Leftists DCing themselves

As it turns out, leftists have started DCing themselves, posting anti-hillary memes in feminist circles and the like. This will pretty much guarantee a win for trump if the memes continue to be spread.

Make anti-hillary memes with feminist-rhetoric demanding a revote for Sanders at the threat of boycotting the vote. Spread them to hell and back. Watch as Hillary's main demographic crumbles.

Praise KEK

Other urls found in this thread:



Even better, start meming the idea that it's worth making Hillary lose on purpose to teach the Democratic Party a lesson for the next election. You know, "We have a voice and we demand to be heard" type of self-important bullshit.

(timestamp quads check'd)

A deadly meme to use for this:


Use female psych: eg
"None of the women I know are voting Hillary……"

They follow trends, dont think.
Use emotion.

In some popular reddit womens forums: "Did you know Kardashian is voting Trump! OMFG…"

Better yet let them do the work for us…. create some of those stupid "chain letter posters"

Some message about Hillary war crimes, email scandals, doesnt stand for women (rape scandals) etc
then at bottom of poster:
"pass it on to rid USA of negativity and give you good luck in the next 3 days"….or whatever those retarded posters say

Then release on twitter, FB etc



This. Just make it look like all women are anti-Hillary except cat ladies and nutjobs. They don't want to look bad. Their self-confidence and other peoples' image of them is more important than their political convictions.

Bring up Bill's rapes and how she suppressed the victims to the point that they were afraid to speak out. Powerful point if it's brought up and repeated enough.

We need to tap into a force that has dominated the female mind since the dawn of creation. We need to remind them that they want children one day and the world approaching my not be as safe as it is now.

I like it. Something like
"What about my daughter?" or "What about my children?"
Somebody, please, think of the children.

"Thank you so much mom. Now I never have to worry about what to wear or bad hair days ever. Thanks! Not really".

"If you are Pro-Trans, how can you be against Bernie Sanders choking on Hillary's cock?"

We need to remind them that their sons and daughters will grow up to hate them when they seen what their parents threw away. We need to remind these crazy 20 somethings that the time for having their own children is drawing near and the future that say they want is not the one they want for their children.

Make sure to make it clear that the next generations will loathe us more than the baby bommers.


very nice!
Put some hearts and emojis on it to make it look like a girl made it OMGGGG!!!11!!

A vote for hillary is a vote for creepy men pretending to be women coming into your bathrooms and dressing rooms.

This ones are good.

Just need to be a bit more comfy and fluffed up and make good propaganda for females.

Don't forget, long boring logical facts even if 100% true won't matter for them.

These. Don't talk about what Hillary will do, just smear her on a visceral level like they've been doing to Trump. They don't work on logic, but on shame. They don't want to be seen as shameful. The OP is a great example of that.


Women like to be afraid of things. Show how the Clintons made women fearful to impact the women's voting block.
Don't lie. Don't exaggerate. You won't have to. The Clinton's HAVE intimidated, raped, and murdered women, both in Arkansas, and on the National scene. Interviews with their victims bear that out.

If you want to make it intellectual enough that it gets spread across both sexes, which is best, also show how they are such fucking hypocrites. Pic related.

Fear is how women press men into their service.

"Ohhh! Men! Come save me! I'm just a stronk independant womyn and these people are being mean to me! They might rape me! If you save me, I might give you some pussy!"

That's all. It's their main method for getting the attention of a personal army.

perfect, lets spread it lads…
what are some female forums?

What about false flags? Spam woman forums, chatrooms and other social media things with shitty hillary propaganda.

Could go viral on imgur. Next to cat gifs section. Put it subtle.

Problem is woman don't want to emotionally bother much with politics in average.

You need to present them a propaganda plate where they feel empowered and pro human rights by not voting Hillary.
Propaganda containing research and facts will be for a smaller portion of woman voters curious enough.

Could also work on tumblr… on some "I'm feminist but hate SJWs extremist feminist types" but tumblr is a riskier one in general.

We need some pilot experiences. Making pro average modern woman propaganda not as easy for channers.

It's D&C not DC.
Divide&Conquer, not DC.


Dialation and Curettage is an abortion method too.

OR IS IT?!?!?

really nigga? you think the avg western woman isn't so far gone she's going to see something like this and go, "hmm, I never thought about it that way?" you're fucking delusional. she'll turn up her nose and pat herself on her back for not believing that "racist garbage"

Here's some more shill art.





If they counter: "Well it'll be better than no woman president at all" ask them why Margret Thatcher isn't a feminist icon

pic related.