Trying not to be a defeatist shill, but what the fuck? After his remarks yesterday about Israel being our greatest ally and then repeating it, now this? Do they have Ivanka held ransom in Tel Aviv? What the fuck? I'm so mad right now
Trying not to be a defeatist shill, but what the fuck...
Other urls found in this thread:
He doesn't want semites murdering each other because he isn't Holla Forums. He's a normalfag.
He can't exactly jump up and down and go "fuck yeah, gas the kikes".
Oh, this is a shill thread.
What do you want him to do exactly? We are talking about the people that rule the fucking world, he knows exactly what he's doing. And those who are too stupid end up dead in history.
He's playing their game.
If I were you, to truly see what's going on between him and the kikes I would look at all the kikes that are pissed off at him. This just rubs it in their faces. Even the previously pro-Trump kikes are starting to pull away.
And if you still feel unconvinced, remember that he's our only real choice and a step in the right direction. Leagues better than Hillary.
How anyone can deny the whole jew thing at this point is beyond me. Like hell it's a conspiracy. It's just fact. This whole election cycle shows it as well as the past one and the one before that. Fuck AIPAC and everything associated with neocohen ziofaggots.
It's literally a non fucking issue story. People murder each other every day in the US.
Tell me how this is any different than neoconservative bullshit.
Jews run the world. Everyone has to go through them to get any power. Even Putin. Even the Chinese chairman had to do it.
It isn't, and that's the damn problem.
Oh wow, Donald Trump condemned some 13 year old kike getting killed.
I guess this means we should all vote for Hillary and flood our country with mudshit refugees + grant amnesty to millions of illegals.
Of all the more legitimate jewish connections that people bring up about Donald Trump, talking about some chick dying could not be more of a non-story.
"Oh YES. Ab-so-LUTELY. Gas the Zionists! Gas the Jews! RACE WAR NOW!"
"C-c-can I still be President guys?"
OP is a retard.
didn't bring up killary once faggot. We need to be able to critique him though, we have his ear.
sage and hide
smh tbh fam
I tried to warn Holla Forums but you didn't listen.
Was called a shill for even pointing it out.
Donald Trump is nothing but the Obongo of the right.
They knew the pendulum was swinging back and played you once again.
Fuck off, mudshit/cuck/liberal/normalfag. Israel is the only decent country in the middle east.(USER WAS SHOT FOR THIS POST)
Every politician has to suck up to kikes, especially nationalists like Trump that are called raycis seksis fashis antisemites.
Also Palestinians are durka durka mudshits like the rest, opposing Israel doesn't mean you have to side with them.
Muslim killing jew.
I throw a toast.
Play them against each other.
user, he's going to put a ban on Muslims entering the United States. With this post he's building a case for how bad Muslims are around the world in countries that Americans sympathize with. He does the same thing when it's France, Germany, the UK or Belgium.
In this case, it's a young girl who was murdered while she was sleeping. Stories like these are especially effective to get Americans onboard the "fuck Islam" train.
Sage because you're a shill.
Don't think for a second that you can win a Republican nomination without sticking your tongue an inch up Netanyahu's asshole.
You're a fucking retard if you think he should sperg out about the jews and 1488 at every occasion.
He has dropped subtle redpills in each of his speech about (((globalism))) (even doing the echo with his hands) and the (((elites))).
But you'd know it if you actually followed what he said and weren't a paid shill.
I think the point is that he doesn't have to lay it on so fucking thick all the damn time.
He doesn't even make a point about all the times some nignog pulls dindu shit but for some fucking kike in an illegal settlement? Really?
you lost me right there, gas yourself, you fucking degenerate.
Because Donald Trump actually cares about life. There was a thirteen year old girl killed while living a country for her own people. She committed no crime and had no reason to be murdered by a random savage.
That's the reason I support him over Clinton and others like her, who see lives only as tools to be thrown away and discarded at their benefit. The ones who let incidents like Benghazi happen because the people there hold no value to her as humans. Only as tools to do as they wish.
A good leader is a person who has a deep appreciation for all lives, with those of their own people first, followed by their allies, followed by others. And like it or not, Israel is currently considered an ally to the US. Should they be? Probably not. Not after the shit they've pulled. And even if we were to cease all partnerships and alliances, they're still humans. Those who behave in a manner lacking humanity, like the Arab savages, should be dealt with the same way we deal with all rabid animals - being put down so they can't threaten human civilization.
In any event, no elected official is ever worth a damn. Anyone who has the skill-set needed to run for an office has the skill-set to do a lot more than that, and will instead involve themselves in jobs such as being a doctor or military officer. Anyone who decides to run, then, is lacking in the skill-set. From there, only the least ethical can persevere to the office. This is why a powerful constitution is required of a Republic. One which is impossible to alter. Otherwise, you wind up in a situation like today, where the government is a bloated shadow of its former self. The best choice, then, is to select the person with the moral advantage for office. Trump holds the moral advantage over Clinton. It's that simple.
Gas yourself, nuke israel now.
Fuck off, shitskin. Holla Forums is not Islam's ally, we will always side with the Jews over you, at least they're civilized.
Thank you
If Israel is so based, why do they have the Seal of Solomon on their flag, a symbol used to control demons?
Notice how the user doesn't respond to anyone, but appeals to common sense without offering any option.
Totally not a shill ;–)
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Therefore he is unworthy of Holla Forums's support.
Excellent, that needs to happen more often.
Nope, hate to break it to you chaim, it's the Palestinian's. Or do you value a kike's life more than a truly innocent human being's life?
She did by staying there.
All Jews should be killed.
thanks for your input schlomo
Sure, the only people who are within physical range of Israel, and also happen to be deeply redpilled, with a religion that can be manipulated into making them excellent soldiers who don't care about their own lives for the cause are bad? Thanks for your input Goldberg.
Blow me, Passio. Until you can provide any physical proof that this shit is real and actually effects reality, I don't care if Israel worships demons, because those demons aren't even real.
thanks for your input chaim
thanks for your input shekelstein
Here's your reply.
Someone's gotta light up that wailing wall with the god-killer.
are you retarded my dear man?
go back to renegade.
Toppest of keks
Trump is a degenerate kike puppet. What did you expect? The kikes always control both sides.
I'm not replying to anyone calling me a shill because it's fucking retarded. I didn't bring up Hillary, or he's not Hitler, or any other bullshit. But seriously we need to be able to criticize him when he Fucks up. He fucked up during the debate on the H1bs and he's gotten very neocon this past week and if he's going to be our guy we can't just give him a pass on shit we'd tear down other people for. Christ sake.
I take it seriously
I fear he might drag USA in some war with Palestine and Iran for MUH ISRAEL and white supremacists will back him up for whatever retarded reason.
Sucking up to Israel is the way of American politics. And we've seen that Trump isn't any different in that regard.
AIPAC, Sheldon Adelson, his comment on "nasty anti-Israel remark"…
The man disparages Obama for being too distant with Israel, for christ's sake.
But it's not like there's a choice here. We threw the weight of memes behind him, and Kek takes no backsies.
That says enough.
Israel is the only reason we have all this perpetual strife in the middle east. Why the fuck does the US and Europe spend so much time fight senseless wars in some desert shithole except to depose Israel's enemies (Saddam, Gaddafi, Assad, etc)
It's pre-emptive, or we're all fucked like we were anyway.
If he doesn't beat that down in the most severe terms he plays in to their hands, he also did a long post about the Jewish girl that got stabbed.
Now if Jews try to bring up, look he's anti-israel he's an actual Hitler, total anti-semite, oy vey.
How will they look.
They guy is probably a plant like Tommy Mair.
But EU & USA made Israel when they fought Hitler. Now they reap what they sow.
The reason the other countries are shit is because of Israel. Jews fucked up Europe. Moved to Middle East, fucked that up too. Then moved to USA, they're fucking it right now. See then Asia in 50 years from now.
have to appeal to the stupid masses somehow
Really shitty concern troll tbh
It doesn't matter if it is real or not, but whether or not they adhere to it.
Historically, the Pentagram (before more modern satanism subsumed it) was associated with protection against harm or evil, and appears on Sir Gawain's shield in the chivalric tale Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.
Hexagrams, however, are used as a part of summoning and controlling spirits/demons. I named Solomon's Seal specifically because it is associated with the Jewish King Solomon and his Seals and Keys.
That is its main use, all derived from a Jew.
For a nation that is supposed to be made up of "God's Chosen", they are naught but cultists in the Synagogue of Satan but we already knew they were vile manipulators and backstabbers
How does it feel to be moderated by shitskins, Holla Forums?
The blonde girl is and Israeli, the shitskins are Palestinians
You've chosen your side Holla Forums, enjoy dying the death you deserve
Trump loves Jews. I don't understand why this is so hard for you idiots to grasp.
In some ways he's worse than the shills because at least they only pretend to love Jews so they can get money. Trump actually loves Jews and does it for free.
I'm surprised nobody has realized that he's put the kikes in a really tough spot.
Donald Trump has called upon THE PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY to end violence.
He cannot be called an anti-semite here, as he is explicitly condemning an attack on a Jewish child as a bad thing.
But in the process, he is doing what the kikes hate most and acknowledging the existence of the Palestinian state.
The Jews can't act, while he's free to make his move.
You're defending kikes. Both Jews and Muslims should be thrown aside.
You didn't understand that you're not welcome here, kike?
הִסתַלֵקאתה יהודי מלוכלך
We can hate more than one group of people, Rosenberg.
Holla Forums is moderated by shitskins, this is a fact. Soon I will banned as well for pointing this out.
Blow me, mudslime.
It's kind of pointless to speculate on Trump's true motives. If he intends to end the Jewish stranglehold on the West, he can't very well make it obvious. You think there are "dogwhistles" he can throw at you that the Jewish elite won't know about?
I can see her fucking roots even under the helmet
This post will get a ton of shit from the completely brainwashed, unthinking Holla Forumstards who just want a leader they can reflexively asslick but it's 100% true.
Yes, you should still vote for Trump. Yes, he's a billion light years beyond the other candishits.
He is not infallible and it's extremely unlikely he's playing some fucking game of 13th dimensional chess. Make him feel the pressure for fuck's sake, that's why you live in a democracy.
ok. that's cute. would kill one or two (million) shitskins for her pussy.
We insult shitskin muslims sucking the pedophile mohammad's cock all the fucking time here. You were supporting jews.
Jews are closely related to Palestinians. More closely related to them than they are to Europeans.
Mudslimes are the pawns of the jews since the beginning.
No, this post is honest and i approve it. But Trump is the best thing we have (for now).
she has big titties?
I can smell your stench even through the internet, sandnigger.
The are different demographics in Israel, moron. They aren't all the same. Currently the once European Jews in Israel are fighting the same fight we are, to take back their country from liberals and minorities. If you're not for a strong and independent Israel then you're not for nationalism.
Exactly this. Trump is by far the best option and does a lot to challenge Jewish power. But he isn't the savior and he isn't going to make America great or anything like that.
Unrealistic optimism that ignores the evidence is just as bad as defeatism. We need to be realistic about the situation.
The criticism from the OP is idiotic.
Trump is running on a platform of putting America first and blocking unwanted immigration.
One of the reasons for wanting to block immigration that he's talked about is that he wants to keep out potential terrorists.
In the facebook post, he's commenting on a terrorist killing a young girl. In other words, he's commenting on a terrorist the likes of which could be in the US or wants to come to the US to kill people here.
This all should be pretty obvious which is why this just seems like D&C to some people here, since it's such an idiotic criticism given how he's commented on any major terrorist attack to get in the news, and this is just emboldening his anti-terrorist message.
I guess.
They are more the same than they are different.
These are the ones I was talking about. Ashkenazi Jews are genetically closer to Palestinians than they are to Europeans.They are closer to other Jews than they are to Europeans. They are not "once European," they were never European. These are the facts. Blonde hair means nothing. I know niggers with blonde hair.
Well, obviously. They think goyim are cattle. We're not retarded. They still share genetic roots, though, even the Ashkenazi who have been fucking Europeans to steal their white DNA to blend in and subvert.
I'm for Jews to stop fucking subverting and ruining things in MY country and to get the fuck out and stop pushing bullshit all the fucking time.
Happy Ramadan goat fucker.
It wasn't a terrorist, though. The situation is more analogous to a German killing an invasive Turk in Germany. That isn't terrorism.
Yeah except in this case Germans are human and t*rks are not, neither palestinians or kikes are human.
Happy Ramadan salaam
It's 6:04 PM in Israel. Past normal office hours, but, I wouldn't be surprised that there's a late shift.
Do you understand genetics, Shlomo? Do you understand that alleles associated with hair color are a small handful, and it is quite common for the recessive blone trait to recombine in niggers? There are plenty of niggers with blue eyes too. Does this surprise you?
Race is about the enitre genotype, not a few superficial traits. And Jews are not European by genotype, even if they do have blonde hair.
That's irrelevant. He's being labeled a terrorist.
what am I reading
let's put some good stuff in this thread
Well, yeah, I don't care about either. But the situation is the same. The Jews are the invaders.
Nigger. I just imagine niggers with blonde hair would be fucking hilarious.
The only people who don't like Israel are Muslims, Marxists, and useful idiots.(USER WAS CRAMMED IN AN OVEN FOR THIS POST)
Oh wow, I don't want to be one of those! I guess I am now a #cruzmissile.
Israel is a leech manipulating "conservatives" with lobbyists (along with pushing it themselves with dual citizen American-Isrealis who have infiltrated US politics) who suck billions of dollars from the US while committing atrocities like their attack on the USS Liberty where they wanted to drag the US against Egypt with a false flag, shit they do over and over and over again.
They keep pushing Holocaust shit and any criticism against them is diverted with cries of "ANTI-SEMITISM! HATE CRIMES!" They have done so fucking much against us but they have too much pull to uproot, like parasitical insects with barbed tendrils sucking our blood.
People are growing tired of you Jews.
I get the feeling that the next Hitler will be either half jewish or full shitskin muslim. It's a race I guess (heh)
I have all day you ban evading kike. You and the mudslimes both belong in ovens.
Go back to the fucking ovens.
We hate both Jews and Muslims you filthy vermin cunt. Death to Israel, Death to Mohammed.
Typical fucking conversion strategy.
"Some Jews are based look guys!! The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right!?"
"Look at these attractive women, goy! Don't you want to have sex with them *rubs hands*"
Where are these cunts coming from Tel Aviv? Mods should just nuke them all.
sacrificing his daughters vagina to a kike rat was the first sign of wavering under pressure. the other tens of incidents where he needlessly panders to irrelevant kikes has become too much. vote trump but millions will be gatekeeped into civic nationalism and will hate us even more for being too radical and making them look bad in the lugenpresse.
It's ridiculous that some on Holla Forums need to be told this, but:
Why people think he's an Aryan supergod come to rescue the white race is beyond me. He's not 'just hiding his power-level' or whatever. There's no evidence for this. His daughter is a Jew for Christ's sake.
However, although Trump isn't Hitler, he is a nationalist who really wants to MAGA. The reason Holla Forums picked up on him was because his comments were the closest thing to nationalism that American politics has had in a while. Not because he is literally the second coming
So stop trying to explain away every remark that isn't NatSoc enough for you.
Almost forgot to check your trips. Sorry, Satan.
Because some people either deliberately shitpost or are truly stupid enough to believe in all the epic memes about him being Hitler or Emperor of Mankind or whatever the fuck.
Merkel is the jewish anti-hitler.
Praise globalism
Not even that. He is a bit of a patriot, but that is all.
OP should be gassed.
A typical coin operated goy.
Don't worry goy… I mean guise, it's all part of the act
You are all unwittingly playing a game where only one opponent can win, it's called - democratic elections. While you could be doing something worthy for our cause, you place all your trust on, "Emperor Trump": the Jews best goy. Oh, and praising kek - meme magic, etcetera.
Hello Leddit/4cuck, if it wasn't for the displacement and coercive migration of people from third world countries BY Jews and their open border policies; Arabs and niggers alike would be a non-issue. You have to destroy the root.
Yes you are.
Say "I'm glad this little Jew bitch was dropped, I don't care if she had US citizenship, fuck Jews and fuck niggers too". I think that's what OP wants.
A little girl got murdered by mudapes and their mudapes family praised him as a martyr. His post is pretty sensible and consistent with his wholesome American family values.
This board is becoming a le edgy XD parody of itself. An innocent girl was killed and she deserved it because "le ebil zionist rulers"? Trump is against all wrongful death.
She wasn't innocent. She was a Jew.
It is more important to defeat Shillery than it is to elect Trump.
Trump needs to stop with the Israel dick-sucking. Jews are less than 2% of the voters and have already decided to align their media machines against him so this pandering to some foreign country is really disgusting.
it's a colony you zionist cuck
There are many shady things about Trump but I would nonetheless prefer him over shillery any day.
Way to prove my point, stormcuck
Where the fuck do you think you are?
If Trump, the Honorary Jew, really supported Israel, I mean really, really, really supported Israel:
He would come out of the closet. His transgendered spic lover would be his VP pick.
He would declare free speech a hate crime against Jews.
He would turn America's manufacturing over to Chinese administration, and America's finances over to Israeli oversight.
He would outlaw guns, except for rabbis.
He would declare 2016 the 'Year of the Immigrant'. The border patrol would be disbanded, and the North American Union would permanently join the European Union.
He would declare war on Syria and Iran. Russia would be threatened with nuclear annihilation if they didn't submit to a Jewish reorganization of their corrupt government ("Putin must go!").
If Trump really was Israel's darling, I mean if Trump really, really, really was Israel's bitch:
The news media would love him.
Hollywood would proclaim Trump the world's savior, and make movies about him.
Songs in his name would be played on radio station every few minutes.
The world's economic outlook would be rosier than it has ever been before in history.
Universities would offer free courses on Trumpism, and how to play it.
Islam would be the Religion of Peace.
Crimes against black people and immigrants would only be committed by evil Aryan Nationalists
And of course Aryan reparations would be on everyone's lips: reparations for slavery, reparations for the Holohoax, reparation for 5000 years of dominating the world and victimizing every other race of people.
Just you wait, user. It's coming. Maybe with Trump, maybe not. But the Jews are bringing holy hell to earth.
Can't wait for the election to be over so all the Trumpcucks will go back to plebbit.
Grow up.
sage goes in every field
What is the problem, shill ?
A board that discusses ideas considered politically incorrect, not a DOTR LARPing hugbox.
You are as bad as radical leftists.
Donald won the primaries mate
christcucks detected
Why not hate them both?
are you retarded or autistic my man
What to expect, when you call an user "Stormcuck".
I called him a stormcuck because he is acting like one.
f-fucking stormie
Stormfront doesn't allow calls to genocide all Jews.
I'm sure this isn't the libertarian raid is it?
I always love how fags on Holla Forums think that Trump is some 1488 homo. He doesn't give a shit about your petty Jewish conspiracies.
he is talking about Turkey and Saudi Arabia
t. Jewish conspirator
Holla Forums is part dedicated traditionalists and right-wingers, and part NatSoc LARPers. This post in on point, well-thought out and generally accurate, but for the 15% of Holla Forums that is going to wait for Reich 4.0 before bothering to show up at a voting booth, anything less than GAS KIKES means that you, yes you, are a Mossad employee (see ).
Wake up, kids. You're not getting fucking Himmler to run. Enjoy our first halfway decent candidate in 30 years, and stop acting shocked every time he says something slightly not terrible about the Jews.
And please don't clog up Trump's FB with shocked comments and reminders that he really, secretly, wants to kill all the niggers and kikes. WE NEED THEIR VOTES, AND YOU'RE NOT HELPING.
*polite sage for Public Service Announcement*
It's not neutrality that bothers me, it's the overwhelming positivity.
It would appear Holla Forums is actually just part right-wingers and part kike infiltrators, and it's no mystery which side you are on.
The consensus crack won't work here unfortunately buddy, posters here aren't going to cave to peer pressure like your easier reddit prey.
Kek, that talking head had a fucking boner, just jonesing for Trump to name the Jew. "C'mon… name the Jew you fucker, just name the Jew so I can destroy your campaign."
Do you wake up mad? Are you ever happy? Not smug, happy?
Trump is not gong to turn into a Nazi over the summer. Is that ok with you?
This entire thread is fucking retarded.
What OP is kvetching about is nothing more than another case of Trump using Israel in a way to gain political points towards his policies. Another example is him mentioning how "Israel has a wall". The top kikes get really pissed off at this because they know what he's doing but can't speak out against it or are essentially cutting off their own noses.
Personally I find it hilarious, but I can see where some of the most autistic natsoc purists (likely shills tho) will freak out that he didn't post on social media about how the jewgirl being murdered was a good thing. It doesn't change the reality of the situation being that he used the little kike's death to gain votes AND implicitly reinforce mudshits being terrorists; even at a young age.
Either way, Trump is well aware of what needs to be done about Israel.
I leave surgical instruments behind in your folk.
Maybe if you stopped memeing for a fucking second you'd realize trump isn't redpilled and he's not some savior of the white world.
Sure, he's gonna be useful in shifting the overton window, but Jesus fuck open your eyes.
Shills nowadays aren't even trying anymore.
Who cares about Trump?
he's already won
let's focus on europe, where all the awesome happenings are happening
Trump's already proven that you can
Reported. kill yourself.
This is the most convincing kind of argument.
Then how about this, you sack of shit?
Trump fires Jew staffer over making racist comments:
Trump “It’s all right; he’s on our side” in regards to protester shouting “Israel did 9/11”
Trump: IRS against Christians (therefore what is the IRS if not Christian?)
Trump hates on Leibowitz for changing last name, hiding his heritage
Trump to Jewish donors: You don’t want me because you can’t buy me, many people in this room go back on their deals
Trump: The papers show who really took down the World Trade Center, it wasn’t Iraqis, you *might* find it’s the Saudis
Trump: Certain middle eastern country other than Saudi Arabia we think is our friend is funding ISIS:
Jewish news organization declares 24-hour ban on Trump content
Time to Form an American Jewish Emergency Committee Against Donald Trump
"We used to take refugees because they were Jewish. Now we take them because we're Jewish."
Harvard professor: Start treating Christian conservatives like Nazis
If Islam Is a Religion of Violence, So Is Christianity
Donald Trump is Losing Jewish Donors and Intellectuals, But Will it Impact His Bottom Line?
Voting to Leave Europe Is the Most un-Jewish Thing You Can Do
Memo to the Oscars from the Tonys — this is what diversity looks like
Meet the One Jewish Group that Can Attack Donald Trump
Donald Trump Doubles Down on ‘America First’ Slogan — Whether Jews Like It or Not
Please remember ISIS may be Muslim but not all Muslims are ISIS. All serial killers are white guys but not all white guys are serial killers
Donald Trump Is a Candidate for White Supremacists — Not the Jews
'He's maniacal, misogynist, racist': Lena Dunham rips into Donald Trump as she joins Gabrielle Union at Power Women breakfast in New York
Sorry Liberals, A Violent Response To Trump Is As Logical As Any
“The clan leader of white Americans”: Conservative David Frum perfectly explains how the disintegration of the GOP has created Trump
ADL Urges Donald Trump to Reconsider “America First” in Foreign Policy Approach
He plays them all the time, his entire policy stands against what they want. He has been doing it from the very beginning, and the kikes can't do shit about him because he won't give into the bait, while he casts high level banters. The pro-kike shit you shills cherrypick is nothing but smug PR theatre.
Most of us have been here for months and seen everything Trump has done, which outweighs anything you can ever post, that is why you shills will always fail with this low energy level shit.
Normally i would simply end the thread with a simple "WHO SHOULD I VOTE FOR THEN" which none of you shills can answer correctly, but i wanted you to know that your time is near faggot. The day of the rope is coming and there is nothing you can do about it.
is that the nigger who saw a Leperkahn?:
you're all fucking stupid, they swindle you to the left for 20 years so you get so mad you vote right, then they swindle you into the right for 20 years until you get so mad you vote left, rinse and repeat, what little courage a generation gather is lost over time by the constant switch, they've had the world in their pocket for 300 years and it will not stop anytime soon.
trump will be no different than reagan.
Come on Holla Forums
We're better than that
i never cared to look into Reagan. as long as Trump builds a wall, deports illegals, cuts taxes, and implements tariffs then I am OK.
Wow trump really has brough this place full circle
No. That is an Israeli/jew poster.
They are learning.
Holy shit, fuck off shill. Trump's doing plenty of shit we're happy with.
he sure is
I needed that user.
Praise be to the God emperor of mankind!
Remember what we fight for!
We are the imperial guard!
We are here to hold the line!
The enemy is strong, and numerous!
But we will hold the line!
In his god emperor's name, we will hold the line!
i bet the jews look at us like we look at niggers.
ummmm that's not the picture I uploaded….
I'm against voting and think it generally doesn't matter, gets you invested in something you can't control, etc.
But this bullshit of there not being a difference between who you elect has rarely been as untrue as it is now, and anyone who pushes it is either a useful idiot or nationwide D&C.
Trump could end up absolute shit, turn on us, be a shabbat goy, it doesn't matter. He is separating the r- and K-, and he will buy us time, hopefully economically as well. Hillary would be a complete disaster and much more likely to start a major war, or a civil war. Certainly she would put the US into a death spiral.
Fuck off marketer.
for what?
Will shills ever learn to leave their obvious shill lingo at the door?
Bets are open!
Jews are not human.
The Trumpcuck shills are really starting to stand out here lately.
No you're literally using JIDF lingo.
sure we are, goy
Sage grows in all fields .
The imperial Inquisition hereby orders exterminatus upon this thread.
Death to Israel!
Death to every last jew!
Death to all Zionists!
Death to all Khazars!
By the emperor's holy blessing upon the golden throne!
What the fuck is the point of these threads?
We know two things:
1) Trump undoubtedly supports Israel(his daughter is a kike ffs)
2) Trump is the only option for the election and if you like guns or secure borders or ANYTHING really, you will vote for him
Of course he isn't the fucking savior of the white race.
Your opinion has been revoked. Don’t post here ever again.
Holla Forums you should be ashamed of yourselves for even jokingly supporting obvious controlled opp. like Trump
even if you don't like Trump you have to vote for him. Clinton cannot be allowed to continue her criminal activity.
He's controlled opposition.
There will never be a wall and he'll keep the status quo.
You can screencap this.
See, I’d love these threads if our moderators weren’t paid shills. Because all they would accomplish is drawing out the IPs that need to be banned.
Yours, for example.
And reported, too.
I actually live in Israel . I am not a Jew.
One day, I will come for you.
Yeah no shit. A multibillionaire from jew york isn't a redpilled national socialist.
Holy fuck who would've thought?! Better not vote for him and just let hillary win.
Come on, you are such a sterotypical shill, it isn't even fun to fuck with you. At least entertain us for your few shekels.
Consdering that therea re about 4-5 shills in this trhead, one of you must be able to answer.
Don't get me wrong, I'm still voting for Trump, because if he even goes through with half of what he says it will significantly benefit us, but if you think he's the savior of the white race, you're goddamn deluded.
This board has basically become /Trump/ within the past few months, to the dismay of many of us.
>>>/gaschamber/ is that way Moishe
Anyone with a shred of common sense will vote for him, but god damn this place has down right worshipped this guy for the past half a year.
Vote for the God emperor and repent your sin heretic
There is a reason for this.
It helps boost the signal, and also triggers the left that he has a fucking cult.
Praise kek
Don’t get me wrong, but reported for obvious shill.
time to organize, redpill more people, hold off what I think will be a fairly major collapse (not like teotwaki or anything)
You don't read so good, do you. Even worst case, trump is a godsend.
dude, weed, vote third party, man! Notice how once trump had it in the bag, MSM started talking about libertarians? D&C.
Or maybe we only care about nationalism IN OUR OWN COUNTRY, YOU STUPID CUCKED NIGGER
Rightly so. The goal is to get him elected, concern kiking runs counter to that goal. It serves no purpose but to dissipate his support. If you truly stood by your belief that you want him elected, then you would understand the point for promotion of Trump. You're either on the side of getting it done or you're actively working against it, there is no in between.
Are you kidding? They've been silencing and bumplocking dissent against Trump for a long time.
The point is that nothing is going to be accomplished by voting. We can use Trump hype to our advantage spreading information about the Jews but Trump being in office or not literally does not matter. They're all controlled.
right wing tumblr, this place is.
Even if he does build a wall, it will not make enough difference anyway. We will still be a brown country within 30 years.
They took money out of your account for that one
No, the goal is to defeat the Jews and save the white race. Electing Trump may or may not be good for that goal.
You sir, are full of anti-lulz are indeed such a faggot, that you indeed have sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.
Vote for him anyway because why not?
There are already other sites with much, much more viewership that promote Trump. Having half the catalog about him here only drives away oldfags.
No worries guys Trump's just playing the game.
how much more time do you think you need?
i mean since the 1900s america has been a kike ruled country, it was fine on 1950's because of the war and because you were spending the money you took, giving the appearance that you were free, but now you have to pay it back or rebel against israel, you've had about 120 years time, how much longer will it take?
The goal is to preserve our nation, our people, and to eliminate any chance for our nation and people to come under threat again, which is the jews and even some lesser threats. In achieving that long term goal, there are short term goals that will help us progress towards that end, Trump being one of them. You knew that already before you posted that, but you tried to play semantics games with the word "goals" so as to create confusion.
That's nice, the goal still is to get him elected, there is no in between.
What the hell are you talking about? This type of shilling no longer works because it's down to Trump vs Clinton. Hillary actively supports white genocide, and after the North American Caucus shit the stakes have never been higher. You're not going to change a single mind.
The goal is to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
Don't need half the catalog in this obscure place to be about Trump
Point out your logic, kike
Already addressed it here:
Expect to see even more of it until the election is over. It's the most significant and impactful political event in the world right now.
Propose an alternative, you subhuman piece of shit. Tell us NOW who you want us to vote for. Cut to the fucking chase. It's very clear that you're an outsider.
I think you're right. There may be some shady shit about Trump, but everything he's said goes directly against ((their)) agenda. Even the massive change he's brought in people's opinions alone should help.
yes because exterminating none of our enemies is better than exterminating some of our enemies…
Seems like you just don't like fun.
Also, you are probably far newer than you think.
This is the problem with Trump, not that he is directly causing more harm but he makes retards like you think the elections are anything more than bread and circus.
Anybody who talks about "it's annoying the oldfags," is nearly always either a newfag or a shill
Anyway it's a shill thread to begin with, no reason to keep it alive now.
With hillary it's a loss 100%. With Trump, there might be a chance, even if it's only 1%. Even if he only does half of what he says. And even if not, simply having the "right" win, gives us momentum. Trump winning adds to our cause, no matter how small that addition you think is. If he is a great addition or a small one, we will see, but in order to see, he must win.
Every oldfag including myself knows you can simply hide Trump threads, but to be honest i like them. Cuckchan was 10 times more flooded with other shit and people managed with that, we needed a fucking script to filter all that shit, having few Trump threads is nothing against that.
You can kill yourself any time.
If by "our nation," you mean the government of the USA, then no, you are wrong. Preserving our people and preserving the American institutions are conflicting goals. Trump will help preserve the latter so not the former.
This is debatable.
Obama really didn't do a whole lot. He was just a continuation of Bush.
I can slightly understand some of the choad sucking he does to kikes but this. This is too far.
NM I thought about it. I'm a retard.
vote for hillary then, dumbass
He wouldn't have cared because it is irrelevant and only an issue to distracts from real shit. Bush would have wholeheartedly endorsed every form of faggotry if it served to distract from the real things he was doing.
And none of that had anything to do with Obongo anyway.
Don't recall the Army marching with high heels under Bush
revolt you lazy cunt, get off the idea that voting does jackshit for the country
Where the hell do you people keep coming from? Everybody on Holla Forums knows that le god-emporer maymay is just a joke and that Trump is totally pozzed on the Jews. We support him for one thing, and one thing only: his stance on immigration. Where in the fuck do you think the "dude just wait for Hitler" meme came from? It's essentially a play on the old saying to vote for the lesser evil.
That's not the way it works, retard.
You either vote for Trump in November, or sit the election out and wait for the next Hitler to show up. That's how we came up with ">just wait for Hitler".
You can't "wait" for Trump. The two are mutually exclusive.
people have only really been waking up on a larger scale in the last 10-15 years or so. And it hasn't so universally affected people's daily life until recently either.
You need to move to subsaharan africa so you can improve both of our gene pools.
Trump seems a lot more interested in preserving real americans and not the institutions, Hillary will destroy the former and make the latter even more cancerous.
Are people still this blind? Maybe in the context of Iraq. Filtered. Nvm, I'm out of this cancerous thread, and despite being an ancap I will vote for trump and tell everyone to do the same.
You have to be new to this, shills even stopped trying with this one months ago
They're getting to be about as bad the garden variety "principled conservatives" that like giving Obama blowjobs as he gets everything he could dream of.
Fuck off
this will go on forever and you'll do nothing because you're fucking pussies, the fluoride and corn syrup you ingest will make sure you stay that way.
We stood behind him even after that disgusting AIPAC speech, you think this is going to change anything?
Wew, only liberals and lefties like you use "fear" for arguments instead of using logic, which is also why you call everything *buzzword*-phobic. Are you going to fuck off now or will you embarrass yourself even more?
How is it bending anything? I attack Trump for supporting Israel and that user attacked me for not supporting Trump.
That's actually when I personally dumped
That was a while ago, you must have been shilling against him here for a while since. Get yourself out of here.
Do you live in Australia?
He's pro-Israel, nothing he has said in his entire life would imply otherwise.
b-b-but muh hero worship
Keep in mind that this has nothing to do with America. Matters between Israel and Palestine have nothing to do with us. Don't flip the fuck out until he goes back on America First. We don't give a shit about kebab, right?
Jesus fucking Christ how thick can you be? He's a moderate at best, use him as a stepping stone into actual right wing politics and pressure him with political groups.
Still gotta get him elected. You're not fucking helping.
Trump was only a tool, to push our talking points
now that Trump has done that, it's time to push the envelopment even more.
Trump has already won
Kek, if anything he'll save us from Hillary, nothinf more.
Don't be daft, lad, you know we're winning and you know only a would sow seeds of pessimism on Holla Forums. I'm merely warning you to prepare for the future instead of naively placing your hopes for the next Hitler in Trump.
only a shill*
He'll also save us from illegals, political correctness and crippling debt.
What really bothers me is their attempts to shut down this discussion, if it is in fact Trump supporters and not (((them))) doing so.
Things are only just beginning and yet some amongst us would like to believe this is the solution to all our woes.
Trump won't save us
we will save ourselves
Trump merely gives us 8 years to prep
You know, if he turns out to be a moderate, and doesn't gas Jews, noone will listen to the Jews when actual mechanical death Hitler appears.
Also reminder that just because we hate one group doesn't mean we love their enemies. Jews and Shitskins both must go. Bashing one side does not denote joining the other, you shill fuckwits.
Brexit sure made shills shit their pants
sage this shitty demorale thread
That's provided he follows through with his promises, so it's not a certainty. But if he wins we're automatically spared from Shillary, that's why I didn't mention the rest.
Reality is sometimes demoralizing? Shocker!
Even if OP was a shill, which I highly doubt, the grievance in none the less valid. Accept that while Trump will do a lot of good for America by building the wall, deporting illegals, using tariffs, hopefully leaving NATO and NAFTA, he still is a good goy in regards to his Israel policy. I really hope I'm wrong and he's hiding his power levels to win the election, but I highly doubt it.
As suggested, Trump is not the endgame.
Glorious. I really respect Donald Trump simply on this issue alone: Calling a spade a spade.
Israel has one far worse to far more mudslime kids in the Gaza Strip.
just donate $3 to get morale back up goys
JIDF this isn't 4cuck, we already know your playbook and have moles littered in your agency.
Those who wound up here have been put through the ringer, we know every persuasion technique, none of them work on us, at this point all we care about is objective truth. We are better at this than you. Right now the CIA and every other 3 letter agency in the world is losing its' shit trying to figure out how we broke free of the propaganda and dumping billions of dollars into programs to try to re-brainwash just one user.
Remember the Matrix? We took the red pill. Then we dumped the red pill into the central information supply known as the internet, it's being applied intravenously to billions of people around the world.
Read our memes closely, 'the ride never ends', just as you can never end our redpills. The truth will out. In the end the people responsible for the ills of our world will be punished, those who stand in the way of justice will perish. Jews and gentiles alike. It's happening. You could've prevented this. This is the future you chose. Even in your own books it says this. Why have you forsaken God? There can only be one absolute and that is truth. Truth is beauty, truth is love, truth is heaven above, truth is God, and truth is hell. The truth is and was and shall be the alpha and the omega. There can not exist without fact.
Memes are a vessel for truth. They are but meaningless symbols but strike the very soul of man. The truth has been unleashed upon the universe. Order will be restored. Holla Forums is the bringers of the four horsemen. Repent for your sins while you can, lurk moar, know that the day of the rope is fast approaching, only a few may be spared. Change your wicked ways now for tomorrow it will be too late.
Behold! A h'wyte horse. And his name that sat on him was Holla Forums. And RIGHT WING DEATH SQUADS followed with him
Reported for kike.
No one gives a shit about Israel. It's a dog whistle to remind everyone that we need to nuke all the muzzies.
He did the echo thing with his hands? When?
No carrying
Degenerate whore.
That's some low energy shilling, OP.
yup. The shilling is GLP tier. I've noticed this before.
Is it some kind of fruitless effort to get Holla Forums to support Israel and forget about the poisonous Jews that run the media and government?
Soon you will get the "Israel was best allies with South Africa and helped them against the niggers" type of comments.
Having said that. This is the wrong example to criticize Trump over. He Probaly didn't have to lay it on so thick but a kid was murdered and the Jews will be hysterically talking about it in the media. He is a politician after all, he's not going to let this go to waste without some kind of comment that the media will report on.
If it was a white girl in Europe or North America that got raped and murdered by a black or hispanic, the Jews wouldn't be reporting about it. That's what rustles my jimmies tbh.
to be fair a lot are like that, but then again they aren't necessarily devotees. Went to college with many
Holla Forums got carried away a turned Trump, in their own minds, into anime Hitler
Trump is someone who will stop the importation of terrorist refugees directly into your local kindergarten
He has never been someone who will not work with Israel to maintain western hegemony in the middle east.
Sucks but its better than nothing! The art of the deal!
From a non-US perspective, Trump is still pretty much a centrist in a political spectrum dominated by the far left.
Obviously his Israel rethoric is just to stroking the tiny cock of israelfirster conservatives for votes, he's not going to start wars. America can't afford wars and his campaign was based on anti-interventionism.
Just accept that Trump is not Hitler. He's going to save you from immigration, not from the larger problems.
Also, I don't get why conservatives insist on israelfirsting when it hasn't made them win anyone over.
What's the electorate for israelfirsting, a 2%? And what do you lose, a 10% of people who hate Israel or Jews?
You're fucking retarded, conservatives.
Same old shit again.
I pretty sure he was talking about stupid people like you
Holla Forums has become soft, but at least it's still right despite the (1)s.
this is what I'm worried about.
that's like saying black is white because it hates gray.
In the same way and for the same reasons kikes have always been allies with both sides of a war:
pic related
more like
The evangelical vote, actually.
it was an American citizen killed overseas.
A wall isn't needed if a country is maintaining its own security, for example Mexico imprisons illegal immigrants. What's needed is white racial survival. There are enough coloureds within the borders of the United States to completely destroy the white population through intermarriage.
That's because you can fit them all in a few trailers.
OP is either a shill or one of the stupidest people here. Let's break this down.
1. The average person sees this and wonders what if this shit happens here? This plays well into Trump's message about illegals and the crime and rape that they bring. Furthermore, it also makes some think of the rapefugees due to it being a middle eastern fucker thus reinforcing Trump's anti-rapefugee stance. This makes him look both compassionate all the while letting him send his point home on that front without looking like he is capitalizing on this incident.
2. People will think the guy is a muzzie and that plays well into Trump taking precautions against muzzies.
3. This lets him fight off charges of anti-semitism. This is only being done for fund-raising issues and will make the fund-raisers happy and get them to stop crying and whining and harping at him about "muh funds".
4. This crime invokes emotion within fathers with daughters and makes them realize how real this issue is and how close to him it hits despite it being in another country.
5. This makes him look like he cares about women. Expect him to mention this even more and approach it from the position of "as a father who has two daughters.." and so on. This makes him look like both a benevolent protector since strength and power is his main quality/aspect of his image.
5. In the end, this makes him look like a moderate and seem sensible. Hillary's silence or wooden response (if there is one) will come across as rehearsed and not from the heart while this will seem genuine. In the end, this will make Trump look more human and less scary to people.
I swear some of y'all have no understanding of strategy.
Why would you care about Palestinians in a country that barely has any? It's just realpolitik, if Trump was from a country with a lot of Palestinians he would have said the opposite. However he is in a country in which there are a lot of Jews, Israel allies and self-declared Jewish descendent. This would be around 10% of the population.
Also, don't care too much about semites killing other semites.
OP what do you care if Trump likes Israel or not? What does that have to do with building a wall on the Mexican border?
Fuck off shitskin.
So essentially, muh PR?
Those are some based kids
I think what he means by that is that is just one less kike he gets to kill so the Palestinians should cut it out
And there are people who don't think we've been infiltrated by sandniggers. Judaism is a lot more tolerable than Islam, it's pathetic how much MIDF is on this site.
Violence against kikes is always based.
Call me when Arabs own Hollywood.
When rats fight, it is wrong to say that one is better just because it is successful.
You can definitely call it a worse pest
i wont support anyone who shills for israel, memes or no memes
The middle east is a game, most politicians see Israel as a FOB they have to pay a large premium for. We have to maintain hegemony over that area and Israel is the key to that. As long as our economy keeps operating the way it does we have to kiss Israel's ass, it's designed that way by some ingenious Jews- there's no way around it until you're actually in power.
He's on damage control because of that Star of David fuckup. He's trying to hold on to the Jewish vote. This man knows what he is doing. Don't worry, guys.
how are you this new? he been saying he love Israel on day 1, don't feign surprise nor pretend ya don;t know our view on this matter.
Jew control the wealth, any rich non-jew is forced to dance with them, and wether ya liek the jew or not is irrevelant, ya cannot go againt them (openly)
as long the Jew are in control or the narrative, any resistance need to be under-handed, any resistance need to be done to undermine their influence and crumble at the narrative, going race war noaw! will serve no one but the jews
The pic in OP was posted 7/1, before Trump tweeted the Hillary jew star image. It's blatantly obvious what he was doing – posting a bunch of pro-Israel messages so he could then post an ambiguous anti-semitic pic and drive the media in a frenzy. When they desperately try to brand him as a anti-semitic KKK Nazi, he could just point to these wonderful things he said about Israel and elie wiesel and they'd look ridiculous.
And this guy bumped a 3 day old thread to call Trump a kike. That sure is suspicious.
And your reply and sage made it likely this thread stayed in the catalogue with
333 replies
and we can't have that
just in case
i totally agree