Roast this Bitch

All I want for Christmas is for this bitch to get roasted hard. Holla Forums army please do your thing and destroy this worthless woman.

-Her name is Courtney Gonzales, a complete Beaner slut. Have at it and thank you Holla Forums.(NYPA)

why you put taylor as pic? She is a virgin christian girl. Don't disrespect her!

cause baby now we got bad blood.

kill yourself

Piss off.

Not your personal army.

roast me Holla Forums

Pretty girl, tbh

she's a feminist cunt and anti-white. GTFO faggot

That fucking posture, Jesus Christ.

that is what ticks me off about a lot of girls these days.


at least she got a nicer butt out of it

lol hahaha ikr??

Is her posture bad or is it just her shoulderblades?

I see this every-fuckin-where. I even tried to give a friend's kid advice on her posture (which was shit), got an argument, and then got unfriended for my trouble. Part of it is what happens when young girls develop titties and they become self conscious and try to minimize their breasts, resulting in shit posture. The other obvious contributor is device use.

It's rare these days to see a young woman with great posture.

no women, no kids


Looks like she has a kyphotic spine.

whoa, such pretty cheekbones. Excelent hair. fine facial features. Plain but comfy clothing (doesn't scream attention on campus nor does it appear too bland). Easy to read handwriting. Normal nails and nice hands.

She looks pretty good to me

Early stage Scoliosis.

Hey, nice area code.
I am also in the greater Everett area.
If i ever meet someone named Courtney Gonzales, I'll treat them kindly, in spite of your lame ass personal army attacks.