
Is it still a good idea to know python?

What is the best tutorial to learn this broken piece of shit language if you already know how to program in other languages?

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If you already know how to program just use a cheat sheet or some shit.

What's broken about Python?

-slow af
-2 vs 3?
-shit ecosystem (even node is better tbh)
-slow af
-guido hates functional proramming

Not worth it. You have to learn two mediocre dead-end languages and most of the software using it is disposable nu-male shit like gnome extensions.

If you don' think it is broken that means you have not written enough python or just wrote shit tier throwaway garbage scripts.

Is Python a good language?
Look at this code and answer it yourself.
if(something) if(something_else) do_this();else do_that();

Passing self as an argument is retarded. Should be implicit.

If you're going to do away with noise by making it whitespace sensitive, you should do all the way, fucking colons everywhere


Totally. C shouldn't even be on this list at all am I rite???

if something and something_else: do_this()else: do_that()

You're very bad at sarcasm.

It lets people actually program instead of being a whiney little faggot like me

Only valid argument, and I do wish 2 would fuck off and die finally.

I get that meme is your native language and all, but we speak English here.

I call it "language that's accessable to the python audience".

Some dumb shit in here tbh.

Just learn it after C/C++

That's not equivalent. The original does nothing if something is True and something_else is False.

You're right, I was too distracted by the semicolons and lack proper function calls to notice.
It's a simple conditional that's better expressed with elif and passing if something_else is false.

What I said in isn't true actually. And what you were replying to in the first place clearly wasn't supposed to be Python.

It was valid C code indented in a misleading way. The else applies to the second if, not the first. So if something is False it always does nothing. That doesn't happen in Python.

Probably. It's a nice general-purpose scripting language with a good standard library.

I like Python.


Hey now, it's important to learn from other people's mistakes.

Yes. The other two are bash and C.

Most of those boil down to "Language sucks because I don't know how to do anything that doesn't do everything for me"

Sure, it's a decent scripting language. Just don't try to make everything in it.

Skim the official tutorial on their website.

Faster than Ruby and Perl, but yes, all interpreted non-JIT languages are fucking slow. If you can use PyPy, use that, it's fucking fast; otherwise use cython where you really need the performance.

3. Unless you absolutely need to use 2 (because of shit libraries or existing codebase), always use 3. This isn't even up for debate anymore.

Where? It's not the best, but it is better than Ruby, Perl, and definitely fucking Javascript. "node is better". No, fuck off. Node is the worst community in existence. It's a community built around a shit Javascript platform and package manager.

Guido is retarded. This is a legitimate complaint. He's really shot large parts of the language in the foot that should be stronger, but you still do have the basics of itertools to assist here, and lambda's can be easily substituted by named local functions without a big issue.

Python is shit, but it's one of the least shit dynamic languages.

Considering he complains about things like a lack of standard libraries (when it's part of the whole point of C), it's hard to take him too seriously.
CPAN is literally the best ecosystem out of every language.

I'm amazed you are not too stupid to breathe

If you're that fucking concerned about speed and every single CPU cycle, you wouldn't be coding in anything except C and assembly anyway.

Python is quite usable as a nigger-rigging language. Just don't let features like classes, tests and modules fool you into thinking that python is usable for larger projects. Once you get the urge to split your code into multiple files, give up and rewrite in something else.

I thought the only advantage python has over other scripting languages is the fact that it CAN handle larger projects?

You can build a house with nothing but a swiss army knife, too, but a real set of tools would get the job done a lot better.

I sure hope this is bait and that you are not really this stupid.

Python has quite a few (low-quality) packages. Beyond that, not much positive things to say. The whole circular dependency bullshit is enough to discredit the entire language for anything spanning more than one source file.


But that's not how you spell PHP...

not an argument

>>>Holla Forums

Depends what you're doing or what field you're in. For an example sysadmins and malware analysis highly benefits from Python because its a 'get shit done' sort of languge

Are all python users this fucking stupid???

what level of retardation is required for such actions?

o i am laffin

Not an argument

It completely blows my mind. I can't even figure out where these people could've possibly came from. It isn't halfchan since anyone still there with knowledge of 8ch knows exactly why the fork happened in the first place.

Are all you Holla Forumstards really this fucking stupid?

Yes, I know how moot "got cucked" and "memed on" your parade on Holla Forums. Your simpleton echo chamber black-and-white thinking is showing.

You have a WHOLE FUCKING BOARD for your Nazi role-playing. This is 8/tech/, and have you seen 4/g/? I mean sure, even this place is pretty insufferable these days, but it's like comparing a bad flu to full-blown AIDS.

tl;dr there are more legitimate reasons to be here from 4chan than "muh Holla Forums safespace"

top kek, what do you have to say for yourselves slowthon fags?

mandelbrotsource secs KB gz cpu cpu loadPython 3293.92 55,392 686 1,171.64 100% 100% 100% 100%C gcc5.92 32,572 694 22.78 95% 95% 95% 100%fannkuch-reduxsource secs KB gz cpu cpu loadPython 3567.35 55,368 944 2,220.71 98% 96% 100% 99%C gcc9.07 1,576 910 35.43 100% 99% 98% 94%fastasource secs KB gz cpu cpu loadPython 3 111.44 8,276 977 111.40 28% 0% 0% 73%C gcc1.36 2,800 1993 5.26 96% 97% 100% 97%n-bodysource secs KB gz cpu cpu loadPython 3923.74 8,040 1181 923.49 44% 13% 0% 44%C gcc9.56 1,000 1490 9.56 1% 100% 1% 1%spectral-normsource secs KB gz cpu cpu loadPython 3250.12 58,892 437 932.41 94% 95% 92% 93%C gcc1.98 1,776 1139 7.87 99% 99% 100% 99%fasta-reduxsource secs KB gz cpu cpu loadPython 3220.43 499,020 1304 381.60 34% 49% 46% 46%C gcc1.55 780 1321 1.55 0% 100% 2% 1%

From what I can tell, people say shouldn't use python if you're going for performance or doing a big project.
But not everything requires performance or is a giant project.
And even with that giant project, some small things can probably be done in python

where the fuck did Holla Forums come from with that?
I don't like Holla Forums but this is stupid.

the thing before that wasn't an argument either...

I'm learning python with lpthw by Zed Shaw. It's something I've wanted to do for years but I never had reason to as I had no ideas of what to make, but since weev began talking about robots that target niggers, I thought that was a good starting point.

Stop immediately and get any python book not by Zed Shaw.

Nah, Zed is the best, fuck you python3 cucks.

I have absolutely no clue what the hell you're babbling about. I'd recommend taking your meds.

Halfchan /g/ sucks balls for many, many reasons.

Zed pls.

And I thought you guys were tru/pol/.

hi. you seem to be lost.

>>>Holla Forums


Why do nu-programmers prefer this over perl? Is perl too hard for them?
php has sigils and is still in widespread use


The C stdlib has the philosophy of adding only "the bare minimum every programmer needs for their programs". It's then incomprehensible why, even though not everybody needs multithreading (as shown by the amount of single core programs) and despite that it's added to the stdlib, sockets aren't included. It just makes no sense.

Not to mention all the other complaints that are NOT about the standard library, the biggest one probably being the string manipulation. There is a reason BCHS is retarded, and it is because only people who haven't done string manipulation with C (like people around here) praise it.

I only disagree with the type system being meaningless. This can be a problem in some cases, but it is generally useful to be able to do whatever with your data.

It is faster than python.
Which one has the worst syntax is debatable.
No scripting language is suitable for "large" projects.

Wow look at all these non-arguments.

I don't think this is news to anyone


this tbh.

python has legit drawbacks. complaints such as are ridiculous (see he knows what's up). people who make these shitty cuck complaints aren't programmers, they're pathetic larpers.

python is a great general purpose language you can do a lot with. when you hit the limits of what you can do with python almost always you need a more domain specific language which python isn't trying to compete with. the only exception i can think of is c / c++. if you have something you absolutely need to run fast or embedded then c / c++ is a better choice for a general purpose language.

python is a dank fucking language m8's. don't let those larping cucks tell you otherwise.

Is everyone on this board clinically retarded?

if you choose a language based on language benchmarks you're an idiot.

in python, move compute intensive code to c / c++ and use ffi. NON-ISSUE.

choose your languages based on utility / ease of use / application to your field of interest / your enjoyment of the language. if you don't enjoy the language you won't code with it and you'll never gitgud. if people can't understand your code or you can't understand their code, this also is a problem (perl has a bad reputation for this. you may disagree but consensus is otherwise)

if you like perl use perl, i don't care.

personally i find python is fun to code in and you can do a lot with it. it's very versatile.

Yep, you're retarded alright.

i like how you have to change what i said to make a NON-ARGUMENT against it

i said it is a NON-ISSUE if you move compute intensive code. use ffi and it doesn't matter. comparing based on the benchmarks is idiotic because nobody codes like that irl.

for most tasks python is much much more than sufficient as far as speed. if speed is such a critical factor for you then c / c++ or assembly would be by far a better choice than perl.

most of the time your processor is doing nothing just waiting. lmao i bet you don't even optimize your code to take advantage of caching.



I'm working on a bot and didn't come here to waste all day arguing. You can have the last word. Maybe if you learn to code and manage to gitgud you won't be such a faggot that even pajeet laughs at you irl.

Oh gee JUST what the world needed.

You don't even know what you're talking about. You repeat empty platitudes like
Which requires no intelligence to spout incorrectly like all of you python """"pros"""" do. Also you format your posts like a faggot, your code probably isn't much better. In short you shouldn't talk when you have nothing intelligent to say.

Oh gee JUST what the world needed.

How's that bed-server running?

Maximum butthurt,

underated post

- pip is bullshit. npm is better
- js is 10-100x faster for literally everything
- python jobs pay tens of thousands less than js on average
- the only reason to use python would be if you're in some obscure outdated statistics class that uses numpy/scipy (and in that case they'd be faggots for not using R)
- no brackets = shit syntax

16chan's probably got more uptime right now

Depends if you wanna or have to use it.

Python3 has native async, and is now more webscale than JS. You had your fun, nodebro, but it's Guido's time to shine.

nice bait

This is an imageboard, you niggerfaggot. Get out.

Next time I get angry I will delete my 10 lines of code in npm to collapse the entire ecosystem

Zed is a retarded hack and an attention whore. At least his essay on Ruby being a ghetto was pretty spot on. You can learn Python from lpthw, but only because this language does so much work for you and hides all the difficult shit.
You're better off getting latest version of Python 3, running IDLE and reading the in-built documentation. Then just testing shit out in IDLE and starting writing basic programs to get an understanding on how2code. More on Zed, his "teaching method" is nigger tier fucktarded. Self-absorbed cunt.
Idek what's a good book on Python. Got a small routine thought up in pseudo-code? Chances are you can write it almost in the same form in Python and get k results.
Install Gentoo wiki recommends Starting Out With Python and Think Python (free online).


top kuk

do it faggot

Remember when this was a thread about programming?

python is for when you're too stupid or lazy to learn anything better

If you want a job then yes.

If you don't then Scheme is better in every way

I can't understand it either. I think they're just freaking out because they know that they're about to lose the U.S. election.

Python jobs aren't that plentiful and the average salary is lower than average:

I actually like Python quite a lot, but it is clear that:

1. Golang is eating its cake
2. PHP, Ruby and Node.js are far more popular than Python for web development (even though all three are very crappy languages)
3. It's never been better than Perl for syadmin stuff
4. It is useless for mobile development (iOS/Android)
5. It is useless for desktop development (Mac/Windows)

Python has carved itself a niche in the scientific computing arena, being a better matlab, and in fields such as AI and NLP.

So to answer OP's question: Don't bother


6. It lost the battle for the JVM scripting language to Clojure (and even to crap like Groovy and JRuby)
7. It lost the battle for the embedded language in C++ to Lua (games, etc)

But it has become increasingly popular in education as the introductory language.

Java is better than Golang.

Maybe, but Python developers are migrating to Golang, not to Java.

I quite like Golang, it's a shame because I refuse to support bullshit Google.


Still not wrong.

I don't understand why this triggers people so hard. It's just a form of syntax and if the basic iteration of your code isn't legible to someone else via indents alone you're a sloppy faggot anyway.

People shouldn't be writing web frameworks (or god forbid servers) in Python

But then they shouldn't be doing it in Ruby either

It's a fun little language for scripts and gluing things together

Anyone still even using Ruby in current year is retarded.

Yeah I never understood the Ruby meme

Random grab bag language that's slow as shit and had no documentation whatsoever for ages

Same here. Golang is quite alright, all things considered. If only it weren't from Google.

Swift is also pretty cool, if only it weren't from Apple.

No one ever gave a shit about Ruby before Rails.

I like that list. It is a good list.

Python is a great, fun language. We use it extensively for testing and automation at work.

I've even written a small game server in it and, sure, C would be faster, but Python is fast enough that speed has never been a problem, and it works just fine. I run it behind pypy which makes the algorithmic parts run significantly faster.

Python really excels for general purpose scripting. Any time you need to whip up something quick it's a breeze.

I also use Pandas occasionally for data analysis. R is a pain in the ass and horrible at general purpose programming. Granted there are some advanced methods which can be found around the internet in R and probably not in Python, so maybe it would be the better choice if you need them (I don't) and aren't willing to port them.

It looks like there are lots of LARPers in here who debate languages but probably never actually program anything.

The worst thing about Python is the 2 vs 3 split. I'll admit that I'm still using 2.7 and ought to catch up with the changes in 3 soon. Now that all the important packages have been ported to 3, I have no more excuse.

The worst programmers are the ones who become complacent with shit languages

What can python do taht perl can't?

Tell that to the people using Javascript, Java, Ruby, PHP, C#, and the list goes on. Python is relatively unshitty.

Probably nothing. That said, the syntax of perl is so revolting that I never bothered to try it, and Python seems more widely used.

Why do people seem to hate this language so much? It's one of the languages that's given me the least headaches in my experience.

You know that you can learn more than one language? Python doesn't have to be your main language, but it's still a valuable tool when you want to prototype something or just want quick results.

Because it abstracts away so much of what's actually happening in your code. 95% of python-centric programmers couldn't even formally analyze the complexity of fizzbuzz. Then they think they're hot shit since they can do factorial time algorithms in a single list comprehension that they have no clue the inner workings of. Not that this matters for small scripts but once you start building complex software these things matter quite a lot.

it's always in the top 5 most used programming languages. it has a shit tons of libraries for literally everything and it's one of the most used languages for artificial intelligence. so yeah, it fucking is.

uh huh kiddo

[citation needed]

Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? Software development is almost entirely about making intelligent abstractions. If you had ever actually worked on a large software project, you would know that "abstract(ing) away so much of what's actually happening in your code" is the only way to manage large codebases.

Abstractions aren't bad just because we currently have an overabundance of web dev ``code artisans'' and Pajeets who rely on the abstractions put in place by real programmers.


t. assembly artisan

Python cucks: triggered

You realise that all programming languages beyond direct machine instructions are "abstractions", right?

Yes, and there exist languages superior to python for every purpose. So what's the point?

"Superior" is extremely subjective.

Python is a shit language for shit "programmers"


All these flavors, salty did you choose

That better not be that motherfucker Shaw and his retarded Hard Way bullshit.

Sounds like a problem of shit programmer to begin with.
I use python for some general purpose scripting at work (not my main job, just some support stuff). After getting into it a bit, you come across optimization, efficiency, and ways to write code which isn't shit and runs better.
Python DOES support it, but you have to have the willingness to do some digging and thinking. If that didn't solve your problems, just write whatever does the heavy calculations in a compiled language and integrate it as a library into python.
And I write all of that after writing some shit code at the beginning, and later fixing it to run much faster.
All in all, your criticism is valid. I don't think it's a problem inherent to the language, but it sure does enable it.

But There's Only One Way to Do It, right guys? :^)

What's a good intro to programming (and computers and stuff)? Should I learn Python?

high pay and high demand. syntax is easy as fuck. why NOT learn it at some point?

Also, no way C, C++, and Java pay less than Ruby or Python. At the companies I've looked at or had approach me, C/C++/Java starting offers are at least double the starting offers for web bullshit. Their methodology is probably as flawed as TIOBE, and/or their data is being poisoned by worthless Asian sweatshop job postings.

Go to and take 6.001x Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python!

Its fun. The course is free and you can find the book for free online. If you want a verified certificate its $50. Your parents will be proud that you took a computer science class from MIT.

Be a fucking man and do it.

This image must be pretty old, Objective C is dead, replaced with Swift.

No doubt their methodology is shit, as this numbers completely contradict O'Reilly's:

FYI, Python is used in fields that pay top dollar (Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Data Science, cloud computing / Infrastructure as Code, scientific computing, finance...) It's not a particularly popular platform for web development.

It's a common misconception C or C++ pay well, "it's harder so it must pay better" is false. Everyone learns those languages in university so there's an oversupply of them.

Game development, which is notoriously C++ centric is one of the worst paying programming jobs you can get. But it can be a way to break into finance, where the highest salaries are paid.

To earn top dollar with C you have to work on implementing operating systems, compilers or databases for Apple/Microsoft/Google/Oracle/IBM. It's not C what pays well, it's OS, database and compiler knowledge what does.

Java is just shit, a shitty language that pays jackshit. When every Pajeet on earth eats curry and shits Java it has no chance at all.

Android artificially raises the average, but it's clearly Android skills, not Java what is being compensated. Non-Android Java devs earn much less.

This won't last, in case you missed the news, Google is hell bent in teaching Android development in India.

Is there a source on the second image? I find it extremely hard to believe Ruby anything pays that well.

MIT is a private university. The goal of those is to make sure students pass not to make sure they become good programmers. Python is the obvious choice to make sure people pass programming 101 or w/e.


Lol its the opposite. Those first semester freshman classes are made to weed out the weaklings. If you flunk out they want you to do it then, not after you've wasted both your and their time. They make those classes tougher and more fast paced than they need to be.

I just started programming. Tried C++ and couldn't stand it. Python was recommended by my friend who has a PhD in computer science. It is so fucking amazing and I could never switch back.

The main reasons I like it:
1) closer to pseudocode. I can think it and program it very quickly, much faster than C++
2) I actually like the formatting dependent code. I write much more legible code this way as opposed to read only in C++ but I can see why others find it annoying.
3) Tells me when I run out of an array index and where rather than FUCKING CORE DUMP
4) Pygame is an awesome graphical/UI package. I am having a blast
5) garbage collection. I sure love having to fucking assign memory every time I make a new object and then cleaning it up at the end.

So there it is. I wouldn't be programming if it weren't for python. C++ can suck my dick

top kek, go back to /g/ you faggot

The biggest problem I have with Python is you don't get compile-time errors but execution-time errors.

The Python equivalent of a core dump is crashing with a stack trace, and it is 1000x more frequent than in C++

Garbage collection is handy most of the time, but quite honestly if you cannot wrap your head around memory management you should not call yourself a programmer at all. Writing you own implementation of malloc is one of those rites of passage that separate the men from the boys.

Nevertheless, Python is definitely one of the better languages in widespread use.

kek. C++ is a standard language for first-time learners because it teaches you most of the different elements of modern coding. You should learn it anyway.

Just a thought: if this is true, maybe you shouldn't be programming in the first place.

And I'm not saying Python is necessarily bad. I'm saying that if it's literally impossible for you to learn programming with anything other than Python, then maybe you should consider some other path, for your own sake.

If you can't write proper C++ code, it's pretty likely you will end up writing even shittier python code, it will probably crash randomly at runtime and you will have serious performance issues, both because Python is the slowest popular language and because you think the GC is a godsend fits-all solution, the memory is still being deallocated and allocated all the time, you can't ignore that as a programmer.

If he's having fun with it that's enough reason to continue.

Technically, yes, and they're trying to design the language so that the 'one way' will be the most optimal way. If you're a street-shitter maybe You Just Should Not Do It.

Fuck off liberal scum

What I really like in Python:

I have been working with Django for two years and holy fuck is it awesome after PHP. The ORM, migrations/models system, urls and template system make everything incredibly easy and pleasant to work with. I really can't complain about anything in Django. The projects I have worked on have relatively small amount of concurrent users, around 2-60 so performance has not been an issue at all so far. The pages load really fast running on a single server and we've had no reason yet to use faster languages like C/C++. There is a relevant "Rule of least power" for this:

And in this amazing "book" about Unix philosophy I recommend reading the following parts that are relevant to the discussion in this thread:

And in addition of achieving the required performance and security, the code is modular, simple, readable, thus easy to understand and modify. Python + Django is an amazing combination for the projects we work on.


Maybe he doesn't want/need to be a full-on programmer. A baby-language is still useful for people who want to have some way of writing programs to do their work instead of being dependant on other people. It would be like saying "if you don't know how build your own bicycle you shouldn't bother learning anything about bicycles at all". I may not be a bike mechanic, but I do know how to fix a flat tire or change my worn-out brakes. Some independence is better than none at all.

basically this
it's a scripting language for crying out loud, not a programming language, although it can make an excellent imitation of one
besides being useful for a few scientific / engineering tasks, it shouldn't be a language to write entire projects in (although I've already seen entire projects written in tcl, so go figure). When it gets big, or you care about performance, it's time to use a programming language, not scripting language.

You need to look at the whole job rather than just data mined salary+language as a key word.

I'm not a programmer but I work in IT. Here is an example of a job that's going to wreck your curve

Repeat for cloud, devops, linux admin, automation engineer, data scientist etc. Its not the python getting them the higher salary.

Python is very comfortable to write code in, I don't see why this has to be a hated aspect of a language.

True. We're starting to teach Python at my college, and I think half of our students in those classes are networking/security. They're not going to be software developers, but they need to know how to write scripts.

CS students please, first-time learners need to understand how assembly relates to hardware and then graduate to C before they touch OOP shit.

No, they understand it better when you go top-down

How come when it comes to "beginner languages" nobody ever mentions lua?

It's an extension language. It's not designed for standing on its own, it's designed for extending existing software.

If you look at you see a lot of nginx and World of Warcraft. There's stand-alone programs too, but compare it to and you'll see a large difference. It's not what Lua excels at.

It's easier to develop a broad ability and then refine it than to create a narrow ability and expand it.

I've used Python to make modules for the Sopel bot and I can dig the easiness of using Python for someone who just want to make something work.

Variable declaration is name = value, no type declaration, just magic.

Class methods like init and all of it's friends is neato. I made a class just for fun where I could use math operators on a class object and Python allowed me to do it. This probably exists in C but I haven't bothered learning it.

I miss the switch case statement in Python, but you can get shit done with a dictionary doing the same shit.

String libraries and slicing is easy and the methods are well documented on python's website. I've made several Nemo extensions with Python that slice and dice addresses and URLs for my convenience without even being a pro Python scripter.

Speed is shit. Expect 1 second execution time on large projects even when the program is hosted on your own box.

Indentation rule is retarded. It has helped spawn millions of Python coders that leave their mark in other languages. Why not just use curly brackets and semi-colons like the language it was based off?
It's shitty to import scripts from a Python coder because all objects and lines will be indented with 4 blank spaces everywhere even though they don't have to.

Sadly, Lua is more lightweight, uses similar rules and syntax but is faster than Python. I'm still amazed at how fast Lua is and all the games using it still runs at good performance like factorio.

Python is a good beginners language though, to learn simple logic and just have fun with it.

import module

It doesn't. It's known as operator overloading.

One reason is that it prevents ambiguity. Improperly indented C code can mean the program does something very different from what it would seem to do from a casual reading ( ). Although I like Python's indentation I think that it's not very itneresting, and it doesn't take long to get used to it.

I don't see the problem here. Indentation is generally preferred. It makes code more readable even if it's unnecessary. That's the general opinion outside Python programmers as well and that's what most well-written code looks like, even if it's written by people who don't even know about Python's indentation syntax.

What? Are you saying that not having curly brackets makes for LESS ambiguous code? I've always stood by that the curly brackets define a space for operation and by having matching brackets everything is neat and clear.

inb4 just misunderstood your post, too tired to read it again

Most curly brackets languages (including C) allow you to use no brackets for a single statement.

If the indentation and the actual meaning disagree there's a decent chance that you'll trust the indentation and therefore misinterpret what the program is going to do. Python doesn't have that problem. The indentation is not ambiguous at all and it can't disagree with itself.

Overloading makes the codebase difficult to understand. It's the definition of spaghetti programming.
You should be able to manage in C with function pointers and _Generic macros.

Are you comparing Luajit and Python? Use Pypy to compare.