Tfw no beautiful young 11-25 year old girl
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That is exactly how i feel user.
Fuck you normie stop hating hating us gays bis trans Les pedophiles hebeaphiles and Ephebophies also go back to Fagbook.
You Know How I Know that You Guys are Gay??… I Know because You Guys are Hugging Each Other ever so Gently…
Not gay user clearly you did not read my post up top.
Black = Eswed
Grey = Rusasi
White = Abyad
Blue = Aza
This is Why im Learning Arabic; because of That Sexy Ass Bitch Up There… ^^
I WANT It… I Don't Need Shit… I WANT IT!!… ^^^
Pick one
Too old. We only like 11-25yo girls.
Or younger LOL.
I Am a Catholic and I'm Listening to Christmas Music Right Now, you Filthy Spirit of Perversion… KILL YO MOTHAFUCKIN SELF!!!!!…
How young do you like, user?
Fuck off normie faggot.
please ;_;
That post was a joke i like 11-25 as well however i do think some candy dolls like Laura B. are really cute but i wouldn't fuck them.
suuuuuuuuure you wouldnt
Are they really 12? Look more like 15.
Also look like Britbongess (female English)
How about when they are 16?
OP house is gonna be raided by the FBI soon watch.
I already called them on the pretext that OP is engaging in a conspiracy to molest a child.
I already screen shotted this entire conversation as evidence.
I see. Well you're not alone.
Hey you are not alone on this i agree 11-12 year olds who dress like that are not cute and it isn't cute it is a Frankenstein monstrosity.
Here are my feels, some may not know this feel
Kill yourself normie
Find a flaw
You can't
I am not Abo, I was just looking at flags
It was okay in the old days but not now normie society is so messed up oh the feels are strong right now.
So her 5 year old sister dresses like a whore?
Nobody cares about your propaganda.
who told them to fuck niggers, pakis and curries?
I do faggot.
the jews
a lot of that sounds like bullshit.
Looks like modern society is really doing well for itself (not). I guess this is what people fight for.
The middle three are quite young.
So you're a virgin, user?
Yes indeed.
Same here
I am
Have to wonder who was taking those sort of pics. A family member? Kind of weird, tbh
You figured out my secret LEL.
If only.
Not sure what pic related is, but I have seen several art pieces that look similar, and I like the overall aesthetic.
It looks like three of us are virgins.
Sometimes girls or women like to take pictures like that of there female family members. Of course, it could be a boy or man doing this, for one reason of another.
I am glad there are at least a few places left in the West that are not like that. These must be preserved.
I will be back in the morning. My eyes are heavy.
If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?
You can just say 20+, 25+, 30+ if you don't want to be exact.
25+ here
pedophilie,hebephile,ephebophile, who cares?
If you get caught, you're bubba's bitch for life.
sure, caught raping a minor.
but getting caught being attracted to minors just means that you're human.
Thanks for stating the obvious captain obvious also fuck niggers fuck normalfags moralfags and fuck normie society.
Well, she is quite attractive. And she's like ~16 or 17 so it's not wrong to think as you do.
ftfy :)
Assuming we're talking about 14+, maybe. But I think some people here are sexual attracted to girls under 12, which is not normal.
This guy gets it also well pedophilia may not be normal but i am not the one to judge if they are into that kind of stuff and if it makes them happy let them be themselves that is how i feel.
I don't care either, btw. Most people who are that way are too busy fapping to Candydoll, etc. to be any threat to girls IRL.
To each their own, I guess.
You make a really good point also the girl in that pic is really hot i would love to see her get wet and have her shirt be wet as well.
True. But then again, she is probably 17+, so it's safe to think that way.
haha oh wow
Not really edgy you want edgy go to Reddit YouTube comments or browse 4chan in 2016.
Getting a child to hold a sign, abhorring "moralfags" is pretty edgy.
Sorry, that's really suspect as well, but whatever edgy teenager set that up probably knew that.
there's more to being pure than just being a virgin, you and I should both know that well.
So after Librechan Shut Down, ALL the Pedos Came Back Shitposting and Flooding the Page Holla Forums with Pedophile Shit after They Lost Their "Safe Space"??…
I Know This is What Happened you Fucking Fools!!…
fuck you too
Shut the fuck up edgy faggot also LOL safe space sorry bud but were all for freedom of speech as much as the next guy fuck you and your SJW bullshit.
you should be sad because you want an 11 year old
"Freedom of Speech" Doesn't mean that you can Rape and Sodomize a Child you Fucking Fool… What it really Stands For is Sexual Perversion and Social Degeneracy…
& you are So Fucking Stupid to Realize that Adolf Hitler was My Hero when I Was a Kid… So YOU Shut The Fuck Up, you Dog!!… You are Inferior!!…
Fuck off moralfag
you fuck off pedo
LOL That was the most edgy thing i ever read hey kid Reddit is that way also you do realize a few 100 200 300 years ago it was normal for a 30 year old man to marry a 11 year old also nobody is getting raped or Sodomized here so your statement is fucking retarded and one more thing stop spreading Degeneracy propaganda on imageborads go back to Reddit faggot.
Someone who likes teenagers is a Hebeaphile or a Ephebophile not a pedophile.
It Doesn't Matter if it was 300 200 100 Years Ago… Its the 21st Century and Pedophiles are Hated the World Over in THIS Day and Age… So Go Ahead and be a Pedo, I Don't Care… Just Don't Fall Victim to a Public Lynching (even though I Hope you do) all because you Couldn't Control your "Carnal Desires"… So YOU AINT SHIT & You CANT DO A FUCKING THING!!!!!… Fool…
Wants it
Fuck you fuck off go back to Reddit and Fagbook where you belong and stop being edgy.
I like how you refer to the girl in that picture as an it and not a person.
and yet some people want to stop her from getting it
moralfaggots are so cruel
He's saying that she wants it, it being the dick
Yes they are.
Took that out of context sorry LOL.
16 is just perfect.
I defiantly agree that anything under 13 is degenerate but if you don't find girls between 14 to 18 to be attractive your a faggot.
if by 'perfect' you mean 'old af bruh'
Women are trouble, just ask hotwheels.
At times like this i do miss /hebe/
They're all 20+
I've begun to reckon with the fact that since I don't find anyone over the age of 15 attractive in the slightest, I'll likely "die alone" too. But there are some benefits
It also helps that I don't particularly believe in "love" and was never a romantic anyway. Sucks but it's the hand I was dealt and don't plan on letting it get me down or ruin my life.
on the internet
Where does this phenomena of tattle tales come from?
I had this adopted Eurasian stepsister bitch that would always tell on me, run to authority figures like her mom and shit. My only regret is I didn't rape her more.
Same deal with anti-pedos. What is their malfunction? Are there really that many useless cunts on chan that are jealous. Government shills? Surely no man with an ounce of self respect would sink to that level…
Don't Try to Make Me "Feel Bad" about the Sick Shit you Criminals be Engaging In, Fool…
& do you Really Believe Everything you Read on Holla Forums, you Stupid Shit-Head??… Now im REALLY Reporting your Mothafuckin Asses to the Authorities!!!!…
Oh, you are a reptilian
That explains the low consciousness
You just said that you wanted to rape a 12 year old Korean boy right now.
& secondly, what type of a creature does this make of you!
I bet OP is all happy and excited that his post reached over 90 comments; a first for him
I bet he is sucking his dads dick right now in celebration
>giving children everything they want
Well, people like you are what ruined this generation.
Weird how '('you)r'' thoughts drifted to that.
Calm the fuck down, they're trolling you.
Go back to reddit
the album was made by "horny 14 year olds"
I do not mind.
I will say.
I am not completely sure who you are talking to, but i guess I will answer by saying: I do know it take more than being a virgin to be pure, and that even some people who have lost there virginity outside of the bonds of marriage can be more pure than a virgin.
I admit I have some problems to take care of.
Aside from those who think whatever they veiw as moral is law, morals is something good to have. Otherwise, you will not have respect for anything.
Of course, normies love homosexuals. I imagine it would probably become increasingly common.
Mind you, in some places, you would even (or would have, for former countries) get in trouble for having s- with an 18 year old.
What happened is not exactly a secret, though I always stuck here.
There is some misunderstanding around the concept of "Free Speech", and I will guess different countries have different definitions of it. It is unfair to say that.
Assuming you are that Catholic Mayan art poster, it is strange how you feel that the "world's" feelings on this subject have merit.
The past matters because those were times were the average person actually cared about there beliefs and order, there standards are time tested, and were we get our non-modern values. Can you say the average person in either Americas actually cares for these? What with all the love of violence, aids (hard to get it from intercourse or a needle), bastard children, and such.
The Catholic church's rules on this do not match modern ones, and I think you do not know were or why we got the idea of "18". Imagine condemning another Catholic following the rules of there faith to prison homosexuality or mob violence (disregard for authority.) Then again, I am no expert or Catholic, so I might be wrong or misunderstanding something.
Adolf Hitler's Germany did not seem to go along with today's standard either.
Also, if you are an indio or mestizo, the ones up north speak almost like normal English speakers, but you sound like a dumb nog.
"the hand the rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world"
take the world back from cunts
I know right
fuck off faggot.
What went wrong?
she has nice tits.
fuck off pedo degenerate
No you fuck off faggot.
I hear board owner was agent, could explain why they opose poster who ___ to.
Late bloomer detect
It okay, you can not help. Leave only us big boy in charge
Fear not friend, you will find happiness when you pray to God. His loving light will guide you to greatness, but if you wish not to wait, then muster as many men as you can and march on Jerusalem. Retake the holy land from the dirty Saracens. God will wipe your sins away, and accept you into heaven if you cleanse the city of God.
Not the OP (though very close feels), but I can put some of my tools to good use.
Get the fuck out
Kill yourself grandma loving faggot.
which of the thousands of Gods should I pray to? Which denomination?
just hide those posts and ignore them. If an actual arguments comes we welcome it.
This one