Just git this text message

Just git this text message

What do?

"Send nudes"

How do you know this person op?


Good thread, OP


hey, it's an even gayer me.

Say "the ground can discharge the corruption of mars. and vomit is found in a faucet of sloth. It corrodes the feeling of a garden around, so scoop it on up and put it back in the mouth."

Whats next

"a man without a name."

put it in

k but i got board earlier


Jiggaboo niggaboo

jesus christ OP are you talking to a nigger or what?

get tit picture or fuck off.

OP left but he doxed his friend so I took the initiative. Sounds like its a male hoodlum

Sammy is a pretty fucking gay name for a nigger.

Now youve gone and spooked the lad


Send this picture lel

No, this one lul

…It's yo boy, jack, dumbass elf.

the bofy was too impy
or snort



Piggy Backing.
What the HELL did I do wrong?

Also since OP is a gay++

Dubs gets what I write next

Fucking casuals. everyone knows gay# is better

yeah, us cool people use flip phones now
