Would you date either of these girls if they were real?

Would you date either of these girls if they were real?

noddle people pls go

Marceline definitely


Bubblegum is actually feminine


Yep. Either one.


So I'm a fag for wanting a girl who never ages and can turn me into a vamp? And this isn't a popularity contest, its who YOU specifically want to date so fuck off

And I'm telling you that dating dead flesh is silly. I'd rather date a girl who is technically edible

And I'm telling you I don't give a shit about your opinion


Both. I'd try, at least.

Bubble gum, because her asshole is pink and her cunt smells like bubble gum.

but i'm a sociopathic, emotionally damaged NEET and for some reason i can't get a… oh, shit

Marceline is a tomboy cunt, I'd go for Bubblegum

Haven't seen anything past season 5 thought

Face it, if we were on adventure time, most of us will probably be the Ice king.


I'd date the peppermint circle thing


yeah… but the only thing I know about them is from rule 34




Aren't they both dykes now?

Then both so nobody is sad.