

The video is disturbing. A 16 year old flashes two middle fingers to the camera. On one hand, he's wearing brass knuckles. Then, he winds up and delivers a devastating punch to a victim with his back turned.

When the victim is on the ground, the suspect delivers three more blows to the head.

"Especially when you have young victims in a case it's something we're going to take very seriously," said 20th Judicial District Prosecutor Cody Hiland.

The suspect is Kane Millsaps. He was arrested earlier this month for felony battery. Even though he's still a minor prosecutor Hiland says he plans to try him as an adult.

"It's serious," he said. "We feel like it's something that needs to be pursued as an adult. It's an adult act."

In an arrest affidavit, police say the victim – who's just 12 years old – suffered a "bruised right eye, cut on his neck and broken teeth."

The victim told police he "did not know the person that hit him."

While prosecutors describe the victim's injuries as "serious," he is expected to recover.

"I'm sorry to that family," said the suspect's mother Amy Millsaps. "I don't know why he did it."

The attack happened May 31st on a walking trail off Prince St. near Conway High School. People there on Monday were shocked to watch the video.

"I don't know what to say," said trail visitor Elijah Jones. "It's just dirty."

Investigators believe Millsaps himself posted the video online. He told police he punched the victim because he was "running his mouth."
Can we get this race-baiting prick outta here?

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And people are supporting this prick? What on earth is wrong with these ethnomasochistic cucks that they have to console a 16-yo after he straight up nogs a kid?

because he's a nigger. because his dad isn't around. because you're a shit mother.

If they treated the as a mental health issue, then 76% of all black males in Arkansas would be in a mental institution.




I honestly don't understand why we don't put people down for things like this, we do it to dogs, at least humans are supposed to be capable of reason, so if they reason to commit violence upon another they should just be straight up put down.

Niggers are a genetic dead-end, and a mistake.
There's no way around this, they need to be made extinct.
Release the virus.


your impotent rage is stupid.

Either spend your energy thinking about how to weaponise this or move on to another project to ACTUALLY do something.

Right now, in Texas. statutes.legis.state.tx.us/SOTWDocs/PE/htm/PE.9.htm

Can use lethal force to protect yourself or someone else, protect your property or someone else's property, don't have to drag them inside your house, don't have to drag them onto your property, they could be running away halfway down the street and you could blow them away to stop them.

assuming it's real

Some spic that got into office in Texas wants to change this because he knows his criminal spic brethren are on the chopping block.

Someone link yt/upload webm for video?

That website has like 20 goddamn scripts.

around blacks, never relax


i'm more depressed by the fucking faggot (((friends))) that do literally nothing.

fucking pathtic stoned braindead cucks.

i would attack a nigger for beating even a stranger.

what are those cucks doing

I love how these black supremacists think they
can win a race war when they:
1. Can't handle banter from a 12-year-old
2. Have to use a weapon on said 12-year-old
3. Have to suckerpunch said 12-year-old

Feral savages.

There was no banter.

The smarter ones know they can't and are very annoyed at niggers like in OP.

He's a nigger. That's why he did it.

I was just talking about the supremacists. Anyone who can operate a calculator can see how a race war would pan out.

Anyone have the vid? The page isn't loading for me.

I don't think I can watch it personally.
I've seen too much of this shit in the past week.

More the reason to give them the feral dog treatment

Only really works if you're in Florida.

They should have surrounded the feral nog and Caesar'd him.

Texas, for shame. Right this wrong and purge the unclean.

PA also has stand your ground and right to defend your castle. Except for the major cities, for towns and communities have whites as the majorities, surrounded by woods with wild life no less.


As I said in another thread, niggers are like the antithesis to the aryan master race. A nigger is a barbaric tribal in modern day clothing. They can't into economics, agriculture, societal evolution, technology, and shit like that. They can't invent shit on their own. They only get away with using what's provided to them.

Hell even actual chimps and gorillas are better for the environment and are smarter than niggers. Niggers are only good at destroying and chimping out in large numbers.