Why are jews so disgustingly unattractive?
Why Holla Forums?
They don't need to be attractive since they reproduce by mitosis
Just look at them…Hideous!!!
You try living an existence of intense inter-breeding and coming out attractive.
I'd give it a go…
Double digits confirm, Daniel of the Banging Sex is lord and savior
You can tell apart Marxist Leninists apart from the common bourgeoise blinded fool also by looks. It's statistically significant that the more bourgeoise you are, the uglier you become.
Crazy SJW cunts, effeminated liberals, morbidly obese conservatives, grotesquely deformed nazis, there's no end to it.
Better put you all away in a Gulag and resocialize you with a metal pipe to your ugly faces.
Maybe it'll help, no harm in trying.
Jews? On MY Holla Forums? Not fucking likely!
Too late, for one has been blessed by Kek
because they descend from your ancestors
You got that flag wrong, this is what anarchists do.
Marxism Leninism is correctly assessing that our party was hijacked by social democrat traitors.
They murdered Stalin, gloated about it, defamed him in secret on a speech at the XXth Party Congress and started the revision of policies into a direction Stalin has explicitly warned of.
We recognize our defeat as well as its origins.
The ML lead Soviet Union was the greatest success in human history despite all defamation. A lack of awareness and the ability to recognize revisionism by the party as a whole lead to utter defeat, there is no denying. We learned from this, and thank Stalin for leading the way to overcome these obstacles ahead of time.
Maybe try coming up with maymays that at least somewhat reflect the reality of arguments made by your "opponents". Or get educated and join us, it's the place where you should belong if you have the intellectual capacity to grow up beyond your petty low quality propaganda.
isn't anarchy the lack of a system
If by system you mean "state", that's what they say. In practice however it means doing pretty much everything a state does, call it differently, and execute it inefficiently and without any potential of improvement.
because they are literally satan
wew lad. holy shit you're delusional
nope. Russia was the 5th largest industrial power at the time of the Revolution. Zizek even admits this is bullshit
jew are cute
because you arent a jew
a) My grandfather killed your grandfather.
b) Those are far from average kikesses, and they're still second rate. Most kikesses are ugly as sin, as you very well know because that's all you can get for yourself over in Israel.
You are falling for an old strategy. Letting a host nation take blame for someone else's atrocities.
Look at where the Jews are located on the geographical map and trace the most recent wars from that location. Not only will you see the connection you'll see where we are going next.
The Jews had nothing to do with this besides providing you with entertainment.
The huge flow of money and resources to these people are not a coincidence.
You make me proud. Digging through the various shitholes in search of an actual communist has lead me to failure, as it seems our ideals have been hijacked by Menshevik Trotskyites who have no business implementing any economic or social policy. The fact that there is at least two of us left gives me hope that maybe the spirit of Marxist realism is not yet defeated by the anarchists who suck off of Marx at every turn.
May all the praise in the world be showered upon both Lenin and Stalin, for it is they who showed us the way to victory.
I don't know, who nose.