What should I buy Holla Forums?
What should I buy Holla Forums?
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Send me some.
Or buy one of those loli sex dolls.
Buy yourself a bank account?
OP can you give me some money to pay my student loan?
No, you made bad choices. Its your fault to get out of jewish debt
I'm sorry I'm trying to build a better future for myself user.
Then why did you waste money on university?
A high end sex doll.
What about me OP? I'm starving and need food. I have $2 in my bank account and I'm between jobs
Zyklon-B and ovens.
Sure whats your paypal
[email protected]/* */
I would like a small amount donated to me. $20 to my pay pal account. But it's your money, spend it on whatever you want.
You're a generous guy btw. I was starting to accept that I was going to die because no one ever cares to help a man out.
Refresh your paypal
You should kill yourself if you're unable to survive on your own.
I'm good Op. Just buy wine, piss in it and hand it out to homeless fucks.
Sorry I mistyped. It was actually [email protected]/* */
Darwinism eh?
invest in my business idea OP. i just need an area for a setup (rent) and some equipment
it looks so scary
donate me some cash goy
give me 20$
I need $$$$ to help me ejaculate inside every schoolgirl in my region
thumb loogs lige benis :DDDD :DD :D :D
you'd be better off learning a vocation or running a business
orgies with 1k+ hookers/escorts
don't forget viagra
buy me a dead puppy
The services of a financial advisor who can suggest better things to do with 18 grand than leaving it sitting in a checking account losing value.
stocks after careful and tedious research
Hot damn, thank you for reminding me to look for a present for my uncle who paid off $50,000 of my student debt. I would have been an utter ecological dead end otherwise. You have my complete sympathy.
Invest it in something. Perhaps you could buy gold bullion if/when the price drops. Maybe you could stock up on canned food or buy land for yourself. Hell, this is solid "fuck you" money to a lower middle class user such as myself. If you're employed and hate your job, you could probably quit and live for several months until you find a new one. Whatever you do with it, try not to waste it.
An education