Be a jew

wat do?

turn 6 million degrees and walk away



Turn the ovens up to 300 degrees and walk away

Nothing personal, kid

The Jew Jitsu


forced meme please go

You can't escape Zyklon Ben you fucking kike

that's some pretty good animation!



you're right we should have voted for hillary and hoped the millions of spics and muzzies she give citizenship will vote for Mecha-Hitler in eight years.

Ya blew it, Holla Forums !!!

what makes you think Trump will stop immigration ?
with all the corporate shills in the gov its more likely to increase.

you're right the guy who campaigned on banning muzzies, building a border wall, and deporting illegals is actually more likely to let them in! We've been rused, fellow nazis!!

okay man, you're delusion knows no limits.
the guy already fucked you over with the kikes
he fucked you over with "draining the swamp" and the corporate shills. but you still refuse to face reality.
in the end you're the one who've been played, not the liberals you hate.

btw the "b-but Shillary" argument doesn't work, she's gone, get over it.

u don't get it m8 I was agreeing with you


I'm black so do I still have to be a Jew?

"Oy vey, I did nazi that coming, am I reich"?

He'd have a national riot on his hands and an even bigger target on his back. He'll lower immigration.

Say that's one hell of a snout he's got there.

nope. he's playing the long game

Transform into my true form and run away

nice bb gun fgt

Do you have a license for that assault weapon you have their goy- er white man? If not i can give you one for a discount price of only 400 Shekels! I'll even add on a 1000 Shekel gun insurance for only five payments of 300 shekels.

do a barrel roll

report this antisemite racism to the fbi and inform the splc of your posting of a nazi general.

Put that shirt you took off back on fagt

Literally what is there to refute?? it's just plain hate towards jews worldwide.


Snatch the gun from him, find another jew to shoot and then shoot myself.

And hate hits everyone. You will need to prosecute across the Religious spectrum least you hold one belief above another. If you are stead-fast in your belief then a negative comment will not effect you.

ban OP & bumplock the thread


continue infecting goyim with my degeneracy, because i am the eternal jew


cracks me up every single time


Offer him a good placement. Than crook him.

Literally nothing since Ben Garrison is a libertarian and I have not much to fear.

I think this is redpilling on a frequency above normie hearing range. Bonus points for Jim Stone Freelance content, though.

Can't. His corporate masters are more addicted to cheap illegal labor than a hoodrat is addicted to crack. If Donald lays a finger on immigration the friendly folks from Smithfield and Perdue and Armour ,and every wealthy donor southwest of Denver who is about to lose his field hands and his gardener and his pool boy and his entire construction crew are gonna sit him down and explain to him how the world works. Trump may be somewhat rich, but there about a thousand guys with ten to a hundred times more money than him, who understand that the President's job is to drop to his knees and gobble their cocks, even if Trump hasn't figured that out yet.





Let's praise Him with many songs!
"Open your bowels for Jesus,
Open your bowels for Jesus;
As you study His Word,
You'll be undeterred
To open your bowels for Jesus."
Praise him with many motions!



Go on 8ch to ask other jew what they would do.