosophy you halfwit ape

read a book nigger

actually i'm pretty sure it was the trotskyists who started calling the new left "liberals" bc they were too "anarchistic" and Nixon and Agnew I think just used the term in place of "kike"

Doesn't exist

I still bet you bitches still unironically think Obama isn't an SJW.


they're all retarded, user

Then why do you have this image saved and post it on a regular basis?

Based Sargon of Assmad

fuck off rich

Me. Because I assume that not wanting the government to hold 99% of the population down while the other 1% assrapes them, and not thinking the President should be Vladlmir Putin's little bitch, puts me in the "liberal" column for you Holla Forumstards. Yet at the same time, I think it is a tragedy that there are dogs going hungry on this planet when there are so many SJWs who could be turned into perfectly servicible dog food.

Sargon constantly talks about how "refugees" in Europe are a mistake yet he never attacks multiculturalism. He is basically a lite-SJW.


Ron Paul




Can't spell liberal without Israel. New meme when?


You're confusing liberal with libertarian.

Milton Friedman