What's up with all the communist posters now? Also...

What's up with all the communist posters now? Also, apparently Holla Forums is now a Holla Forumsolshevik board

I for one welcome our new Marxist Leninist overlords.

All this edgy Hitler and retarded Trump shitposting got me tired, i want to do the grown up thing and promote a real leader now.
Stop being faggots, join in or go to the >>>/gulag/

Rot Front! o7

This is neat


Our toast to the Motherland and Stalin!

>>>Holla Forums

You're a good man, user.


Let me help you out my friend.
Comrade Assad sending his regards.

The liberation of Syria from the US imperialist proxy forces was a [kek]mind blowing[/kek] undertaking :^)

You can even see a piece of his head fly off, lol

Sweet sweet victory
Socialism prevails!


Comrade Assad, as much vilified and demonized as Stalin, yet another smeared socialist Saint of the peoples struggle against imperialist invadors and propaganda!


He's too kind, this is his true major weakness.
I almost feel like forgiving him if it weren't such a grave mistake that has already cost hundred of thousands of lives…


ITT: post communist music

We've already agreed before to post genuine communist propaganda to mock communism, you're messing up the plan!


Ok, sorry my dude, i'm still a little bourgeoise faggot and can't stop sucking dick right away, it becomes a reflex over time being a wage elf for so long. Please don't tell on the politburo.


I think it's just Holla Forums trying to make leftists look bad, and they're doing a real good job of looking very retarded.

Get off my board de-evolution faggots.


Why would Holla Forums need to do that when Commie faggots do a perfectly good job being retards on their own? That makes no sense.


underrated post

